Styx and Stones: A Demented Sons MC Texas Novel, page 1

STYX AND STONES, 1st Edition Copyright 2019 by Kristine Allen, Demented Sons Publishing.
All Rights Reserved.
Published in the United States of America. First published in October, 2019.
Cover Design: Clarise Tan, CT Cover Creations,
Photographer: FuriosFotog,
Cover Model: Joe Adams
Editing: Olivia Ventura, and Peggy Frese, Hot Tree Editing,
Formatting: Champagne Book Design,
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Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Other Books
About the Author
To my readers. Without you, I might be a writer, but I wouldn’t be an author.
Usually shit was hopping at the hospital and we’d wish for about twenty extra nurses. Not that day. It had been dead, and I was bored out of my fucking mind. So when they’d offered to cut me loose, I’d jumped on it.
“Come on, Grace, answer the phone.” Three calls and no answer. Maybe she was napping or maybe she was outside in the yard. It was unusually warm for the end of January.
Grace was off, though, and I was excited that I’d be able to spend some time with her. I’d been working ridiculous amounts of overtime, and I missed her. The ring I’d bought was burning a figurative hole in my pocket, but the time had never been right. I grinned to myself in excitement.
Maybe today is the day.
When I pulled up to my house, I didn’t recognize the bike parked in front. Must belong to one of the neighbors. Why the fuckwits always thought they could park in front of my house, I hadn’t yet figured out.
“Stupid assholes,” I muttered as I got off my bike and grabbed my shit from the saddlebag.
Stepping into the foyer, I hung up my cut and slipped off my boots. Tossing my running shoes from work into the closet, I went in search of my woman.
Hearing muffled noises in the bedroom, I laughed to myself. She’d been talking about cleaning out the closet forever. Seemed she was finally doing it.
Except that wasn’t what she was doing.
She was doing some bearded guy. In my fucking bed.
Rage exploded within me. I pulled his naked ass off her and wondered how long it had been going on—because much to my disgust, he wasn’t wearing a condom.
“You stupid fucker! I’m gonna kill you.”
Grace’s screams faded into the background as I proceeded to whip his fucking ass. I was like a bull seeing red. My singular focus was on the guy on the floor. It didn’t dawn on me he wasn’t fighting back any longer until I was ripped off him.
“Styx! Stop!” I heard yelled in my ear as I fought like a savage animal to get free. The voice was vaguely familiar, but barely. It wasn’t until I was dragged out into the living room that I realized it was Truth.
“Let me go!” I shouted.
“Not unless you promise you’re gonna be cool.”
“Fuck that! I’m not done with that piece of shit.”
“Bro, he’s a Vagabond, you don’t wanna do that. We’ll talk to Smoke, and he’ll deal with it with their prez. Think about what you’re doing. You have a license at stake, man,” Truth reasoned with me.
Slowly calming, I took a deep breath. Then I nodded, knowing he was right. “Okay, yeah. But I want him out of my fucking house.”
“Not a problem. Let’s load him up in the back of my truck. I’ll call Smoke and we’ll take him to his brothers.”
“He’s fucking naked,” I grumbled.
“Who gives a fuck?” Truth shrugged and grinned.
“True. Besides, it’s nice out, he’ll be okay,” I reasoned as I heaved breaths in and out.
It made me want to vomit when I walked back into my bedroom and saw Grace kneeling over his beat-to-hell frame. Fucking dirty bitch.
When she tried to attack me, I held her at arm’s length. “Shut up.”
Truth grabbed the guy by the arms and dragged him out the door to his truck. I left Grace sobbing inside and helped Truth lift him to the bed of the truck. My training had me checking for a pulse before we closed the tailgate.
Fucker was alive, but he’d be feeling the beatdown I handed him for a while. A long while.
“I’ll grab his clothes. I should burn the shit, but I don’t want to have to look at it as it burns.” Ignoring her, I grabbed the guy’s clothes and the cut I’d missed when I’d first entered the room. One of the boots bounced off his head and he softly groaned as I tossed the rest in the truck with him. Still heaving and fighting for calm, I stopped and looked at Truth.
“Thanks, bro. I owe you.” I was still fuming, but I’d calmed down enough to see reason.
“No, you don’t. I’m glad I stopped by and went in. I almost didn’t when y’all didn’t answer the door, but I thought I heard a scream.” He shrugged like it was no big deal. except it was. It was a huge deal. My career could’ve ended that day. Over a cheating bitch that I’d thought I loved.
Giving in, I raised my chin to him as he climbed in his truck and backed out of the driveway.
Entering my house for the third time, I stalked to the bedroom. Ignoring Grace’s crying, crumpled form, I went in the closet and pulled all her shit off the hangers.
“Wha-what are you doing?” she stuttered as I passed her. “Styx, wait!”
I ignored her as I threw the shit in the front yard.
After my third trip, she got up and realized what I was doing. “Oh my God! Styx, stop! What are you doing? It was a mistake. It won’t ever happen again. I’m sorry. It was only this time. Please!”
There was nothing I wanted to hear from her and nothing I had to say to her either. She clung to my arm as I grabbed her purse from the entryway table. “Styx. Please. Stop. You’ve been working so much and then stuff with the club. I never see you. I was lonely!”
Furious, I spun to face her. “No. You stop. I’m done. Lonely? You betrayed me in my own fucking home. I’m finished with you.”
She was trying to hug me and kiss on me, but I was having none of it. For fuck sake, she still smelled like another man. “Get the fuck out. I never want to see you again.”
Shoving her butt-naked out of my house, I locked the door.
Pounding on the door, she shrieked from the other side.
After grabbing my cell phone, I dialed the realtor I’d been talking to. I’d thought I was going to buy a house with the woman in my life. I’d thought we were going to live happily ever after.
“Yolanda? It’s Styx. I’m ready to buy that house.” I needed out of the place I’d rented and lived in with Grace. I’d be leaving the fucking bed behind too. There was no way I was sleeping in that fucking thing again. I’d burn it if I could.
Happily ever after? I snorted.
There was no such thing.
“Catharsis”—Motionless In White
Music blared from the speaker set up on the bar as our prospect cooked burgers and sausages on the grill. There were brothers from at least seven chapters here for the weekend and we were having a fucking blast already.
The racking of pipes rattled out front and I heard a chorus of “hey,” “what’s up, my brothers,” and various other greetings being shouted. Knowing more brothers had arrived, I hauled my ass up from the chair I’d been slouched in.
“Hey, Styx! What the fuck? I haven’t seen you in like four months. Where the fuck you been?” Too $hort shouted as he wrapped me in a hug and slapped my back.
“I been around. Had to make a run up to Iowa to deliver a bike to the brothers. I stayed up there to chill with them for a while. You know….” I shrugged. What I didn’t want to tell him was that I’d needed to get away. Time to clear my head. They say the best way to get over someone is to get under another.
Fuck, I tried, but getting burned is hard to get past.
“Aw hell, how’re they all doing? Did you convince Joker to come back down with you?” Joker was originally from San Antonio. After the Marine Corps, he moved to Iowa to join the chapter up there with one of the guys he’d served with, Hacker.
Laughing, I shook my head. “Hell naw, he ain’t coming back here, except to visit. He’s got his ol’ lady and his kids up there now.”
“Shit, that’s too bad. He’s a badass dude.” Lifting his sleeve, he showed me his ink. “Last time he was down, he did this. Pretty fucking sick, huh?”
“Hell, yeah it is. He’d easily recommend Lock’s ol’ lady though. She is one helluva artist. She did this.” I showed him the new piece she’d done on my back.
“Damn, that’s fucking sick, bro,” he exclaimed. We talked for a few more minutes before he moved on to greet the next group of brothers.
Grabbing another beer, I sat and shot the shit with several of the patches from Corpus.
“Hey, Styx, where’s Grace?” Radar had walked up in the middle of our conversation. Everyone went silent. Even the music seemed to fade away. Taking a swig of my beer, I clenched my other fist and tried not to lose my shit.
There were covert mutterings, and as I closed my eyes, I gritted my teeth. “Fuck, I didn’t know.” Radar sounded contrite as he faded to the back of the crowd.
“I’ll be back.” When I stood, the alcohol shot straight to my head, and I realized I’d had a little more than I thought. Truth be told, I didn’t give a fuck. Swallowing the last swig from the bottle, I tossed it into the trash with a clink.
“I’ll go with you, bro.” Quietly, my buddy and brother Check stepped up beside me.
“No. Thanks, but I need a few minutes alone. I’ll be fine.” The place we were renting for the weekend had a “sister” home next door, with a shared walk that led to the shore. Ignoring the lights that glowed from all the windows, I walked out to the deserted beach.
I pulled out a blunt, lit it, and dropped to the cold sand. I’d worry about possible drug tests later. Drawing the smoke into my lungs, I listened to the crash of the waves. Laughter and music carried through the air from the two houses.
Just as I exhaled out into the dark sky, I heard a shuffling sound and then a woman sprawled on the ground next to me. All I could see was a mass of blonde hair as she spread facedown on the sand.
“Fuck! Are you okay?” She wasn’t moving, and I was worried she’d passed the fuck out.
“Mmm-hmm.” Still, she lay facedown. I was on the verge of helping her up when she began to struggle to her hands and knees. A perfect rounded ass hugged by black spandex was nearly in my face. I was drunk and high enough that I thought about jerking the spandex down and sticking my dick in her, but sanity—you know, the barest thread I was still hanging onto—prevailed.
Shoving herself to sit on her heels with her knees on the ground, she pushed her hair out of her face. When she turned to me, her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Laughter bubbled up and burst from her full ruby lips.
“Hi! Who are you?” She literally crawled over to me until she was damn near sitting in my lap.
“Uh… hey. Do your friends know you’re down here?” She was either drunk or high as fuck, and I was too far gone to be able to figure out which. My cock, on the other hand, didn’t care what the fuck she was, it just wanted to be buried in her wet pussy or between her thick, beautiful, made-for-dick-sucking lips.
Slightly wobbly, she looked over her shoulder toward the house. “Yeah. I told them I wanted to sit on the beach at night. So I came. Except that last step is a doozy.” She brushed the sand off her face.
Groaning at her use of words, I took another drag.
“Is that weed?” Her eyes were huge. Okay, so she obviously wasn’t high.
“Maybe. Why? You a cop?” With a smirk, I continued to smoke as I watched her in fascination.
“Uh, no!” Indignation colored her words and her cute face scrunched into a frown. “My ex is a cop, and he’s a dick. I’m definitely not a cop.” A strand of hair fell in her face, hanging between her eyes. She made no move to get it out of the way, simply kept staring at my lips every time I took a hit. I was so fucking hard, I could barely see straight.
“Do you want some?” Amused, I held it out to her. Those baby blues of hers went from my proffered blunt to my eyes, where they stayed.
Reaching out, she took it awkwardly in her hand and studied it. She then one-handed crawled over next to me and sat. Still looking at it.
“You generally have to put it to your mouth to smoke it.” A chuckle escaped me.
“Like this?” She flipped her hair out of her face and wrapped her lips around it.
“Jesus, it’s not a dick. Just put the end between your lips and inhale through your mouth. Hold it in for a minute. Then exhale.”
The hacking and gagging that followed had me trying not to laugh but losing. Tears formed in her eyes and spilled over her cheeks.
“Oh my God! I think that’s poisoned! Don’t smoke any more of that shit!” When she made to throw it, I grabbed it and took another hit.
“No, you just need to get used to it. It’s normal to cough at first. You wanna try again or are you done?”
Skeptically, she eyed where I held it outstretched to her. When she took it and tried again, I smiled. Which felt weird on my face, because it had been a long time since I’d had anything to smile about.
“So now that you’ve smoked my weed, it’s only fair that you tell me your name.”
She gave a half smile. “Gwen.”
“Nice to meet you, Gwen.” Again that slight tip of her lips.
“So do I get to know your name?” She thought she was being covert as she looked at me out of the corner of her eye.
“They call you Sticks? Like sticks and stones?” She giggled.
“Not quite.”
“Who calls you that? And why?”
“It’s my road name. I do my best to keep people from the River Styx. So the brothers named me Styx.”
“Mmm. Okay. That’s pretty cool.”
Pretty sure she had no clue what I was talking about.
“You here for the Lonestar Rally this weekend?” I didn’t remember seeing any bikes outside their place, but you never knew.
“The what?”
“Lonestar Rally—it’s a motorcycle rally.” I passed the blunt.
“Oh. No, we’re just here for a girls’ weekend. My friends and I are all teachers, and we rented this place because everyone wanted to get away.” Coughing a little, she handed it back.
Christ, a bunch of teachers.
We sat there passing it back and forth until we’d smoked the whole fucking thing.
By the time we were done, she was cross-faded as fuck. Not that I wasn’t.
“I didn’t realize how cold it would be down here by the water. Maybe I should head back.” Tucking her hands in her hoodie pocket, she made a move to stand.
I’ll never know what possessed me to do what I did next. I’d told my brothers I wanted to be alone. But like a fool, I grabbed the bend of her elbow to stop her.
“Don’t go.” My heart jumped, and I was having a hard time catching my breath. I’d like to say it was some kind of connection, and maybe it was, but I doubt it. I was probably just a horny motherfucker.