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Final Odyssey: A LitRPG Journey (Legends Online Book 7), page 1


Final Odyssey: A LitRPG Journey (Legends Online Book 7)
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Final Odyssey: A LitRPG Journey (Legends Online Book 7)

  Copyright © 2020 by Archimedes Books. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons— living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  Final Odyssey

  Legends Online Book Seven

  Jonathan Yanez

  Ross Buzzell

  Books In the Legends Online Universe

  Bestiary (Free Short Click Here)


  Dungeon of the Gods




  Dragon Seekers

  Final Odyssey

  (Book 8 Coming Soon!)


  Stay Informed

  Previously in the Legends Online Universe

  1. Raakmos

  2. Not Yet Qualified

  3. Sneak Attack

  4. Move Out

  5. Khastar Fatuma

  6. Sesti Kyth

  7. Trollin

  8. Monsters

  9. Khastar Nuama

  10. Old Faces

  11. Minimum strength required to

  12. Regroup

  13. Ships

  14. Sashra

  15. Black Sea

  16. Pyrisous

  17. Gods

  18. Recovery

  19. Olytemus

  20. A Twist of Fate

  21. Pantheon

  22. Ear to the Ground

  23. Kings

  24. Old Demons

  25. The Merge

  26. Growth

  27. Harpy

  28. Labyrinth

  29. Monsters

  30. Medusa

  31. Minotaur

  32. Sisters

  33. Hot Gates

  34. Level Up

  35. Disguises

  36. Chess

  37. Gift Horse

  38. Unforeseen

  39. Titan

  40. Feud

  41. Zeus

  42. Return

  43. Cost

  44. Undone


  Stay Informed

  Books In the Legends Online Universe

  Stay Informed

  Get A Free Book by visiting Jonathan Yanez’ website. You can email me at or find me on Amazon, and Instagram. I also created a special Facebook group called “Jonathan’s Reading Wolves” specifically for readers, where I show new cover art, do giveaways, and run contests. Please check it out and join whenever you get the chance!

  And Ross also has his very own Facebook group at Ross’ Reading O.W.S. Please stop by and say hello!

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  Previously in the Legends Online Universe

  Battered and broken, Illume was saved by an act of mercy he’d previously shown. With no extra lives left it truly would’ve been game over if not for the intervention of his ancient vampiress ally Cordillia.

  Turning him into a vampire, she helped him not only free Ingrid and Khal but destroy the first stronghold of the Vasinar after fighting a monster unlike anything he’d seen before. To protect his honor Cordillia let Illume press on without her.

  Settling in at the city of Tulenheim, they met up with the remainder of their missing group and took on the disguise of the Order of the Emerald Rose. They learned more about the cultish order before clashing with the mysterious Master_Beast_Tamer141 and the manticore they controlled.

  After slaying the beast, they pressed on to find Illume a cure for his vampirism in the form of a dragons breath only to meet the followers of the Emerald Rose and discover the true goal of the Haritiran. After defeating the form of a priestess turned banshee they pressed on to discover one of their new comrades was, in fact, the dragon they sought.

  After a lengthy battle, the last dragon in Suddengard sacrificed himself so that Illume could return to a form of humanity before blessing him with a black meteorite blade. Now our friends press on to loosen the Vasinar’s grip on Suddengard even further. Will they succeed?



  Sliding on his new armor that Brigid and Nari assisted him in building, Illume flexed his fingers inside the new leathery gauntlets. Kolvar guided them in their forging. He taught them secrets about ancient Raakmos forging techniques to build an armor specifically designed for his altered attributes.

  “Do you think it’s too bulky?” Illume asked. “I feel like I’m in peewee football again.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Nari replied.

  “It looks like it fits well,” Brigid added.

  Both masters of the forge looked the Plane Walker over. Soot stained their faces and the leather aprons they wore to protect their everyday clothing underneath. Illume looked down at his bracers. They were thick metal with leather straps holding them in place. Rivets decorated their outside edge to allow for extra reinforcement.

  His shoulder armor held two extra sections that stretched down, providing protection nearly to his elbows. A heavy leather breastplate hung on his chest as if it were a bulletproof vest with large silver rings decorating its surface while steel plates hid underneath. The rest of his armor was heavily reinforced chainmail held together by a series of belts, which also fastened his sword and crossbow to his back.

  The pants and boots of his new armor were a heavy leather similar to his chest piece. Metal plates sat between the layers of hardened lion’s hide as extra protection, while small silver spikes protruded from the toes of his boots and knuckles of his gloves. Illume felt Kolvar’s gaze scrutinize every inch of him as if he wore the armor wrong. The Plane Walker admittedly felt like the stuffing of a sausage in the snugly fit casing.

  “This doesn’t feel right,” Illume said as he wriggled.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Kolvar replied. “This kind of armor is from the Order of the Lion. I’d like to make you something from the Order of the Dragon when we get the proper resources.”

  The Raakmos, wearing nothing but light leather armor, grabbed his sheathed weapon he’d leaned against an exterior wall. He nodded to the Plane Walker.

  “Get your weapon; let’s see how it holds up in a fight,” the Raakmos said.

  Reaching back, he drew the meteorite sword given to him by Kholkikos. He’d since hardened it using the vampiric blood Khal provided. The results were unexpected and mildly explosive, but it granted the blade a beautiful marbled black coloration.

  “We probably shouldn’t do this up here with the forge,” Illume said.

  He looked back at the black fire furnace and the now well-stocked forge. Brigid and Nari tidied up their mess before the bustling of the courtyard drew his attention. Several dozen men and women moved here and there bringing hay for horses and taking supplies for the outposts.

  “I’ll meet you in the courtyard, then,” Kolvar said, pumping his eyebrows.

  With that, the gruffly voiced man jumped from the keep’s roof and landed on the cobblestone below. A grunt echoed up after his impact, which made Illume chuckle.

  “You can’t jump from that high without hurting yourself,” he said with a shake of his head. “You ladies going to join us?”

  Nari and Brigid sat on the edge of the keep’s roof.

  “I think we’ll watch from up here,” Nari replied.

  “It’ll probably be safer too,” Brigid added.

  Illume turned and moved down the steps into Khastar Thuata. As he made his way through the upper inner hallway, he looked at the blade in hand, allowing its new stats to appear before him.

  Vampiric Star Blade

  Custom Mythical Item

  5 ic 100% i Priceless


  +300 damage

  Hardened with a mix of vampire blood and

  holy water. Grants 10% life steal, deals additional

  holy damage to monsters. Channels energy

  from the Plane of the Dead granting

  its wielder access.

  Dispels Magical Traps.

  Descending the spiral staircase, Illume stopped at the lab and leaned in. Khal stood next to a table with Alana and Sebastian. He poured a little bit of a grey liquid into a glass orb filled halfway up with what looked like water. As soon as the grey liquid touched the clear, a soft glow radiated from the glass orb.

  “It’ll stabilize to give off three times the light of a torch and I figured it’d be safer for your people to use, Alana, so that you don’t have to worry about setting the forest on fire,” Khal said. “And I thought it might be a fun toy for your children to play with, with Sebastian.”

  “This is amazing!” Alana said with a gasp.

  “How long does it glow for?” Sebastian asked as he scratched his head.

“Not sure. My first test is still going,” Khal replied, stroking his chin.

  The young man pointed to a jar that held a consistent, strong glow.

  “That was set up almost a month ago,” Khal added.

  Sebastian sniffed the air. He turned to see Illume, waving his massive hand as he did.

  “How’s everything going in here?” the Plane Walker asked.

  Alana turned and smiled at the newly armored man. Khal did the same. One full eyebrow was missing while the other was about half burned off as well as the front of his long hair, now a shorter length than the rest.

  “It’s working better than mixing holy water and vampire blood,” Khal called out.

  Illume couldn’t help but let out a laugh and offered them a thumbs-up.

  “Good,” he said. “Also, sorry again. I should’ve figured there wouldn’t be a good reaction.”

  “It’ll grow back,” Khal replied. “Besides, I was curious to see what would happen too.”

  As Illume returned to the stairwell, Khal continued going over his invention with Alana and Sebastian. The scar on Illume’s face started to itch. He scratched the scar as he descended the steps illuminated by the dancing flames of torches. The Plane Walker reached the foyer, where several familiar faces from the werewolf and patupaiarehe outposts moved from here to there carrying supplies.

  “Nice armor,” Shinima’s voice cut through the hustle and bustle.

  Illume turned to see her ascend from the dungeon. She rubbed the circular scar on her hand as her grey tunic flowed behind her, hiding what looked like itchy clothing. The Plane Walker glanced at his bracers before running his hands over the thick, heavy leather breastplate.

  “Thanks, Kolvar helped design it,” Illume replied.

  “When do you think I can forge some armor of my own?” Shinima asked.

  “We’ve been through this.” Illume sighed. “No civilians around the forge. If you need something made, get your specs to Brigid and she’ll make it for you.”

  “But Brigid won’t make me armor or weapons,” Shinima complained.

  “Do you know how to fight?” Illume asked, knowing full well what her answer would be.

  “I know how to shoot a bow,” Shinima replied.

  “Then I’m sure she’ll happily make you some light armor and a bow,” Illume said as he backed toward the exit. “I’ll try and find a swordsman to teach you, but in the meantime, everyone is sticking to what they’re good at.”

  The dark-haired woman crossed her arms and huffed as a pout formed on her lips. Illume stepped into the courtyard. Everyone inside now sat on the top of the wall as the Raakmos stood with his sword drawn. He gave it a spin, letting off a soft whistle as it sliced through the air.

  “I take it no magic allowed,” Illume said.

  “Do you really want the Haritiran to sense it and teleport nearby?” Kolvar asked.

  “It’s not like they don’t know we’re here,” Illume said as he spun his sword as well. “I’m only curious as to why they haven’t shown up yet.”

  The Plane Walker took his stance, as did the Raakmos. Illume’s sharp eyes noticed the leather around Kolvar’s thigh tighten as his legs flexed. In the blink of an eye, the former vampire’s sparring partner closed the twenty-foot gap between them.

  As Kolvar bore down on him, Illume slid his left foot behind him, shifted his weight, and spun out of the way. Even though he was no longer a vampire, Illume’s senses were still unnaturally heightened. He heard the Raakmos’ sword slicing through the air mid-rotation.

  Illume held up his own sword as his spin came full circle. Sparks flew as a jolt vibrated through his weapon and into his hands. To the Plane Walker’s surprise, there were no pins and needles that vibrated through his bones. He glanced down at his hands in a split second of surprise.

  “Raakmos’ armor is an amazing insulator,” Kolvar said with a strong sense of pride.

  He broke their blade lock and swung at Illume’s leg. As fast as he could, the Plane Walker lifted his foot to step over the sword. While his movements were still blinding, he was only about half as quick as when the vampiric virus flowed through his veins.

  Kolvar spun and swung the broad side of his sword at Illume’s head. As he threw up his forearm, the Plane Walker blocked the weapon with his bracer. An impact that would’ve shattered anyone else’s bones was hardly registered through the armor.

  “This is amazing armor!” Illume said.

  He shoved the blade away and thrust his weapon at his sparring partner. The recovered vampire intentionally slowed his attack to give Kolvar enough time to move. The Raakmos sidestepped the jab and swiped Illume’s sword away with a clang.

  “We fight beasts that are infinitely stronger than us,” Kolvar said hitting his chest with his fist.

  The Raakmos spun and slammed his heel into Illume’s side. The blow rattled his armor and sent a dull pulse through the former Cryomancer’s side. Grabbing Kolvar’s foot with his free hand, the Plane Walker struck his opponent in the back of the knee with the pommel of his sword.

  Kolvar let out a grunt of pain as his leg involuntarily bent, making him fall to his knee. Holding the Raakmos’ other leg, Illume placed his sword on his sparring partner’s shoulder. The beaten monster hunter dropped his sword and lifted his hands.

  “Why didn’t we make a helmet?” Illume asked.

  As he dropped Kolvar’s leg, the Plane Walker offered his friend a hand. The Raakmos took Illume’s hand. As he pulled up the monster hunter, clapping filled the courtyard. A smirk spread on his lips as he looked up to see the spectators getting back to their feet and returning to their original tasks.

  “You probably could wear one,” Kolvar said. “But any other Raakmos would have their hearing hindered. The first Raakmos was a vampire, purified by dragon fire, like you. And like him, you’re the most powerful monster hunter, so your senses are more attuned than mine.”

  “Have you found any more Raakmos?” Illume asked.

  Kolvar shook his head. Both men sheathed their weapons as people moved past them.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m the last one,” Kolvar said.

  “Well, you have a Khastar back under control. Why not rebuild the order?” Illume asked.

  “I did come across a few spells and alchemic formulas on how to make a Raakmos,” Kolvar said as he stroked his chin. “But I’d need your blood to make more. It’s how they originally did it.”

  Illume’s brow furrowed at the request. He thought it was strange to ask for blood. His hand instinctively moved under his breastplate to where he’d been pierced by the silver arrow several weeks prior. Even though he no longer bore the scar, he sometimes still felt the arrow burning through his chest.

  It was strange, almost even macabre. The phantom pain would take him off guard as he thought about the deadly encounter. When his mind was busy the past didn’t seem to play a factor. However when he had time alone to think, his PTSD would not be silenced.

  “Won’t that run the risk of turning some of them into vampires?” Illume asked. “I likely still have some of whatever kind of virus was in me.”

  “I’m not going to force you to surrender your blood,” Kolvar said. “The first time they made Raakmos, there were no cases of vampirism to spring up. Just let me know what your decision is.”

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