Bucked Off For Love: A Bull Rider Novella, page 1

Copyright © 2016, Lacey Wolfe
Publisher: Lacey Wolfe
Edited by Shelly Small
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
Bucked Off For Love
By Lacey Wolfe
Dating doesn’t exist in my life, and if it did, I especially wouldn’t go out with a cocky bull rider. Their smooth charming ways have little effect on me, until professional bull rider, Ryder Starling walked into my office, and I practically fainted when he took his shirt off. He thinks I can work magic and fix his torn rotator cuff, but I saw his fall. My best option is to pass him off to my co-worker and forget the feelings he brought to life inside me.
It’s my last season before retirement and I’ve been at the top of my game, having some of my best rides yet. Then one stupid misjudgment and a fall might mean I have to retire before the season is over. I’m not ready to give up and sure as hell don’t want to settle down on the family ranch with a wife and kids. That was until I met Cassidy and her son Shiloh.
Chapter 1
If there is one kind of guy I didn’t date, it was a bull rider. I’ve treated so many of them for injuries and each and every one of them notices my “pretty face” and attempts to get in my pants. I’m not into one night stands. I’ve made my mistakes with casual sex in the past that if I were to even attempt a relationship, it would be something serious. It’s doubtful I’m going to find that in any of the men who step foot into my office. Once they are healed, they are back out on the bulls and screwing all the groupies. No thank you.
I glanced at the clock. My next patient was due anytime. I expected him to be a bit bitter. He was in his last year before retiring from the Top Bulls and Cowboys—TBC—association, and during his last match, he got injured and was now out for the time being. When his agent called, it sounded like he expected me to be a miracle worker. A torn rotator cuff wasn’t going to heal in a week. I’d watched the footage of Ryder Starling’s fall. He’d been bucked off the bull, right on to his shoulder. The network featuring the story showed it over and over, many times in slow motion. Each time I watched it, I cringed. He was lucky he hadn’t snapped his neck. Damn guy looked so smug before the fall. That cocky grin that drove ladies wild. He was on the beast almost eight seconds when the bull spun in a way Ryder mustn’t have been anticipating. Down he went. A shiver tore down my spine. I hated seeing those men get hurt. It was a shame, but also their choice.
I opened my office door and checked the tiny waiting room, but it was still empty. Was Ryder going to stand up his appointment? I hated when patients didn’t take it serious. I knew injuries and as a physical therapist, I knew how to help them heal, but some of my patients were so stubborn, I wished I could just reject helping them all together.
The door swung open and the man I recognized from TV sauntered in. He walked toward me, taking his black Stetson off and holding it to his side.
“Ryder Starling,” I said, even though I already knew.
“The one and only.”
Oh lord, here we go. Each bull rider who walked through here thought he was the best, especially if they’d ever held on for the eight seconds like Ryder had. “Come on in so we can have a look and discuss your treatment plan.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He winked, brushing past me.
Ma’am? I might be thirty-two, but I was no ma’am to the twenty-nine year old. He was rubbing me the wrong way. Thank God he was hot with his dark brown hair and matching eyes. Yes, this guy was full of shit. Maybe just once I could perform the miracle and get him the hell away from me.
I took a seat opposite of him. “I’m Cassidy Danvers. I’ve been studying your chart and the x-rays. You’re messed up awfully bad. Why didn’t you opt for surgery?”
“After I retire. I want to finish out this season then worry about surgery. Do you know how long recovery is? Three to six months. I don’t have that.”
“I understand, but you have to be in pain.”
“I am. It’s been hell these last two weeks since the fall, and you’re going to help.”
Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I could do to help, but I’d try. Maybe I could help enough so he could finish out the season. That was what his agent had said when he’d demanded my services.
“What do you do when you’re not riding?” Why the hell did I care?
“Help out on the family ranch.”
An answer I expected. He was all cowboy, even his clothes said so in his red and black flannel shirt and the tight wranglers he wore. Never had I been attracted to someone like him before, but for some awful reason as I sat across from him, I wanted to know more about him.
I don’t date bull riders.
“You’ll need to take it easy.”
He chuckled. “Can I get a note for my dad? He doesn’t believe in days off.”
I smiled. “Sure. Since you’re opting for no surgery yet, I have a list of exercises I want you doing daily as well as coming in here twice a week.” I glanced at his arm. “And that sling you’re not wearing, wear it.”
“I hate that thing.”
“Do you want to get back on a bull?”
“Fuck yeah.” He paused. “Excuse my language. My mother would slap the back of my head for cussing in front of a beautiful woman.”
Damn it, I was smiling again, all because he thought I was pretty. Why was he having this kind of effect on me?
“Then wear the sling a good bit of the day.” I stood and went around to him. “Let me see your arm.”
He held it out to me and I moved it a few ways, wanting to get an idea how it moved. I didn’t bother to ask him to tell me when it hurt. From my experience, these men lied through their pain, so I’d learned to study their expressions. I set his arm against his chest then gently rubbed my fingers into his shoulder.
“That feels good,” he said.
I stopped and went back around the desk, thankful for the long white jacket I wore because I swore I could feel his gaze on me as I walked. “Did you bring anything else to wear to go over the exercises?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like a more comfortable top.”
“I got one on under here,” he said, tugging at the red and black flannel.
“It’s up to you, I just thought you might be more comfortable in something other than that button-down.” And those tight, tight pants that showed off his impressive back side—not that I looked when he came in.
Ryder stood and with his eyes locked on mine, unbuttoned his shirt one by one.
“The way you’re watching me, kinda gets me excited.”
And my gaze dropped to his crotch. My cheeks burned as my focus darted back to his face, but then got lost on his chest. His bare chest.
“Guess I was wrong. No undershirt.”
I tried to form a coherent word, but none formed. Holy shit, I swore I was looking at one of those cheesy covers on books in the romance section at the local grocery store. Tanned, defined, and hard.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yes, sorry. I’m not feeling too well today.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Not sure, just not myself.” I stood, going over to him. “So let’s get this done as quickly as possible. I don’t want you catching what I have.”
The sooner I got him out of here, the better. I couldn’t believe this guy was having so much effect on me. It wasn’t as though I’d never been around an attractive man, but it had been awhile since one had me so flustered. Inhaling, desire coursed through me, taking in that woodsy scent. I gripped both of his shoulders—his bare shoulders—as I steadied myself.
“Ma’am, maybe you should sit back down and I come back another day.”
I didn’t want him to ever come back. If I never saw him again, that would be a good thing.
“No, no. I’m fine.”
As soon as the words were out, he turned, taking my hand in his. “You’re awfully pale.”
With his hand on my lower back, he guided me into the chair. He was right, I must be pale because the room was spinning. What was going on?
“Can I call someone?”
“No, my co-worker isn’t here today. Her kid was sick.”
“I think you caught whatever that kid has.”
If only, instead I found myself so attracted to this guy, that he’d made me light-headed and weak kneed. Was that even possible?
“Want me to come back later?” he asked with concern.
“Beth will be back tomorrow. Maybe you can work with her to get taken care of.”
“I heard you’re the best.”
“All right. Can I call someone to come get you?” he asked. “I hate to leave you here like this.”
Leave, please. Once you’re gone, I’ll be all better. “I’m gonna drink a bottle of water then close up. You were my last appointment for today. I’ll have Beth call you tomorrow. My apologies.”
“I feel like I should make sure you get home okay.”
Of course he wanted to play the gentleman card now. “Really, it’s fine. I’m not your problem.”
“If you insist.” He opened the office door. “Feel better, Cassidy, and I’ll see you soon.”
Not if I could help it. I hoped I was never in the same room with that man again.
Chapter 2
All the way back to the ranch, I couldn’t help but think about the sexy woman who’d almost passed out in front of me. Something wasn’t right. She’d seemed fine until I got close to her and took my shirt off. Not to be cocky, but I had a ripped body, and it never made a woman weak in her knees before. Surely that wasn’t what had caused her to almost pass out.
I turned down the dirt road. Dad was expecting me back and with good news about my shoulder. As an only child, I had a lot of responsibilities to my family. When I wasn’t busy in the circuit riding bulls, I spent my time on the ranch. My parents had hired help, but one day the entire farm would all be mine. After this season with my retirement, I’d be here full-time. Of course, that had my parents asking when I’d have a wife and children. I hadn’t even stopped to think about kids or any of that mess yet in life. I was almost thirty and didn’t know if I wanted to settle down just yet.
Parking in front of my parents’ house, I climbed out of my truck, cursing at the ache in my shoulder. Shit, it had been two weeks since the fall and I’d iced this damn thing and took care of it as much as I could, but it still hurt to lift. I hoped Cassidy or whoever she was making me see could help. I wanted back on a bull, even if it was once more. With this pain, I wasn’t stupid. My agent might be, but I wasn’t. My career was over, but I wasn’t going to accept it until I got one more ride on the beast.
“Hey, Mom!” I called.
“How did the physical therapy go?” She came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel.
“Didn’t happen. The therapist got sick.”
“Oh no, not Cassidy. What’s wrong with her?”
I shrugged. Shit, that hurt. “Not sure, she was light-headed.”
“Huh.” My mom put a hand on her hip. “Maybe I should bring her some soup.”
“I’m sure she’s fine. Said her co-worker’s kid had been sick.”
The joys of a small town. Everyone knew everyone and by tomorrow, the whole town would be gossiping and wondering why Cassidy went weak in the knees when I was in the same room with her.
“So, is Cassidy new to town? I don’t remember her?” I asked, following my mom into the kitchen.
“Not really new. She’s been here a year, I think.” She pulled out a plastic container. “She came from Miami. No one knows why. Be a dear and grab the shredded chicken and the bag with frozen chicken stock.”
My mother was always ready to make up a batch of her chicken noodle soup once she heard about someone being ill. It was kind of her. I got the stuff out of the freezer and after setting it on the counter, I opened the fridge and pulled out the vegetables she’d be asking for next.
“I’m gonna head over to my place in a bit before I go see if dad needs help.” I didn’t know why I had stopped here in the first place.
“I’m gonna need you to bring this to Cassidy. I forgot that I have to be at a town meeting in an hour.”
“Wait. Me bring her the soup? She doesn’t even know me.”
“Sure she does.” She chopped away at the celery. “Go change and put something more presentable on.”
“Why? She just saw me like this.”
My mother didn’t even pay me any attention. Instead she finished what she was doing as she added everything to her soup pot. She did that when she was done discussing whatever it was. Mom felt, if she just stopped talking, then the argument was over. While this wasn’t an argument, I didn’t understand why I needed to change just to bring some woman some soup.
Some fucking hot woman. I left the house and went out to my truck to go to my house and “change”. As I’d been asked to, I couldn’t help but think about Cassidy with her long red hair and those green eyes that reminded me of fresh cut grass. She’d worn a mid-length skirt with a loose tank top that went all the way up her neck, not letting me even see a hint of her cleavage. And that white doctor’s jacket she’d worn hid her ass. The skirt had been tight in the hips and I wanted to see what kind of ass she’d had.
My house wasn’t far from my parents. It was on the other side of the property. I’d built it a few years ago. It wasn’t large, but enough for me. I parked in front of the garage but didn’t bother opening it because I’d be heading back over in a bit to get that darn soup.
The scent of lemon and pine welcomed me. My maid had been there today. I loved the day she came each week and scrubbed this place down, making it shine. My mother called me lazy, but a clean home was important to me, I just didn’t have the time to do it—or desire.
In my bedroom, I slipped out of my flannel shirt then yanked on a clean dark t-shirt. What exactly my mom wanted me to wear to deliver soup was a mystery. I took off my Wranglers and then put on a pair of looser blue jeans. Taking a ball cap off my dresser, I tugged it on. There, I no longer looked like a cowboy or rancher. Mom better find this acceptable, because I sure as hell am not going to wear a suit to bring Cassidy soup.
My cell phone beeped and I saw a message from my mother. Soups about ready. Hurry back. Dress nice.
This wasn’t ‘nice’, but hell, it would do because if I knew my mom, she wanted a button-down, and there was no way in hell that was happening.
Thirty minutes later, my GPS told me I had arrived at my location. A small white cottage style home off the main strip in town. I ground my teeth when I realized my parents had to pass right by here to go to town hall.
I parked in front of the house, this home made me think of Cassidy. I’d only met her for a brief few minutes, but this fit her. There were colorful flowers all around the house. A kid’s bike sat in the front yard. With the soup in hand, I climbed the porch steps, noticing a soccer ball and baseball bat against the side of the house.
Oh dear, was she married with children and my mother was sending me over to make a fool of myself? Knocking on the door, I heard someone yell out, “Mom, door.”
The creaky red door opened and Cassidy stood there, still in her skirt and blouse, only this time, no white jacket. And fuck, from the looks of her thighs and hips, she had an ass on her made for spanking.
“Uh, Ryder, what are you doing here?” She pushed her way past me, yanking the door shut behind her.
I held up the container. “Soup.”
She looked confused. “Why are you bringing me soup?”
“You’re sick.”
Shit. This was embarrassing. “When I left you today, you didn’t feel well. I told my mom when she asked how my session went and she made you chicken noodle soup.”
I shoved the container at her and she took it. I turned to leave, but then she reached for me and holy shit, never had someone’s touch felt like an electric current going through me. Spinning back around, I stared at Cassidy, trying to figure out how the hell she’d done that.
“Thank you,” she said. “I appreciate it. Please tell your mother that for me.”
“I will.”
The door opened and a boy that looked to be about ten poked his head out.
“Shiloh, go inside. I’ll be back in a moment. And take this and set it on the counter.” She handed the soup to whoever the kid was and he closed the door.
“Who is that?” I shoved a hand in my pocket.
“That’s my son.”
“You have a child?” I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t look a day over twenty-five.