Nolan (The Doherty Mafia Book 6), page 1

The Doherty Mafia #6
Kasey Krane
Savannah Rylan
Copyright © 2021 by Kasey Krane & Savannah Rylan
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
1. Amelia
2. Nolan
3. Amelia
4. Nolan
5. Amelia
6. Nolan
7. Amelia
8. Nolan
9. Amelia
10. Nolan
11. Amelia
12. Nolan
13. Amelia
14. Nolan
15. Amelia
16. Nolan
17. Amelia
18. Nolan
19. Amelia
20. Nolan
21. Amelia
22. Nolan
23. Amelia
24. Nolan
25. Amelia
26. Nolan
27. Amelia
28. Nolan
29. Nolan
30. Amelia
About Kasey Krane
More Books by Kasey Krane
About Savannah Rylan
More Books by Savannah Rylan
I needed a break. I’d been standing there, trying to make small talk for the past three hours and I really needed a breather.
When the heavyset woman with the impossible hair walked into the salon, Eliza and Marcie turned to me and rolled their eyes. I knew exactly what they’d do, but they were the ones closest to the door and I couldn’t stop them. So they simply stepped out before I did anything about it.
Ruby, our manager, gave me a shrug before greeting the woman.
“Hello Mrs. Bailey, Amelia here will assist you today,” she said.
I dug my nails into the palms of my hands. We all knew Mrs. Bailey pretty well, and none of us wanted to work with her.
She was a bitch. To everyone. It was like she came to get her hair done only so she could dump all her life’s problems on us and blame us for them. People she paid, and who’d have no way to escape her.
I stared at Ruby pleadingly, but I knew she wouldn’t do anything about it. There wasn’t any way Ruby would put herself on the chopping block if she could help it.
Mrs. Bailey strutted over to me, looking me up and down like she certainly didn’t like what she saw. Already I felt the anger building up inside of me. How would I get through this in one piece?
“What can I do for you today?” I tried on my sweetest voice for size. Anybody who really knew me would’ve recognized it as completely put on. I never sounded like that in real life. It almost turned my mouth sour, it tasted so bad.
The woman bounced over and sat in the chair in front of me, facing the mirror as she tried to cross her legs but failed because her thighs got in the way.
She turned her head both ways, keeping her eyes fixed on herself.
“I have a very specific look in mind so don’t you mess it up,” she replied sharply, eyeing me in the mirror.
“I’ll try to do the best I can.”
“That’s not good enough. There isn’t any room for error here. Do you even know what you’re doing? You look too young to be working here,” she said, pushing her nose up in the air like she’d smelled something gross.
“I’ve been cutting and styling hair for five years,” I replied.
I picked up my scissors in the hopes that would shut her up, but the woman only rolled her eyes. My experience and expertise didn’t matter to her. All she cared about was complaining before I even started.
“I’m warning you, if you mess this up for me, I’m not paying,” she said, sitting back in the chair.
I caught Ruby’s eye in the mirror and she looked almost afraid. Ruby was a useless manager because she had no idea how to handle this. She definitely wasn’t looking out for her employees. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t look out for myself.
I brought the scissors close to her hair, standing over her menacingly. At that moment, I was the one who was in the more powerful position and I wanted her to understand that.
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Bailey, I’ll make sure you pay exactly what you owe,” I replied with a sweet smile.
Growing up ‘in the system’ had taken care of two things for me in my adult life. Firstly, I knew how to take care of myself.
I was petite. Small. I looked younger than my age. Most people mistook me for a teenager even though I’d turned twenty-one a few months ago. But if anyone tried to use my looks or my age against me, they had another thing coming.
Moving around between foster homes all my life had hardened me up and made me suspicious of everyone. The only way for me to survive was by being selfish. I didn’t have anybody else in my life. I didn’t have a family or anyone I needed to think about.
I believed I was entitled to my selfishness.
The second thing the system took care of was preparing me for everything. I’d truly seen it all.
When I was eight, I had to sneak out of the house I lived in, in the middle of the night, in nothing but my pajamas and a kitchen knife I lay awake in bed with. I had been moved to that home only two days prior, and my new ‘Dad’ looked at me in a way I knew reeked of trouble.
I’d already caught him peeking through the keyhole in the bathroom while I was in the shower. I knew I couldn’t peacefully fall asleep at night because then I’d be completely vulnerable to him and his intentions.
I stole a knife from the kitchen and spent the nights awake in bed.
On the third night, when I heard the floorboards creak outside my door, I knew it was him. He was coming for me. Even though I expected him, I knew he’d easily overpower me. So I screamed at the top of my lungs, just to startle him and keep him away for a few extra minutes while I climbed out of the window in my room.
Then I ran through the cold night, through the darkness until I found a cop car.
Even though they sent me to a different home, at least I was able to escape that man.
That was what my childhood was like. Always at the mercy of someone else. Always looking over my shoulder. Sleeping with one eye open, and usually not sleeping at night if I could help it.
Mrs. Bailey didn’t know what was coming when she decided to walk into the salon today.
She’d complained and criticized the whole time she sat in the chair in front of me.
She had tried to give me detailed instructions on how she wanted her hair cut. Most of which didn’t make sense.
I should’ve just given her what she wanted, but I always took pride in my work. It was only hair. Not rocket science. I knew I wasn’t changing the world at my day job, but I didn’t believe in doing something badly.
Mrs. Bailey yelped and hissed as I chopped off parts of her hair she hadn’t instructed me to.
“What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?” she squealed as I continued with my work.
When she met my eyes in the mirror, I glared at her, holding the sharp scissors straight over her head.
“I’m going to make sure you lose your job over this,” she hissed in a low threatening voice. I narrowed my eyes at her, pulling a clump of her hair in my hand. She yelped in pain and I brought the scissors down on her.
There wasn’t anybody else in the salon. Ruby had joined Eliza and Marcie outside. They waited it out until I was done with Mrs. Bailey. None of them wanted to face her.
“I’m not losing my job because of you.”
“Haven’t you heard, the customer is always right?” she snapped.
By now she was too distracted to notice the work I was doing, so I focused on her hair.
I’d assisted other hairdressers for five years, but now I was on my own. Hair was the only thing I’d known. It was my whole life. It was the one thing I knew I was good at, and this woman wasn’t going to make me doubt it.
“I’m going to make a formal complaint against you,” she continued to threaten.
I stepped back to check out the back of her hair. It looked good.
The new cut was dramatically different from the one she’d asked for, but I knew the shape would suit her face and age.
“Sure, feel free to complain as loudly and to whomever you want,” I replied.
Mrs. Bailey’s face had turned a dark red, her nostrils were flared with anger, but she finally caught herself in the mirror. Her jaw nearly dropped open in surprise. She wasn’t expecting it to turn out this way.
“Oh…” she murmured under her breath and I knew she was at a loss for words.
I removed my gear, putting the instruments away. I was done. I was going on my break whether Ruby approved it or not. I wasn’t even going to wait to see Mrs Bailey out.
I saw her admiring her new look in the mirror. By now, she’d forgotten about my existence.
As I stepped outside, I caught her scowling at me in the mirror. She didn’t want to admit it. She was wrong. She didn’t know better than me.
“You’re welcome, and I’ll see you again the next time you need a haircut,” I said with a smile.
I knew this wasn’t the last time I’d see her. Even someone as angry and egotistical as her would ha
Ruby went inside to attend to Mrs. Bailey, who I suspected would complain to her even though I’d made her fabulous. That was just the kind of person she was.
“Sorry for bailing on you. Get it?” Eliza said as she smoked her cigarette with a smile. I shrugged in response.
I was far better equipped at handling that woman than the other two were.
“She actually looks pretty good now,” Marcie commented, as she peeked a look through the windows of the salon.
I saw a man walking towards us and while the other two talked, my alarm bells started ringing. It was the reaction I always had when I saw anything bordering on suspicious activity.
“What do you think?” Eliza asked, touching my shoulder to get my attention to something they were discussing. I glared at the man who weaved through the crowd of pedestrians, making his way closer and closer to us. He hadn’t taken his eyes off me and my instinct was to back away into the salon.
“Maybe we should go inside,” I murmured. I didn’t know who this man was or what he might want from us, but I didn’t like the look of it. I didn’t want to wait and find out.
“What?” Eliza asked just as he came into earshot.
My skin tingled with warning and I felt my muscles tense up.
“Amelia Rhodes?” the man said in a smooth calm voice.
Eliza and Marcie stared at him, only mildly surprised.
“Who are you?” I asked, preparing myself to run. Even though the man hadn’t given me a reason yet to make a run for it.
“I was hoping we could talk in private,” he said, focusing only on me.
“What is this about?”
The man finally glanced at the other two girls with me and then he sighed.
“I’d prefer if we spoke in private, Amelia.”
“I’m not speaking to you at all, unless you give me a good reason to.”
He smiled and nodded, almost like he expected me to react this way.
“As you wish. I have some information on your birth mother I’d like to share with you,” he said.
At that moment, it felt like the ground gave away from under my feet. Those were words I had often fantasized about hearing, but hadn’t ever come close to in reality.
How could this be happening?
“Amelia?” Marcie said my name in a whisper. These girls didn’t know much about my personal life. We weren’t exactly buddies. So I was sure they were confused.
I was pretty confused myself.
“It’s okay. You guys should head inside. I’ll be fine,” I murmured, while the man continued to smile at me knowingly.
“Are you sure?” Eliza asked.
I nodded.
This was definitely something I needed to hear. I’d waited for it my whole life.
“You need to come up with answers and fast, or I’m walking away,” I snapped at the man, crossing my arms over my chest. I made sure to keep my distance from him as we stood together outside the salon.
The only reason I even agreed to speak to him was because it was the middle of the day and the sidewalks were busy. I’d never speak to him alone.
He was a middle-aged man. Dark slick hair, a bony face and a big body. He may even have been handsome at some point, but he definitely wasn’t anymore.
“I’m very happy to see you, Amelia,” he said and my brows furrowed with suspicion.
“Should I know you for some reason?”
“You remind me so much of her, when we first met. Spunky, is the word that came to mind when I first met your mother,” he continued, almost like he didn’t hear my questions.
My muscles froze up again. Just the idea of this man possibly having known my birth mother, made me tense. Personally, I knew nothing about my biological parents. They’d been a complete mystery to me since the authorities had no information on them either.
I had spent all my life not knowing a thing about my past or where I came from.
So now, as this man spoke to me, my fingers seemed to shake.
“Who are you and how did you know my mother?” I hissed. My eyelids were heavy, I felt my cheeks burning up.
“My name is Aldo Baron,” he replied. “Your mother and I used to be friends. She…she made me promise I’d find you when you grew up and help you in whatever way you needed. So that is exactly what I’m doing.”
His words knocked the air out of my lungs. I was afraid I’d collapse to the ground. He watched me closely, like he knew the effect he had on me.
When he reached out to touch my arm, I yanked it away from him. I hated being touched, especially by strangers. He held his hands up defensively.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth? What do you want from me?”
Aldo breathed gently, holding my attention completely.
“How else would I know everything about you? How else would I know where to find you? I’ve kept tabs on you, waiting for the right moment to make introductions. I know you’re struggling, I know you could use some help in your life. I don’t want anything from you, Amelia. I’m just here to fulfill the promise I made to your mother on her deathbed,” he said.
I met his calm dark eyes and I couldn’t deny the feeling that there was something familiar about him. Was it possible I’d met him when I was a baby? Before my mother gave me away? That he’d been buried in my subconscious all these years?
I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t speak.
Aldo lightly touched my arm again, and when he did this time, I didn’t pull away.
“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off, and we can talk some more? There’s a lot we need to discuss and I’m here to answer all your questions,” he said with a smile.
I woke up with a chick’s hand stroking my hard cock.
I opened my eyes and noticed her body stretched out beside me, her legs entwined with mine. Her hand was warm and she stroked me gently at first and then more vigorously. I groaned and grabbed her ass, pulling her up on top of me. She giggled and bounced as she sat there, positioning her wet pussy just at the tip of my cock. Then, slowly, she slid me in.
That’s when I noticed another naked chick walk into my bedroom. Her eyes glowed with excitement when she saw what was going on.
“He’s up!” she exclaimed, running over to the bed and throwing herself on top of me.
Frankly, I didn’t remember bringing these chicks back to my place but I was more than happy to have them here in the morning.
What a way to wake up to a new day.
“You fell asleep too soon last night,” one of the girls whispered.
The one whose pussy I was thrusting into, moved her hips and shook wildly. The other one brought her tits close to my face so I could suck on her nipples.
I knew I’d come any moment now. My cock was hard and throbbing inside her while the other chick moaned as I licked her firm nipples. Her hands roamed over my chest and abs.
“Do you like this, Nolan Doherty? Do you like fucking us together?” she said and giggled. The other one giggled too.
I just wanted to blow my load and get it over with.
It was a pretty fuckin’ amazing way to wake up, but I had no interest in them overstaying their welcome.
The girl on top of me moved quicker, bouncing on me and bringing me close to an explosion. I came, groaning and gripped her hips hard. Until both the girls fell away from me, giggling and making out with each other.
I didn’t know their names. They didn’t look exceptional. I wouldn’t remember them if I saw them again.
Once I was done, I pulled myself out of bed and strode over to the bathroom for a shower. I had too much to drink last night and I needed to wash it off myself. In the bedroom, I heard their voices. They pleasured each other, but I wanted them to finish up quickly so I could kick them out of my apartment.