Return To Yuri, page 1

Photo Credit
ID 26108391 © Curaphotography | Yuri
Copyright © 2019 KJ Dahlen Books
Editor: Leanore Elliott
Book Design & Cover: Wicked Muse
Also by Kj Dahlen
Bratva Blood Brothers
Brothers United
Maxim, A Bratva Christmas
Bratva Enforcers-Nomads
Devil's Advocates MC
Devils Trifecta MC
Devil's Trifecta MC Set
Hell's Bloodhounds MC
Hell's Fire Riders MC
Pappy's Shadow
Trigger The Storm
Birth Of Hells Fire Rider
Lost Sons MC
Creed's Return
Princes Of Hell MC
Princes Of Hell MC Set
Rivers Foundation
San Francisco Steel
Satan's Spawn MC
Spawn & Spitfire
Revenge and Retribution
Babies & Bastards
Savaged Souls MC
Sin's Bastards MC
Silk & Bones
Karma's Bite
No Regrets
Hell's Fury
Lies & Liars
Stone Cold
Sin's Bastards Christmas
Sin's Bastards Next Generation
Tennessee Breeds
Vengeance Is Mine
WarLords MC
Jack- WarLords
Whiskey Bend MC Series
Lucifer's Woman
Demon's Stand
At All Costs
Out Of The Shadows
Hell's Fire MC Series Set
Satan's Spawn & Sin's Bastards Collection
A Life For Luke
Chasing Eve
Saving Sebastian
Shadows Of The Past
Never Forget Me
The Cartouche
A Wrath Is Born
The New Brotherhood
San Francisco Steel MC Set
Return To Yuri
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Also By Kj Dahlen
Return To Yuri
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Buy it Here>> MAXIM
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Further Reading: Yuri
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Six years ago...
Nikoli got the call he’d been waiting on. He hung up the phone and called Yuri back to the penthouse.
He turned to Nicky and Raven. “Misha and Sergi are on the grounds and are on their way here.”
Raven ran to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.
Yuri arrived just in time to hear the door slam behind her. When he asked about it, Nikoli told him what happened.
Nicky went toward the door but Yuri reached out his hand to stop him. “Just give her a moment.”
Nicky shook his head. “You don’t understand, she’s looking for an escape route. She doesn’t want to be here when they arrive.”
“She can’t go anywhere,” Yuri told him.
“You don’t know her very well if that’s what you think,” Nicky countered. “Carlos taught her well how to get in and out of any place. She’s been in here a number of times before so she probably already has a route in mind.” He nodded at the room in question. “Check it out if you don’t believe me. You won’t find her in there. But you better move quickly before she has a chance to get out.”
Yuri moved toward the door and when he opened it, Raven was nowhere to be found. “Damn it!” He swore. Turning to Nicky he asked, “Where would she be?”
Nicky went into the room and looked around a moment before he made his way to the kitchen. “Raven, please don’t run from this. You always told me to confront my fears. You said if I did that, the fears would go away. This is something that has to happen. You always told me that someday we would find our family. Remember that? When I asked you about my father, you told me that we’d find him someday. Guess what? We found him. We found your father too. Now you have to be strong enough to meet him.” He waited for a moment then called out to her, “You can do this. All you have to do is give him a chance. You want this as much as I do, just give him a chance!”
A moment later, the door to the dumbwaiter opened up and Raven came out. Tears were running down her face and she went to Nicky. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her for a moment.
Yuri growled a bit and Nicky slowly let her go and backed away holding his arms out.
Yuri pulled her into his arms and held her close. “I won’t let him hurt you,” he vowed.
“I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “I panicked. I know it’s silly but I don’t know if I’m ready for all this.”
“I know it’s a lot of change in a short time but if you don’t believe anything else, believe in me. Believe in us,” Yuri told her. “You belong to me now and I won’t ever let you go.” Then he kissed her long and hard. “You belong to me.” He repeated.
“Ok, I belong to you,” she whispered. “Please don’t let me go.”
The doorbell rang and the sound echoed through the apartment. Raven began trembling and Yuri’s hold tightened. “Let’s go meet your father and grandfather.”
“Stay with me?” she begged.
Yuri nodded and led her back to the living room where two men waited for them. Both men were tall and one had dark hair while the other had silver hair. When Misha saw her for the first time he gasped and whispered, “Joy”
Sergi stared at her with a blank expression.
Misha moved closer.
Yuri stepped to her back but kept his arm around her waist. He held out his hand to shake hands with Misha. “It is good to see you again Misha,” he greeted the other man.
Misha couldn’t take his eyes off Raven. “You look like your mother,” he spoke softly.
“I do?” Raven questioned.
“Da, you do. She was a small woman as well. She had long dark hair and green eyes.”
“I’m sorry but I never knew her,” Raven said.
“Forgive me child. My name is Misha Constantine and this is my father Sergi.” He half turned to his father and Sergi stepped forward.
Sergi placed his hands around Raven’s face and he studied her for a moment. Then he did something unexpected. He turned her head to check behind her left ear. Brushing the dark hair away, he found the birthmark he must have been looking for. He looked at his son and nodded. Then he smiled. “You are my granddaughter.”
“How do you know that?” Raven asked.
“For centuries, all the Constantine’s have been blessed with a heart shaped birthmark behind their left ears. It’s been the one constant in our family for many generations.”
Raven searched their faces. “You don’t need a blood test, just to be sure?”
Misha and Sergi both shook their heads. “My son recognized you right away and you carry the family trait, I need no other proof than that.”
Raven shook her head. “I was raised until the age of eight by Andria Waterson. Although she wasn’t a good mother, she was the only mother I knew.”
“Andria?” Misha frowned.
“Did you know her?” Yuri asked.
“I met her once just before Joy disappeared,” Misha admitted. “I can’t say I thought very highly of her.”
“You were right in your thinking,” Nikoli told them.
“What happened?” Sergi asked. “You said you would explain when we got here.”
“Let’s sit down this might take a while.” Yuri motioned for everyone to sit. He poured them all a drink and sat down beside Raven to hear the story again.
An hour later, they could all see the rage in Misha and Sergi. They could almost feel it—it was so strong.
Sergi got to his feet and held out his hand to Raven. When she put her hand in his he drew her to her feet. Then he embraced her.
Yuri rushed to his feet as well. Sergi simply raised an eyebrow at his action.
“I am claiming her.” Yuri growled. “She is my woman in every way. She belongs to me.”
Sergi’s lips tightened. “She is my granddaughter. You will respect her position.”
Misha got to his feet as well.
But before he could say anything, Raven stepped back and went to stand by Yuri.
Nikoli gasped at her action.
“I am his woman,” she told both Sergi and Misha. “I desire the chance to know both of you but please don’t make me choose between you and Yuri.”
“Yuri is Bratva. He will do as he is told,” Sergi warned her.
“If you hurt him or his position in any way, I will never see you again.”
“Do you threaten me?” Sergi demanded angrily.
“Oh, of course not.” Raven shook her head. “I don’t even know you, not yet anyway. I would really like the chance to know you but I haven’t grown up with the rules you live by. I have been living by my own rules. I know what’s right for me and this man is right for me. You have to give me time to know you before you can tell me what to do and even then, I will listen to your suggestions and I may even follow them but in the end, I will do what is best for me. That’s what I know, that is what I have done since I’ve been old enough to know right from wrong. I cannot be a servant, not to you or anyone else. I am a woman full grown. My life hasn’t been easy but I’ve found my own way once and I can do it again. I’ve only just found you, so please don’t tell me what I can and cannot do. You don’t have that right.”
Misha began to laugh. His anger dissipated as quickly as it came about. “You are more like your mother than you realize child. She had a streak of independence a mile wide too. I never could quite tame her.” He smiled sadly. “That was one of the things I loved about her so much. She never allowed me to push her around. So petite, so unruly.”
An hour later....
“And Raven?” Sergi asked Yuri. “What do you plan for her?”
“She will stay here with me,” he stated. “When she’s ready, she will become my wife and bear my children.”
“Then your intentions are honorable?”
“Absolutely, they are.” Yuri nodded firmly. “But you have to understand something about your granddaughter...”
“And what is that?”
“She has lived in mortal fear most of her life. Fear for her own life and for the life of Nicky. They both need time and patience to become the people they were meant to be. I can give her that time. She has to feel safe before she can let go of her fear. She knows she’s safe here with me. You and Misha are more than welcome to come and go or come and stay a while to get to know her but I will ask that you don’t force her to do something she isn’t ready yet to do.”
Sergi glanced over at Raven and nodded. “I have a feeling my son will want to move back here to be close to his daughter.”
“And you?” Yuri held back a grin.
“I will stay for a few days but I can promise I’ll be back often to check on things here.” Sergi finished his drink and nodded to Yuri. “I will leave her in your charge. Keep her safe and happy, or you will answer to her father and grandfather.”
“I now know what all the fuss is about,” Yuri told the other man.
Sergi nodded at him. “Then you are a lucky man, indeed.”
Chapter One
The day was overcast and drizzling rain when Tolva Babikov walked out of prison in Huntsville, Texas, after living behind those walls for the last seventeen years. The heat was still oppressive and the blast of humidity that hit him when the door opened nearly took his breath away. For the last 6200 plus days, he’d been counting the hours until he would be a free man again. The hate he felt for the man who sent him here had been growing more and more every day until he felt it like a part of his soul.
Now he was free and he vowed to never go back. He’d spent almost half his life behind bars and it felt as if he was dying a little bit more with each day he was there. He’d gone in a damn fool when he fell for the lies from a man he trusted and now he was barely human but after all this time, he was a free man.
He planned to track down the man who betrayed him and slowly take out seventeen years of the pain he suffered on him. Carlos would pay for every bruise, every cut and each and every minute he spent suffering behind bars. Just before the heavy metal door slammed behind him one of the guards told him, “We’ll keep your cell clean for you Bull. We all know you’ll be back before too long.”
Tolva turned his head to glare at the other man. “Fuck you, you bastard. I’ve already spent too many years in this place. You won’t ever see me again, not in this hell hole.”
The guard nodded. “You would have been out five years ago but you couldn’t keep your nose clean inside.”
Tolva snorted. “That wasn’t all my fault, they should have left me alone and then there wouldn’t have been a problem would there?”
The guard snorted. “It was because of who you are. Everyone wanted a piece of the big bad Russian. You had a reputation before you even got here and they wanted to see how bad you really were.”
Tolva turned his back on the guard, tightened his grip on his duffle bag, and began walking away. He didn’t feel completely free until he heard the metal door slam behind him. As soon as he hit the parking lot, he saw someone standing beside his car and Tolva smiled slightly. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the man waiting for him. He knew this man could be friend or foe. Or both. Maksim often used friendship to hide being a back stabber. Tolva knew he couldn’t completely trust him but for now, he would use the other man to get what information he could.
He had wondered if his friend would be waiting for him. He walked up to the man waiting there and held out his hand.
The other man took it and they shook.
“It is good to see you again Maksim,” Tolva said. “You are the first friendly face I’ve seen in a very long time.”
“Da, I’m glad you are finally free from that place.” Maksim nodded at him. “You might not be happy with what I have to tell you though.”
“As long as you can tell me you found that little bastard Carlos Lopez, I’ll be as happy as a pig in shit.” Tolva growled.
“That’s just it my friend,” Maksim shrugged. “Carlos is dead. He met the grim reaper at the hands of the Bratva by order of the High Counsel a couple years ago. They hanged him for a murder he’d committed forty years ago.”
Tolva stopped and turned to stare at the other man. “Really? What charges did they get him on?”
“The truth finally came to life. His true name was Carl Bellovik and he murdered Felix Valan forty years ago, then fled Russia. The Bratva had been looking for him a very long time.”
“So he is no longer alive huh?” Tolva snarled. “That’s too bad.” His eyes narrowed as he asked, “What about his little thief? Is she still alive?”
“Da, she still lives. She now lives the good life as wife and mother to the family of Yuri Anatoly. He’s the head of the Bratva in New Orleans.”
Tolva was disgusted at this information. “He took a thief as a wife?”
“Da, he did.” Maksim nodded. “Turns out your little thief is also the long lost granddaughter of Sergi Constantine. She ended up being the daughter of Misha, the one he never knew he had. Carlos made sure of that.”