Always You: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance, page 1

Always You
A Billionaire Second Chance Romance
Krista Carleson
Quick Escape Press
© Copyright 2017 by Krista Carleson - All rights reserved.
Cover: German Creative
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In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18.
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Published by Quick Escape Press
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Finally reaching the 44th floor, I counted the seconds until I could sink into a comfortable chair to rest my sore muscles. My legs were killing me—seriously, why did I decide to wear high heels for this move??
I reached Elle’s apartment and rang the bell, impatient to see her after such a long time. Elle and I were childhood besties, but we hadn’t seen each other since I’d moved to Atlanta three years ago. Elle had kindly offered me a place to stay when I mentioned I was coming back, and I was happy to accept.
“Cat!” she squealed, spreading her arms wide to embrace me. “It’s been a such a long time, girl!”
We met half way, pulling each other into a tight hug, and I realized just how much I’d missed her. “Hey, easy! You’re suffocating me!” I said through my giggles while her arms wrapped around me like her life depended on it.
“Sorry.” Her grin was sheepish when she leaned away to have a look. “It’s just that it’s been so long.” She started jumping up and down, reminding me more of a giddy kid who got their favorite candy than a successful twenty-five-year old CEO of her jewelry company. “Why are we still standing here? Come inside!”
She helped me with my bags, and as we entered her place, I couldn’t help but admire how modern and well designed it looked. Just like Elle’s clothes, her place oozed money. Elle came from a rich family, but she made quite a fortune for herself when she started stock trading several years ago, which was why she lived more than comfortably.
Compared to her, I didn’t look that polished. As an artist, I preferred wearing comfortable clothes—mostly those that came from the vintage shops. I didn’t care about brands and I didn’t wear jewelry—much to Elle’s disappointment.
Our style wasn’t the only difference between us. Elle was a spunky brunette with big brown eyes, while I was a tall, curvy red-head, with eyes the brightest shade of blue. However, our differences seemed to work in our favor, since whenever we were together, we’d often elicit extra attention from the opposite sex.
“This place is amazing, Elle.”
She led me into her living room, where I was met with a breathtaking view of the L.A. skyline. I rushed to the huge balcony, admiring the scenery that I had missed these past three years. I was so glad now that I’d accepted Elle’s offer to live with her. I didn’t need anything else when I had such an inspiring view that could help me when I was looking for new sketching ideas.
“Wait until you see the rest of the place. You’ll like it so much that I won’t ever be able to kick you out when I get bored with you.”
I returned her bright smile. “No. There is no way you’ll get rid of me that easily. It’s official—I’m staying here for good!”
I was so excited about being here and seeing my best friend that I didn’t even pay attention to the incoming footsteps until he appeared in the doorway. I froze when my eyes met the eyes of the man I’d hoped I would never have to see again.
Aidan Dowell—Elle’s older brother and my first and only love. My eyes slid down his body before I even was able to stop myself. He’d changed a lot since the last time I saw him ten years ago. He was much broader, his tall frame packed with some serious muscles, and it looked very good on him. His face had lost that innocent look that attracted me to him in the first place. His chiseled features gave his face a harder edge, making him seem formidable but undeniably attractive.
He was wearing trainers and t-shirt that emphasized the rigid muscles of his well-defined legs and chest, and his short dark hair was wet as if he’d just come out of the shower. I swallowed hard, and had to admit to myself that the whole package influenced me more than I wanted it to.
I ignored the fluttery sensation in the pit of my stomach and snapped my eyes at Elle. “What is he doing here?”
Aidan halted mid-step and arched one eyebrow, cocking his head to the side. “Ouch. That hurt. Is that how you greet your old friends?”
Old friends? I wouldn’t call us “old friends”. There was nothing “friendly” about the way he responded to my kiss the night before he joined the army, refusing my love.
No, Catherine. Stop this nonsense. You don’t need to go there.
“Elle?” I asked her, returning Aidan’s amused stare. How could he look so composed after ten years, while I was getting all flustered here?
Elle had the decency to look guilty. “Um, there is something I forgot to mention to you.”
I whipped my head around to her, sensing a huge catch that she was about to reveal. “You forgot to mention? Really? And what is that?” She looked at Aidan, stalling, but I didn’t have the patience for this. “Elle, spit it out.”
“Elle and I live together,” Aidan said with a slight smile on his face.
“What?” My jaw dropped, my eyes darting between each of them as I fought to accept the truth.
Elle caught my hand, pleading me with her eyes to understand her. “I’m so sorry, Cat. I wanted to tell you this, but then I wasn’t sure if you’d ever accept living with me if you knew Aidan was here too.”
“You’re damn right I wouldn’t accept it,” I replied harshly.
Aidan was now standing just a few feet away from me, and the odor of his expensive cologne reached my nostrils, doing something to my insides. Why did he have to smell so good?
“Cat, chill. It’s not a big deal.”
“Yeah, sure. For you it has never been a big deal, has it?”
“What do you mean?”
I glanced away, unwilling to talk about our bitter past. Once upon a time, I would have given everything for him, but the feeling hadn’t been mutual. I wasn’t going to let him walk all over me again.
“Forget it.” I faced Elle. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay here when... Hey! What are you doing?!”
I gaped at Aidan who had grabbed the handles of my bags and picked them up all too easily. As if following a command, my eyes slid down his flexing arms that carried my bags across the room effortlessly. He didn’t even spare me a glance, already out of the room.
“Look. Aidan and I talked about this, and he’s okay with you staying here.”
I eyed her suspiciously. “What do you mean—he’s okay?” And then it dawned on me. “This place... It’s his?” She nodded with guilt written all over her face. “No. Then I absolutely can’t stay here. I’ll find someplace else.”
“Stop being so difficult,” Aidan said when he returned. “You’re staying here. End of discussion.”
“’You’re staying here’,” I mocked him. “What are you? My dad? No. You can’t force me to be here!”
Aidan rolled his eyes. “No one’s going to eat you alive, princess.”
I marched toward him, closing the distance between us, and put my hands on my hips. “Don’t call me princess.”
He didn’t answer anything as his eyes raked over my body, and blood rushed to my cheeks. He examined the curves of my body slowly until his eyes stopped on my breasts, which were partly exposed above the low cut of my floral dress. I could swear his blue eyes grew darker.
He met my gaze and smirked. “I think I’ll do just that, princess. You look spoiled, and someone needs to teach you some manners.”
What? How dare he?! “YOU—”
“Cat! Please! He’s just teasing you, okay?” Elle intervened. “Look, if this is a big deal for you, then stay for just a couple of days until you find a new place. Please.”
I internally groaned, unable to refuse Elle—not with those sad, puppy eyes. The truth was that I couldn’t be picky because I wasn’t quite willing to waste my money on hotels. Elle was right. I could give this a shot until I find a new, affordable place, and I would avoid Aidan as much as possible. Besides, he would probably be at his work most of the time, since he was CEO of a multibillion-dollar game company.
“Fine. I’ll stay.”
“Yes!” Elle shouted and fist-bumped the air.
Aidan looked smug as he watched me silently, and I wished I could wipe that expression off his face. “But only until I find a new place. I’ll soon be out of your way,” I told him, hating to be
He shrugged his shoulders, his poker face revealing nothing, and turned to leave. “Knock yourself out.”
My eyes followed his sexy ass on his way out, and I clenched my thighs together when the sight made my mound throb. Maybe I disliked him, but I sure as hell didn’t dislike his hotter than ever looks.
Elle had told me that since it was Sunday, Aidan had a day off, which meant that I had to survive the next few hours with him in the same place. I chose to spend my time in my room, which was enormous and furnished with pieces that cost more than I could ever afford. I wouldn’t call myself poor, but my bank account couldn’t even compare to Elle’s or Aidan’s.
The Dowell family had always been rich. They owned a luxurious villa in the Hills, which was weird to me at first since I came from a normal-sized house that couldn’t even compare to theirs. Despite her background, Elle had been the sweetest girl I’d ever met, who accepted me from the start. We went to the same elementary, middle, and high school, so we were inseparable until college.
We clicked right away, becoming besties in a matter of days, and I’d been spending almost every day in their house ever since. I met Aidan the second time I visited Elle, developing a crush on him within the first few minutes. He was that sweet boy everyone seemed to love, with his baby face and beautiful dark brown eyes that looked like they penetrated right through me, even at such young age.
As years passed, my crush transformed into love, gradually changing just like his appearance. Gone was his baby face and gentle demeanor, replaced with a bad boy look that secured him girls’ constant attention. He was always sweet to me, treating me like a younger sister, which was heartbreaking. However, I’d never lost hope that maybe one day he would be able to see me in a different light.
And it happened. Several months before he left for the army, things began heating up between us, and I realized he’d felt more for me than the brotherly love I’d grown out of. I was the happiest girl ever, falling for him more and more, until that fateful night when we kissed. This kiss marked me forever. The next thing I knew, he was gone, destroying any possibility of us getting together.
“And now I’m in his place. Just great.” I muttered as I threw one of the dresses on my bed and continued unpacking my bags.
“Talking to yourself? Maybe you should get yourself checked,” I heard Aidan say behind me.
I spun around, letting the bra I’d been holding slip to the floor, and found him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. His gaze landed on my bra and my cheeks reddened.
“Nice pair.” He winked, still looking at the red lace. I’d snatched it from the floor and hid it behind me.
“What are you doing in my room, Aidan?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Your room? Do I have to remind you that—”
“This is your room, technically, yeah. I know that. What I don’t know is why you are acting like a stalker.”
I marched across the room and put the bra in the drawer that was half filled with my other lingerie.
“Hey, easy.” He raised his hands in the air in a defensive gesture. “I like women who bite, but don’t you think you’re over exaggerating? I just wanted to see if you’d settled in.”
“I’m a-okay, so you can leave now.”
Ignoring my words, he closed the door behind him and approached me, not taking his eyes from me even once. I swallowed the lump in my throat, enjoying his sexy gait more than I wanted to admit. He was very close now, his body almost flush against mine, and I could feel his body heat radiating through the thin material of his black t-shirt.
I backed up against the dresser, hoping to put a much-needed distance between us, but he didn’t let me. He put his hands on the dresser, caging me in between his muscled arms that were covered with the most intricate tattoos I’d ever seen. My lips parted as I studied the shapes and twirls on his sculpted upper arms, admiring how beautiful they looked on him. He smelled too good for me to resist him, and I found myself leaning toward him, itching to... Itching to what?
“Enjoying this too much?” he asked me, smirking, which pulled me out of my stupor. I snapped my eyes at him, horrified to find that he saw right through me. He was well aware of the effect he had on me, and I hated that.
“Let me go.” I tried to sidestep him, but his arm didn’t budge. “Aidan, I won’t repeat myself. Let me go right this second or—”
“Or what? You’ll scream?”
“Or even better. I might kick you in the groin—”
“That won’t do, sweetheart. Now, if you have some other plans for my cock that aren’t of an aggressive nature—”
“Do you even hear yourself?!” I glared at him, breathing too heavily now. I ducked under his arm before he could react and managed to separate myself from him. “Get out of here, Aidan. I don’t want to talk with you.” I crossed my arms and faced him, trying to fill my stare with as much contempt as possible.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, showing his frustration for the first time. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.” He shook his head. “I came here to invite you to dinner.”
“I’ll pass,” I declined, astonished that he would suggest such a thing. I had no intention of going anywhere with him.
“Elle will go too. So do it for her. She’d been droning about your arrival for weeks and this means a lot to her, so I don’t want her to be disappointed. I won’t do anything to you if that concerns you.”
I eyed him warily, trying to find insincerity in his eyes. “Fine,” I gritted out finally. “I’ll go.”
I expected him to gloat, but his expression remained unchanged. He nodded and headed to the door, which allowed me to breathe a bit easier. My heart was still pounding too fast, reminding me that I wasn’t as immune to him as I deluded myself to be.
He turned around one last time and said, “And wear a nice dress, because this place isn’t casual.”
Before I could even tell him I hated places where rich people gathered, he left the room and left me wondering how I would survive the night with Aidan Dowell right next to me. I had to be careful. If I didn’t reinforce the walls around my heart, Aidan would crumble them to pieces all too easily, and I could never let that happen. I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
Since I didn’t have an appropriate dress for the occasion, I had to borrow one from Elle. Unfortunately, our styles didn’t match at all, so we spent the hour arguing about the dress she wanted me to wear.
The dress in question was a tight, short red dress that would barely reach my mid-thighs, had I decided to wear it. Its neckline was low-cut, which would put my breasts on full display, and that was something I wanted to avoid in front of Aidan. I hadn’t failed to notice the way his eyes traveled across my body today, making me feel naked and desired at the same time. I’d clearly seen the lust in them that clouded my thoughts and left me feeling disoriented.
“Cat, don’t be silly. Here, I promise. Just this night and I won’t ever make you wear anything you dislike ever again.”
I put my hands on hips, quite tired of our pointless argument. “Okay. You win. I’ll wear that stupid dress.”
“You mean—that gorgeous dress?” She winked at me and rushed to get ready.
A half-hour later, I was looking at myself in the mirror as I studied my appearance from all angles. I’d had my hair curled and I’d applied a bit of makeup that emphasized my blue eyes and high cheekbones. I looked good, but this was so not me. I wished I could just wear my ballerina pumps and long skirts and go to somewhere that didn’t attract rich people who were ready to spend more than I had in my savings account.
I’d just spritzed my favorite perfume on myself, humming a song I’d heard recently when the door to my room opened and impatient Aidan walked in.
“For Christ’s sake, woman. How much longer do we have to wait for you?” He moved briskly across my room, stopping only when two feet separated us, which was too much for my liking.