We Love Kink - Erotic Romance Anthology #1, page 1

We Love Kink
Erotic Romance Anthology #1
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, places and events portrayed in this book are products of the authors’ imaginations. Any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
We Love Kink
Erotic Romance Anthology #1
Copyright © 2017 by WLK Media LLC
Edited by WLK Media LLC
Michelle Bowman and Mary Ann Clarkson
Cover by WLK Media LLC
Michelle Bowman
All stories used by permission of its author. All rights are otherwise reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the authors or publisher, with the exception of brief quotes used in reviews.
We Love Kink – Erotic Romance Anthology #1
8 kinky stories by 8 naughty authors.
Sweet Tea and Handcuffs by Arlee Scott
Dan Everett has a secret...one his co-workers would never suspect. In Savannah for a medical convention, he arranges an evening with the beautiful Mistress Belle-the Southern lady he has dreamed of all his life. Will she be the one to fulfill all his fantasies? Will she be the one to bring him to his knees?
A Few More Rules by Dorothy F Shaw
Bethany knows immediately that Rig is the sort of man she’s could only dream of—strong, submissive and meant only for her. But is Rig strong enough to let her lead him to the place he was always meant to be?
Letting Go by Lacey Wolfe
The rules were simple and the night promised to be one to never forget. All Scarlett had to do was let her guard down and have a little fun.
Distracted by Ella Jade
Nightclub owner Avery Giles just signed his ticket to freedom... divorce papers. Swearing off women for a while sounds like a good idea until a beauty from his past changes everything. Faith Mitchell is determined to celebrate her college graduation with a night out. She’s spent years studying, working, and focusing on the future but never doing anything adventurous, daring or memorable. When Faith reconnects with Avery, she realizes she’s still attracted to her teenage crush. Will she lower her inhibitions? Is Faith the distraction Avery needs?
Sexy Surprise by Marie Tuhart
Eric Montgomery has had the hots for Marina Landers for over a year. Now they're thrown together as best man and maid of honor.
Close proximity to the sexy best man has left Marina Landers desperate for release, and when Eric offers her the opportunity to find out if the rumors about his domineering ways are true she jumps at the chance.
Once the fling is over, Marina plans to walk away, but Eric has other plans.
Behind Closed Doors by Cooper McKenzie
No one who knew Alaina Rowen would label her as a wild woman. They didn't know that under her prim and proper clothes she wore silk thongs and lace thongs with push up half cup bras and body hugging silk corsets. No one knew that behind closed doors Alaina was a slut who rarely wore clothes and liked to play with the variety of sex toys she'd collected. That is until Gray Woolphe saw her from across the river and decided to answer her birthday wish for a man to replace her latest toy.
Kitten’s Cotton Candy Clouds – Sidda Lee Rain
There’s too many reasons why I shouldn’t want her…
Yet, I do.
She make’s me crave so many things I never knew I even wanted. And, not even the fact she’s my best friends daughter will keep me from taking my Kitten home.
Mistaken I-Dom-nity – Lainey Reese
A case of mistaken identity has an average guy stepping into the role of a Dom. As he and his trusting sub fumble their way through the world of BDSM they discover a love that changes all the rules.
Table of Contents
Sweet Tea and Handcuffs by Arlee Scott
A Few More Rules by Dorothy F Scott
Letting Go by Lacey Wolfe
Distracted by Ella Jade
Sexy Surprise by Marie Tuhart
Behind Closed Doors by Cooper McKenzie
Kitten’s Cotton Candy Clouds by Sidda Lee Rain
Mistaken I-Dom-nity by Lainey Reese
Sweet Tea and Handcuffs
By Arlee Scott
Chapter One
Dan Everett paid for his drink and his newspaper and found a seat in the busy coffee shop. He took a sip of the too-hot coffee, burning his tongue in the process, and grimaced as the scalding liquid burned a path down his throat. Not smart. The thirty-one year old pharmaceutical salesman was in town for a medical convention, but the real purpose of his trip was to arrange a meeting with the woman whose online personal ad had nearly brought him to his knees a week ago.
He’d been researching local nightlife in preparation for his trip to Savannah, amusing himself with the carefully worded personal ads for those seeking love for a night, to those looking for love for a lifetime. He almost clicked past hers when something stopped him. He began to read and it was as if her words reached through the computer screen to touch him. Desire to know her, to be in the same room with her, burned a path down his belly straight to his cock.
He removed the lid of his cup and blew on the steaming liquid, sighing, as the scent of roasted Arabica beans filled his nostrils. Hoping to find her listing once again, he turned his paper over to the personal ads in the back, bypassing those for Male seeking male and female seeking female, and there she was. His breath caught in his chest as read her words…
Have you been a naughty boy? Do you need to be taken firmly in hand and trained in the proper way to treat a Lady? In the South, we live by one simple rule—manners are not optional. Are you a respectable gentleman, or do you need to be taught your proper manners?
The ad was signed, Mistress Belle.
Putting the paper aside, Dan found himself uncomfortably hard as he reached for his phone and dialed the number listed in the paper. His erection twitched in his trousers when he heard Mistress Belle’s greeting on the recording. Her voice was deep, throaty, and her southern accent reminded him of Vivian Leigh’s Scarlett O’Hara. In his mind, she was blond and blue-eyed, with pale skin she never allowed to tan. Dan knew if he were alone and in private, his cock would now be in his fist—and that was just from hearing her speak.
Her message instructed him to leave a voicemail and to include his email address. He did as she asked and then hung up. Now what? He had hoped to speak to a live person, had hoped to meet with her this evening. Just the thought of it excited him. He wanted to be in her presence; under her control.
Even as a small child, Dan had enjoyed the feeling of being in captivity. His first experience had been at the age of nine. He’d been playing an innocent game of doctor with his neighborhood friend, Gina, when she tied him to their makeshift gurney—a park bench at the edge of the woods near their homes. He knew he should be fighting her, knew he should be doing his best to escape, but instead, he had never forgotten how much he had enjoyed the feeling. He could still remember the calm that came over him when she refused to let him up, claiming he hadn’t yet been cured of whatever ailment she had diagnosed. It wasn’t until he was in college and had his first experience as a submissive, that he understood why he had been so excited when Gina tied him up.
Dan reread Mistress Belle’s ad and knew he was more than ready to be under the control of a true Southern Belle Domme—a beautiful, strong woman, wielding a flogger, her commands to him spoken in a southern accent. He realized long ago his desire to be held captive was not his only obsession. He’d been aware of his interest in Southern Belles since he was a young teen and they’d been the leading characters in the old movies he had watched with his grandmother.
His father’s mother had been a fan of movies from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s—particularly those depicting life in the South during the antebellum years. While some of the films depicted the young belle as innocent, charming, and a bit vain; there were also those movies where the belle’s strength, inventiveness, and authority over those around them were highlighted.
Dan found the two portrayals to be intoxicating and though he had been young and hadn’t understood why, he remembered feeling excited whenever they watched the movies—his heart would beat faster in his chest and his young body would respond in ways that were confusing to him. Upon becoming an adult, he longed to find the rare woman who embodied the perfect blend of those personality traits and he began to search for just such a Mistress.
Those who knew Dan would never have guessed his secret—that he only truly felt alive when restrained and being disciplined. He knew the need to submit was in his blood and as much a part of him as his English heritage, his green eyes, or his height. Though he had yet to find the Domme who exhibited the unique qualities of the Southern belle, when he did, he was intent on submitting to her. It was his hope that he had found her in Mistress Belle.
Dan’s thoughts were interrupted by the beep of his phone, a signal he had received a new email in his inbox. It was from her. Excited, he clicked on the email. Her words were a sweet greeting tinged with unspoken authority. He was to open and fill out the attached questionnaire, to include a list of physical limitations he might possess, and finally, he was to briefly describe what he wished to exp
Dan spent the next hour sipping coffee and completing Mistress Belle’s questionnaire. Once finished, he composed an email and attached his answers to her questions. As instructed, he typed his safe word into the subject heading of his message. He hoped Mistress Belle would be amused when she saw he had chosen “grits” as the word he would use as his signal to her should he feel the need to halt their scene. Dan hit the send button on his phone and glanced at his watch. He had lunch plans with a colleague soon and realized he would be late if he didn’t get back to the hotel. Now he could only wait and hope he would hear from her.
Dan’s afternoon proved to be a busy one—he had lunch with his sales manager, checked in to the conference and then decided to take a quick nap before the kick-off dinner later that evening. He went up to his hotel room, stripped and was just lying down when, once again, he heard the familiar chime of his phone indicating he had a new message.
His heart raced as he read the subject line—Tonight.
Dan opened her email and began to read. He was to be at the address on the screen no later than ten p.m. If he were even one minute late, their appointment would be cancelled and he would not be given the opportunity to meet with her again. He was to dress in black trousers, a white dress shirt and sport coat—necktie optional. He was to be naked beneath his clothing and freshly showered and shaved. He was also instructed to have no alcohol during the evening and to eat a light meal at dinner.
The message went on to say that upon his arrival at the address, he was to ring the bell and enter the home where he would remove his sport coat, shirt, socks and shoes and place them on the entry table. Wearing only his trousers, he was to kneel by the front door with his head bowed. Again, if he did not follow her exact instructions, his session would be cancelled. If he agreed to her terms; he was to send a text to a number with two words; Yes, Mistress.
Dan typed his response, hit send and once again, he found himself uncomfortably hard. He reached for his cock and stroked himself once, twice. He longed to finish the job, but he had not been given permission and he knew better than to give himself the release of orgasm. His pleasure belonged to her now.
Chapter Two
It was just before ten when Dan drove to the address listed in the email. He found himself on a quiet street in Savannah’s historic district—a beautiful mixture of homes from the eighteenth and nineteenth century. He parked in the drive and looked up at the two-story home in the Gothic style of architecture. Both stories featured a wrap-around porch with lattice woodwork edging each in the elaborate style of the late 1700’s. Though he was not there to appreciate the builder’s vision; Dan stopped for a moment to take in the beauty of the home, then exited his car and climbed the stairs to the porch and the front entrance.
As instructed, he rang the bell and opened the door and stepped inside. The house was cool and the lighting dim. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust and when they had, he could see he was standing in a large foyer. The room was empty, but for a coat rack, a thick blue rug under his feet and a small wooden table.
His heart pounding with excitement, Dan quickly stripped to his trousers and moved to place his clothes on the coat rack. No, I’m to place them on the table. He neatly folded each article of clothing, placed them on the table, then walked back to the door and kneeled on the carpet. He could hear the tick of a clock from somewhere in the house and nervous now, he began to count each passing second. He had not heard a single indication of another person inhabiting the home and in the quiet, his mind began to race with the possibility he had gotten the address wrong and he was now half-naked in an unsuspecting strangers home. Do people in Georgia exercise their right to bear arms?
Dan smelled her perfume just as his ears registered the sound of her stepping up to him. “Well, suga. I see you know how to follow directions.” It was her.
“Stand up, honey, let Mistress Belle take a look at you.”
His heart beating even faster in his chest, Dan rose and stood with his head bowed—without her permission, he knew better than to look at her.
“Why, you are quite the strong, young man, aren’t you?” She reached for his arm and he could just see her pale fingers on his bicep when she squeezed.
Unable to answer, Dan only nodded. The hand on his arm was small yet he could feel the strength in her fingers when she wrapped them around his flesh.
“You can answer me when I ask you a question; that is unless I’ve specifically told you not to do so.” Spoken with her southern accent, her command seemed to reach between Dan’s legs and caress his cock. He grew hard in response to her words.
“Yes, Mistress Belle.” His mouth was dry and his voice cracked.
Had she noticed his growing erection? He realized the answer she wanted. “Yes, Mistress Belle, I am a strong, young man.”
“Just Mistress…or Ma’am.” She directed. “In the South, it is expected that you always address a lady in the proper manner.”
Dan longed to raise his head and look at her—all he could see now was her legs, from her calves down to her feet, encased in some sort of low heeled shoe with her toes peeping out. They were perfection; small, slim and dainty, with dusty pink polish on her toes. Dan longed to kneel once again before her; longed to reach out for just one lick, but suspected he would be immediately punished if he did so. He didn’t want to displease her; she was in charge now.
“Look at me.” Her voice commanded his attention and immediately Dan looked up. She was everything he had wished for; blonde, with cobalt blue eyes and a body that upon seeing it, stole Dan’s breath.
She was dressed in a pale blue suit, the jacket unbuttoned and affording him a view of her sheer white blouse where Dan could just barely make out her hard nipples beneath the cloth. He realized he had never seen a Domme dressed in such a manner. She reminded him of a kindergarten teacher, not a woman who he prayed would soon have him bound before her. His eyes traveled lower and his gaze fastened on one creamy thigh peeking out from a slit in her skirt, the sight of which was his undoing. He forgot his place.
“Mistress?” His voice cracked as he spoke and he knew he had made a mistake.
“You were not given permission to address me.” Though her words were not harsh, he knew she was no longer happy with him.
“No, Mistress.” He agreed. Would she punish him now?
“I will remember that. For now, come with me.” She turned from him and Dan nearly bumped in to her in his haste to obey.
They moved into a narrow hallway containing a set of stairs, one going up and one going down. Mistress Belle reached for a switch on the wall, illuminating the stairs to the second floor. Not speaking, she began to ascend with Dan trailing behind. When they reached the top, Mistress Belle on the step above him, she stopped. “Stay here.”
Dan stood and waited as his eyes adjusted to the dim light. The hall in front of him was unlit and he watched as she disappeared into the darkness. Minutes passed and the longer he stood on the step, the more anxious he became. He felt an urge to turn and make his way back down the stairs as his desire to leave, and his desire to submit to her, waged a war within him. He inhaled deeply and slowly let out his breath in an effort to calm his nerves.