Caribbean threesome part.., p.1
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Caribbean Threesome Part 1, page 1


Caribbean Threesome Part 1
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Caribbean Threesome Part 1

  Caribbean Threesome Part 1

  Lance Greencastle

  Version 1.0.0(Aug. 2014)

  Published By Lance Greencastle.

  © Copyright 2014 by Lance Greencastle. All rights reserved.

  Cover Photo © /ShutterStock

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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  Chapter - 1

  Chapter - 2

  Chapter - 3

  Chapter - 4


  Also by Lance Greencastle

  Chapter - 1

  "Bloody hell, there's a naked bloke in our shower," Beth pulled the bed covers off Liz's head.

  "Beth," Liz whined. "What are you doing?"

  "Hurry, Liz." Beth's voice was an intense whisper. "There's a naked bloke taking a shower in our bathroom."

  "Beth." The Caribbean sunshine was hurting Liz's head. "I don't do mornings. Especially not when I'm on holiday." She started to pull the covers back over her head.

  "Liz!" Beth pulled the covers back again and spoke very slowly. "There is, a naked man, in the shower, in our bathroom."

  Liz turned her head in Beth's direction, but couldn't open her eyes. She tried to smile through her headache. "Pull the other one, Beth." She grabbed for the bed covers once more. But Beth was too quick and had the covers on the floor before Liz could catch hold of them. "Get out of bed, Liz, and go look in the bathroom."

  Liz finally got her eyes open and saw the look on Beth's face. "You're not joking?" she said.

  "Liz." Beth traced her finger over her heart. "Cross my heart, there is a naked man in our shower."

  Liz looked across at the bathroom door and heard the hum of an electric shower and the splashing of running water. Before she knew it she was wide awake and running towards the bathroom door.

  "Liz!" called Beth.

  Liz turned to look back, her hand poised on the door handle.

  "Be careful," said Beth.

  "I didn't need to be careful," Liz smiled back at her. "The pervert in our bathroom needs to be careful."

  Liz pushed open the door, fully intent on shouting at whoever was inside. Intending to give him the fright of his life and make sure he never showed his perverted face around here again. But instead she got a face full of steam that caught in her throat, strangling her voice and making her cough.

  "Hello, is there someone there?" a man's voice called over the noise of the shower.

  He seemed so calm and self-assured, like he had not a care in the world, while he was taking a shower in the girl's bathroom. That made Liz's blood boil.

  "Well, of course, there's someone here!" Liz strode over and roughly pulled open the flimsy shower curtain. Getting a spray of hot water across the front of the t-shirt she had slept in.

  "Holy shit!" the man in the shower jumped, his hands automatically covering his groin.

  Liz had once again opened her mouth to shout at him. But first the spray of water caught her by surprise and second instead of being confronted with some speedy pervert she found herself standing in front of a cute boy. A cute, naked boy. And she momentarily forgot to be angry.

  They both stood there for a moment looking at each other.

  Well Liz looked at him. He was more interested in covering up his nakedness than anything else.

  What Liz saw was a young man, of about her own age of twenty. He had nice, board shoulders with strong arms. His chest was a little hairy, but not too much and he had a nice flat stomach. She didn't really get a good look at his legs for as her eyes travelled down his naked body they locked on his hands, clasped in front of his groin. Nice board, strong hands, she noted, that covered his entire pubic area with just a couple of stray strands of pubic hair sticking out around the sides. Hair that was thickly matted with the water from the shower. And Liz remembered that he was dripping wet because he using the shower in her hotel room.

  "What the hell are you doing in my bathroom?" Liz demanded, putting as much anger in her voice as she could.

  "Your bathroom?" the boy seemed genuinely confused.

  "The bathroom that's connected to our room," Liz pointed at the door that lead to her bedroom.

  "But it's connected to my room," the boy nodded to a door in the opposite wall, keeping both hands clutched to his privates.

  "Your room?" Liz looked across the bathroom and saw that there was indeed a door in the other wall. Something that she had not noticed in the excitement of the first night of their holiday. OK, in the excitement of getting ready to go out and party on the first night of her holiday. Now she walked over and pulled open the door. She stepped through into a hotel room that was the exact mirror image of the girl's room. Except this room had smelly boy's clothes strewn all over the floor and beds.

  Half stunned, and somewhat confused and deflated, Liz stepped back into the bathroom. Beth was sheepishly standing in the door, clutching a bath towel around her body with one hand and fiddling with her phone with the other.

  "It's a shared bathroom," Liz said. "There is no need to call the police."

  "Shared bathroom?" Beth puzzled. "Shared with what?"

  Liz looked at the naked boy in the shower. "Shared with him, apparently."

  "Oh." Beth looked at the boy.

  Nobody said anything for a moment.

  "Umm," the boy ventured. "Can I get out now?"

  "Sure." Liz turned to Beth. "So what are we going to do?"

  "You mean with him?" Beth nodded at the boy.

  "No, I mean with the room. We can't share it with him." Liz turned to the boy. "No offense."

  "Sure," he shrugged as he wiggled about under the running water.

  "Well, it might be fun." Beth smiled at the boy.

  "No, it would not be fun." Liz had enough trouble getting into the shower in the morning sharing with just Beth, she didn't need another body, or two, adding to the queue. Speaking of bodies, "Where's your roommate?" Liz asked the boy.

  "Well... She didn't come." He'd half squatted down under the running water, but was keeping his hands firmly pressed to his crotch.

  "She didn't come?" Liz watched in amazement as the boy tried to use his elbow to turn off the water while at the same time keeping his groin covered with both hands. "Who is this 'she'?"

  "Well... She is Sally. Was Sally." The boy prodded the shower's control knob with his elbow to no effect. "She is, was, my girlfriend. Well..." he looked up sheepishly. "We kind of broke up. I put her ticket into her letterbox and half hoped that I'd see her at the airport."

  "You 'kind of' broke up?"

  "Well," he smiled up at her. "She gave me the 'we can still be friends' speech about three months ago and we haven't been out since."

  Liz turned to Beth, who looked up from her phone with raised eyebrows.

  "So," Liz turned back to the boy, "you thought that shoving an airline ticket into her letterbox three months after she dumped you would make her so overjoyed that she would jump at the chance to come to the Caribbean with you?"

  "Well, she won't return my messages, so how else was I supposed to get it to her?"

  Liz and Beth exchanged raised eyebrows once more.

  Liz turned back to the naked boy. "So she didn't decide to come."

  "No," he sighed. "But I had checked in on-line, so I came alone."

  "Well, good for you," Beth said.

  "Err, yes," he had given up on his elbow and was now rubbing his upper arm against the knob.

  "Just turn off the shower, will you," Liz said to him.

  "It's just that..." he half shrugged, keeping his hands clutched to his groin.

  "Oh, for heaven's sake," Liz reached in and turned off the water. "It's not like I haven't seen a cock before."

  "Well, you haven't seen mine," he half whispered.

  "No, we haven't," smiled Beth as she looked at her phone's screen. "Not yet anyway," she added under her breath.

  "What are you doing with your phone?" the boy clutched his hands more firmly in front of his groin.

  "Nothing," replied Beth. But she didn't put it away.

  "So, what's your name then?" Liz asked.

  "Jim," the boy looked at her.

  "So you're all alone, Jim?" Liz said.

  "Well..." he looked from Liz to Beth and back to Liz.

  "I don't mean now," Liz said. "I mean on your holiday."

  "Err..." he shrugged. "I guess."

  "Well, don't worry, this is a party hot spot," Beth said. "I'm sure you'll meet somebody. If you haven't already."

  "Beth," Liz sensed that Beth was about to adopt another stray in need.

  "Liz," Beth shot back at Liz.

  They looked at each other for a moment, before Liz turned back to Jim. "So have you finished in here yet?" Liz asked him.

  "Um, I guess," he said.

  He was standing up once more, with his hands still clutched to his groin. But now, Liz noticed, he was having trouble containing himself.

  "Are you getting a hard-on?" Liz

  "What?" Jim blushed as he squeezed his hands tighter together.

  "You are," Liz smiled.

  "Em," he looked down.

  Liz felt the front of her t-shirt sticking to her skin where the water had splashed it. "You dirty pervert," she said as she followed the direction of his gaze. "You're looking at my tits!"

  "No. I wasn't..." Jim began. But his eyes betrayed him as he looked down and saw the wet t-shirt sticking to Liz's skin. Hell, he could plainly see the nipples on her pert breasts. Nipples which were rock hard.

  Perhaps because she was still a little drunk from the night before, or perhaps it was the Caribbean sunshine or simply the sheer weirdness of it all, but instead of feeling violated, Liz felt empowered. She had a naked boy standing shyly in front of her and she was going to have some fun.

  She reached out her hand, lifted his chin to make him look her straight in the eye, and asked, "Were you looking at my tits?"

  "No!" his voice broke.

  "So you normally get hard when taking a shower in the morning?" Liz asked.

  "Well... I," he was definitely blushing now.

  He looked so cute. Liz couldn't remember the last time she saw a bloke blush, not since Tommy Steven's first attempts to feel her tits when she was fourteen. But now to find a boy her own age blushing because he was getting hard in front of her. Well, it was kind of endearing. And kind of empowering.

  "Drop your hands," Liz stepped back and put her hands on her hips.

  "What?" his eyes open wide.

  "Drop your hands to your sides," she looked him straight in the eye.

  He just looked back at her with a stunned expression.

  "I don't think that it is very nice that you are playing with yourself while gawking at my tits."

  "No, I..."

  "Well, now that you've seen mine I think it's only fair that I get to see your's."


  "No buts! Drop your hands to your sides."

  "I... I can't," he looked her pleadingly.

  "Well, out with it. What are you trying to say?"

  "Well I..." he swallowed hard, glancing from Liz to Beth and back again. "I'm naked."

  Both Liz and Beth laughed.

  "Well, we can see that." Liz waved at his groin, "Now drop your hands."

  "I, I can't," his voice was almost a whisper.

  "It's a bit late to go all shy on us now," Liz said. "You weren't so shy a few seconds ago while staring at my tits."

  "And touching yourself," Beth added.

  Jim looked across at Beth, the blush on his cheeks getting deeper.

  "Open your hands now," Liz said.

  He looked back to Liz. Liz looked him in the eye, melting his resistance. And slowly he opened his hands. Out popped his erection. The girls taking sharp breaths as it bobbed up and down for a few seconds before coming to a rest sticking straight out from his groin. The girls just looked at his cock as Jim forced his hands to his sides, neither girl quite believing that he'd actually done it. Jim stood there for what seemed liked hours while the girls calmly looked at his naked body, and his hard cock, his face was a bright, beetroot red, while both girls wondered what they would do next.

  "So are you going to finish the job?" Liz heard herself saying the words before she realised she was even talking.

  "What?" Jim looked like a startled rabbit.

  "Your cock," Liz said. "Are you going to just leave it like that."

  "Leave it?" he asked.

  "Aren't you going to get blue balls or something if you don't finish yourself off?" Beth decided to follow her friend's lead.

  "Blue balls?" Jim was in a daze.

  Liz looked across at Beth, laughing. "I don't think there's enough blood flowing to his brain."

  "Yes," Beth giggled. "It seems to have drained somewhere else."

  Jim just stood there.

  "We want you to jerk yourself off," Liz said.

  "Yes," Beth smiled. "Show us your spunk."

  "Show you?" Jim's eyes focused on Liz again. "You mean you want me to..."

  "Yes," Liz nodded. "We want you to jerk off."

  Beth raised her phone once more.

  "Don't you want to cum?" Liz asked. "Don't your balls ache."

  Jim's cock twitched. He did want to come. But the two girls were looking at him.

  "Go on," Liz urged.

  He looked down at himself, his hand half moving towards his cock.

  "That's it," Liz smiled, not believing that he was about to do it.

  His cock twitched once more as his fingertips touched the shaft of his erection. He looked up again. Liz smiled and nodded at him, and he took a firm grip.

  Beth gasped, but Jim looked only at Liz as he started to stroke. Liz stood with her hands her hips and her wet t-shirt stuck to her skin, watching as Jim's fingers began to work his cock. He moved slowly at first, as if not quite sure what he was doing. But then habit took over and his hand started doing what it normally did. With his fingers wrapped around his shaft he stroked up and down in a familiar rhythm. Every third or fourth stroke he rubbed across the head of his cock. Back and forth he stroked, his fingers gripping the soft skin that wrapped his hard shaft, pulling his foreskin tight along his shaft, then back up over his cock's head. Back and forth, with his cock giving little twitches and bobs as he stroked.

  Both girls watched as if hypnotised. Neither lacked familiarity with the male form, in all its variety, but neither had ever seen a boy just stand there and masturbate in front of them.

  Back and forth he moved his hand as the pressure built in his balls. Back and forth pulling his foreskin up over the head of his cock and then tight as he pulled his fingers to the base of his shaft. His breath quickened and his hips started a little rocking motion in time with his fist.

  At first his breath had been deep and calm, but now it came in short, hard pants and his knuckles turned white as he squeezed with all his might.

  "Agh," he gasped. "Uoooo." And his cock twitched in his hand. Out popped a white squirt. "Ugh," he pumped his fist twice more. "Agh." Before squeezing hard on the shaft once more. He squirted again once, twice and three times, before his fist became a blur as he once more pumped for all he was worth. Whirring away for five of six seconds before squirting one final stream of cum. "Oh, shit!" he slumped against the wall, his hand still gripping his cock. "Yeah," he let out a long breath.

  Liz and Beth stood in silence for a long moment. A very long moment that stretched out to seconds. Everyone stood frozen, until finally Jim opened his eyes breaking the spell.

  He blushed. "Oh," he said as he looked down.

  "Well, that was..." Liz turned to Beth. "... something."

  "I feel weak at the knees," was all Beth could think of saying.

  Liz didn't really know what to do next. Her nipples were so hard they almost hurt. Her breathing was fast. And she felt a tingle between her legs. Then Jim looked at her. He opened his mouth, whether to apologise or profess his undying love for her, she didn't know. Probably both, but she had come on holiday to have fun, not adopt some stray boyfriend. So she fixed her face into her sternest expression and snapped at him, "Have you quite finished?"

  His puppy-dog face froze into shock.

  "If you have, we'll have our bathroom back," Liz continued in her best "head mistress" voice.

  "What?" Jim mumbled.

  "Out!" ordered Liz.

  Jim jumped at the command. Then jumped out of the shower when he saw the expression on Liz's face.

  "Now back to you own room and don't let us catch you in here again," Liz pointed to his bedroom door.

  Jim opened his mouth to say something, but melted under Liz's glare and fled back to his bedroom.

  Liz closed and locked the door behind him, leaning against it as she turned to face Beth.

  "Well, that's one cure for a hangover I've never tried before," Beth locked her phone and sat down on the floor as both girls dissolved into a fit of giggles.

  Chapter - 2

  "I am really sorry. All our rooms are fully booked with the sales conference. But please enjoy your complimentary beverages," the hotel clerk smiled once again.

  Liz turned away before she told the clerk she could do with her "complimentary beverages".

  "Cool, free drinks," Beth snatched the vouchers from the desk.

  "No, it's not cool," Liz said as they walked away.

  "Free drinks aren't cool?" Beth looked at the vouchers in her hand.

  "I'd rather have a private bathroom."

  "It won't be that bad," Beth assured her. "We'll just have to make sure we lock the bathroom door."

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