Fifty Shades Of Dark - Damon Salvatore, page 1

Fifty Shades Of Dark - Damon Salvatore
Chapter 1: Damon Salvatore
Chapter 2: Icy Blue
Chapter 3: Sweet Salvatore Dreams
Chapter 4: Chance
Chapter 5: True Intentions
Chapter 6: Hooked
Chapter 7: Photo Perfection
Chapter 8: Preferences and A Bit of Gilbert History
Chapter 9: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 10: No Means No
Chapter 11: Goodbye Innocent Mystic Falls
Chapter 12: Unmasked
Chapter 13: Predator In Disguise
Chapter 14: Resist Temptation
Chapter 15: Walk The Line
Chapter 16: Secret Safe
Chapter 17: House of Salvatore
Chapter 18: Agreement
Chapter 19: Lust
Chapter 20: Setting the Limits
Chapter 21: Dark Desires
Chapter 22: Brotherly Brawl
Chapter 23: Punishable
Chapter 24: Bloodlust
Chapter 25: Taste of Young Blood…
Chapter 26: Two Way Street
Chapter 27: The Other Salvatore
Chapter 28: Mixing Business with Pleasure
Chapter 29: Red Seduction
Chapter 30: Do Not Enter
Chapter 31: The Gala Pt. I
Chapter 32: The Gala Pt. II
Chapter 33: The Gala Pt. III
Chapter 34: A Salvatore History Lesson
Chapter 35: Breakfast & The Media
Chapter 36: Published Boundaries
Chapter 37: Wrapped In Your Arms
Chapter 38: Everything Has Changed
Chapter 39: Expectations
Chapter 40: Not So Birthday Surprise
Chapter 1: Damon Salvatore
Combing through her long dark brown hair, Elena Gilbert nervously checked her appearance in the rearview mirror of her beat up Jeep. She moaned to herself as she checked through her bag to make sure she had all the necessary materials for the interview she was about to conduct. She hated the thought of having to be one-on-one with someone she had never met before and who was so successful. This was out of her comfort zone.
About two hours ago, she agreed to take the place for her dear friend, Caroline Forbes, who was writing up an article for the Mystic Falls Courier. The flu had decided to make an unfortunate arrival for poor Caroline and Elena knew this story was important. At first she declined to help out knowing she would only fail at trying to get everything Caroline need, but Caroline has a way about her and she can persuade anyone to do pretty much anything.
"Thank you. Thank you." She clasped her hands together and she sat under in her floral bedspread. "You're a lifesaver."
"What do I have to do?" Elena asked shrugging her shoulders and internally kicking herself for agreeing to this.
"The interview is in two hours and I have everything in that bag sitting on desk." Caroline gestured behind her and Elena picked it up. "There is a notebook of questions and a recorder to record the interview so don't worry about writing anything down."
"Okay," she sighed. "Anything else?"
"Try to look presentable?" Caroline frowned at her frumpy appearance.
Her judgment could come off bitchy at times, but she understood where Caroline was coming from. Her choice clothing wasn't always the best and she was never the girly girl. She loved her jeans, t-shirts, and black Converse shoes. Inside her lack there of closet she knew she could pull something together.
"Seriously, thank you again."
"You owe me." Elena pointed at her and threw the bag over her should departing her room.
"I know!" She shouted from her room.
Back in the parking lot, Elena doubled checked once more that she had everything and exited her car. She pulled on her black skirt, the only skirt she owned that hit just about the knees and a pale pink top covered by a blazer to match from Caroline. Heels were a challenge for her and she walked slowly toward the glass doors to the office building. Above the doors read, SALVATORE CORPORATIONS, and she entered beneath them. The lobby was dully dressed in black walls and marble floor to match. Everything was so gothic and depressing. How could anyone work in this sort of environment? Trying to regain her purpose, she approached the front desk.
"May I help you?" A curly hair blonde with overdone make-up looked up at her from her computer. She wore the brightest pink scarf Elena had ever seen matching her popping pink lipstick. It was a bit distracting.
"I have a meeting with Mr. Salvatore. I'm Elena…I mean Caroline Forbes is suppose to be meeting him, but I'm filling in for her." Elena bantered on about her reason for being there. Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment and she flipped her hair over her shoulder to try to seem more confident.
"Which Mr. Salvatore, miss?" The woman piped and looked to her for response.
Confused, Elena did not understand her question and left her mouth hanging open trying to figure out what to say. Caroline had not informed her which Salvatore she was meeting with, in fact she had not informed about anything. She was walking into this whole thing blindly.
"Oh, here in the books it says Caroline Forbes is schedule to meet with Mr. Damon Salvatore." She smiled dully and ran her long index finger on a scheduling book. The woman reached over into a basket and handed her a badge that read, VISITOR. "Go straight to your left and take the elevator. You'll want the tenth floor. Once you're there make sure to tell the woman upstairs you're seeing Mr. Damon Salvatore."
"Thank you." Elena nodded her head and clinked her heels all the way to the elevator. When she returned home she was going to make sure to let Caroline know how foolish she felt doing this.
As she reached the tenth floor she was greeted with another receptionist, who made her wait outside the giant wooden doors that she assumed lead to Mr. Damon Salvatore's office. Much like the woman downstairs she wore a bright scarf that matched her excessive make up. She was beginning to notice a trend. Did Mr. Salvatore or the Salvatore's have a strict policy of hiring beautiful young women, who enjoyed dolling themselves up and wearing matching scarves? It was all bit much, but maybe she was over analyzing it. Five minutes passed and she grew eager. Retrieving the notebook from her bag, she scanned the questions Caroline had come up with. Quickly, Elena learned she was not prepared for this at all. She knew nothing about the man and the probability of making herself look like an ass was high. Her mouth grew dry and her foot twitched as nerves set in. Why was she doing this again?
"Miss Gilbert, Mr. Salvatore is ready for you." The receptionist stood up from behind her desk and gestured her hand to the doors. It was like she was a zombie, her eyes were set off in the distance and she drew no emotion upon her face.
Note to self, don't work at Salvatore Corporations unless you want to become robot Barbie, Elena thought and made her way to the double doors. The nerves were building and she had to calm herself. Come on Elena, you got this. There really was no turning back now even if she wanted to. Running out on an interview that wasn't even hers would be awful and she would never hear the end of it from Caroline. She figured she rather enter the bull pen blindly than get the wrath of Caroline Forbes back at home.
Taking a deep breath, Elena opened one of the doors and peaked her head in. Mr. Salvatore, Damon Salvatore was hunched over at his desk reading over something important, but was interrupted as he noticed her entrance. Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed he was awfully young and incredibly handsome to be a CEO of a company. His hair was dark and groomed to perfection. He had a defined jaw line that screamed sexy and his smile was charming, but it was his eyes that captivated her. They were a shade of blue almost icy, but luring. She stood motionless at the opposite side of the room. She was staring in a trance at him.
"Hello. And you are?" His husky voice asked as he stood.
"Elena Gilbert." She answered him and walked toward his desk. Her arm extended offering her hand and he shook is firmly. A spark ignited at his touch and she had to steady herself. This wasn't any ordinary spark. It was different, electrifying.
"The receptionist said you were filling in for…" He trailed off forgetting the name of his original interviewer.
She snapped back to reality after nearly drooling over him. "Caroline Forbes. She is ill and couldn't make it, so she asked me too."
"And I presume you work with her?" Mr. Salvatore concurred.
"No, actually," Elena followed him and sat down on the chair. "Just a really good friend."
His cheeks rose and a small grin formed on his face. Those eyes, she could not get over them. How old was he again? She only being twenty-one years old he could not be much older, but old enough to own his own business. Christ.
"Well, shall we do this then?" He suggested and leaned back in his chair with his hands folded.
Elena couldn't help but feel some tension in the room. Was it just her or did he feel it too? It had to be her nerves, but then again those blue eyes were locked in on her. She never had someone stare at her so intently like this before it was making her squirm in her seat. Get a hold of yourself! Elena took a deep breath and dug out the notebook and recorder. Fumbling for a bit with the recorder she could hear a small chuckle escape him. Great, just what she needed to look like and ass and have the guy laugh at her. This was not starting off well. Once she had figured out the recorder she asked her first question. "Mr. Salvatore, wha
"Many reasons Miss Gilbert," He formally addressed her making her feel more uncomfortable with his presence. If anyone else addressed her in this way it would be meaningless, but the way he said Miss Gilbert made her warm inside. She bit her lower lip and listened for his answer focusing on that would make her less distracted. "Well, after my studies, which I've done a lot of, I realized what kind of business I wanted to work for but no one offered what I wanted so I decided to start my own. Another reason is because I like the sense of control I have over people."
"I see." She moves on to the next question quickly darting her eyes away from his. Even though she stares down at the handwritten questions she can't help but sense his eyes still upon her. "What is your inspiration?"
"Hmmmm," He ponders the question and rubs the back of his neck. "My inspiration has to be knowing at the end of the day I've made a difference and once again I have control over my assets."
Elena tucked her hair behind her ear. "You like control I'm guessing." The uttered words were not filtered and immediately she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks. Why had she just said that? Glancing up at him, a pleased expression graced Mr. Salvatore's face at her comment.
"Control is everything Miss Gilbert." He replied smoothly.
His words seemed as if there was a hidden meaning behind it. "Having power over someone can be a great feeling."
"Power is important to you?" She asked leaning back in her chair.
Those blue eyes were still upon her and she wish they weren't. His eyebrows furrowed together as if he was thinking about something else and yet he answered her question despite his distraction.
"Power is key." He answered.
"How does one get to be so powerful?" She was intrigued by him and was going off the list of questions. Nevertheless, Caroline would be pleased with what they were discussing. She could write a story out of this.
Mr. Salvatore shifted in his seat leaning forward still with his hands clasped together resting upon his desk. "I find I can be very persuasive Miss Gilbert. That's power."
Once again she sensed he was trying to be tell herself something, but was saying it in such a sly way. Elena trying to regain herself and steering the interview back on track she ran her eyes over the list of questions trying to find something of interest. Landing on question unrelated to business she asked, "The media describes your social life as a lack there of, what are your comments on this?"
"My comments would be it's my social life and I do what I please with it. I rather not discuss my personal life." His eyes grew big for a moment and then shrunk down to their normal size.
"Why not? Being one of the richest guys in Mystic Falls or even the country makes people want to know." Elena prodded again with another question off the list.
"And do you want to know Miss Gilbert?" Mr. Salvatore cocked his head to the side and his blue eyes pierced into her.
Shit. "I'm saying the public." She tried to steer this away from her.
"You didn't answer my question Miss Gilbert." He stated.
Woah. She wasn't suppose to be the one getting interviewed and here she was stiff and stuck in an awkward situation with one the most gorgeous looking men she had ever seen.
Chapter 2: Icy Blue
The tension in the overly large office could be cut with a knife. Elena gripped the edges of the notebook that belonged to Caroline and drew in deep breaths. The young man only feet away from her gawked and half crookedly smiled at her awaiting her reply.
"I don't know." Elena answered unsure if she really cared or not to know about his life. "Um, do you have a relationship status at the moment?"
"So, you do want to know Miss Gilbert." He peered his icy blue eyes her way and gave a soft snort of laughter.
"No, its one of the questions Caroline…I mean Miss Forbes wrote." Her voice lowered and wiped her forehead not daring to look up at him.
Clearing his throat, Mr. Salvatore let out a sigh loud enough for her to hear. "Once again I do not disclose my personal life. Do you have any other questions that are not direct toward me personally?"
The mood in the air changed again.
"Yes." Elena answered sharply and flipped to another page of notes.
A soft knock came on the door and in popped the blonde headed receptionist with her bright scarf. She seemed nervous as she looked from Elena to Mr. Salvatore. "Mr. Salvatore, you're next appointment is in three minutes."
With the shift of her eyes she noticed Mr. Salvatore did not flinch at her statement. He simply pulled together a forced smile and said, "Please tell my next appointment that we will have to reschedule. Miss Gilbert and I are not finished."
"Yes, sir." She quietly answered and closed the door behind her.
Cancelling his next meeting for her? She did not have many questions left and even if she did she would understand that he was a busy man with many people to please or control in his terms. Elena crossed her eyes and his eyes locked on her physique. His discomforting stare made her wish that the interview were over now.
"Please continue Miss Gilbert." He nodded and waited attentively.
"Um," She remembered to breathe and sat up straight. "You work with your brother. Did you and him start the business together? And do you like working him?"
"Working with my brother can be a challenge. We are both hot headed at times and we do not like…to share. We like equal opportunities and we usually spend time apart working on different aspects of the company." He carefully worded his answer. "And it was I who started the business, he tagged along a while after."
"It seems like there is some hostility with your brother." She remarked already mentally kicking herself for not filtering her thoughts.
He seemed calm toward her open observation and flashed his sexy smile she wanted to drool over. Clenching her jaw tightly together she restrained herself from actually doing so. "We're brothers. One moment we can love each other and the next we can loathe one another. Like I said we do not like to share especially when it comes to objects we truly desire."
Biting her tongue from asking what he desired the most, Elena searched for another question to ask. The interview had been going on for a while; she figured she needed to wrap it up.
"Would you like a tour of the headquarters Miss Gilbert?"
Caught off guard, Elena finally let her jaw drop and she stared back into those icy blue-luring eyes of his. Why would he want to do that? She had made it clear that she was inexperienced in the interview field and had no knowledge of him at all. She also had possibly insulted him on numerous occasions too. Why was he so eager to show her around? She was surprised he hadn't kicked her out of his office yet. Did he want to spend more time with her? NO! Elena he is just being nice. Probably wants you to take notes about the headquarters and relay them back to Caroline. Duh! Elena's inner thoughts screamed at her.
"I probably should go. I already feel bad you cancelled your next meeting because of me." She shook her head, uncrossed her legs and reached for the recorder. The recorder slipped through her fingers as she withdrew it from the edge of the desk and it fell the ground skipping almost under his desk. As she bent down to retrieve it, the back of her head made contact with the dark wooden desk and the pain seared through her head. She reached for the bump that was now forming and before she could touch it a hand not of her own was grabbing her shoulder.