The Christmas Tree Farm, page 1
part #1 of Christmas in Sweet Falls Series

Copyright, 2019. Kayla Hensen
The Christmas Farm
By Kayla Hensen
The oldest Christmas tree farm in all of Sweet Falls is in danger when billionaire Richard Wolfe sets up in town. Will his bright lights of industry dull the magic of Christmas?
Rebecca Smalls has worked the family Christmas tree farm since she was a kid. Now it’s her first season on Christmas Hill as full owner and caretaker. It’s more than a job but a burning passion and doesn’t leave a lot of time in December for fun. Or romance.
Richard Wolfe has found the perfect location for his new future casino. Problem is, the old farmhouse on the hill won’t sell. So, he does the next best thing. He sets up a few blocks away and hopes his glitzy signs will drive them to sell. He’s never been a fan of Christmas and hopes to rain on their parade—and obtain their land.
With the bills piling up, Rebecca is running out of ideas. She doesn’t know why business is so dead this year and she goes to Richard for help. As they brainstorm on how to save her farm, sparks fly. If Christmas magic can thaw his icy heart, can he stop his plan before it’s too late?
Chapter One
“You’re killing me, Smalls!”
“Sorry, sorry!” Rebecca sprinted across the farmhouse’s front yard and over to the truck where her dad unloaded the Christmas trees for their annual Christmas Tree lot. It was the busiest day of the year in terms of physical labor and this year was no different.
This was the year Rebecca had been training for. She was taking over the Christmas Tree Farm on Christmas Hill for her parents who weren’t just retiring but they were also going on vacation for the full month of December. Rebecca was an adult, she was responsible, but she was also very nervous.
Rebecca took the net wrapped tree from her dad before he overextended himself from the back of the pickup truck. “I’ve got it!” Rebecca said, hoisting it up.
Dad rubbed his hands together with a scowl. “Good girl. Go put it with the other Balsam Firs. Just like—”
“Like the others. I know. I’ve been doing this half my life, Dad.” Rebecca turned her back to him and walked down one of the six rows of trees. Her heavy boots crunched the snow. Even though it was a windy, blustery day, Rebecca loved being outside. A white beanie was pulled down on her head over her curly hair and she wore a red wool double breasted jacket with a spiraled white scarf under her chin.
They were headed into the best time of the year. Rebecca loved Christmas and was working on the family tree farm before she could walk. Her earliest memories were of playing hide and seek between the trees while her father chased after her. Back then things were easier. Once Mom got sick, things got harder.
Dad stepped off the back of the pickup truck as Rebecca returned. “Good work. Guess there’s nothing left for me to say or do.”
“Only to go enjoy your vacation. You deserve it, Dad. Really.”
He glanced back at the truck and then the old busted pickup truck parked off to the side. “I had that old truck before you were even born. It’s given me a lot of good years. Course, you’ve given me more.”
“Dad,” Rebecca sighed and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “You’re just going away for a month. It’s not like you’ll never see me again.”
He rubbed her arms, his eyes focused more on the ground than her face. Rebecca knew how sad he was since Mom had finally passed. The cancer had ravaged her body through three remissions and each time they thought it had been beaten. It aged Dad and Rebecca grew up too fast so she could help run the family business.
“I love you, Becky. I know you can do this. Doesn’t mean it’s not hard to say goodbye. You know?”
“Dinner then, first.” Rebecca punched him lightly on the shoulder. “The First Community is hosting a pancakes for dinner fund raiser. Has cookie decorating. Then I’ll drive you to the airport myself.”
“I’m a sucker for cookie decorating.” Dad sighed and glanced at his watch. “I do have five hours before the plane takes off. I guess a quick dinner couldn’t hurt anyone, could it? It was… it was your mother’s favorite fundraiser.”
Rebecca nodded. “I know. Maybe we can make a quick string of popcorn and cranberries before you go.”
He grinned but the happiness didn’t reach his eyes. “Darn it, this might be the best idea you’ve had all week. Let me go wash up and I’ll be right back.” Dad rushed up the creaky steps. The screen door groaned as he opened it and slammed shut twice thanks to tight springs.
Every noise was familiar. Rebecca might’ve been an adult at the age of twenty-three, but she missed her mom bad. Sometimes, she could feel Mom’s presence in her home and on her farm, as if she was still there.
It wasn’t a bad feeling, Rebecca mused as she slipped behind the steering wheel of the pickup truck. It was a pretty good feeling, most of the time.
The First Community Church had been where the family had attended since Rebecca was a little girl. It had been a source of comfort for all those years Mom struggled with her cancer and once she passed, Rebecca relied on them heavily. Now, though, the church was decorated for Christmas with a lit tree and fancy green garland hanging from the rafters.
Long tables had been setup with red table clothes. There were gingerbread house center pieces and the place smelled like hot cocoa and maple syrup. Becky went for more bacon but her dad ate fluffy stacks of pancakes dripping in syrup.
They talked with their neighbors and had a good time. By the time Rebecca went for refills on her coffee, the place was buzzing with chatter over the low hum of Christmas carols being played in the background.
Rebecca tossed her paper plate and headed over to the drink station. As she was pouring hot coffee into her red mug, a hand touched her shoulder. She turned her head to see her good friend, Yvonne Drake. A young woman with long blond hair and a splatter of freckles across the bridge of her nose. She was dressed in a soft pink button down sweater over a pair of simple blue jeans.
“Hi!” Rebecca said and grabbed a few coffee creamer containers.
“I’m glad you could make it. Everything set at the farm?” Yvonne’s eyes twinkled with delight. Rebecca wasn’t the only one who had grown up playing on the Christmas tree lot. Yvonne had been there with her back when they were neighbors.
“Set for now. I take Dad to the airport in about a half hour. He’s just enjoying the last of his dinner and then it’s off to the tropics for a whole month.”
“He deserves it but then, so do you.”
Rebecca snorted. “I can’t afford it. Besides, someone has to run the farm.” She paused to take a sip of her coffee. She couldn’t imagine leaving Sweet Falls during Christmas. It was her favorite time of year—it had been her mother’s favorite time of year. “I need to run the farm. Not for just my dad. Or even my mom. It’s something I really want to do.”
“I know.” Yvonne rubbed her back. “Call me tomorrow and maybe we can do coffee. I’ll bring the donuts from Coffee Time.”
Rebecca’s favorite and no one would ever blame her. “Sounds great.”
“Tell your dad I said to have fun and Merry Christmas!” Yvonne planted a big kiss on Rebecca’s cheek before heading back to her table.
Rebecca sipped her coffee and gazed into the kitchen. Some of the usual old ladies stood at the window that separated the two rooms. One was wiping down the counter while the other held up a piece of paper and read from it. All of the ladies scowled deep and one of them rose an accusatory finger, giving it a waggle.
Interesting, Rebecca stepped over. “Good evening, ladies.”
“Rebecca! Oh, it’s Rebecca.” Mrs. Milton smiled. “How are you doing, dear? Did you have pancakes?”
“I did. Thank you. I was just wondering what you were reading. It seemed pretty upsetting.”
“Ha!” The middle woman laughed. “You have no idea.” She waved the piece of paper at Rebecca, but it was held too close to her face to read. When the letters went fuzzy, Rebecca snatched the paper.
“Richard Wolfe, multi-billionaire casino owner has relocated to… Sweet Falls!” Rebecca’s eyes bugged from her head.
Mrs. Milton nodded. “And that’s not the worst of it. He wants to buy land so he can open a Casino. Here! In town!”
That didn’t make any sense. “The town won’t settle for that.”
“Won’t it?” Mrs. Milton shook her head and put a hand on her hip. “Things are always changing. The young, they don’t care about what we care about. Oh, sorry honey. I sometimes forget you’re young and not one of us.”
Rebecca smirked. She’d been hearing that all her life and always assumed it was a good thing. Couldn’t it be a good thing to act mature and wise? What was it that was so great about acting young? It certainly never got her anything before.
“I heard that his casinos are so bright, nighttime is never completely dark.” The middle woman sighed. “This is a sign of the end. I can hear my momma beckoning me home to heaven.”
“It’s not that bad,” Rebecca said. “He won’t get anything out of us. Sweet Falls will send him packing. I promise you that, ladies. Sweet Falls has no room in it for a casino.”
Mrs. Milton squeezed Rebecca’s hand. “I hope you’re right, sweetie. I do. Now, let’s talk about Christmas trees. I want the biggest one on your lot delivered!”
Rebecca smiled with glee and nearly gave a little squeak. Now, that was something to get excited about. There was nothing better than Christmas to put a smile on her face
He could do his thing.
Rebecca would do hers.
Chapter Two
“Welcome to Sweet Falls, Mr. Wolfe!”
His female assistant Alicia greeted him as she pulled open the backdoor to his limo. Tightening the black scarf around his neck, he stepped out and greeted her with a cool smile. Brown hair, blue eyes, and with a chiseled jaw, a cool smile was all he knew in the cutthroat world of entertainment hotels and casinos.
The landscape was as dull as expected but all Richard saw were dollar signs. No competitors, cheap land for the taking. What could be better to a savvy businessman than that?
The air had a cold bite as it whipped against his cheek and Richard surveyed his new office building. It was now the tallest in all of Sweet Falls. His office was in the penthouse suite on the twelfth floor and he was able to rent out the remaining space for a pretty penny. Around the glass structure was room for trees and manicured lawns when it wasn’t covered in mounds of white snow.
The lot behind the building and to the right were empty. Both would be developed once spring hit. One a hotel and the other, an entertainment venue for shows and both would be filled with glitz and glamour.
Sweet Falls might’ve seemed like a dull destination for entertainment and luxury but that was part of the point. Land was cheap, there was virtually no competition in the tri-city area, had nowhere fun for a vacation of a ladies’ day out. Here he could build the ultimate retreat destination and he would do it on the cheap.
Richard would build the next Las Vegas before anyone figured out what it was he was up to.
“Alicia, great to see you.” Richard shook her hand as she led him to the office building and held the door open for him. Above the doors a sign read WOLFE PLAZA with the small image of a growling wolf. Richard liked nothing more than attracting attention to himself and this was no different.
“You, too, sir. We’ve been anxious for your arrival.” Alicia walked him through the sleek and modern lobby where a receptionist worked at a desk but little else went on. The floors were black tile and the walls were made of glass.
Richard walked with confidence and a rush of urgency toward the glass elevator on the far side of the lobby area. The elevator operator pushed the up button with a white gloved hand and tipped his hat. “Good evening, Mr. Wolfe.”
“Good evening,” Richard said and a moment later he stepped into the elevator with Alicia at his side. She pushed the button for the twelfth floor and they started a rapid ascension.
“I’m going to want a full report on things, but first,” he smiled and this time it was mischievous, “I’m going to need a hot coffee… with an espresso shot.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, sir. It’s waiting for you upstairs in the penthouse suite. Welcome home, sir.”
Home? Maybe not but it was a mission. A life goal. And Richard liked nothing better than to conquer a challenge. There wasn’t time for anything else.
The penthouse suite had a lavish bedroom and living room area—big enough for now—plus a kitchen and an adjoined office. The bathroom was small, but it’d get the job done. Richard investigated every corner of the place as Alice followed him around and updated him on all operations reports.
Richard sipped his coffee and put it down on a blue saucer on the dining room table. It faced a window and overlooked the surrounding mountains of Sweet Falls. He approached the window and put his hands into his pockets. He could see through the snow-covered trees to what appeared to be a farmhouse. Curious, Richard tilted his head. “What is that place?”
“The farm, sir. The Christmas tree farm. The one you wanted to get your hands on.”
Ahh yes. That made sense. Richard knew he’d be close by but he hadn’t expected he’d be able to see it so easily. “Small home. Hard to believe people could live in a place so quaint. Any word from the owner?”
“Not yet. Last time I believe all he said was… well, I can’t repeat what he said, Sir. But it wasn’t very neighborly.”
Richard grinned. “We’ll show them what good neighbors we are. Is the sign installed and ready to be turned on tonight?”
“Yes, sir. If you think it’s a good idea.” Alice’s tone implied she didn’t but Richard wouldn’t hold it against her.
“Not only is it a good idea, it’s our only move. What is it I always say, Alicia?”
“Whatever it takes to get the job done. But Christmas, sir. You wouldn’t want to wait a few weeks? Maybe three?”
“Strike while the iron’s hot, Alicia. Call my lawyer in the morning. It’s time to draw up a few agreements.”
“I thought the tree farm hadn’t agreed to sell.”
“They haven’t. Yet.” Richard felt a swell of hope. “After I’m done with them, they will. It’s time to put the big guy out of business and time for Wolfe Entertainment to move on in.”
Chapter Three
After dropping Dad off at the airport, Rebecca returned home a little sad and exhausted. Still, she was excited to stand on her own two feet for a change—even if they were ready to hit the sack. First Rebecca put away some dishes in the vintage style baby blue kitchen—it hadn’t changed since before she was born.
It even still had an old chrome table with a cream-colored top.
She sat on her mother’s sofa in the living room with a yawn and organized the magazines. Underneath, a corner of an envelope stuck out and Rebecca pulled it free, curious about what it could be.
It was from Richard Wolfe, of all people, and it was addressed to the farm instead of to her father directly. What could it have been about? Dad hadn’t mentioned it and the envelope appeared to have been torn open in haste.
Rebecca leaned forward and unfolded the paper with interest. It appeared to be an offer letter. The great billionaire and businessman Richard Wolfe wanted to buy the Smalls Christmas Farm for… millions of dollars! An easy sell, according to the letter. Rebecca wasn’t surprised her Dad hadn’t agreed to it. Rebecca wouldn’t, either.
She walked back into the kitchen with the letter and put it exactly where it deserved to be. In the trash. Their farm wasn’t for sale, first of all and secondly, Sweet Falls didn’t need a casino or the type of entertainment that went along with it.
No way. No how.
As she headed toward the staircase that led to the bedrooms, a gleaming bright light cast in around the drawn country curtains in the living room. Still, the edges were so brightly lit, it was like the full power of the sun. It’d wouldn’t be strange if it wasn’t midnight.
Rebecca peeled back the curtain and nearly was blinded by a shining light coming up from over the trees. She shielded her eyes and squinted, wondering if there had been a crash of some kind—a car, a plane? UFO? There haden’t been any noise or rumbling except for Rebecca’s stomach that churned.
Maybe she should check it out. Without giving it much thought, she grabbed her wool coat off the hook by the front door and ran out to the old pickup truck. She peeled out in reverse, the sound of the diesel engine chugging away like a meaty sounding bear. Rebecca followed the glowing light through the trees around the old pass. She played with the radio dial, hitting the towns two major local stations, but there was no news about an accident or any kind of meteor shower. It wasn’t like Rebecca was a conspiracy theorist but she couldn’t wrap her head around what else could’ve been the matter.
Finally when she turned down Old Peacock Road, the light grew so intense, Rebecca had to lower her head. The radiant shine lead her right toward a new office complex. In fact, she hadn’t even realized it was under construction. She drove around the back and parked her truck, gawking at a sign aimed at the trees.
Wolfe Entertainment. It had to be Richard Wolfe and if it was aimed at the trees, away from the street it must’ve been done for a particular reason. To get her father’s attention? To motivate them to sell?
Rebecca didn’t know but she planned on asking Richard Wolfe about it immediately. No matter what time it was. He might not be there but she wouldn’t let security get rid of her—if anyone was inside the building.