Darkness united, p.1
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Darkness United, page 1


Darkness United
Select Voice:
Brian (uk)
Emma (uk)  
Amy (uk)
Eric (us)
Ivy (us)
Joey (us)
Salli (us)  
Justin (us)
Jennifer (us)  
Kimberly (us)  
Kendra (us)
Russell (au)
Nicole (au)

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Darkness United


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Darkness United












































  About the Author



  KC Luck

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons—either living or dead — is entirely coincidental.

  COPYRIGHT © 2019 KC Luck ––––––––

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover by May Dawney – covers.maydawney.com


  Thank you for your interest in Darkness United. I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It was a pleasure to write. If you find time, a review, or even better, a referral to another reader, is always appreciated.

  Please enjoy!



  he farmhouse was warm from the fire in the new Tcookstove which they installed only a few weeks before.

  Candles burned for light, and gave the space a cheery feel.

  Everyone bustled about getting ready for the Thanksgiving feast. Wild turkey, potatoes, the last of the seasonal vegetables, and freshly baked rolls from the Dutch oven rounded out what was sure to be a perfect meal. Anna Scott was setting down dinner plates on the crowded dining room table when she heard a knock and then the front door opening.

  “Any turkey left?” came her friend Taylor's voice.

  “Nope,” Anna's wife, Lexi Scott, called back placing silverware beside each plate as Anna put them down. “Not even a wishbone.”

  Lexi's sister, Jackie, whisked into the room holding an unopened bottle of red wine. “Well, I guess Taylor and I will just have to go drink this in the barn loft alone then,” she said, and Anna's eyes widened with surprise. Bottles of wine in Astoria were scarce. Setting down the last dish, she moved to give Jackie a hug in greeting.

  “Where in the world did you find that?” she asked embracing her sister-in-law. She heard Taylor chuckle.

  “Believe it or not, she's had it for over a month,” Taylor answered. “Been keeping it for our Thanksgiving celebration.”

  Anna was even more shocked. Jackie was an amazing woman, and a true friend, but her love of wine was well-known.

  “I don't know what to say,” Anna said. “Jackie, that is incredibly special.”

  The woman smiled as she tilted her head at Taylor.

  “Taylor bet me I couldn't do it,” she said. “So, of course, I had to do it.”

  As everyone laughed, Sam Quinn wandered into the dining room with her hands full of glasses. “Had to what?”

  she asked with a grin.

  Anna reached to help the woman with her fragile cargo as Taylor plucked the wine bottle from Jackie's hand and pulled her into an embrace.

  “Not let me get the upper hand, that's what,” Taylor said with a husky chuckle. There was no mistaking the chemistry between them.

  “Now I'm going to go open this bottle, so it has a few minutes to breathe. I intend to have you fully enjoy it, dear.”

  Jackie playfully pushed Taylor away and Anna loved watching the interaction. Things had not always been so carefree between the two, and it made her heart warm to see them finally happy.

  As Taylor left and Sam placed the last of the glasses, Anna stood back and inspected the table. People would sit elbow to elbow, but she knew no one minded. The house was filled with friends and family who survived hard times by pulling together. She felt Lexi slip her arm around her waist and pull her in close. Anna lifted her head to look into the blue-gray eyes of her wife and smiled.

  “Hey,” Lexi said.

  “Hey back,” Anna answered as she had a hundred times before.

  “Happy?” Lexi asked, and Anna sighed. She was indeed.

  The people she loved most in the world were about to sit and share a bounty they created by working together.

  “I am,” she answered. “More than I could have imagined.”

  AS THE ROOM FULL OF men and women reveled in the festive air around her, Meg O'Grady knew the pretty brunette in the corner of the old pub was checking her out.

  Over the last hour, whenever she let her eyes wander in that direction, the woman gave her a little smile just before glancing away. In the dim light thrown by oil lamps spread around the room, Meg could not decide if the shyness was legitimate or just a clever way of keeping her attention.

  Either way, she was definitely interested, even if only for a night. Before she made a move, her first mate, Jimmy sauntered over with a pair of mugs of dark beer.

  He held one out for Meg. “Try this,” he said, and Meg rolled her eyes.

  “I’ll stick with the hard cider, thanks,” she said. “Ever since the power went out, whenever I try someone’s attempt at beer, it sucks.”

  “Nope. Try it. Cost me extra,” he said with a warm chuckle. “So, enjoy it.”

  Taking the drink with a shake of her head, Meg tapped it against the rim of his mug and then swallowed deep. She was pleasantly surprised by the flavor. “Whoa,” she said looking down at the foamy contents. “This is actually really good.” As she said it, she suddenly felt someone at her side.

  Glancing over, Meg saw the brunette sidled up beside her.

  “I certainly hope so,” the woman said with the hint of a blush. “My brother and I made it.”

  Meg raised an eyebrow. “My compliments then,” she replied. “I've had a few other attempts as of late, and they were horrible. Nothing compared to this.”

  The brunette nodded, clearly gaining confidence as she talked about her craft. “Well, since today is Thanksgiving, we worked hard on a special batch,” she explained. “No

  small feat in a world without electricity, but I think the pumpkin spice is the difference maker.”

  “Thanksgiving? Today?” Meg asked with raised eyebrows.

  The brunette laughed and put a hand lightly on Meg's arm.

  The touch was warm, and a small tingle went through her as she once again wondered where things might be headed between them. Although she seduced a few women in the different seaports coming south, she never assumed.

  “Yes, in the United States, today is Thanksgiving,” she said. “But let me guess, you are coming down from Canada somewhere?”

  Before Meg could answer, Jimmy jumped in on the conversation.

  “We are, my lady,” he said with a grin. “Graham Island, British Columbia in fact. Wandering our way to warmer weather.”

  Meg took a sip of her beer while wondering if a firm kick in Jimmy's shin would be subtle enough to get him to evacuate the immediate area. Apparently, her glare over the rim of her mug was sufficient.

  “Oh, hey, I think I'll get in line for some turkey,” he continued, dropping Meg a wink.

  “I think that's a great idea,” Meg said with a smirk. “Save me something.”

  Jimmy gave the brunette a small salute with his mug as he moved off. “Ma'am,” he said. “A pleasure.”

  The woman smiled. “The pleasure is mine,” she said as Jimmy walked away. After a pause, she turned her look back to Meg. Their eyes met and a spark of attraction jumped between them. The tingle Meg felt earlier turned to a low heat. “And you?” the brunette asked. “Is it a pleasure to meet you?”

  Meg cocked an eyebrow and considered the woman for a moment. Undoubtedly, not a lot of lesbians wandered through her town these days, and she was merely taking advantage of an opportunity. So, who am I to judge? she

  thought as a smile grew on her face. Even though Meg knew she would be back on her boat first thing in the morning, and probably never return here again, she was more than willing to embrace the moment.

  “I like to think so,” she murmured, and the brunette ran her hand down Meg's arm to take her hand.

  “I know where there are an extra few bottles of this beer you like if you’re interested,” she offered. “Shall I show you?”

  Meg tossed down the last of her beer and stepped away from the wall. “I’d like nothing more,” she answered and let the woman lead her out the door.

  AS SHE WALKED ACROSS the nearly empty mess tent at Camp Aberdeen, Major Grace Hamilton knew the reason the food on her tray was especially unappetizing looking was because she was so
late through the chow line. Still, the gray hue of the “turkey” and the gelatinous brown gravy over lumpy mashed potatoes was attractive. It certainly was not the Thanksgiving dinner she used to make with her friends and the random young soldier who had no other place to go. I wonder if that is still happening anywhere, she thought as she took a seat on a vacant table’s bench.

  Somehow, it seemed unlikely.

  Picking up her fork, the lightbulb hanging from a cable above her flickered dim and then brightened for a moment.

  Grace looked up, and the flow of electricity settled as the light returned to a steady glow. The Corps of Army Engineers only just a week ago patched together a network of cabling to draw power from the refurbished Bonneville satellite power station nearby. The number of kilowatts generated was still nominal in the big scheme of things, but light was light in Grace's opinion. She knew it was only a

  matter of time until the smart men and women of the corps figured out how to coax more output. Then maybe some things can go back to being a little more normal, she thought while digging into the mound of potatoes on her plate. She took a bite, chewed, and forced herself to swallow. The taste was beyond horrible, but wasting food was not an option. There was barely enough to go around.

  As she spooned up another bite, she saw a corporal from one of her MP watch details come into the cavernous tent and glance around. Seeing her, he walked to her table, came to attention and saluted. Grace returned it before motioning to the other bench. “At ease, Corporal Mack,” she said. “Unless it's urgent, sit down and make your report.”

  The young man relaxed and slipped onto the bench opposite her. She saw him glance at her tray of food. “Have you eaten?” Grace asked.

  “No, ma'am,” he answered. “Not yet. I'm on duty for another two hours.” Grace did not have the heart to tell him he was not missing much. She just hoped there would be enough left to feed him and the rest of those still out watching the perimeter in the cold rain. Picking up the roll from her plate, she held it out to the young man.

  “Eat this,” she said, and he grinned as he took it. She watched him scarf it down in two bites. Then, he seemed to catch himself and sat up straighter. It was unusual for an enlisted corporal to sit down with a major, let alone eat her food.

  “Sorry, ma'am,” he said, and Grace gave him a small smile. There had been a time when following military rules to the letter mattered to her, but lately her thinking started to change. Recently, the government was doing a lot of things she did not condone.

  “Just make your report,” she said.

  Corporal Mack wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before answering.

  “Yes, ma'am,” he answered. “Another party has been detained. They are being escorted to intake.”

  Grace nodded. She assumed he was there to tell her as much, but hoped her guess was wrong. “Land or sea?” she asked. Camp Aberdeen sat on the shore of a harbor so boats occasionally wandered in, although most new arrivals came up the highway to the east.

  “Land, ma'am,” Corporal Mack answered. “About a half dozen people, I think.” Pushing her tray away, Grace stood.

  As an officer in the US Army Military Police Corps, she was assigned the task of interviewing all refugee parties upon arrival to Camp Aberdeen. It was a job she hated. Watching the hopeful faces of men, women, and children change to dismay as she explained the new “laws” to them was slowly crushing her spirit.


  ipping black tea, Lexi stood on the back porch of the Sfarmhouse and contemplated the cloudy horizon. The morning sun was just rising over the tops of the evergreens at the edge of her farm trying valiantly to peek through. She was not fooled though. A sunny day in Astoria, Oregon in late November was long odds. Winter had arrived and being close to the coast meant snow was unlikely, but rain was a safe bet. There would be lots more rain. At least the temperatures have stayed mild, she thought, knowing the almost balmy feel of late was the topic of much conversation in town. Ever since the solar storm a few months ago, the weather was unusual. Downright weird actually.

  Although no more water funnels were spotted on land, like the one that demolished her barn and devastated parts of Astoria, nearly killing her friend Taylor, people were still on edge. There was almost a sense mother nature was just waiting for people to let their guard down. Lexi’s wife, Anna chided her for being a wee bit pessimistic, but she could not seem to shake the feeling things were going too well to last.

  “You don't think it has a little something to do with your birthday coming up?” Anna asked her. Of course, Lexi would never admit out loud she believed there was a connection to her forty-fourth birthday in less than a week, but she sometimes wondered. As she thought about it, the screen door opened behind her and Lexi turned to see Taylor step out of the house. She held a cup of tea of her own.

  “Good morning,” the woman said. “You're up early.”

  “I could say the same to you,” Lexi said with a smile.

  “Trying to beat the bad weather?”

  Taylor nodded as she came to stand beside her and study the gray clouds. “I am,” she answered. “Jackie's not a big fan of getting rained on.”

  Lexi chuckled. She knew her sister well, and Taylor's words were an understatement. Once the CEO of a designer magazine in Seattle, Jackie Scott was all classy chic and glamour. The adjustment to a world without the creature comforts electricity afforded was especially hard on her.

  Still, Jackie rallied and became not only the most influential person in town, but she also found a way to stay gorgeous.

  “I am sure that is the case,” Lexi replied patting Taylor's shoulder. “Still, it meant a lot to have you two here.”

  Taylor smiled. “Nothing could have kept us away,” she said. “We have a lot to be thankful for.”

  Lexi let out a long breath and nodded. “We all do,” she agreed finishing her tea and turning back to the door.

  “Come on, let me pack you some leftover rolls and a jar of Alice's latest batch of apple butter to take back with you.”

  Taylor followed her inside. “I won't say no to that,” she admitted. “I can't get enough of anything that woman cooks up.”

  Lexi chuckled. The fact Taylor's neighbor who escaped with them from Seattle was a retired restaurant chef was a blessing. The older woman was not only magical with even the most limited amount of ingredients, she was a wonderfully optimistic person who everyone in the farmhouse turned to for reassurance.

  “Well, she's going to take a few jars to the Farmers Market on Saturday,” Lexi explained. “A few free samples and she will probably be able to barter for just about anything which catches her eye.”

  Taylor laughed. “Perfect, except you know she won't get anything for herself,” she said, and Lexi agreed it was true.

  Alice always put others first.

  What would we ever do without her? Lexi wondered as she wrapped some rolls in a cloth. As she handed the package to Taylor, she smiled. “You’re absolutely right,” Lexi said. “Which is why we all love her.”

  TRYING TO SLIP INTO her pants as quietly as possible in the low light coming through the window, Meg looked around the bedroom for the rest of her clothes. Although it was barely dawn, she was definitely ready to go. Not only did she want to avoid any sort of an emotional goodbye, but she knew Jimmy would give her grief for days over being the last to board. Of course, the ribbing would be all in good fun, but as the ship’s captain, Meg tried to keep some modicum of authority.

  “You don’t need to break your neck trying to get dressed in the dark,” Meg heard the brunette say from the bed.

  Turning to look, Meg gave her a sheepish grin as she pulled up her jeans and started to work the button closed.

  “I just didn’t want to wake you,” she said by way of lame excuse.

  The woman shook her head smiling as she threw back the covers to reveal her curvy, naked body. The sight gave Meg pause. Their sex the night before was excellent and the idea of going back for a little more crossed her mind.

  “Are you sure you need to go so soon, sailor?” the brunette asked with a coy tilt of her head.

  Meg licked her lips as a pang of tightness struck low on her body. Jimmy would never let me live it down, she thought gritting her teeth and fastening her belt. Then, the image of the woman squirming beneath her rose in her mind and Meg had to stifle a moan. She knew she could tell the crew they were staying another night. But how does one night not keep leading to another? Letting herself grow

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