MC: LaPonte, page 1

MC: LaPonte
Copyright 2015 L.Ann Marie
Published by L.Ann Marie at Smashwords
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
I could use Beta Readers. Email me if you’re interested. Now for the Book…
Danny started his life in and out of foster homes; he has a sister Jess, but loses her to the system. When Danny ages out of that system he turns to the MC looking for the family he never had. He earns respect and status as the number two soldier for his family. His girlfriend gets pregnant and he marries her only to find she suffers from mental illness or so one doctor thinks. With his Brothers running illegal more than not, he leaves his family to raise his son. He spends his life being the guy everyone turns to, a man of honor and integrity. He never lets on how bad life really is with his wife.
He has never stopped searching for his sister. When they find each other again as adults her best friend/foster sister Kate is there as moral support. Danny goes above and beyond to bond Jess with his family. Kate tags along as she is part of Jess' family. She uses her interactions with Danny to fuel the crush she's had on him since the day they first met.
Danny's wife makes life more difficult as his son gets older. Deciding he's had enough after sixteen years he divorces her and goes back to his MC family. He raises his son by showing him how to live with honor and grace. When his son leaves for the military Danny starts living for himself. Being financially secure he spends his time making himself happy. Without the demands of a crazy ex or a teenage son, he lives life to the fullest.
The only problem with living life to its fullest is he can't hold on to Kate and he’s starting to lose himself while he's doing it. He longs for a spot back in High Security as a soldier for his Club but nothing he does seems to earn him the respect he once had.
This is the story of Danny and Kate.
Chapter One
I’m starting to dread ‘date night’ with Danny. There was a time when I couldn’t breathe when he was in the same room with me. I had a crush on him from the minute I saw him. I’ll never forget the day Jess dragged me to meet her brother, it was first time she would see him since she was seven. We were twenty two at the time. I fell in love on the spot. Danny was gorgeous and married. It didn’t stop me from fantasizing about him. His dark hair, blue eyes and body of a god always featured in my dreams. He is funny, polite and so friggin nice, I about cried when he told Jess about his wife and son. Whenever Jess went to their house for a holiday she would take me along. I had no family so it worked for me and gave me an excuse to collect new fantasy material. Jess thought this was hysterical.
Danny treated his wife like a queen. She was a bitch troll but he never treated her any different. I don’t know how Jess put up with her when I wasn’t there. According to Jess, she was on medication for some mental ailment without a name. I think she was just a bitch and everyone made excuses for her so she stayed a bitch. Just before Jess got married, Danny left the bitch troll.
Since I was single, I hoped he would ask me out. He was always nice to me and flirted but it never went anywhere but to add fuel for my fantasies. When I was ready to give up, three years later, he asked me out for a drink. I thought I died and went to heaven. I hopped on the back of his bike and he whisked me to a bar in Little Compton. It was an awesome date. I was heartbroken when he didn’t ask me for another date. A month or so later I saw him at an MC family party. We went out again but this time to a bar in Bristol. That day he asked me out for the next week. We’ve been dating for more than a year now. I know I love him but I don’t think he really cares much for me. Our dates are always great but I get nothing in between. It’s confusing.
This is our second date this month. We’ve had a scheduled two dates a month like clockwork. I thought I would see him more once we slept together but that didn’t change our schedule any. Tonight I’m determined to find out what the deal is. I want kids, a husband and a family of my own. I've lived my entire life alone, at thirty-five I’m still longing for my own family. I need to make something happen with or without him. This is what I'm afraid of, I'll have to make something happen without him.
Getting myself ready I check my look in the mirror and decide I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Danny is right on time and helps me into my coat. Kissing me before we walk out, he leaves me breathless. It’s always the same. Whenever he touches me I feel like I’ve been zapped by a low voltage taser.
“You’re always beautiful K, I love when you open the door with a smile.” He pecks my lips before he closes my door. Always charming, always polite. That’s Danny.
“Thank you. You’re looking handsome dressed up tonight, where are we going?” I ask looking at his kaki’s and dress shirt.
“The new restaurant I told you about up toward Boston. It’s supposed to be really good.” He smiles at me.
This is where I get confused. Everything is about me having a good time tonight. I shake my head deciding to have fun and enjoy his company while we’re out and I do. We talk about our friends, Jess’ new meds and the businesses. I ask about the house the MC is renovating as a shelter for the Women’s Center and he gets side tracked with the details on the way home. In the driveway he opens my door and guides me up to the house taking my keys and opening the door. Following me in, he sits on the couch. “Did you want to watch a movie?” I shake my head no, he smiles. I sit by him; he lifts me sliding me onto his lap.
“I wanted to talk to you tonight.” I tell him as he swallows my tongue. I guess we’ll talk later.
His hand is lifting my blouse, he has to pull away to get it over my head. “Fuck K you never disappoint. You’re beautiful.” I guess he likes my new lacy bra. He pulls my bra off and puts his mouth on my nipple. I feel him harden under me and wiggle. He growls at me. I know he’s a breast man; he pays homage to mine every time he sees them. I moan as he sucks harder. I want to ask him about piercing one but he makes thinking hard in this position. Standing he doesn’t take his mouth off me until he takes a couple of steps. He carries me to my bed. Putting me down he strips my clothes and goes right back to my nipples while his fingers slide into me.
“Danny, please.” I beg him.
“What does my beautiful K want tonight?” He slides his tongue up my neck to my mouth, his fingers never stopping.
My back is arched as I’m trying to push against him. “More. I need more.”
He moves so fast his mouth is on me before can I moan at the loss of his fingers. Fuck! His fingers go right back pumping into me while his mouth is sucking my nub, I cry out. “Yes. That’s what I need.” He moves his hand faster and feathers his tongue on my clit. I’m gone; I cry out his name and push my hips into him. He moans against me causing me to moan. Holy Crap! He knows just how to please me. He kisses his way back up to my tits and spends time building the heat for my next orgasm. I put my hand around one and hold it for him. Squeezing it and playing with my nipple when his mouth isn’t on it.
“Fuck K you know how to drive me crazy.” He says as he stands up. I move my hand. “Keep going baby; let me see what feels good to you.” He’s sliding his shirt off while I’m squeezing my nipples and I moan. He’s fucking built. “That’s it K show me what you like.” I slide my hand under my tits and skate them up and around. His pants come off and he’s over me sucking on my nipples while I skate my hands up. I moan and lift up my hips; he sucks so hard I feel it in my pussy. He lifts away and rips open a condom, sliding it on he kneels in between my legs. “I love those fuckin big nipples, K." He slides in and I lift my legs up to his shoulders knowing he likes this position, he watches as his dick slides in me. I can’t help but moan. “Beautiful K.”
He moves slowly at first, “fuck Danny, please harder.” He gives
He tells me to put my fingers on my pussy for him. I put one on my tit and one on my pussy. I’m mewling and moaning not even realizing I’m making noise until he points it out. “I love hearing you enjoying it K.” He pounds harder and I feel myself blow apart. I yell his name and moan as he rams into me. I feel my pussy milking him while he's moving, he keeps my orgasm going. "Love to see your hand on you tits when you come K, you're fucking beautiful." he growls. Holy fuck his whole body tenses then relaxes on a groan. I always think that is the sexiest look I've ever seen. He moves my legs kissing each before he puts them down then falls to the side of me pulling me onto his chest and kissing my head.
We’re both breathing hard and I wait for his breathing to even out. “Amazing as always Danny.” I smile up at him.
“I was thinking the same thing. It never gets old. Thank you K.” He kisses my head again. He pulls the condom off and grabs his t to clean himself up.
I sit up so I can see him. “I wanted to talk to you tonight. I’d like to see you more than twice a month for a couple of hours.” I’m watching for a reaction but he has a blank look on his face. Of course his friggin phone goes off, he jumps for his pants and starts dressing as he puts the phone to his ear. I sit and watch, waiting for him to finish.
“I need to go K. They just found Patches.” He’s dressed within a minute and kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll text you about next month.” He rushes out the door.
“What about more time?” I yell to no one. He’s gone. Fuck!
I guess I can’t ask him about piercing my nipple either. Fucking men! I don’t need him to make that decision. Jess is pierced and tells me they feel like pleasure buttons. Since I like pleasure, I think I can endure the 6 week heal time. Now that I made that decision I need to look at the next. I realize Patches is important to the club but I asked about more time before the phone rang. I can expect a text about next month’s date. I think it’s time to call it quits, if he can’t make time for me, maybe I need to look for someone who will. I roll myself over and cry for the man that I love, but doesn’t love me.
I’m so fuckin glad Tiny called. Heading to the club I play back that look on Kate’s face. She wants more time. I know I should give it to her but fuck I went years without sex because my crazy ex. When it came down to it I found out she was cheating on me for years. I’m finally living every fantasy I’ve ever had. With my son Rich in the military, no one is putting demands on my time. Fuck, I even found the perfect foreman to run the business. I don’t want to give up my time. Kate is great, she's smart and funny, we just fit. She's beautiful with her almond shaped blue eyes and a fuckin body to die for but I was trapped for so fuckin long. Why the hell would I change anything now? I like my freedom. I've got plenty of time to settle down. I don't need to rush this. I need to avoid this discussion; I thank God again that Tiny called. I pull up to the gate, wait for the Prospect to open it and drive into the yard. Looks like everyone is here. Stepping out of the truck I reach to the back and pull a t and my cut out. I change and jog through the door. Fuck, everyone really is here.
I find Tiny in the middle of a bunch of brothers but Steve pulls me aside. “Patches was stabbed, Security found him in the back of the van. Van was tagged, left in the woods on County Street.” He looks over to Pres. Something passes between them. I know my time is limited.
“How is Patches and who would fuck with the Brotherhood?”
“Doc’s in with him now, it's bad. Gang tagged the van with territory markings.” He says as he takes a step away.
“Brother delivered bread and cakes. The gang had a fuckin problem with the bread?” He keeps walking. Tiny meets up with him and Pres, they go down the hall to Doc’s rooms. Fuckin nuts. The guy literally delivered fuckin bread. This is not going to be pretty.
Luke comes up to me, “fuckin crazy man.”
“I was just thinking the same thing. Pres looks like he’s ready to go to war. Over fuckin bread.”
“Last gang was wiped out in a couple of hours. With Steve and Casper training Security they probably won’t take that long this time. All we do is make a presence in the backyard.” He says so calm.
“How many in the last gang?” He’s pulling my fuckin leg.
“28 but they split Steve, Casper and Dave up. They had a handler to drive and hold their gear. I think only Steve has gear though. Don’t ever mess with Steve Brother.”
“You’re telling me that the members of the gang that got wiped out couple years ago was done by Steve, Casper and Dave in one night?” I saw that on the fuckin news, it was huge. They speculated the new gang did it and the mafia hit the leader.
“Took them less than three hours total. Steve made the shot on the leader from across the street in some alley. Tiny said it had to be close to 400 feet in the dark. Cops thought it was a boss hit. Right in the center of his fuckin head.” He’s all fuckin excited.
My sister’s husband, my friend, took out the leader and countless other gang members in a couple of hours. Holy Fuck! “How come this is the first I’ve heard about it?”
“Fuck Brother, it’s your fuckin family, ask them. I was just trying to ease your mind. You look worried.” He walks away.
Of course I look worried fuckin Patches was stabbed and left to die in the fuckin woods. I have to wonder about some of these fuckin Brothers. Now I have to worry about a fuckin war where my fuckin brother in law is out hunting gang members. When I was first in the club we had some fuckin wars going. Even with Axe we never hit that many in one night. I don’t think we were that organized. I was too young to pay much attention. I just did what I was told. Axe was my sponsor, he kept me with him so I never questioned I just trusted him. It’s not like that today. I shake my head and wait by the bar, maybe it’s just me. Caroline comes over to me but I shake my head no. I don’t want her touching me after being with Kate. I usually sleep at my house on our date nights. What the fuck is taking so long? More Brothers show, no one’s saying much. I hear a couple of comments about riding the backyard like last time but not much else.
Steve and Pres finally come back out. "Listen up Brothers. I met with the gang leader earlier today. They will not budge on us delivering in their yard. I tried to work it where a cut wouldn't be worn during deliveries. They refuse even that." Brothers are talking shit. Pres holds his hand up. Everyone quiets down. "I need to split you up so we can fix this. I need trained military security with VP and Casper. All other security personnel is with Dave working outer security in the backyard. If you work at one of the businesses you're on that road keeping your building secure, Rob is your handler. If you work outside the yard Jared is your handler, you ride the inside yard roads making sure our presence is seen and felt. There is no explaining or directing of the neighbors. Outer security will need weapons, Tiny has the safe open, collect what you need before you leave. Our presence must be seen Brothers. Call your women; they need to get here quickly. All prospects will be at the clubhouse. If your family has a special need or needs a ride see Sam before you leave. Sam will coordinate the families.
Again: military security with VP and Casper. Meet in the meeting room in ten.
Regular security with Dave on the outer yard, collect your weapons from Tiny. You ride in thirty.