Mistress's Friend (A Mother's Revenge Book 9), page 1

Copyright Katt Ford 2019
Kindle Edition
All characters in this story are over the age of eighteen
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Read Part 1 here
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Read Part 3 here
Read Part 4 here
Read Part 5 here
Read Part 6 here
Read Part 7 here
Read Part 8 here
Mistress’s Friend
Crystal never made it easy. Not once. She kept changing gears faster than I could keep up, ramping up the kinkiness and the humiliation so that I never knew what was coming next. Anytime I thought I was starting to get to grips with what was going on between us, she would take it to another level. Remember that I had only known this woman for less than a week. I never met Crystal while I was dating her daughter Gemma. It was only after we had split up that Crystal got in contact with me. And in that short space of time, she had made me do the most unspeakable things. She had bent me to her desires as though I had no will of my own, as though I was hers to do with as she pleased. I was. I may never know exactly how Crystal realized that so quickly. She had a lot more experience than me, of course. But how did she know I would go along with her crazy games? The truth is, she didn't. I didn't know it at the time, and only learned much later, that Crystal had been around enough to know what she wanted, from her life and from the men she welcomed into it. She was no longer interested in settling for second best. If I hadn't bent to her will so readily, if I hadn't gotten on my knees under the table in that restaurant and eaten her pussy at her command, that would've been the end of it. I would never have seen her again. And Crystal would've moved on to some other man, someone more ready to submit to her outrageous demands.
But I had. I had done what Crystal said, almost from the moment we met. And because of that, she felt encouraged to keep pushing my boundaries. Crystal wanted more than merely a submissive man. She wanted a man that she could mold to fit her desires exactly. She wanted a man who was inexperienced in these games, yet ready to acquiesce to her wishes. She wanted a younger man she could train to be her boy toy. It might've been anyone. But instead, it was me.
Still, this was unexpected. Before the weekend, I had never so much as worn handcuffs. And now I was standing naked in the kitchen of a woman who made me call her Mistress, who had locked away my cock in an inescapable chastity device. And it wasn't just Crystal's beautiful eyes that were witnessing my ongoing shame. A complete stranger was staring at me in disbelief, a broad smile spreading across her scandalized face as she looked at me. I could hardly bring myself to meet her eyes. And part of me wanted to run. My muscles twitched, my body ready to dash for the door and try to hide my shame. But I didn't. After all, Crystal and her friend had already seen me. Running away wasn't going to wash away the shame of exposure. Maybe that was what I told myself, but it wasn't the truth. Not the whole truth. What kept me there was the faint hope that Crystal forever dangled in front of me, the desperate desire for an orgasm I had been feeling since the morning she locked her cage around my cock. The one and only way to get what I wanted was to do as Crystal said.
And so, while the two women stared at me, one in disbelief, the other with a kind of smug satisfaction, I simply stood there. My skin flushed with shame, red waves of it rising all the way from my toes to the roots of my hair as I blushed before them. But I didn't leave. I couldn't. As long as Crystal held the key to my chastity device, I would have to do what she said. And the knowledge of that, my total helplessness in the face of this fresh humiliation, made my cock ache all the more as it tried yet again to swell inside the steel device. There was no way to pretend otherwise: being humiliated like this was turning me on. And Crystal had been counting on that fact.
“I told you,” said Crystal, her eyes flickering briefly toward her friend before returning to me. “I picked up a new toy on the weekend. What do you think?’
There was a pause before her friend replied. The other woman's mouth was open, revealing the dark cavern behind her flawless white teeth. What had Crystal told her? The woman was clearly shocked. But then, who wouldn't be? The story of what had happened to me at Crystal's hands over the weekend was barely believable. If I hadn't been there myself, I might not have believed it either. But there was no denying the truth of it now. I was the living proof, standing in front of the two of them naked except for my caged cock.
"Where did you find him?" Crystal's friend might be surprised, but I noticed that she wasn't exactly appalled. In fact, she couldn't keep the smile from her face. Under her painted eyelids, her brown eyes glittered. She could barely keep her eyes off me. And I clenched my hands at my sides, resisting the urge to try to cover myself. Crystal would never allow it. Besides, there was nothing left to hide. This stranger had seen everything.
"Funny story," Crystal smirked. She let the words hang in the air for a moment while she took another sip of wine. Always completely in control, letting us both hang on her every word. "He used to date my Gemma."
“He did not!” Finally tearing her gaze away from me, Crystal’s friend turned with an expression of shock on her face toward my mistress. Crystal nodded as she took another sip of wine, as though there was nothing more ordinary in the world. As though the relationship between us, whatever it was, was as natural as the sunrise.
"He did," Crystal confirmed. "And then he cheated on her. And I decided that dirty little cheaters who can't be trusted need to be taught a lesson. So now I've locked his cock away. He doesn't get to use it at all anymore without my permission."
"Oh my God," the other woman gasped, covering her open mouth with both hands for a moment as she turned back to me. Her eyes dropped again to the device locked around my cock. Completely humiliated, I stared at the floor. But at the sound of Crystal's stool being pushed back from the kitchen island, I raised my head again. Crystal was walking toward me, her movements as slow and controlled and deliberate as ever. She was wearing a pair of black patent leather pumps that made her sway with every step she took, the hem of her light dress brushing against her mid-thigh as she walked. She was so beautiful it all but took my breath away. It was almost enough to make me forget the pure insanity of the situation I found myself in, the deep humiliation I was enduring in front of this stranger. Almost.
"I recommend it highly," Crystal said as she drew level with me. Her high heels echoed on the floor as she circled slowly around me. I felt like some cornered prey animal about to be devoured as she circled me. "You know how men are. They only ever think with their cocks. So control the cock, and you control the man. It's really that simple." I gasped as Crystal stood beside me, facing her friend, and seized my caged cock in her hand. The cruel steel bars made it all but impossible to feel her touch, yet it excited me anyway. Just her physical presence, so close to me, the smell of her perfume wafting over me as I trembled at her side.
"And he agrees to this?" Crystal's friend sounded incredulous.
"Of course," Crystal smirked. "Deep down, men know that we're superior to them. Secretly, they want to do as they're told. My boy toy knows his place now. Don't you?"
"Yes, Mistress," I groaned. A shriek of laughter from the watching woman pierced my heart as I spoke.
"Really, I'm doing him a favor," Crystal went on. "It's tough for these poor boys to run their own lives. They don't have the mental capacity for it. By taking away his ability to make decisions, I've made things nice and simple for him. All he has to do is obey my orders, and maybe one day I'll let him cum. But only if he does exactly what I say." I groaned as Crystal's fingers massaged my balls. The women laughed together, the joyful sound filling the echoing space of the kitchen as they savored my humiliation. And there was a wildness in that laughter that I could detect, fueled by the wine they had drunk, and fueled by more than that. Fueled by power. Fueled by knowing that what Crystal said was true, and that I was completely in their control. Just like Crystal always said, I was a toy to be used for her amusement. And now apparently, that included the amusement of her friend.
“This is Morgan,” Crystal said, turning to me for a moment. “She’s a very good friend of mine. And I expect you to treat her with the same respect as you treat me. The same respect you should show all women. Is that clear?”
"Yes, Mistress," I said. I didn't need to look over at Morgan to know that her eyes were shining with glee as she stared at me.
"You see?" Crystal grinned at Morgan. "He only met me on Saturday, and already he worships the ground I walk on. Don't you, boy toy?"
“Yes, Mistress.”
"Then show her. Show Morgan that you know your place in my house. Get down on your knees and kiss my feet." Morgan shrieked with laughter again, clapping her hands together joyfully as she watched from the kitchen island. My cheeks burned. But Crystal never joked. I could feel the tension in the air as she stared at me, knowing that the consequences for showing her up in front of her friend would be dire. My mistress might never forgive a social embarrassment like that. And the ache in my imprisoned cock was nothing compared to what she might do to me if I failed her now. So while a gale of female laughter swelled around me, I sank to my knees. Placing my hands on the cool floor, I lowered my face to Crystal's feet. The leather of
"Good," Crystal said at last when she was finally happy with my submissive adoration. "Stand up." Wordlessly, I rose back up to my feet. Morgan was standing now, one hand resting on the kitchen island as she watched Crystal and me. Slowly, Crystal began to circle around me again. I sighed as I felt her fingertips on my skin, sliding over my shoulders. Standing behind me, Crystal suddenly wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me back against her. Her slender body was much smaller than mine, and we both knew that I was physically stronger. But what did that matter when she had my cock under lock and key? If I ever could have resisted her, the time to do so was long ago, long before things went this far. The feel of her body pressed against my back drove hot nails of desire into my spine as Crystal spoke.
"You stink," she said, drawing another burst of laughter from Morgan as she sniffed theatrically. "Have you been working hard on the construction site all day long?"
"Yes, Mistress," I said. Raising my eyes from the floor, I saw Morgan staring directly at me. One painted finger sat at the corner of her pink lips, her mouth slightly open as she gazed at me. And Crystal's hand made its slow way down from my shoulder over my body, sliding over my chest, feeling the ridges of my abdominal muscles as it crept ever southward.
"Tell Morgan how old you are," Crystal's voice echoed in my
"Twenty two, Mistress," I said. The title was addressed to Crystal. But I saw the quick intake of breath Morgan made as I spoke. The glow in her eyes alternately terrified and excited me. It reminded me of the way Crystal sometimes looked at me.
"Twenty two? My God," Morgan breathed.
"Well, our husbands do it all the time," Crystal said. I could hear the smile in her voice she spoke. "Why shouldn't we have some eye candy for ourselves? Who needs a saggy beer gut and a cock that only gets half hard you can have a boy toy like this?" Crystal's hand lay on my stomach, feeling my breath going in and out as I stood between her and Morgan. "There's so much we can have him do," Crystal said, in a voice that raised the hairs on the back of my neck. "But first things first. You need a shower."
"Yes, Mistress," I groaned. I remembered all too well what had happened to me last time Morgan had me in her shower. But there was no point in arguing. As overmatched as I always was by Crystal's presence, I had even less chance of resisting the two of them.
"Can you give me a hand, Morgan?" Crystal asked. I watched Morgan smile as she set her wine glass down on the kitchen island.
“Sure,” she giggled.
"Come on then," Crystal said as she unwrapped her body from mine and stood beside me. I felt her take my hand in hers, and the gesture seemed oddly affectionate, given its context. Morgan stepped toward the two of us. There was a momentary pause, and I shrank inwardly under the bright gaze of her brown eyes as she stared at me again. Then she reached out, this total stranger, and took hold of my other hand.
"Let's go upstairs," Crystal said. And the two women led me forward, each holding one of my hands in theirs as I stumbled behind them in a kind of daze. The two of them were so elegant, so beautiful, so in control. Along with her gray dress, Morgan wore a pair of brown leather boots that clung to her calves, and the way her body moved in her dress as she climbed the stairs ahead of me was almost enough to make me cry out at the pain from my trapped cock. Whenever I could bear to look away from Crystal, anyway. My raven-haired mistress led me up the stairs, walking in her tall heels as though born in them, and just the faint whispering of the material of her dress against her skin was almost enough to drive me to distraction.
The two women led me through Crystal’s bedroom to the same en suite bathroom we had used on Sunday. Standing me in front of the shower, they released their hold on my hands.
"Wait here," Crystal said with a smile. "I need to get something." Her high heels rapped rapidly on the bathroom floor as she headed back into her bedroom. I knew where she was going. The walk-in closet that had been my overnight prison, where she kept all of her toys. While we waited, Morgan leaned back against the bathroom sink, her hands on the countertop behind her. I couldn't stop myself from noticing the way her round breasts rose and fell under the gray fabric of her dress as she breathed.
"When Crystal told me about you, I didn't really believe it," Morgan said at last. "Is it true you used to date Gemma?"
“Yes, I said uneasily. Crystal insisted that I address her as Mistress, but I had received no such order regarding Morgan. Still, the silence hung heavily after my word. Was I supposed to obey Morgan too?
"And now your Crystal's slave?"
I shrugged in silence. These things are difficult to talk about even with someone you know. It wasn’t something I wanted to get into with a stranger, even if I had somehow known what to say. But the relationship between Crystal and me was barely any clearer to me than it must be to Morgan. I didn’t think of myself as a slave, even while the word sent another bright bolt of arousal racing along my spine. But I could hardly claim to be her boyfriend, either. What label do you put on something like this?
"Does it hurt? Having your… thingie all locked up like that?" I would have welcomed Morgan's change of subject if she had chosen to speak of something else. But as though it knew it was being discussed, my cock again attempted to swell in the cage as Morgan stared at it.
“Yeah, it does,” I admitted.
"So why do you let her do it?" Morgan's brow furrowed quizzically as she asked the question. My eyes darted around the bathroom, as though I might find some answer there among the smooth tiles and shining fixtures. How could I possibly explain it to her? How could I admit to this complete stranger that bowing to Crystal's will made me feel more alive than anything else in my experience? How could I hope to convey what it did to me when Crystal took control like this? I could barely even explain it to myself. But Crystal had told me to respect her friend. And Morgan was waiting for an answer.
"I… It turns me on, I guess," I mumbled, staring at the glossy shine of Morgan's brown boots as I spoke. "I don't know. It's hard to explain."
"What's hard to explain?" Crystal swept back into the bathroom like the wind, her footsteps accompanied by the metallic clinking of the objects she held in her hands.
"Your… boy toy here was trying to explain why he lets you keep him locked up like this," Morgan smiled. I could feel her eyes on me again as she crossed her arms under her breasts, leaning back against the sink as though savoring my discomfort.
"Oh, that's easy," Crystal said as she stepped towards me. "I don't give him any other choice. He either does exactly as I say, or I get rid of him and find someone else who knows how to follow orders. Besides, now that he is all locked up, he knows he'll never get to cum again unless he pleases me." While Morgan laughed loudly, Crystal slid aside the door of the shower cubicle and pushed me inside. I didn't try to resist as she looped the long handcuffs I had worn on the weekend around the same grab bar she had shackled me to then. Resigned to my fate, I let her fasten the cuffs around my wrists, imprisoning me in the shower. Crystal stepped back out of the cubicle before turning the water on. I gasped at the sudden cold, but to my relief, the water soon turned warm. I blinked rapidly under the streaming liquid, trying to keep my eyes on the two women that stood just outside the cubicle.
As though there was nothing more normal in the world, Crystal reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head in one smooth motion. Morgan gasped in shock as she watched her friend disrobe, kicking off her high heels and unfastening her bra before tossing it to the bathroom floor. Crystal's full breasts were considerably larger than Morgan's, and yet they rode high on her chest, defying gravity as the swollen pink nipples puckered in the open air.
"What?" Crystal shrugged as Morgan stared at her open-mouthed. "I'm going to give him a shower. You're welcome to join us if you like." Morgan laughed, more in surprise than in genuine amusement, but Crystal seemed not to hear. Hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her panties, she pulled them quickly down and stepped out of them. Naked now, Crystal stepped into the shower cubicle with me. The pain in my trapped cock was incredible as she squeezed soap onto a sponge. On the weekend, I had been forced to bathe her, and it was utter torture to caress every curve of her body without being granted the release I sought. Now, clearly, she intended to return the favor. And Crystal smiled as she ran the foamy sponge over my chest, the cascading water slicking her black hair back over her shoulders as she began to wash me.