Destructive Choices, page 1

Destructive Choices
By L U Ann
Destructive Choices Copyright © 2013 by L U Ann
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors’ rights.
Disclaimer: This is the work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
ISBN - 13: 9781490345
Editor: Indie Express LLC: Kathryn McNeill Crane, Jenn Nastri
Cover Artist: Lori Hall-Underwood
Published by L U Ann
Glossary of Becc-lish
Lacey’s best friend Becca has a language all of her own which she refers to as Becc-lish.
‘Becc-lish’ is derived from words spoken in today’s society that are defined in the Urban Dictionary. Below is a list of the words used throughout the story.
Sit of shame: The moment when you’re sitting in your car after being pulled over by a cop. In this instance, Becca exaggerates the term, as usual.
Slam nom: To eat a large quantity of food (usually unhealthy) rapidly due to extreme hunger.
Nuts to butts: Used when it's very crowded or in a tight situation.
Smexy: Smart and sexy.
Fapulous: Orgasmic, amazing, and awesome.
Date-a-thon: The act of dating on a regular basis.
Bang Piece: Something you consider totally awesome.
Keep it 100: To keep yourself real and true, to be honest, and stick to the way you are, no matter what anyone thinks.
Hit me on the Hip: Calling someone on his or her cellphone.
Deligious: A food or beverage that is so delicious that ingesting it is akin to a religion experience.
Sucka free: Single Status, female.
Break the Glass: Pulling out the big guns, emergency plan.
Kissalicious: A state of euphoria coming from two sets of lips meeting that match unlike any other in the history of the Universe.
Fabularious: Fruity combination of fabulous and hilarious.
Get buck/Buck on his ass: To become extremely angry and vow consequences upon those who have caused you nuisance.
Hungs: A shortened way of saying one is hungry.Docta Stairwell: The process of pushing your pregnant girlfriend down a flight of stairs to end an unwanted pregnancy.
Theraputize: To provide therapy to someone who really needs it.
Problemation: A blend of problem and solution, an easily fixed problem, one that has a quick solution.
Date-Cycling: dating ex-boyfriends and ex-hookups.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Dedication Page
Copyright Page
Chapter Half
Chapter One and a Half
Chapter Two and a Half
Chapter Three and a Half
Chapter Four and a Half
Chapter Six and a Half
Chapter Seven and a Half
Chapter Eight and a Half
Chapter Nine and a Half
Chapter Ten and a Half
Chapter Eleven and a Half
Chapter Twelve and a Half
Chapter Thirteen and a Half
Chapter Fourteen and a Half
Chapter Fifteen and a Half
Chapter Sixteen and a Half
Chapter Seventeen and a Half
About the Author
Finding Hope for Tomorrow
Finding Hope for Tomorrow Blurb (1)
Opening for Finding Hope for Tomorrow
Black, everything is black.
There is no noise, nothing.
Complete and utter silence.
What just happened? Why is everything so dark and quiet? What is happening to me? Everything is blank and I don't know if I'm alive or dead. I can't feel anything. Confusion is all I know. I would give anything to feel something, even pain.
What if I'm dead? EVAN! I will never be able to see him again. Tell him I love him again. What is going to happen to Evan? Dear God, please don't let me be dead.
I need to get to my baby boy. My Evan.
My heart has stopped.
I know the very moment it stopped beating.
There is nothing circulating through these veins as I watch my future die in front of my eyes.
I can't breathe. I try to run, but my feet are glued to the ground. I'm still fighting my internal battle as I unconsciously move, hitting the hard pavement, and welcoming its sting as I fall to my knees.
What have I done? "Lacey, oh my God! Lacey!" I shout, but she doesn't move. "Please, wake up. Please, Baby, I love you." Her limbs are limp, allowing me to position her body to avoid further injury. "HELP!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Where the hell is everyone? Someone should have called 911 by now. I look around and see a crowd of bodies surrounding my better half. "Help!" I cry, waiting for someone to move. Throwing my hands in the air, I continue to yell at the crowd, "What the hell are you all doing standing there? Fucking help!" Shaking my head, I return my attention to my girl, who still takes my breath away, even now.
Why did I do this? I'm liable. Dancing with her had me so worked up that I needed a release and I found the quickest way to get it. Damn, Lacey felt so fucking good, almost better than the first night I laid eyes on her. I wanted to take my beautiful girl right there on the dance floor, but I knew I couldn't. I needed to prove I’d changed. We were starting over and Lacey was getting there. Finally, letting me in. Were and was being the operative words.
She's never going to take me back now. I run my hands through my hair, trying to keep from picking her up and driving her to the hospital myself. But I can't. I know I can't move her. Lacey needs help. Where's the help? Please God, spare her.
I gently brush my fingers along her cheek. Blood is everywhere. Scared to run my eyes over her body, I close them and pray.
"What on earth? Oh, my God, Lacey. NO! Lacey!" Lane screams in hysterics. "Caine?" I know Lane is asking me what happened. "Please, Caine. NO. No, no, no!"
I have to turn away from her, back to Lacey. I can't face Lane right now. My fucking heart has been ripped out knowing that my insecurities put her here, but to witness it all unfold on Lane's face is too much. Shit, I need to hurl. Moving swiftly away from Lacey, I jump up and over to the side of the street, where I lose the contents of my stomach and then some. I'm so fucking scared that I've lost the only person I have ever loved by my own hand.
Fucking hilarious, right? I've caused Lacey so much damn pain, and all along, I've loved her so much more than I have ever shown her. I've always known that I wasn't good enough for her, and that it would only be a matter of time before she left me like all those men left my mom. I'm toxic, I know. Dad told me plenty of times when I was younger how messed up I was because of my mother. I'm fucking toxic. There is no way Lacey would've stayed with me. No fucking way in hell. I thought it would be easier for her to hate me. I was fucking insane to think that. Every time I hurt Lacey, I hated myself a little more. Why the fuck did I cheat on the one person that could bring light into my darkness? When I found out that she was carrying my child, the most gorgeous woman on the fucking planet was carrying my child, I lost it.
There is no way I fucking deserve it. No way! I adore her. God, how I love Lacey. And all I've done is hurt her. I've turned into my fucking mother, who loves herself more than anyone else. Laying eyes on the little man we both created has filled the empty crevice left by my deadbeat dad and co-dependent mother. Evan is the sun in my dark, the water to my drought, and the calm to the storm running through me.
And I've fucked it up. I want to change and be the person they need. I was fucking changing, and then the stupid broad grabbed me on my way to the restroom. I knew I shouldn't have gone, but I also wanted to get rid of the fucking, pulsating hard-on Lacey gave me. Most of the time, just thinking of her gets me hard. "I'm so sorry, Lacey, so damn sorry, Baby. I love you so fucking much, Lacey!"
Dear God, please let her live. I will never turn my back on her again. I'm such a fuck-up, a sick fuck up at that. Turning back, I spot Becca walking around in a daze. Oh shit, this is not going to go over well. Becca sto
"Lacey," Becca whispers. "Lacey?" She repeats her name over and over, not moving from the place I found her moments ago.
The sirens are getting louder, and I know they are close, moving closer. Close. I was so close to getting her back. Lane is still screaming, but there are some girls holding her back. "Lacey, Baby, help is coming. Hold on, please, Babe. I love you. Hold on." I pick up her hand and kiss it, moving my fingers to her wrist looking for her lifeline. I need to feel it, to know everything is going to be okay. Nothing, I can't feel anything. Bending over, I kiss her cheek and beg her to hold on.
Someone pulls me to my feet.
"Sir, I need you to move out of the way so that we can help her."
I nod, not taking my eyes off Lacey. Suddenly, a swarm of people rushes over, calling out things I cannot comprehend in my frozen state.
"Excuse me, Sir?"
I look over to see who is spitting words out while Lacey is dying.
"Sir, I'm sorry. Is she okay?" the stranger says with a shaky voice. He's looking down at the ground nervously, moving a foot back and forth in front of him. "Um, I'm sorry. My phone buzzed, and I was worried because I had to leave my daughter home while she was sick. I was scared she needed me."
At this moment, all I see is red as I realize this stranger is the reason Lacey is lying lifeless on the street. This stranger is the taxi driver! I find my voice.
"You fucking hit my wife because you were checking your fucking phone? I am going to fucking kill you, you asshole!"
I move so that my fist can meet his jaw, but the taxi driver beats me to it. "Don't you dare fucking try to hit me, you bastard!" He rears his fist into my stomach and knocks me off balance.
Thank God for giving me the adrenaline that I need at this moment so I can beat this piece of shit. "How fucking could you? You killed my wife!" I cry. My wife, my beautiful wife, and the mother of our little boy. Thinking about Evan only makes me angrier.
"You asshole¸ you killed the mother of my child!" I hit him over and over I don't know how many times. I want the motherfucker dead. I could care less about the asshole's face swelling. The fucker deserves what he gets for running into Lacey.
"What the hell was she doing in the middle of the fucking road, dumbass? If she didn't want to get hit, she shouldn't have been in the road." His gurgled words, distorted by the blood, set me off even more.
I am still throwing punches when someone pulls me off of him, and then I feel the sting of metal on my wrists. Shit! Total fucking fuck up. Lacey needs me, and I'm not there.
"Why are you fucking arresting me?" I implore the officers. "I didn't kill her. This piece of shit did. He was on his fucking phone, texting. His phone was more important than my wife who is on that stretcher. Please, let me go, please. I need to be with her. Please!" I plead, looking one of the police officers straight in the eye. "He threw the first punch. I was protecting myself."
"Dude, what the fuck? I said I was sorry," says Mr. Piece-of-Shit. And then, he lunges himself into me again. "Don't you ever lay another fucking hand on me!"
This guy is mental. What a stupid dipshit. I mean, really.
The other officer pulls him off, secures his hands behind his back, and reads the asshole his rights. Good fucking riddance, Bastard.
I return my eyes to Lacey, watching the people working on her. By this time, she has tubes coming out of everywhere. One of the guys working on her yells something and they rush to put her in the back of the ambulance. I turn to the cop.
"Please, he started it. I need to be with my wife. Please, she's dying. I need to go."
The officer must understand how desperate I am. He turns to speak to the other lieutenant, and they exchange words. I'm not listening. I'm too busy staring into the back of the ambulance. When I feel the handcuffs come off, I run to jump in. I stop briefly, turning to Becca and Lane.
I wait for Becca or Lane to argue with me for a seat in the ambulance. Becca still hasn't moved, and Lane is chanting in hysterics as if she were speaking in tongues. I don't think the Holy Spirit has given her utterance. I think Lane is in total and complete shock. I can't blame her.
One of the other girls who had been sitting with them earlier in the booth says she'll drive them straight to the hospital. I nod and climb into the ambulance, praying these people can save the one and only woman who has ever held my heart.
Chapter Half
Curled into a half-moon shape in the corner of the dining room, I try to hide from the chaos and become invisible. Until he picks up-.
"Please stop!" The steady stream of tears falling muffles my cry.
"Please!" I yell as his focus is redirected onto me. As a suffocating knot forms in my throat, I try to choke back the raw emotions that are fighting to escape. His face is full of rage, and it looks as if he's going to unleash his fury on me next. The unmistakable sound of glass exploding into a shower of shards sends me running to my room away from the destructive commotion.
Scared, I slam my door and lock it, climb onto my four-poster bed that is way too big for my five-year-old body, and scurry quickly under the sea of pillows to hide. Squeezing my eyes closed as tight as I can, I try to get the picture of Mommy out of my head, her crying and pleading for him to stop, while the glass pitcher holding my favorite raspberry lemonade is thrown, crashing just above Mommy's head. I don't want to see the pieces raining down over Mommy, cutting anything and everything in its way. The sharp edges rip her skin, peel off parts of the wall, remove its pretty painted surface, and then finally breaking the tile from its perfectly square form. The force results in each crystal fragment searching out its target ruthlessly, and without remorse. I cry into the pillows as they struggle to deaden the noise.
Why would someone want to hurt Mommy like that?
"You were supposed to take care of us¸ you promised," Mom screams just before I hear another crash and the air goes quiet. I hold my breath and wait.
"I did take care of you, you ungrateful bitch!"
"We have two children, and you're leaving us for a woman who has one child... because you feel sorry for her? How messed up is that?"
Dishes clanking against the porcelain sink dampen the sound of Mommy and Daddy arguing. Squeezing my eyes shut, I begin to count from one until I drift off into the peaceful land of dreams where I can pretend we are the perfect family everyone thinks we are.
I feel as if my body is being tugged around in so many different directions, and all I want to do is yell out obscenities from the pain. Even though I welcome it, appreciative that I am alive, my senses are overloaded, passing my tolerance threshold. I can't move, everything is dark and still, but at least I can feel something now. Where the hell am I? The jarring movements become more pronounced as my stomach constricts further from the pain.
Did the taxi driver see me and stop? I remember hearing Caine screaming my name. Caine. After everything that asshole put me through, the cheating, the beatings, the destructive words, and utter disregard for my life, why was I planning to take him back? He will no longer be allowed access to my heart. We are through... OVER! There is no going back, and no apologizing for what he did. How could I be so daft as to believe he had changed? He ordered a beer. Am I truly that foolish to trust that he had a bout of sobriety? Does he have no shame?
Oh no, Evan. He's only two months old, and his mother is a fucking mess. Thank Heavens I left him with Mom, so he's in good hands. She will protect him and never let anything happen to my Sweet Pea. She's been pleased with how Caine's taken an active role in Evan's life. I’ve been pretty happy, too. How freaking stupid am I? Clearly stupid enough, because I had been planning to tell him that I would take him back before witnessing his inexcusable behavior in the ladies room. I cannot believe he would stoop so low, especially when I'm at the very same location and could catch him in the act. Who was that girl? Had he planned to meet her at the club, but then changed course when he found me on the dance floor? How can someone be so callous? I pray Evan receives his intelligence from my side of the family, although, my own brain function is kind of debatable right now.