The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement, page 1

The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement
Krista Lakes
Zirconia Publishing, Inc.
About This Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Special Previews
Family Doctor’s Baby
Crime Boss Baby
About the Author
Further reading
About This Book
The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement
From New York Times bestselling author Krista Lakes comes a sexy standalone novel about a billionaire and the indecent proposal he gives the local barista.
Billionaire CEO Jackson Weathers needs a family for a PR boost, and I've signed a contract agreeing to give him one. A doting girlfriend in public. A wedding ceremony to invite all the socialites to. And finally, a baby for him to parade around, to show he's really a wholesome, down-to-Earth man.
I've tried to remain cynical about it. He's going to make all my dreams come true. So what if it's supposed to be a loveless marriage?
Only, his tenderness in private has me hooked. The way he kisses me drives me wild. When we make love, I lose myself to him. His body feels like it was meant to be on top of mine, like we fit together like two puzzle pieces. I can't help but begin to fall for him.
I can't tell him, or I risk losing everything. And nobody else can find out about our little "arrangement" or it will destroy his reputation. Still, I feel like I have to know how he feels, before the marriage, before the baby, before I give my entire life over to him.
Is it still just pretend?
“I was wondering when you were going to get home.” Her hand went to the silky collar of her robe and she tugged on it gently to reveal just a hint of smooth skin underneath. She liked that he swallowed hard and stared.
“Work went long,” he said, his eyes still glued to the bare skin of her chest. She let the robe open just a little more. “If I had known this was waiting for me, I would have been home hours ago.”
She grinned and stood from the couch. She flipped off the light, letting just the pale glow from the city lights fill the room. With a grin, she undid the ties to the robe and let the fabric slide to the floor. The pale silk pooled around her ankles as she stood naked before him in the pale twilight. She knew the lack of light would hide her flaws.
His reaction made all the waiting worth it. His eyes dilated, his mouth opened, and she could see the growing bulge in his pants. She rather liked having this effect on him. She knew that he found her beautiful. She knew that he found her sexually attractive, but to see his actual reaction would never get old.
She felt like a goddess when he looked at her like that.
He reached out a finger and caressed the arch of her collarbone, his finger then tracing the curve of her shoulder down her arm. Goosebumps popped out along her skin, but it wasn’t from cold. It was pure desire at being touched. His fingers caught the swell of her breast, skimming along the curve and barely touching her.
Her nipples hardened in front of his eyes. Hunger blossomed on his face as he cupped her breast in his warm hand, his thumb rubbing against the hard nipple. Jackson’s pupils nearly took over the green of his eyes.
She took a step forward, threading her hand over his shoulder and into his hair as she pressed her naked body against his suit. She could feel the warm, hard spot at her groin as she leaned in, drawing his lips to hers.
He tasted so good. Every time he kissed her he tasted better. His mouth opened and his tongue quested into her waiting mouth, tangling with her tongue. His hand was still on her breast, playing with the nipple while the other hand went to her hip and pulled her further into him.
She pulled back, gazing up at him through long lashes and grinning. She rocked her naked hips into his, feeling him harden further. With the hand not around his neck, she grabbed his tie, fisting the silk, and pulled him in for another kiss.
This kiss was urgent. She wanted to feel him inside of her. She wanted his hard length to fill her. Heat was building in her core and he was the only one who could put it out.
He kissed her, letting her be in control for a moment. She smiled as she kissed him, enjoying the idea that the naked woman was the one in control of the clothed, powerful businessman.
He groaned, and his hand tightened on her hip. She wasn’t in quite as much control as he let her think. He was bigger and stronger. His hip thrust into her, letting her know that he was going to fuck her the moment he had the chance.
And she was very okay with that.
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Chapter 1
* * *
“Welcome to Coffee Shack, Mrs. Johnson.” Emma greeted her next customer with a smile. “Your usual?”
The woman in a suit nodded, barely looking up from her phone. That was typical here. The coffee shop was located on the first floor of a downtown skyscraper with all sorts of important businesses filling the offices upstairs. W&W BabyCo held most of the floors, but there was also an internet company and a well respected law firm in the building. Everyone who came for coffee was usually busy with some sort of important work.
“Grande triple mocha with almond milk,” Emma called out, taking Mrs. Johnson’s money. Emma handed the card back with a smile that Mrs. Johnson hardly acknowledged before stepping to the side for the next person to order. Emma grinned as she realized it was her best friend.
“Hi, Grace,” Emma said warmly to her friend. “Hi, Sammy,” she said, waving to the little boy on Grace’s hip. “What can I get you?”
“I need an extra shot today, Emma,” Grace told her, hiking the baby up higher on her hip. “Sam here is working on a new tooth and decided that he didn’t want to sleep last night because of it.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Emma replied, writing the order on a paper cup. She added a plus one to the shots. “It’s a dollar extra for the shot. My poor Sammy.”
Grace reached into her pocket and rummaged around before shaking her head and sighing. “Never mind. Take the shot off. I don’t have any extra today.”
Emma glanced over at her busy boss and then back to her customer. “The extra shot’s on me, then,” Emma whispered.
“You are a saint,” Grace told her, handing Emma her coffee card. The look of relief and gratitude coming from the young mother was more than enough payment for Emma. “I’m just so tired today. I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached. I thought I had an extra dollar in my pocket.”
“It’s my pleasure. Can he have a C-O-O-K-I-E? We have samples today,” Emma said, spelling out the word so she wouldn’t get Sam in trouble.
“He’d love some cookie,” Grace told her with a smile. “It’ll feel good on his teeth.”
Emma went to the cookie display and picked out the most colorful one. She carefully wrapped it up in a bag and handed it to Grace.
“Are we still on for me babysitting tonight?” Emma asked.
“Yes!” Grace replied emphatically. “I’ve been looking forward to date night for the whole month now. You’re sure you’re okay with Sam? This teething stage is terrible.”
“Sam and I are buddies,” Emma assured her. She grinned at the one-year old boy. “Aren’t we?”
“Ahmm,” Sam replied with a nod, making Emma grin. She loved that little boy with her whole heart. She had from the moment she’d met him.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit,” Grace said, stepping to the side. There wasn’t another customer behind her. “Thank you so much, Emma. You’re a lifesaver.”
“I’m going on break in a few minutes and I’ll come over and get some Sammy hugs,” Emma replied. Grace grinned, knowing that meant she’d get to drink her coffee in peace while Emma distracted and played with the little boy.
Emma turned back to the job at hand. Walking up to the counter was her favorite customer. She felt her stomach flutter and she made sure her hat was on straight. This was usually the best part of her entire day.
Mr. Jackson Weathers owned W&W BabyCo. She knew he had to be worth billions, yet he always came and ordered coffee from her on his way up to his office. She took it as a compliment, given that most of his senior staff simply had it delivered to the top floor.
“Good morning, Mr. Weathers,” Emma greeted him warmly. “How are you today?”
“I’m great,” he assured her, flashing his trademark smile. The man was gorgeous. Her knees went a little weak. She couldn’t help it. The man was absurdly good looking. He was tall, wit
His hair looked like a Disney artist drew it every morning. The medium blond hair was always perfectly styled and just tousled enough to make her want to run her fingers through it. Bright green eyes sparkled at her when he smiled, and that was her real weakness. That sparkle.
He was all charm and sparkle.
He was also the most notorious playboy and flirt she’d ever met. She’d seen way too many gorgeous women on his arm to even think she ever had a chance. He liked to flirt with her, but she knew it was just for fun.
He would never seriously date a nobody like her.
“Your usual?” she asked him, smiling back at him. Even though he was so out of her league they were playing different sports, she could still enjoy their morning conversation.
“Yes, please,” he replied.
“One grande Americano, extra shot, two pumps cinnamon dolce,” she called out.
“How do you remember everyone’s order?” he asked her, looking impressed. He leaned against the counter. Every movement was easy and meant to attract her.
She shrugged. “How do you remember your date’s names? Practice.”
He laughed. “Ouch.”
She shrugged. “I call it like I see it,” she teased him.
He grinned. “Maybe I should take you out to dinner. I think I can remember your name. Betsy? Olga? Helga. Definitely Helga.”
“Me?” She chuckled. They had this conversation at least once a month. “I thought that you were currently working your way through the New York Ballet. I’m afraid I am not currently a member.”
“Could have fooled me,” he told her, flashing her that grin again. Her heart fluttered. Flirting with a professional flirt was fun.
“Do you want a cookie or something?” she asked him. “You already made your order.”
“You trying to get rid of me?” he asked. He glanced behind him at the empty coffee shop. “It’s not like I’m holding up the line.”
“Maybe I have a hot date,” she told him. She liked the way his brow tensed slightly. It was almost like he was jealous.
“A hot date at ten in the morning?” he asked.
She shrugged. “I can have a hot date whenever I want.”
His green eyes narrowed. “He wouldn’t happen to be about one foot tall, twenty pounds and has a love of drool?”
“I can’t help the men I date,” she replied. “And I happen to find short, chubby, mama’s boys adorable. The kisses are out of this world.”
Mr. Weathers laughed, making Emma’s stomach tighten with lust. He had a great laugh. It was no wonder that women fell over themselves to sleep with him. He was smart, funny, good looking, and sexy as hell.
The fact that the women never stayed long said that he didn’t like commitment. He was just in it for the fun. She could never date a man like that.
“I’m afraid I don’t see the appeal,” he said. “I like my dates a little older.”
She chuckled. “Yeah, my baby dates aren’t so good at fancy restaurants. Definite downside.”
She grinned at him and he chuckled again.
“Have a great day, Emma,” he said, casually strolling to the pickup window and taking his coffee. She loved that he knew her name. He came in every morning and they always had a fun, easy banter that left a smile on her face.
He dropped a twenty in her tip jar and sauntered out of the coffee shop and into the building lobby. She could watch that man walk anywhere. The way he moved was sexy and confident. It was no surprise to her that he was a billionaire CEO with the world at his feet.
“Emma, clean up the spill by the trash and you can go on break,” her boss called to her.
She shook herself from watching Mr. Weathers walk away and picked up a cleaning towel. One day, she was going to get out of here. She had dreams and plans, and none of them revolved around cleaning up spilled coffee.
The mess by the trash can required a mop. She sighed and wondered just how she got here. Her dream job was never to be a barista. She had dreams of being something more, but her debt was out of control. She had a bachelor’s degree, but no experience. No experience meant no career. No career meant no money, so she was stuck here selling coffee. She had to pay off those student loans somehow. No matter how hard she worked, it felt like she was barely treading water. Something needed to change.
Emma quickly mopped up, washed her hands, and went to go play with the baby.
Sam reached for her as soon as he saw her coming to their table. She loved the way his chubby little arms stretched out and the way his smile lit up. She wanted to be a mother, but with no boyfriend and no money, she didn’t see it in the cards for a long time.
Yet one more thing life didn’t seem to want to give her.
“Sammy,” she cooed, pulling him in for a hug. She breathed in the sweet scent of baby shampoo, milk, and applesauce. He smelled like heaven.
“So, what are we going to do tonight?” she asked Sam.
He babbled something and gnawed on his cookie.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Emma agreed.
“I can’t thank you enough for taking him,” Grace said, sipping on her coffee. “I love this kid, but I need a break.”
“I’m excited to watch him,” Emma admitted. “I feel like all I do is work and pay off bills. Playing with him will be a welcome break.”
She grinned and made faces at the baby. Sammy laughed like she was the funniest thing he’d ever seen. Emma giggled and snuggled him closer to her.
“You’re going to make an awesome mom someday,” Grace said, watching her with a smile. “We just have to find you the right guy.”
“I can’t see it happening anytime soon,” Emma warned her.
Grace shrugged. “I guess we can always dream. Sammy needs a buddy.”
Chapter 2
* * *
“What in the hell were you thinking?”
The sound of the newspaper hitting Jackson Weathers’ desk was almost as loud as Jane’s question. Jackson looked up from his work to see a very angry woman glaring at him.
“Just what in the hell were you thinking?” Jane repeated, her voice low and dangerous. She motioned to the newspaper. “Do you know how hard I have been working to change your image? And then you go and pull this shit?”
Jackson glanced down at the paper to see the headline: “BILLIONAIRE PUBLIC SEX SCANDAL.” He had made front page news. Again.
“I don’t remember doing that,” he said, frowning and looking closer at the picture. The picture was censored, but it was clearly him balls deep in some blonde chick at a bar. “It’s not really a flattering angle.”
“You bastard,” Jane whispered. She shook her head. Her normally neat bun was coming undone and gray wisps of hair framed her face. “I can’t believe you’d do this.”
“Do what?” Jackson scoffed. “The woman was of age and very consenting.”
“You were in public,” Jane hissed through gritted teeth.
“We weren’t supposed to be, but that was half the fun,” Jackson admitted. He looked a little closer at the picture again. “I think her name was Heidi?”
“It was Tiffany. And she also says that you then had her sister come and join you after you trashed the bar. With a bar fight. It’s really thrilling reading.”
“Oh, yes. I remember Brittany. Those two were tigers in the sack.” Jackson smiled with the memory.