Coder: Book Five (Princes of Prophecy), page 1

Princes of Prophecy
Book 5
L. Ann Marie
Brantley Blackhawk grew up in the MC knowing how important Brotherhood and being ‘all in’ is to everyone he loves. When a relationship goes south, he finds himself a father to a little boy. Thanks to the Brotherhood, the old ladies and even the ‘rents, he is learning how to be a good father. As head of Prince’s IT he runs HS Ops almost without thinking. Time and again, his skills keep the kids and old ladies safe from the threats that the Princes face constantly.
Holly came to the Princes because she wanted to help the community. She’s a writer whose royalties go to help make life better for others. When a vicious attack against her has her staying at Brantley’s to heal, a very special little boy shows him that she’s the one.
Despite being brilliant at the keyboard, Brantley has some trouble seeing what his son, brothers and grandmother see so clearly.
Will Brantley realize that ‘Always and Forever’ includes Holly?
*Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
Princes of Prophecy: Coder Book 5
Copyright 2016 © L. Ann Marie
Published by: L. Ann Marie
Editor Steph Nordstrom
Cover by Lori Birkett
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from L. Ann Marie, the author / publisher.
My readers. Your encouragement and support while I learn how to do this is how we made it to this one.
Thank you!
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Back Cover
If there was a 'rat pack' of the MC he would have been in it. He's a geek but a really good geek. As head of Prince's IT he's always been there. He's the unassuming guy behind the keyboard, getting the job done and his Prince Brothers, old ladies and kids safely home. With the threat to the old ladies and kids still lurking, Brantley is challenged to find new ways to keep everyone running and HS equipped to deal with whatever is thrown at them. He's the geek with the answers.
His family means everything to him. His Club is his life. He's grown up training alongside everyone else, practices with his Brothers and listens to the lessons of his father....all but one. He didn't cover and has a boy of his own now. He will protect his boy with everything in him. Compared to his brothers, his keyboard is not much of a weapon. With the freaky kid visions, healing, and an HS expert, he doesn't come close to his family's ability to keep the Club and community safe.
But he will protect them any way he can, always and forever.
Six months earlier
Fuck if I know what to say. You don’t know me very well so I’ll write about who I am. I grew up in care, but was adopted by an ex-SEAL/biker in the MC. My mom is awesome. There were six of us adopted at the same time by them and we have two brothers. One theirs and one was another foster kid. They adopted Terry too. It’s just the way they are. To say life was good once we were adopted is an understatement. Life was fuckin’ great from the minute Cloud, my dad, walked into our lives. He is Mohegan Indian and we learned to be good scouts and Brothers within the MC.
My mom, CJ, runs group homes making life better for the kids that are still in care. She started with two and now has five. The MC old ladies and Brothers help. It’s what is called ‘all in’. That means whoever the person, whatever the cause, the MC and its members are all in. We take care of our own and the kids are always a big part of us.
I guess this is why I was so pissed. I’ll take the baby. I’ll do whatever I have to, but it is mine too. If you’re getting rid of it, please get rid of it to me. I can, and will, raise him or her with the support of my family and Brothers. I give this guarantee knowing they will have my back. They always do. In Brotherhood we are never alone.
We are a Club whose mission is to promote good in our Brotherhood, community and country. Look us up. We play by our own rules, but we do promote good. People are happy in our towns. There are no drugs here, we fight human trafficking and are trying to shut it down in the entire MC territory. Basically that is all of New England and parts of upstate New York.
We respect women. I know you will have a hard time believing that after the way I treated you, but you just told me you were killing my kid. If I could, I would take it back and give you the reasons not to do this.
I will make sure he or she is loved as I was.
I will have the support of my Brotherhood for when times get tough.
I have the money to raise my child in comfort without worry over work, childcare or school.
The Princes have a daycare and a school so our kids can excel at whatever they want to do in their lives.
There is no gender bias here. If it is a girl she will have the same opportunities as the boys.
I will give him all the lessons I learned that have made me who I am.
What I’m saying is I can, and will, do everything to let my son or daughter know they are loved.
Consider giving me that chance. You believed I was someone worth giving yourself to. Believe in me to raise my child. I will never ask, judge or demean you for not being part of that to a child. You know me enough to know I wouldn’t lie about it.
Let me know it’s not too late.
Whatever you ask of me I will abide by. Just give me the chance.
Brantley Blackhawk
Thank you!
I will not let you down and I’m sorry for writing when you asked for no contact, but I need you to know how happy you’ve made me. Thank you. You won’t regret this.
Brantley Blackhawk
Chapter One
I’m with Stella and Brandon. She’s smart as a whip. I love taking them out. Mitch set her iPad up with books and games and she’s always carrying it in her little backpack. While Jax and Sheila are at the Club, I take them to get ice cream. What good is an uncle if he can’t spoil the kids? Joey comes out and sits with us. Stella is a mess, making Joey laugh.
“Any news?”
I know she’s asking about Trina; it’s the first thing out of her mouth every time I see her. “No. She asked for no contact. I have to give her that.” She gives me a look. “I’ll do whatever she wants as long as I get my kid. I’m not arguing about it so just drop it.” Again, the same thing every time.
She smiles. She’s so easy. “You got it Brantley. What are you doing with the little guys?”
I smile looking at them. “Spoiling them. Remember when we were new to Mom? I’m doing that. The Brothers spoiled the shit out of us. I’m giving that back.”
She laughs, nodding. We had a good life with Mom, then a better one when she met Dad. Joey is the only girl. That made her our girl to look out for and make sure she felt like a princess. I think we all did a pretty good job of it.
“Where’s Sebastian?” It’s late for her to be here.
She looks out the window. “He’s picking me up. We have an auction coming up and I needed to get the paperwork in order.”
I nod. “Businesses are doing good. I’m proud of you Joey, even with the rest of the country falling apart, you’re making money for us and the community.”
She’s got a big smile on, but waves it away then stands. She bends and gives Brandon a kiss then kisses Stella’s head and finally mine. “Love you Brantley. I’m proud of you too.”
She walks out to Sebastian and I watch him help her on the bike and stow her crutch. He’s good for her. Turning back to the kids I laugh. Stella is a fuckin’ mess. I use the water I got to wet napkins and wash her up. Prez comes in looking around. His eyes lock on mine and I know something is wrong. Fuck, I hope nothing else happened to Sheila. She just got her feet under her again.
“No Brother. They’re on their way here to pick up the kids.”
“What is it then?” I wash Brandon while he’s considering his words.
“I got a call. We need to get to New Hampshire Medical right away. Dakota is heading to the hangar now.”
Shit. I put my thumb and finger on my e
‘Your mom and dad are picking you up. I have to leave. Thanks for playing with me tonight. I’ll see you again next time all right?’
Brandon nods. “Thanks Uncle Brantley. We had fun.”
I mess his hair and stand when Sheila walks in. She looks like she’s going to ask what’s going on but Prez steps in. “Sorry Sheila, it’s important.” He looks at me. “Let’s go.”
I follow him out after touching Sheila’s shoulder. Prez thought if everyone knew and Trina didn’t give me the baby, the Club would come down on her. Since they shoot people for everything, I didn’t want to bring that to her door so I kept this just with Joey and Taylor. Jeremy and Christian know, but haven’t said anything to anyone but me. Jeremy had a sad look telling me it works out, but Christian didn’t say a word. I follow Prez to the hangar and leave my truck at a run. Once I’m in and close the door Dakota is up. I’m glad he’s with us. If there are problems I’d want Jeremy, Tess or Dakota with me. When I sit, I notice I’m shaking.
“Your boy is fine Brantley. Early, but he’s fine,” Prez says throwing calm on me.
I have a boy. I smile. It hits me and I put my head in my hands. I have a boy.
“He needs a name Brother. Decide what that is before we get there.” Prez puts his hand on my neck.
“Mucimi. I’ve thought about this for-fuckin’-ever. He should know he matters, always and forever. With or without a mother, he matters. To me, my family and the Brotherhood. I will never forget this way.”
Prez smiles. He gets it. “It’s a good name Brantley. He does matter and we’ll show him every day.”
“You’re sure he’s okay?”
He stops smiling. “He is.”
Something is wrong, but I won’t get any more out of him so I sit thinking. Mucimi Blackhawk. I smile. Always and forever Blackhawk. Jeremy liked it too. Our ride seems like hours, but I know it isn’t; I’m just nervous.
Dakota lands on the roof of the hospital and I’m glad Prez is here. I’m nervous, so trying to get from an airport to here would have made that worse. We go right to the nursery. A nurse has to let you in and I have no clue what to do here. “Blackhawk baby,” I tell her hoping Trina used my name.
“ID.” I pull it out and she puts a band on me.
An older couple walks toward us. The woman is crying. Prez stands in front of me and I wonder what the fuck this is about. “She knew and gave you what you wanted! I hope you’re happy now!” A nurse pulls them away and I watch the woman fall. The man lifts her up and goes into a room.
“What the fuck was that?”
Prez puts his hand on my shoulder and moves me through some doors. We see the glass window where all the babies are and I look for mine wiping my hands on my pants. A nurse comes out and leads us into a small room. I put on blue paper stuff and she watches me wash my hands as if I don’t know how to. I get my band checked and they wheel a glass box in with a tiny baby wearing a blue beanie hat.
“He’s tiny.” I look at the nurse. “Is he okay?” She gives me a look as if I’m stupid. I look at Prez. What is her problem?
“Is the baby okay to leave here?”
I lift my tiny boy while listening to Prez talk to the nurse. He’s not impressed with her either. He’s so small, so I move slowly, but get him against me smelling his little baby smell and feeling him against my chest. I turn away from them and bring my boy to the hall. It’s quiet and I walk with him to the window with the other babies. He moves and I smile blinking the tears out of my eyes. I sit in a chair and unwrap him so I can see his tiny fingers then toes. I have a boy and he’s perfect. “Mucimi Blackhawk you are perfect. You don’t know it, but you have a huge family. We’re going to make sure you stay perfect. Always and forever little Blackhawk.” Prez sits beside me. “He’s perfect Prez.”
He smiles. “He is, Brantley. They’re not thrilled with us being here. Dakota is waiting outside the doors. We can take him home today. He was born two days ago. I gave his name for the birth certificate. They’re getting paperwork ready for us. It won’t be long.”
I look at him. “They’re not thrilled with us being here? They have something against bikers?” Fuckin’ people.
“I’ll explain when we get home. Right now, I’d like Dakota to hold your perfect boy. You have some forms to sign.”
“He’s okay?”
“He is. I’d like Dakota to make sure. I’d rather know something while we’re here and not halfway home.”
“Can we take him on the chopper?” I didn’t even think about the trip home. I can’t believe he’s coming home with me. I guess I didn’t believe this would ever really happen.
He nods. “Yeah. I asked Nick before we left. We need to cover his ears and keep watch, but I didn’t think you’d let him go.” He smiles down at him. “He’s a good looking boy Brantley. Let’s let Dakota hold him while we get the paperwork straight.”
“Should I see Trina?”
He looks surprised. “No Brother. It’s not what she wanted.”
I nod and look at my boy. I told her I wouldn’t judge her. She kept my boy for me. “Why was he early?”
He stands up and asks the nurse to open the door. Dakota is waiting as the door opens. He smiles and takes Mucimi. “He is a beautiful boy Brantley. The ancestors smile tonight on our new addition to the tribe.” I watch him hold my tiny boy against his chest. He talks to him in Mohegan making me smile.
“Mr. Blackhawk?”
I look at the nurse surprised. What the hell is wrong with these people that she calls me like I’ve pissed her off? I walk to the desk and see a doctor typing on a tablet standing beside her. “Can you tell me why he’s early?”
“Brantley, I have a letter from Trina. She explains it in the letter.”
I look back at Prez. “You’ve seen her?”
“No Brother, I was handed the letter here. She asks that you read it at home. It explains everything.” I get a bad feeling, but nod.
I look back at the doctor and nurse. “Is there anything that I should know about my boy?”
“He is healthy. He weighed four pounds and six ounces when he was born. He lost an ounce but we consider that normal. With regular feedings he’ll gain it back. He should be eating every four hours. He doesn’t cry and seems alert. Do you have someone to take care of him?” Everything is in a monotone voice.
“What the hell is wrong with you people? I was called to get here two hours ago. I’m here and you treat me like I’m a second class citizen. Is this the way you treat everyone? I have to tell you, your bedside manner sucks. I’ll be taking care of my son. Surely that’s not unusual in this day and age.” They look like I slapped them making me want to slap them. What the fuck? “What do I need to sign? We have a doctor that will meet me at the house.”
The doctor scoffs. “You have a doctor that makes house calls?”
Seriously? I look at Prez. “What the fuck did we do to these people that they act like this?”
He moves away from Dakota and to my side. “Is there a problem?”
The condescending asshole looks at Prez with a smirk. “He says a doctor will see the baby at the house. It’s been a while since house calls were made.”
Prez pulls his phone and hits a number. “Nick, I need you to find out about the baby before we leave here. I have a chopper on the roof and apparently there’s a hold up with the paperwork delaying our departure. I’m putting the doctor, that doesn’t believe you’d make house calls, on the phone. Can you make it quick? Thanks Brother.” He hands his phone to the doctor and looks back at Dakota.
I take the papers from the nurse. She has me sign four times and gives me an envelope telling me it’s his birth certificate. I get a diaper bag that she says has formula and supplies for the night. I nod. “I’ll get a Prospect on it before we lift off.” She looks up not sure whether to believe me or not. These people are unreal. “The bill for him. Where do I pay or what do you need for that?” Again she’s surprised.