Reader: Book 2 (Princes of Prophecy), page 1

Princes of Prophecy
Book 2
L. Ann Marie
Darren is the VP of Princes of Prophecy. He’s been deaf his whole life but works around his deafness, using his other senses to keep up with his hearing family, friends, and Brothers. He sees everything. When Mitch Baxter helps him get more acute vibrations he believes he is finally hearing. Life is a little easier. Now Mitch came up with a way to give him the words with his vibrations. Life is looking up.
Eliza was brought up by a drug addicted mother. She was given to her stepbrother for drugs. When her stepfather needed money she was sold to the Outlaw club. Life has not been easy, but once she was away she was determined to make it better for other women that needed help. Eliza is a survivor that understands the meaning of being free.
This is the story of Darren and Eliza.
*Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
Princes of Prophecy: Reader Book 2
Copyright 2016 © L. Ann Marie
Published by: L. Ann Marie
Editor Steph Nordstrom
Cover by Lori Birkett
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from L. Ann Marie, the author / publisher.
SOS is a Street Team that I share with friend and author Barbi Barnard. They post our books everywhere, all the time. They are supportive and always willing to lend an ear or help when it is needed. They keep my books out there, coming up with new places to promote, or new teasers to share. While I write, they work harder. My heartfelt appreciation to the strong women that work so hard to make me look good. Thank you.
The Admins in SOS, keeping the room running, contests, pages, posts…I have no words (it’s a first), thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. Christine and Mel you are simply the best! <3
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter One
“It’s been a hell of a year.”
I laugh. “Jessie has fuckin’ kids Prez. We have three towns all on the water. Driscoll has people begging him to join and protect their towns, we have three choppers, more members and space aged fuckin’ bikes.”
He smiles at me. “Yeah. If Dakota keeps it up, we’ll have all of fuckin’ Rhode Island.”
I laugh. “I wasn’t sure of him, but the little guy grew on me. He’s doing good lately.”
Prez looks at me. ‘Touch,’ I think. “Yeah, he can stop it at the first touch.”
I don’t get the command thing, but I guess that’s what it is. It worried me he wouldn’t be able to do his job, but his problems are always at the Club or Security with our own people.
“Chevy doing okay on nights?” he asks, watching the water.
“Yeah he jumped right in. I think Dakota had him running Ops at times. I know Josiah did his IT. They are a good pair, but I need Josiah during the day. He reminds me of Digs.
“You got the runs straight?”
Fuck. “Almost, Hammer didn’t want them at his warehouse. They’re almost all clean and I think he’s going to push for all clean.”
He looks at me. “He isn’t going to get it; they don’t have enough coming in to support all their members. It will take him another four to five years. Set up Maine. He’s needing money. We need a hold somewhere and closer to the coast will work better for us.”
This surprises me. “You think Hammer will jump?”
“If you’re telling me he’s looking for clean, there’s trouble brewing. His Officers don’t talk. Any chatter out of his members means shit’s happening within the circle. His VP wouldn’t challenge him, but his SAA would.”
“Fuck, he’d have the pull for it. Jax can’t stand him.”
I guess I’m setting up Maine.
“Who’s coming this weekend?” Our one-year anniversary at Church will be awesome. It’s technically more than a year, but it took Prez time to get everyone’s schedule clear for the party.
He looks at me, “Fuckin’ everyone.” His hand goes in his hair and I clench my jaw. He pulls the tie then puts it back. He’s picked up both Pres and Cloud’s nervous habits.
“It should be good. No Ops planned–everyone’s schedule is cleared.” I get up and turn on the low lights. It’s just enough for me to see him talk. Dad put in the one way windows, but he doesn’t like the lights on in here at night.
“They want us in Laconia with them. We’re one year in and he thinks we should take our place at the table.”
I think about that. “We earned it Brother. Took out DeMarco, stopped Ortiz and got a guarantee he won’t be back. Haven’t seen an Outlaw in for-fuckin’-ever.”
He watches the water. “Some of the Chapters are pissed we got rid of DeMarco. We fucked with their money. MC just blows them off because there isn’t anyone willing to fuck with my father. We show with one year in, they’ll be looking to take us out.
“With IT and fuckin’ Jess and Jared, we have the other Chapters fighting to get our new technology and futuristic bike parts. Even switching the plant to every other month isn’t cutting the back orders. We sit at that table and have half of it trying to make friends to get their shit, the dealers will lose their shit. When they do, MC will step in and make us look like fuckin’ wannabe bikers. You know there is no fuckin’ way Pres or my dad will let it go.”
Fuck he’s right. “We need to be there for the runs. What were you planning?”
“No fuckin’ clue Brother. I could let my dad handle it, but we look like fuckin’ wannabes then too. I need to talk to Dakota. The lesser of two evils is what I’m looking for at this point.”
“Fuck Brother.”
I check the time. “I’m out Brother. Let me know what’s up when you hit Dakota. I’ll talk to Maine this week.”
“You heading to the Club?”
I nod. “Gotta chick meeting me.”
“I’ll ride with you.” He stands and stretches.
“Shelly down?”
“Yeah,” he says walking out. I push it away.
We get to the Club and it’s busy. With just over two hundred members it’s always fuckin’ busy. Chris had no clue what he was getting into with this many Brothers and Jessie has a stack of applications sitting on his desk.
I smile walking in. Jason and his girl of the week are going at it against the door.
“Find a fuckin’ room or get to the parlor Brother,” Prez says walking by. He always turns so I know what he says. All the Officers do, but he doesn’t have to and it always hits me at the weirdest fuckin’ times. He’s always been like this. That’s a lot of fuckin’ years of consideration from him. He puts his hand up and waves with two fingers as he walks right through the bar heading to the whores’ suite.
I look around and don’t see the chick I met yesterday. I stand at the bar and Peggy comes straight for me. I shake my head no and she pouts but turns around. I’m so fuckin’ glad Prez put the rule in place. She’s a fuckin’ needy chick always looking for someone to finance her latest catastrophe. Since she’s been with every fuckin’ Brother she should just take the whore’s job–at least then she’d get paid.
I catch the Prospect for a beer. My chick shows and fuck if I can remember her name. I bend low to her. “What’s your name babe?”
She laughs. “I told you yesterday.”
I bend again close to her ear. “No ears means I miss shit. What’s your name?”
“Molly,” is all I get.
“Molly, pretty name.”
“You’re Darren the VP right? The deaf one?” She’s yelling. People notice. Shit.
I’m done with Molly. “Deaf doesn’t mean stupid, babe. Anyone that’s deaf isn’t going to hear you better because you yell.”
She laughs looking behind me. I turn scanning the mirror. Fuckin’ Ramsey is behind me talking shit by the looks of it. I lift my elbow and swing around. “Oh sorry Brother. Didn’t realize you were behind me.” He’s holding his nose and blood is running down his arm. “Maybe Molly here can help with that. You seem to have something in common. Hope it works out for you.” I start to walk away.
“They’re both dumb as a box of rocks, one yells so I hear her better, the other thinks he’s cute then covers his mouth while talking. They deserve the fuck out of each other.” She laughs, but doesn’t tell them what I said. I realize it’s not so loud. I guess she doesn’t need to. Fuck. I start walking. People are looking at me then at Ramsey.
She grabs my arm. “I’m Eliza.”
I’m pissed and grab her hand pulling her to the kitchen. “What do you want?” I ask, swinging her around to face me.
She’s surprised. “I was just going to tell you that if he pulls his shit again I’d signal you. He’s a moron. But you’re an asshole so I guess it works out for you both.” She pulls her hand away and turns.
She looks back and pegs a finger at me walking out. I laugh. Eliza.
Where the hell is Sheila? Fuckin’ dicks and bitches is not my idea of a fun time. If one more asshole puts his hands on me I’m pulling a Darren and breaking his fuckin’ nose.
I turn and see her, thank God. I think if I hit someone they’d hit me back. I smile with relief and make my way to meeting her in the middle. “This place is crazy!” I tell her when she gets close.
She looks around. “It’s calm tonight. When the Officers show it gets to be a bit much, but they haven’t shot anyone in a couple of weeks.”
I look at her, she’s serious. “Seeing that you are completely serious and I’ve seen bloodshed once tonight I’m wondering if I should just keep walking.”
She laughs like I’m joking. “Come on I want you to meet some of my friends.” She takes my arm and pulls me back toward the kitchen. Since that went so well the first time I’m all for this–not.
“Brantley, this is Eliza, the one I was telling you about.” She stops and Brantley checks me out from head to toe. Yep, I can see this working out real well.
“She’s got your build, but is she ready?” he asks.
Does anyone here know how to say hello, nice to meet you? At least he wasn’t checking me out. What the hell am I saying? I should be insulted. What is he a tailor?
Sheila laughs. “She’s ready.”
“Jessie will have my balls if I move her application up and she can’t handle it.” He isn’t looking impressed. This was a mistake.
“She’s fuckin’ ready Brantley. Can you just get her in with Taylor?” Sheila asks him.
Someone’s hand is at my back. I’m done. I swing around and kick up. “Oh shit.” Darren is doubled over, Brantley is laughing and Sheila is looking at me like I’m crazy. “I am sorry. I thought it was another guy trying for my ass.” Brantley laughs louder. Shit.
“She didn’t know it was you,” Sheila says while she signs to him. OMG I can’t even talk to him.
“Please tell him I’m sorry.” I just want to bury myself. He’s holding onto the bar with one hand deep breathing.
“I’ll get her in with Taylor,” Brantley says and I’m shocked.
“What the fuck is up with people tonight?” Darren’s looking down so I don’t answer.
He’s got the best hair. OMG I just kicked him in the balls and I’m checking him out. I checked him out when he first came in, but this is up close. It looks so soft I want to run my hand through it.
“Did you tell him I’m sorry?” I ask Sheila.
She smiles. “He hasn’t been back up yet. You must have got him good.”
“Why are you smiling? This is horrible!”
Brantley laughs again like this is funny. These people are crazy. I put my hand on Darren’s arm. He looks over. “I am so sorry, I thought it was another guy going for my ass.”
He laughs. “Not yet sweetheart, maybe not even tonight.”
Sheila laughs. I look at her, she’s as crazy as they are. “I feel terrible and you all think this is funny.”
Brantley stops laughing long enough to talk. “No one gets the jump on Darren. I need the feed.” He walks away.
“I’ll fuckin’ kill him!” Darren says standing straight. Sheila runs after Brantley and I’m left standing with Darren.
I have no idea what you say to someone you just maimed. The weather seems stupid. The Patriots always work, but the whole ‘Deflategate’ thing has people fighting. I look around. This is a nice place; I can talk about that if he ever looks at me.
“What was your plan for the rest of the night?” he asks saving me from myself.
I smile. “I’m pretty open. The guys aren’t even looking at me now so I can relax and have some fun.”
He laughs. I like the sound, it’s deeper than his voice. “Sit with me and have a beer.” I look for Sheila. “It’s the least you can do after sending my balls into next week.”
Shit. “Sure. I don’t know where Sheila went. If you see her let me know.”
He gets us beer and brings me to a table away from the people having sex all over the place in the next room. “It’s quieter in here.”
I laugh. “It is, but the noise is just as distracting.”
He looks at me and turns his head like a puppy. “Distracting?”
I look around, he can’t have missed these people. “Moans, skin slapping skin, directions on where to put what.” He’s surprised and I smile bigger, he didn’t know.
He stands up and pulls me through the kitchen to the back porch flipping the light as he goes. People scatter, he doesn’t seem to notice and walks me to a table pulling a chair for me. How friggin’ sweet. Our beer is on the table and he sits. “Better?”
“I had no problem where we were.”
He looks at me for a couple of seconds and I wonder if I should repeat it then he smiles. “I didn’t want you distracted.”
He’s so damn handsome with the smile. He should show that more often. “You shouldn’t smile then and in there you’d be guaranteed a woman in your bed, more than five minutes in there will affect any woman.”
He laughs. “I’ll remember that.” I take a sip of the beer and like it. There’s no label. I’ll have to ask before I leave. “I was pissed before and shouldn’t have yelled at you. Thanks for stepping in. Fuckin’ Ramsey’s always doing shit like that. I usually don’t see it until I’m in Surveillance.”
“What an asshole. Why do you keep him?”
He shrugs. “Most members are cool, but you always have that one. Ramsey’s our one and he’s comic relief for Surveillance. They watch him get hit at least once a month. Everyone is waiting for Jessie to shoot him.”
That’s kind of cool. I guess if you’re going to have a jerk at least get something out of it. “His cut is different than yours.”
He watches me again then finally talks. “He’s a Nomad. Not a full member here, but a member in the Chapter and home based here. He gets our protection.”
I wave my hand at him. “I get it; my stepmonsters were biker.”
“What Club?”
“Outlaw, this used to be their Club. They called it the house,” I tell him.
He stands up. “Did he send you here?”
Damn he goes from calm to pissed fast. “He’s dead. It sounds bad, but thank God they’re all dead.” I turn my head. “Best day of my life.”
He sits down and watches me. “What did you say when you turned.”
Damn he sees everything. I look away and blink back the tears. “Best day of my life.”
He looks surprised. “Your family dies and it’s the best day?”
I look out at the blackness, that’s what they were a black that got inside and turned everything bad. “Yeah, look I just came to see about a job. I need to find Sheila and get home.”
“Eliza look at me.” His voice doesn’t give room for maybe.
I look at him still blinking to clear my eyes. “What job are you looking for?”
Thank God he changed the subject. “Security. The Chief won’t take women at the PD. The women there love it, but he won’t take on more right now.”