Grinder (San Francisco Steel, #3), page 1

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San Francisco Steel
Copyright © 2019 KJ Dahlen Books
Editor: Leanore Elliott
Book Design & Cover: Wicked Muse
Also by Kj Dahlen
Bratva Blood Brothers
Brothers United
Bratva Enforcers-Nomads
Devil's Advocates MC
Devils Trifecta MC
Hell's Bloodhounds MC
Hell's Fire Riders MC
Pappy's Shadow
Trigger The Storm
Birth Of Hells Fire Rider
Lost Sons MC
Creed's Return
Princes Of Hell MC
Rivers Foundation
San Francisco Steel
Satan's Spawn MC
Spawn & Spitfire
Revenge and Retribution
Babies & Bastards
Savaged Souls MC
Sin's Bastards MC
Silk & Bones
Karma's Bite
No Regrets
Hell's Fury
Lies & Liars
Stone Cold
Sin's Bastards Next Generation
Vengeance Is Mine
WarLords MC
Whiskey Bend MC Series
Lucifer's Woman
Demon's Stand
At All Costs
Out Of The Shadows
Hell's Fire MC Series Set
Satan's Spawn & Sin's Bastards Collection
A Life For Luke
Chasing Eve
Saving Sebastian
Shadows Of The Past
Never Forget Me
The Cartouche
A Wrath Is Born
The New Brotherhood
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Also By Kj Dahlen
K.J. Dahlen
Novella Series
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
To be continued | In
About K. J. Dahlen
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Further Reading: Shotgun
K.J. Dahlen
Now that K.J Dahlen is out on her own, she has released 73 books at
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Novella Series
Book One- - President- Slammer- AKA Ben Hagen- 37 years old, 6’4” 300 lbs. of pure muscle. Dark Hair, worn on the long side, lots of ink. Got his road name because he can put a man down and out with two punches ...... Ivy Choler deaf teacher.. 30 yrs. old 5'4"chocolate brown eyes, satiny brown hair down to the tip of her butt.. has one Brother. Raised by step-parents who have now Passed away, she returned from teaching to raise her brother to adulthood, Ivy has a love for animals and children.
Book Two - -VP- Shotgun- aka Lucian Masters- 38 years old, 6’3” tall 257 lbs longish blonde hair, full beard, grey eyes, got his road name because he likes to carry a sawed off shotgun as a weapon. In fact, he modified his own weapon. Has a deaf daughter Bess, 8 years old but he’s only known her for a few months, mother Nancy is long gone.......River Halliday .. 27 yrs old in a women's shelter, 5'5" silky cherry red hair, but a natural brunette, raised on the streets.. a runaway so to speak .
Book Three—Treasurer – Grinder Jonah Robbins- 34 years old, 6’2” tall, .. weighs in at 275 ..shoulder length dark hair, blue eyes, full beard.......Andrea Tennant- 27 short black hair, green eyes freelance photographer-
Book Four—Sergeant at arms- Mammoth aka- Danny Coullier- 36 years old, Long blonde hair, full beard grey eyes. 6’6” tall 290 lbs...... Zoe Brackett 29 years old is 5'7" dark strawberry blonde ..grew up sheltered by single mom who is now passed.. bartender with a secret....
Book Five—Road Captain- Booker aka Malachi Crew 31 years old. 6’4” .. weighs in at 310 ...shoulder length red hair and scruffy beard, green eyes.....Quincy Marlow dog trainer .. 28 yrs old 5'5" long red strawberry blonde .. Friend to Ivy Choler for 7 yrs.. has an older brother former marine wounded, and has a hard time being accepted due to PTSD...helps with her dogs as well and becomes close friends to the MCs
Book Six—Spider.. AKA Mike Davitt – Doctor -. 34 years old 6'5" ... weighs in at 360 solid muscle .. cropped hair midnight black scruff beard deep sea blue eyes .....Sophie Marlin , 27 years old 5'8" green emerald eyes ..Midnight black hair .. shoulder length, ER nurse.
In Book Two...Shotgun
The Steel Renegades have an enemy, one that intends to snuff them all out. First though, they will destroy all that the Renegades own and have built.
Original Plot Outline by KJ
Second Story- Shotgun aka Lucian Masters- River Halliday
While everyone is waiting for the dawn to bring back the light of day, Slammer and Shotgun are thinking about the past. Tensions are growing as the man with the snake threatened to force his way inside by the next dawn. Slammer and Shotgun were talking about the snake, both of them remembered something from long before they took over the club.
Something about the snake reminded Slammer of a fallen member of the old team. The one when Banger and Odie were in power. There had been a brother back then, one they called Copperhead. Copperhead had been all right as a brother and before he died, he’d been a friend of Slammer’s. He too, had the tat of a snake on his hand, not the snake the killer had but a snake nonetheless.
When Grinder got into the story he reminded them both about an incident that happened about six months before they got involved with the Triad, which would have been over fifteen years ago. Banger was trying to hold the MC together but one of the brothers back then thought he would make a better leader and he wanted to break off from the Renegades but Banger wouldn’t let it happen. Banger insisted the only way the other man could leave was to fight for the right and even then, he might end up dead in the end. Banger was crazy that way. He held the MC on a tight leash and some of the members didn’t like it.
The other man decided to just ride out and never come back and he tried to talk Copperhead into going with him. But Copperhead wouldn’t go. When Banger dragged the other man back, he literally beat the man almost to death then branded him a deserter. No other club would take him on after that.
After he recovered from the beating and the branding, the other man went after Copperhead. Bangor had lied and said Copperhead told them where to find him and bring him back. Copperhead was attacked one night on patrol and when they found him the next morning, he died in Slammers arms.
Just before he died in Slammer’s arms, the fallen brother told him to beware of Anaconda, but Slammer never found out what that meant.
He’d forgotten about that after all these years until Grinder reminded them both. Then just before dawn, there was an explosion outside and a man began to scream. Slammer looked outside and saw one of his own men on fire. He opened the door to rush out there and was stopped by Shotgun just as a shot rang out. The bullet hit very close to his head and a splinter of wood cut his cheek.
There was nothing they could do but watch him burn to death. Then they heard some shots fired, then they heard cycle engines drive off. When one of the outside men called out all clear Slammer and the rest of the men piled out of the clubhouse to check things out.
The next night while out on patrol, Shotgun comes across a campsite. It wasn’t very big and the person camping there was sleeping when he first came upon the camp. She didn’t have much stuff
Only when she was in front of Slammer and the others, did Shotgun get a good look at her. She was older than he thought. She was about 25. She was smaller than him as well but she refuses to tell them who she is and what she’s doing there.
Eventually, they get her name- River Halliday but that doesn’t ring any bells with them. She finally admits she was here to find out where her brother was buried.
Slammer asked what her brother’s name was and she told him that his name was Cooper Halliday. She was only ten when he died and she was living with their parents in another city when they got word he was dead. When they found out who killed him, they left town and stayed hidden for the next fifteen years.
Her parents had told her not to come here but she wanted to see where her beloved brother died. To pay her respects.
When Shotgun asked if she knew a man named Anaconda she got scared. She refused to talk about him at all. She got more nervous when Slammer told her Anaconda used to live here with the MC but that their old leader had booted him out after he tried to take over the MC under a power attempted takeover.
She began to panic and wanted nothing more than to leave but she wouldn’t tell them why.
Then one night Anaconda returned and this time, he made another statement. He blew up one of the biker’s bikes with a firebomb. It was Shotgun’s bike and it was at the end of the row.
River hid in terror as they all watched the bike burn. Shotgun found her almost catatonic with fear and he wanted to know why. River finally looked at him and whispered the name Anaconda, then she told him he wanted to kill her.
When Shotgun asked her why, she told him he thought, his family betrayed him by not stepping up for him. Anaconda was her older brother, Virgil
While on watch one night, just as another San Francisco dawn was breaking, Grinder finds a woman, Andrea Tennant snapping pictures around the clubhouse. He sees something she doesn’t and drags her out of the line of fire. Anaconda’s men spotted her and were about to take her hostage when he grabbed her up.
Grinder brings her to the clubhouse and she’s questioned about why she’s taking photos... they all grill her about why she is spying on them.
Andrea doesn’t know what they are talking about. She’d heard stories about this place and wanted to see if they were true or not. It was rumored that the clubhouse had once belonged to a pirate who brought his stolen booty here and that the south wall that overlooked the bay was original all the way back to the pirate’s day. She is a Photo Journalist and wants this story.
The Renegades think this is a ridiculous notion and nearly laugh her out of the room.
Grinder cannot believe an intelligent woman like her would believe such BS. He also finds that he wants her for himself, but can he trust her?
Then when Andrea is shot at and her apartment is destroyed, they all have to wonder why...
Chapter One
Grinder was on his second round of heading to the back of the compound while on watch and he paused a moment to appreciate the sunrise. He liked watching the predawn light as it began chasing the shadows of the night into the winds of time.
Jonah Robbins, AKA Grinder, had a side of himself that he kept well hidden. He had a bit of whimsey buried deep within his soul. Way deep down in his soul. He’d been a dreamer when he was growing up, he used to read a lot, and his favorite thing to read was about pirates and their buried treasures. He hung his head as he thought about that. He hadn’t thought about any of this since he was a kid, then when he was fourteen, his dreaming days were over when his parents died in a car accident, and he no longer had time to dream.
But he was a grown man now and his life had come a long way since believing in pirates and buried treasures. But standing here watching the sun rise over the eastern horizon, he couldn’t help but wonder about the rumors floating around this city. Were they true? Had a pirate really come to this point on the coast and buried his treasure?
Then his ear caught the sound that didn’t belong here. Looking up, he found a woman snapping pictures with an old camera. She was pointing her camera at a certain section of the beach where an old marker of some kind stood. It was old but you could still see some of the symbols etched in the stone. Most of them had been lost to the tides and the ages as it was rumored the marker had been at least a hundred if not more years old. She was wearing black jeans, a green t-shirt and had sneakers on her feet. Her hair was short, very dark and spiky on her head and he couldn’t see her well enough to see the color of her eyes.
Glancing around, he thought he saw movement in the shadow of the trees. He narrowed his eyes and watched for a moment then the sunlight lit up two figures standing just inside the tree line. He had no idea who they were but it was clear the woman didn’t even see them.
Grinder went to the back gate and opened it. Darting out toward her, he startled her and she would have screamed if he hadn’t grabbed her quick, throwing her over his shoulder and then running back to the gate before she had a chance to think about it. He saw the two men chasing him but he was close enough to the gate to rush inside and slam the door shut behind him. Then he slid down the wall with her and put his hand over her mouth as the two men came closer. They could hear them from the other side of the wall as they grumbled about missing her.
“Where did they go? Fucking hell,” grumbled one of the men.
“Well shit, Anaconda isn’t going to be happy about this,” the second of them said.
“No he isn’t.” The first one growled. “He’s had us waiting here for weeks for that woman to come back here. He said she’s the key to the treasure. All we had to do was grab her and drag her back, kicking and screaming if we had to, but he wanted her.”
“Well now, they have her and he isn’t going to be happy about that at all.”
Their voices faded away as they moved further from the back wall.
Grinder didn’t dare look over the top of the wall to see them as they were still too close but instead he looked at her and took stock of her. Her short dark hair along with her amazing green eyes and elfin face made his head swim. Her scent wrapped his in a citrus scent with an undertone of jasmine and lily of the valley.
“Who are you?” she whispered worriedly.
“Maybe I should be asking you that question.” He glared at her. “What the fuck does Anaconda want you for?”
“I have no idea.” She shuddered.
He got to his feet and held out his hand for her. “Come on, you need to see Slammer. I’m sure he’ll have some questions for you.”
She hesitated then held out her hand. “Who the hell is Slammer and why does he want to talk to me?”
He helped her to her feet. “He’s gonna want to know why Anaconda wants you so bad, that he left two of his men waiting for you to return.”
“How the hell am I supposed to know that?” she protested. “I don’t even know who you are.”
“Well then honey, its time you got to know all of us,” Grinder warned as he grabbed her wrist and began dragging her toward the clubhouse. He set a quick pace, as he wanted to get her out of sight as soon as he could, just in case the men were still watching the compound.
“All of you?” Andrea tried to struggle but it did her no good. She stumbled behind him all the way. Then her eyes widened when she saw where they were going. She’d seen this building from the shoreline and wondered if she would ever get to see it in person and now here she was.
This was once the home of the pirate, Jacques de Bouchard. Or at least part of the building was. A hundred years ago, the place hadn’t been as big as it was today but you could still see the original building and it was all intact.
“This is your clubhouse?” she asked in awe.
The biker looked back at her and frowned. “Yeah, why?”