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Heretic Spellblade 7
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Heretic Spellblade 7



  Copyright © 2024 by K.D. Robertson

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the product of imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Sign up to my newsletter and you’ll be notified when I release my next book.



  Character List

  The Story So Far…

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Thanks for reading!

  Also by K.D. Robertson


  The following page has a map for the immediate area of the story. Check out the link below for a detailed map of the entire archipelago that the series takes place in.

  You can find the full versions at:


  This epic fantasy series has a lot of characters, so this list gives a very brief bio of notable characters relevant to this book. Refer back as necessary.


  Nathan von Straub—protagonist; Bastion; originally Nathan Martel; human; mid-30s; unkempt black hair

  Jafeila “Fei”—three sapphire gems; cat beastkin; early 20s; trigem Champion in original world; long black hair, bushy black tail and cat ears, green eyes, very large bust and hips, wears a standard uniform

  Sen—possessed by an ifrit; one sapphire gem; human; early 20s; Nathan’s Champion in original world; mid-length white hair that was originally brown, red eyes, wears a red coat over her uniform

  Ciana—two diamond gems and an alexandrite gem; unicorn beastkin; early 20s; Nathan’s Champion in original world; platinum blonde ponytail, blue eyes, iridescent horn, horse’s tail and ears; lost an arm to the Messenger Artemis

  Sunstorm—two onyx gems and a jade gem; human from Kurai; mid-20s; Nathan’s Champion in original world; spiky black hair, hazel eyes, olive skin; real name is Choe

  Seraph—two jade gems and a sapphire gem; human from Kurai; late-30s; did not exist in Nathan’s original world; long black hair, olive skin, dark blue eyes; real name is Lia

  Narime—three sapphire gems; mystic fox from Kurai; 300-400 years old; trigem Champion in original world; six silver fox tails, bright blue eyes, long silver hair and fox ears

  Nurevia—three amethyst gems; dark elf; Nathan’s Champion in original world; masochistic; dark skin, long lavender hair, purple eyes, wears revealing outfits

  Astra—three iridescent opal gems; dark elf; functionally immortal but somehow died in original world; dark skin, mid-length white ponytail, green eyes

  Fyre—two garnet gems; horse beastkin; possessed by Kadria; channeling Omria’s power as prophet; wings, two spiral horns, long golden blonde hair, red eyes, horse’s tail and ears

  Reine—one alexandrite gem; wolf beastkin; Imperial spymaster; has “divine” eyes of Omria; long black hair, golden wings replace her pupils and irises; black wolf ears and tail

  Kara—two amethyst gems and a diamond gem; dog beastkin; long brown hair with droopy dog ears and tail; Fei’s friend and subordinate

  Vala—one diamond gem and an amethyst gem; human; early 20s; one of Nathan’s trigems in the original world; originally Oliver’s Champion, but was captured by Nathan and chose to join him; messy dark brown hair, tall, muscly

  Tarako—three blue zoisite (tanzanite) gems; mystic fox; 10,000+ years old; long bronze hair, nine bronze fox tails and bronze fox ears


  Alice von Arangar—Empress; Nathan’s fiancée; long golden blonde hair, dark brown eyes

  Anna von Clair—Archduchess; Nathan’s fiancée; long dirty blonde hair

  Gorthal von Arangar—former Emperor for the past 40+ years; Alice’s maternal grandfather and head of the Arangar family

  Leopold Tyrim—deceased; Bastion and Emperor Gorthal’s right-hand man; helped raise Ciana and Alice; giant of a man with silvered hair

  Maylis Suorne—deceased; Bastion and head of the Royal Knights until her betrayal

  Hans von Milgar—Archduke; Alice’s paternal grandfather

  Tharban von Straub—Count and Bastion; Nathan’s father in this world; leader of the Nationalist rebel; currently under Nathan’s control; bear of a man

  Otto von Salms—Archduke; former supporter of the Nationalist rebels; now a reliable ally of Alice and Nathan but has political leanings to the Crusader faction

  Lotte von Allesburg—last survivor of the Allesburg archducal family; 14 years old

  Torneus—former regent of the Amica Federation, currently an administrator under Anna

  Harrum Auerswald—Grand Imperial Sorcerer of the Imperial Sorcerer’s Lodge; Nathan’s lead researcher

  Vera Nair—Bastion and sorceress; was Nathan’s apprentice previously; long red hair

  Mae—Leopold’s former Champion; possesses divine eyes that can suppress magic; wears a mask to cover her strange eyes

  Griem—trigem Champion of Kaufberg; three diamonds

  The Hound—deceased; Maylis’s trigem Champion; trigem ability can permanently cripple someone’s magic, bypassing all resistances

  Gareth Pike—Bastion and highly talented sorcerer; obsessed with magic; was Nathan’s mentor in the original world, but died; formerly of Falmir but has defected to the Anfang Empire

  Beth—Gareth’s Champion; three diamond gems; short, burly woman who protects Gareth

  Erica Reed—Gareth’s Champion; three moonstone gems; an assassin


  Princess Charlotte—oldest remaining child of Falmir’s royal family; channeling Omria’s power as a prophet through unknown means; working with the Messenger Beatrice; long curly brown hair, extraordinarily beautiful, extremely large chest

  Prince Maxwell—heir to Falmir’s throne as the sole surviving son

  Oliver Martel—Bastion; Nathan’s alternative self in this world; oddly incompetent and babied by Charlotte

  Adam Martel—Bastion and earl; human; late 40s; Oliver’s father and Nathan’s father in his old world; a staunch republican and opposed to the monarchy, but is loyal to Falmir

  Lily—one of Adam’s Champions; two garnet gems; highly skilled warrior who defends Adam and commands his armies; helped raise Nathan in his original world

  Veronica—one of Adam’s Champions; two ruby gems; talented sorceress and spymaster; helped raise Nathan in his original world


  Inquisitor Baudelaire—secret leader of the Inquisition and member of the Regal Council; secretly experiments on beastkin to create the divine eyes; turned Trafaumh into a dictatorship in the original world; deceased

  Mary de Rosewald—Marquise; rules a border county near the Pearlescent Canyon

  Deverese Monet—Bastion; was Nathan’s friend and rival in the original world

  Dominic—Bastion of Soreaux; has one of Trafaumh’s two trigem Champions; was a traitor working with Bauer and Beatrice for months; deceased

  Ester—Deverese’s Champion; two diamond gems

  Ysabelle—Deverese’s Champion; two ruby gems


  Tarkan Al’Dafian—elven merchant who is also a spy and smuggler; Nathan “convinced” him to help; is currently in the Spires

  Darman Al’Dafian—Arcadian ambassador to the Empire; Tarkan’s brother


  Kadria—the Messenger who defeated Nathan in his world and brought him to this one; extremely powerful; succubus; bronzed skin, long black hair, wears very little clothing

  The Twins, Laura and Maura—a pair of Messengers who latched onto Nathan’s mind like parasites when he jumped worlds; currently bound to Nathan’s will; succubi; bronzed skin, inhumanly curvy, a little dumb
r />   Thanatos—a Messenger from Japan with serious chuunibyou issues; defeated by Nathan in the Spires, but destroyed Trafaumh in the original world; currently inactive

  Siv—the Messenger who destroyed Kurai, as well as the Empire in the original world; uses elemental powers

  Beatrice—a Messenger working with Charlotte for unknown reasons; is a succubus with complete control over her appearance; currently inactive

  Artemis—an elite Messenger that works for the “partner” of the outer being that controls the other Messengers; looks identical to Fei and appears to be a Messenger version of her from an alternate version of Nathan’s former world; undead

  Bauer—an elite Messenger with deeply misanthropic views and powerful mental magic; is described by a certain fox as a “dandy”


  This is a summary of the first six books of the series. Feel free to skip to Chapter 1 if you don’t need a recap.

  Heretic Spellblade 1

  Nathan Martel is the greatest Bastion of the Kingdom of Falmir, with the trigems Jafeila, Narime, and Vala serving him. Doumahr is nearly destroyed, with Falmir the sole remaining country. Overnight, the demonic Messenger Kadria attacks and destroys his headquarters, killing everyone he loves.

  When he confronts her in an attempt to take her with him, she instead offers him a deal. A chance to travel to an alternate world (which he mistakenly believes is time travel), before demons laid waste to Doumahr, and create a perfect world. He accepts the offer.

  In the new world, Nathan is now Nathan Straub, a newly trained Bastion in service to the Anfang Empire and son of Tharban von Straub, an infamous and brutal Bastion who wishes to overthrow the Emperor. Within months, the Empire will fall if Nathan doesn’t stop it, as the Messenger Siv will break through on the eastern border.

  Nathan’s goal is to establish himself as a Bastion, claim binding stones to grant him power, train new Champions, and find the source of the invasion. He gathers multiple Champions that he loved from his old world: Jafeila (now called Fei), Sen, and Sunstorm. He also forges an alliance with the local countess, Anna von Clair, and the Emperor’s right-hand man and Bastion, Leopold Tyrim.

  Once Nathan learns that the Amica Federation is attempting to cause the demonic invasion, his priority becomes stopping them. He defeats the bandits disrupting the leylines, which caused the invasion in his world. Following this, he fends off a demonic assault on the portal at Gharrick Pass, his main stronghold and binding stone, and defeats the Federation’s siege. He then counterattacks the Federation and captures their forward base, Fort Taubrum. Seraph, the duogem Champion behind everything, surrenders and agrees to serve Nathan.

  Heretic Spellblade 2

  Following the skirmish with the Federation, Nathan finds himself managing peace negotiations with High Lord Torneus, who is the de facto leader of the Federation and effectively a dictator. In Nathan’s old world, Torneus seized complete control of the Federation, went mad with power, and brought down all of eastern Doumahr when he was ousted. Nathan needs to remove Torneus from power without causing a massive demonic invasion that will destroy millions of lives and half the world.

  As the Empire is already at war with their northern neighbor, the religious Order of Trafaumh, there is little interest in a second war. Princess Alice Arangar, the Emperor’s granddaughter, and also the granddaughter of Archduke von Milgar, one of the most powerful nobles in the Empire, arrives to handle negotiations. She has a reputation as an unmarriable tomboy, but swiftly falls in love with Nathan.

  Nathan meets the alternate world version of Narime, who helps him negotiate for peace but doesn’t trust him. The negotiations go poorly, as Torneus actively sabotages any attempt at peace and insults everyone involved, before getting into a verbal brawl with Nathan. War is inevitable.

  Immediately afterward, a cascade is triggered in the dark elf Aurelian Spires to the north, which causes demonic invasions in every portal along the border between the Empire and Federation. A new pair of Messengers, the Twins Maura and Laura, attack Nathan at Gharrick Pass. They are the first recorded Messenger invasion in this world’s history since Kurai was destroyed 20 years ago by the Messenger Siv.

  Nathan defeats the Twins with Leopold’s help. Afterward, he learns that the Twins are effectively parasites inside his mind, along with Kadria, who brought him here. All three Messengers are succubi, who specialize in mental magic. The Twins are squatting in his mind but are largely harmless unless invading.

  Before war ensures with the Federation, the dark elves arrive and blame Torneus for causing the cascade. They offer to help the Empire seize the Federation with their military might in exchange for Torneus. Nathan accepts and hatches a plan to threaten and bribe other nobles in the Federation to abandon Torneus, enabling him to sneak in and capture Torneus, ending the war before it even starts.

  On the way to capture Torneus, Nathan battles and recruits Narime, who confesses her love for him. Nathan then defeats the Bastion defending Torneus, before confronting the High Lord himself. Torneus doesn’t try to bring down the Federation this time, and instead accepts his loss over drinks with Nathan, while implying that he views Nathan as the son he wished he could have had, but never found the time for due to his focus on politics.

  In the aftermath, the Empire annexes the Federation, Anna becomes a duke, and Nathan is a war hero. Torneus is delivered to the Spires.

  Heretic Spellblade 3

  The Empire declares peace with Trafaumh following its victory over the Federation, and Nathan travels to the capital for the political ceremony along with Anna. His father, Tharban, leads a political faction called the Nationalists that oppose the peace treaty and works with the Kingdom of Falmir to sabotage it. They attempt to assassinate Anna but fail.

  Nathan recruits multiple new Champions. Ciana, his unicorn bodyguard from his old world; Fyre, a beastkin obsessed with Nathan from the Federation; and many more to protect his new portals and binding stones. His father’s dark elf Champion, Nurevia, also taunts and teases him.

  Following the cascade, the Spires invites the Empire to send a delegation, which Nathan leads. Once there, he meets Astra, the legendary trigem with the power of immortality. Not long after his visit, a dark elf Bastion attempts a coup but is stopped by Nathan and Astra. The ruling dark elves send Astra away with Nathan, worried that she might be used against them by another Bastion in another coup.

  Back in the Empire’s capital, the Emperor’s health worsens, creating a succession crisis. Alice can’t succeed him without changing the constitution, because she’s also the granddaughter of an archduke, but the Nationalists are trying to appoint a puppet emperor that would drive Doumahr to the brink of ruin. Nathan stops an attempt by Tharban to overthrow the sick Emperor, but knows that it’s only a matter of time before civil war. Nurevia switches sides and joins Nathan during the attack.

  When civil war breaks out, a Messenger attacks the Spires at the same time. Nathan chooses to stop the Messenger, risking the collapse of the Empire. He battles and defeats Thanatos, who is the Messenger who destroyed Trafaumh in Nathan’s old world, and vastly more powerful than almost every other Messenger. Only the help of the Twins and Astra lets Nathan win. Afterward, he suppresses another coup in the Spires.

  But back in the Empire, Fyre has revealed that she’s the prophet of Omria, the one goddess of Doumahr, and has the power to prove it.

  Heretic Spellblade 4

  Civil war rages across the Empire and Nathan is the commander-in-chief of those loyal to the Emperor. The archdukes who started the civil war are slain by Tharban, who is working with Falmir, but the reason is to keep Falmir out of the war for longer and let Tharban lead the Nationalist faction with Falmir’s backing. Nathan’s first love, Falmir’s Princess Charlotte, is revealed to be the mastermind and far crueler than she was in Nathan’s world.

  In order to handle the rebellion taking place in the former Federation while he protects Aleich, Nathan orders the dark elves to release Torneus. Once freed, Torneus assists Nathan from the shadows.

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