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Prophet: Book One (Princes of Prophecy 1), page 1


Prophet: Book One (Princes of Prophecy 1)
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Prophet: Book One (Princes of Prophecy 1)


  Princes of Prophecy

  Book 1


  L. Ann Marie

  The Prophet Book 1 of the Princes of Prophecy Series

  Raised by a father who is somewhat reserved, Dakota Lightfoot finds a whole new world when he is patched in to the Princes of Prophecy. With his abilities and natural leadership, he quickly finds his home with this new Brotherhood.

  Jessie LaPonte-James has always known he would be part of a trio, much as his father, uncle Danny, and Kate are, and always believed that Darren would be by his side with Jess Baxter.

  But what happens when one of the three isn’t as in-tune with the plan as the others?

  This is the story of Jess, Dakota and Jessie.

  Darlene Tallman

  *Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Princes of Prophecy Book 1: Prophet

  Copyright 2016 © L. Ann Marie

  Published by: L. Ann Marie

  Cover by Lori Birkett

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Who’s Who MC

  Ben (Pres)-Tracey – *Jessie

  Danny-Dena – Rich

  Danny-Kate – Devan

  *Darren, Victor, Aaron

  *Ally & Alex


  Danny-Ben (Pres)-Kate – Brenna

  Steve (VP/Knight)-Jess – Little Ben, Elizabeth

  Tiny-Nancy – Sandy

  *Sheila, Ricky, Jason, José, Billy, Diego

  Rich-Tess-Patches – Blaze, Blake, Zeke

  Cloud-CJ – Mase

  *Jeremy, Jacob, Brantley, Joey, Taylor, Christian, Terry

  Bob-Amanda – Harley, Colt

  Geek-Marty – Aubrey, and twin boys

  Who’s Who Baxters:

  Jamie-Mitch-Kevin – Jess, Jared, Kaleb



  Princes of Prophecy Officers:

  Prez – Little Ben Knight

  VP – Darren LaPonte-James

  Sergeant at Arms – Jessie LaPonte-James

  IT – Brantley Blackhawk

  Treasurer – Joey Blackhawk

  Secretary – Dakota ‘Eagle Eye’ Lightfoot

  Covering Everything – Sheila Callahan

  Aerial and New Technology – Jared Baxter

  HS IT – Brantley Blackhawk

  Security IT – Bull

  Nomads – Jax

  Medical – Nick

  Prospects – Lee

  Clubhouse – Chris

  Other Officers – Aaron LaPonte-James, Chevy

  Second Tier Officers – Sebastian, Shilah, Josiah

  Need to Know Abbreviations:

  HS – High Security

  FS – Family Security

  KC/KClub – Kids’ Club

  BS – Baxter Security


  For all that deal with addiction and are strong enough to overcome it, and for those that watch as their family or friends just aren’t strong enough.

  For Cody. I hope you found the peace you were searching for.

  Chapter One

  Eagle Eye

  I feel the tension before I open the door. What the fuck now? Walking in everyone stops. I nod and stand at the head of the table looking at my department heads and closest advisors. “I need the final lineup so I can get it to Prez.” Papers start sliding toward me.

  “You’re Prez,” Lex growls out. He is pissed at Little Ben and he has met him twice. Fuckin’ guy has no clue.

  “No, I am not and never have been. The MC is not part of who I am until I get patched in. Warriors are not MC, you will not be part of the MC until you are patched in. Like any other organization you prove yourself with honor, loyalty and commitment. If you have a problem before we start you will never make it.”

  “We’ve followed you from the beginning, now you take a backseat and we’re proving ourselves to a bunch of bikers to keep following you?” He stands up with his mind going to full argument.

  “Sit the fuck down!” He sits, shocked that I yelled. “No one asked you to follow me to the MC. This was my choice and I extended it to you. I have proven myself and will be patched in at Church on Sunday. You want in, do the fuckin’ work, otherwise step back and stay here. I am not bringing problems with me.” I look at each one of them. “Ben Knight has earned his position, he is a good leader for our people and the MC. He has my full support and loyalty. Not being MC for even a fuckin’ minute of your life gives you no room to complain about what should be. I. Have. Never. Been. MC. How the fuck would I run that? With your expertise?” He looks away.

  “I am the leader of warriors for the Mohegan Reservation in Rhode Island. I will take my position in the MC and bring what I have for them to use how they see fit. I believe in what they are doing and will help where I am needed. If anyone here does not believe in the cause or the Brotherhood they are offering us leave now.”

  He looks up at me. “E, they talk a good game, but you’re a fuckin’ secretary.”

  I laugh. This is what is pissing him off. “Not A secretary Lex. Secretary. Equal to Tribal Liaison or Secretary of State. It is an Office that deals with past, present and future relations in the MC, community and country. With the new Chapter comes new commitments and relations that will need to be forged and maintained. My job is to keep the peace so to speak.”

  His whole body relaxes. I look around the table. I have good people following me, Chevy is smiling, Shilah has his hand covering his mouth, Kaya and Aponi are looking down smiling and Tip is laughing.

  Looking back at Lex I see he is watching me. “I’m an ass; I thought you were taking a secretary job just to get in the door.” He is calling himself every kind of fool out there so I relax.

  I nod. “I would have, but my cousin knows what I have to offer and put me where he sees that working best. Things you should know about the Princes.

  One, they are more focused than I am, they get and see more than you know.

  Two, as a group they pull strength from each other and use it to better the Brotherhood.

  Three, they have more seers than the reservation which is where the second half of their name comes from. Princes of Prophecy are not hiding the majority of their seers.

  Four, they have two of the most focused seers we have ever seen in Jeremy and Christian. They will not be joining the Princes, but will always be loyal and a resource that Little Ben will use.”

  “They will be there for him.” Aponi says with a smile.

  I nod at her. “Yes. Are there any questions?”

  “Is everyone going to know about our seers?” Tip asks.

  “No. Aponi will be found out right away. She is too much like Jeremy for it to go unnoticed. Chevy and Shilah are not advertising and the Princes agree to keep it that way. Kaya has already met with Prez and he leaves that up to her. Aiyana will be kept quiet and stays on the reservation. She will be protected as she is now.”

  I look at the end of the table, Sebastian and Josiah nod. “Gene, when do you get into the new office?”

  “Jessie said we can be in next week. We’re ready, the men are excited about the move and partnering with Little Brother Security.”

  “Tip are you ready to open?” She smiles at me because I know she is.

  With her head bobbing and a big smile, “I am!” Everyone chuckles at that.

  “Does anyone have anything for me?” I am not picking anything up and I need to get to the Club so I am ready for this meeting to be done.

  “The houses E. We’re mixed in with people from away. Will the kids be safe?” Gene asks.

  I nod, it is a valid question. “I understand why you would be concerned. The MC put everyone on what they are calling the compound. Your families are on streets with other families. Security is high on the compound ensuring their safety.”

  He nods, but he is not done. “We are mixed with single men that are bikers. I met some of the other Officers, but they are young and single. Bikers are known for their parties, are my kids safe then?”

  Again a valid question. “Parties will happen at the Club. I think it may be better if we go up and you can see it. The pictures do not tell you all it has to offer. I need to be at the Club by seven. If you are comfortable with the move, your families will be. Is there anything else I need before we leave here?”

  “The men will be happy once they see the compound. We’re going to HoJo for dinner.” Aponi says seriously. I cannot help but smile while the men are laughing.

  “I will see everyone in two weeks up at the Club. As it gets closer I will schedule a meet in one of our new buildings. For those wanting to see the compound I will meet you in front.” I stand at the door and get shoulder slapped from seven men, kissed by five women and hugged b
y Aponi.

  She laughs. “The ancestors are smiling on you Eagle Eye. Relax.”

  “I will when everyone is in place. Right now the fear is of the unknown.”

  She giggles and skips out to catch up to the women. I walk out shaking my head.

  Five men take the ride to the compound and are stunned. All, but three houses in the subdivision are owned by the Princes. The three that are taking a stand are fenced out and a new one lane road was put in for their access. The compound has a beach and park right behind the community center. Everything is clean and freshly painted.

  “I didn’t expect all this,” Josiah says.

  I nod.

  “The wind turbines are new?” Sebastian asks.

  “Yes the entire compound is green. They bought the subdivision because the association was going to fight putting them up even though they had bought the land for that purpose. There are also two greenhouses and a field for growing that is open to all that live here. Your families will be comfortable and safe right here. You all saw the news. The drug war is done, the town is clean and happy to accept the Princes and their families.”

  “Except the three houses?” Lex asks with a smile.

  I laugh. “It seems as though they now want to be part of the subdivision again.” He is waiting for me to finish. I wait until I have all their attention. “Jessie told them he did not give a fuck and had the block wall extended four feet so their view is of the wall and not the water. They complained, but no one would listen. The town does not give a fuck either.” They laugh.

  “They’re lucky Jessie just extended the wall.” Gene says.

  I nod, he could have killed them and no one would know. Gene has met with Little Brothers Security and knows the players. He is my number two and hears the stories about Jessie and MC’s High Security, or HS. At almost forty he is the oldest member of my team and a good warrior to have helping me run everything at Security.

  I check the time. “Now that you have seen, are there any questions?”

  No one has anything. “I will see you in two weeks. Godspeed my people.” I say to them in the old language.

  They leave with a tribal call that makes me smile. I pull to my new house and switch bikes then head to the Club.

  The Princes have been buying property on the outskirts surrounding the town. There are two businesses in the town center, but eight on the outer perimeter. With the new Security building we will have nine.

  The town has no clue the impact the Princes are going to make. For almost six months they have lived through drug wars with no other interaction from the Princes. In less than one week the town will be infused with my people from the two reservations, Nomads, the MC Brothers and the remainder of the Princes from the MA Chapter. One week later the businesses will open and the buildings surrounding the town will fill with Princes of Prophecy MC men and women and all their support staff. It ought to make my job interesting.

  I pull into the Club drive surprised by the new gate at the beginning instead of up in front of the Club. A Prospect opens it for me and I ride in without slowing down.

  Little Ben, Jessie and Darren are waiting on the stairs for me. “Welcome Brother.” Darren says without signing.

  I laugh, “I will never get tired of hearing you talk.” He’s got the biggest smile.

  “Glad you made it. I wasn’t sure you would when we saw the bikes pulling into the compound,” Jessie says.

  “Just easing some tension.”

  “Lex settle?” Little Ben asks.

  I am not at all surprised by his knowing the tension running through my people. He reads me loud and clear and I am not shielding. “He thought I took a job as a secretary to get in the door.”

  They laugh. “We have dinner waiting and I’m starving,” Jessie says as he walks in and that I can tell them the rest while we eat. Darren follows.

  “I should have thought to bring the men up Brother,” Little Ben says as we walk through the Club toward the kitchen.

  “Anxiety is running high with all the changes coming up. I did not think of it until I read the concern. It was an easy fix so I took it. The last thing we need is everyone dragging the families through town to see where they will be living.”

  I smile when we get to the kitchen. Jacob comes to me with a hug, then I hug Christian. I hear feet pounding behind me and turn in time to catch Jeremy. “The spirits have blessed me today,” I tell him in the old language as he puts his head on my shoulder. He laughs. “My little warriors it is a good welcome. Thank you for being here. I did not expect you until Sunday.”

  “Jeremy wouldn’t stop nagging Jared. He finally gave in and brought us down. We have to be home tonight, but we’ll be back for Church,” Christian tells me with a smile.

  “Jeremy was nagging?” I ask like this is news.

  I am just messing with him, but he looks at me with a serious expression. “Not out loud, but he’s persistent.”

  Jessie laughs while he is signing for Darren. “He’s a stubborn pain in the ass.”

  Jeremy and Jacob laugh.

  Little Ben sits. “Brothers let’s eat so Jared can get you home. CJ will be pissed if you miss Terry’s breakfast.”

  We all take a seat and start passing food around. The boys tell me of the family and their uncle Steve wanting to learn to fly. I look at Little Ben, but he is not giving anything away. Once dinner is done Jeremy and Jacob stand. For the first time I notice how much they have grown. They are almost as tall as Christian. I feel old. Jeremy laughs with that thought. Without a shield everyone can read me, but I want them to see my pure intent. I just shrug and offer a smile.

  “They know,” Christian says.

  “Knowing is sometimes not enough. I have no fear of exposure here and I am comfortable with them seeing. It will allow everything to move forward without doubt,” I tell them in the old language.

  “That will be a problem. You jump to Mohegan and I don’t get all the words,” Jessie says and Little Ben laughs.

  “Learn the language, you’ll need it.”

  Jessie gives him a look. “I’ll do that in the fifteen minutes you don’t have me scheduled over the next month.” Darren cracks up.

  “Jared is ready,” Jeremy says.

  Jacob nods. “He’ll finish the old book tonight and have it back tomorrow for Eagle Eye.”

  They walk to me and I stand giving each a hug. I hold Christian a second longer putting my head against his. “Grandmother says this is as it should be. Take her comfort Christian. Your gift will serve us no matter where you are.” He nods and walks out with Hawk following the twins. When I sit the mood has changed from relaxed to intent. “He is worried?” Little Ben asks.

  “Grandmother says he will settle.”

  He considers my words and nods. “We have the books in your room. Get through what you can tonight. Tomorrow Jared will bring the old book and I’ll give you the bylaws for the Princes. There were a couple of things we changed that you will need.” I nod knowing that in order to serve as an Officer I need the history. “Sunday morning the MC, Nomads, and Little Brothers will show before next week’s Church. For the week we will need to be in the rooms here. There is a schedule and a list of information you will be teaching with the books. Do you have questions or anything that I need to know?”

  “No Prez, no questions. I may after reading, but nothing now. I do have the list of support staff. The men and women being considered for membership is still current,” I tell him sliding the lists over to him. “There are twenty-seven total.”

  “Is Ramsey a concern still?”

  Shit. “Yes. I get nothing from him, but I cannot shake the feeling something is off. He has done nothing to warrant the feeling.”

  “Jax is aware of Ramsey. What does Aponi say about him?”

  I shake my head. “Not very much.”

  Jessie smiles. “Jeremy and Christian are the same. This means it has to play out. With him taking Nomad it will fall to Jax to keep watch. At least he made it easy for us.”

  I am a little confused. “Is Jax going to be here or bouncing from Club to Club?”

  Darren starts to sign then stops moving his hands, “He is with us, in charge of Nomads.”

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