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Dragon Steel
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Dragon Steel


  Jodi Kendrick

  MT Worlds Press

  Dragon Steel

  Copyright © 2022 by Jodi Kendrick

  Cover design by Lia Davis, Raynes Davis Publishing Group

  Editing by Kim Ross

  Formatting by Soulgate Publishing

  Published by M.T. Worlds Press, Inc.

  Winter Springs, FL 32708


  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.





  Welcome to Sassy Dragon Island

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  About Jodi Kendrick

  Sassy Tales

  Barbara's Sassy Midlife Tales Inaugural Release!

  Milly Taiden's Sassy Ever After Originals


  Thank you!

  To my family, friends and writing community. Your continued love, support and encouragement keep me going. Without you, I’d still be dabbling and drifting.

  Jess, thanks for ALL the things in this whirlwind you’ve instigated!

  Kim, thank you for all the work you do to make my words make sense!

  My deep appreciation goes out to Milly Taiden for her generosity in opening her creative worlds to those of us that enjoy playing in them!

  For Deb.

  Welcome to Sassy Dragon Island

  Draconia, also called Isla de Fuego Reina (Island of Queen Fire) in the shifter community, is hidden from the rest of the world. Tucked in the Bermuda Triangle, it uses the location’s erratic magnetics as well as magic to keep it uncharted.

  Queen Regina of Draconia has many sisters, daughters, and nieces...but no brothers, sons, or nephews.

  At least, none that live on the island.

  This island is for dragonesses only, and if you want love, you have to leave. If you have a son, he has to go.

  A new generation of dragonesses have decisions to make.

  Do they want to continue the island traditions and live forever without ever knowing love? Can they ignore love when it crosses their paths? Do those in line to rule want to wear the heavy crown? Will they be able to defend the island against attacks from angry rogues?

  The dragonesses in these stories are about to find adventure and love. Some of them don’t know their heritage can be tracked down to the island. Many of them are going to feel the pull to Blue Creek and find out that it’s a place where both rogues and refugees have gone, and where trouble and potential peace await them.

  Read all the books in this special Sassy Dragon Island release!

  Dragon in Disguise by TB Mann

  Dragon Princess by Renee Hewett

  Dragon Heat by Jodi Kendrick

  Fire and Sass by Francis Rondón

  Frost and Fangs by Scarlet Fox

  My Mate’s Rhythm by Terri Wilson

  Walk the Sass by Julia Mills

  Wings of Sass by Lia Davis

  Chapter 1

  Kolina Steelscale stood on the tower platform overlooking the Island of Draconia’s city, spread out before her. A collection of villages lay strung along the coastline, stretching inland and joining, until one city nestled against the base of the queen’s citadel.

  Dragon shifters and humans alike, all female, living and working together, maintaining the harmony of the archipelago civilization hidden in the vast Atlantic Ocean, deep in the region known to the rest of the world as the Bermuda Triangle.

  She stood, hands resting behind her back with her fingers curled around a locket, feet planted shoulder-width apart, monitoring the comings and goings below, as well as the increased patrol progress above. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she straightened her spine, pushing away intrusive thoughts of her daughter.

  That will do you no good, Kolina.

  Three dark spots in the sky approached in a uniform arc, growing larger until Kolina could make out the shape of their wings, supporting their glittering scale-covered bodies through the air.

  She rubbed a thumb over the etched surface of the locket in her grasp once more before tucking it into her pocket. She used the few seconds before they landed to tie her long, graying, dark hair back from her face.

  They came in fast, and banked hard, pushing the air into chaotic eddies of turbulence that twisted across the open deck of the platform. Kolina closed her eyes against the kick-up of dust, but not before she caught the flash of color adorning the claws of the left-wing guardian.

  The currents settled. She opened her eyes and raised a brow, but otherwise waited patiently for the three to land, shift from their dragon to human form, and grab their robes from the change room.

  “Aunt Kolina,” the one approaching addressed her.

  Kolina looked pointedly at the color glittering on her finger and toenails, visible above her open-toed sandals. “I thought you and Kymri didn’t get along.”

  Zayli snorted. “Cousin-rivalry. We may not get along all the time, but we’re still kin.” Besides, I miss her, and nail polish is her thing.”

  “You miss pushing her buttons,” Kolina said, turning to walk along the parapet and not toward the inner guardian offices. “I suppose some of the others aren’t making it easy for you?”

  Zayli shrugged. “I ignore it.” She followed Kolina around toward another platform on the south side of the tower.

  “How is it out there?”

  “You’ve read the reports.”

  Kolina nodded. “And?”

  Zayli sighed. “It’s storm season, so everyone’s exhausted with the extra patrol duty. Tempers are flaring more than usual. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, or anything more than I report to my commander. Why are you here?”

  Kolina stopped walking at the blunt question.

  “Has Marli returned to the island, or has anyone left to meet with her and Kymri?”

  Zayli shook her head. “No one would dare, without Queen Regina’s permission or command. What’s going on?” She dropped her voice.

  Kolina drew a deep breath, debating what to say to her niece—if anything at all. After a moment, she looked back toward the horizon and blew out a breath. “I don’t know. At least, not yet.”

  “But something’s wrong?” Zayli straightened, alert. “I haven’t seen you concerned in a long time.”

  Kolina nodded. It wasn’t something she could put a finger—or a claw—to. Not yet. It was a pitched vibration almost unnoticed. Almost. Like a dog whistle. Inaudible, but at the right pitch to slide under her scales and ride the nape of her neck.

  “If you feel something, you’ll tell me. Report it to your commander, of course, but report to me too. Anything out of place. Your commander won’t ask it of the guardians under her orders. It isn’t her style. But I want every dragoness, of every squad, reporting what they can’t see, hear, taste or smell, too.”

  Zayli frowned. “Yes, aunt.”

  Kolina sighed and softened a fraction, reaching out her hand to touch her niece’s shoulder; something that before Kymri’s absence, she’d have never done.

  Things had changed.

  “I know there is a lot of tension between everyone. Between you and others, because of Kymri. Our duty to our queen’s safety is above that.”

  Zayli snorted. “You don’t have to tell me that. I know all about duty.” She did nothing to mask the acid in her tone.

  Kolina nodded.

  Zayli was the one that always pushed the ‘duty’ line and had been right there supporting Kolina when she’d talked to Kymri about hers. “Is that all, Aunt?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  Zayli turned at the next open archway leading toward the interior of the tower and strode down it in the direction of her quarters.


  It was the one area of Kymri’s life that she’d refused to fulfill.

  And now, the long-standing peaceful island was struggling to keep from slipping into chaos.

  Kymri’s resistance to her duty to have young had pushed her into a heat that resulted in poor judgment choices.

  Kolina sighed. She couldn’t blame Kymri for the recent attacks from the male dragon tribe, but everyone else did. The object of her heat, Jori Mountainside, had unknowingly led them right to the island, threatening the safety of both the queen and the rest of the population.

  Now, they were all on high alert to fend off more attacks from the much larger dragons.

  More woul
d come.

  They all knew it.

  And there’d been no more information from Kymri or Marli since Marli’s sparse report arrived from the continent.

  All they knew was that Kymri and Jori were alive, as was Elora—Jori’s mother and the queen’s trusted ambassador—who’d disappeared several decades before, and that the Dragon King was dead.

  But that wouldn’t stop his radicalized followers from carrying on his ideology and attacking the female-populated island to take control.

  None of them would allow that to happen, but given how much larger male dragons were than female—it wouldn’t be easy. The queen’s guardians were all highly trained warriors. They’d die for their queen and people.

  Why hasn’t Kymri come back?

  Kolina stepped into the frame of her long-time friend Launia’s open office door.

  Launia glanced up from the reports she scowled over, lips quirking at the corners. “I wondered how long before you graced my threshold.”

  “Well, you know, the queen likes to keep me busy.” She brushed the hair from her face, tilting her nose toward the ceiling.

  Launia snorted at Kolina’s affectation of self-importance, reminding both of them of some of their island sorority. Her eyes twinkled, and the severity of the worry lines creasing her forehead eased. Then she raised a brow. “Are you here officially, or personally?”

  “Both.” Kolina closed the office door and approached Launia’s desk, resting a haunch on the corner as she looked down at her friend and colleague.

  Launia eased back in her seat, folding her hands across her lap as she eyed Kolina. “Reports are unchanged. The guardians are exhausted.”

  Kolina nodded. “I spoke to Zayli.” She repeated what she asked of Zayli.

  Launia’s gaze narrowed on Kolina, worrying a lip as she considered her request.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “Maybe. That’s the problem. I just don’t know. The queen has been…different, since Kymri left. Everything feels different.”

  “Or you’re not sleeping enough and are worrying about your youngling.”

  “Who isn’t so young anymore. Not for a long time.”

  Launia snorted again, brow rising higher as she studied Kolina again.

  Kolina sighed. “I know. You don’t have to say it.” Kolina knew full well how much she had interfered in Kymri’s life.

  And she was sure that was the reason Kymri had resisted her duty to produce offspring for so long, until her biology hadn’t given her a choice.

  Kymri: Independent, stubborn, loyal.


  For weeks now.

  She stood, pacing the length of Launia’s heavy, ornately carved wood desk. “This is all my fault. If I hadn’t pushed Kymri so hard, she’d still be here, carrying her child in the safety of our island home, the male dragon tribe never having found us.”

  “Don’t do that. Kolina, we all knew they’d find us one day. It was always just a matter of when. And Jori Mountainside’s arrival would have happened regardless of any family squabbles between you and your daughter.”

  Kolina abruptly changed topics. “I can’t believe Elora is alive.”

  Launia blinked, nodding. “And Odson never said a word about it. Maybe that’s why the queen is unsettled.”

  Kolina’s gaze darted back to Launia’s face, heart twisting in her chest. “Odson Blackridge has always been a wild card.” She considered the circumstances of his withholding that information for so long. “But I understand why he kept that secret from her—why Elora asked it of him.”

  Kolina knew too well what it was to have to make hard choices to protect a son, unwanted by their society.

  Many of the dragonesses on this island did.

  After Kolina left Launia’s office, she walked the circumference of the island, studying the walled citadel, with its towers stretched skyward, looking for flaws in their defenses from below. The Queen’s Spire soared above all the others, a beacon of the queen’s presence on the island. The city surrounded the walls like a layered cloak down toward the uneven shoreline. Sailing ships buoyed in the harbor, fishing boats lined the smaller keys and docks.

  Everything looked as it should.

  And yet, Kolina couldn’t shake her unease.

  Was it just the effects of recent events and the revelation that the queen’s longtime companion, Elora, was in fact still alive, after her disappearance from a diplomatic mission more than three decades ago?

  Kolina extracted her locket from her pocket again, wrapping the chain over her fingers as she studied the etched surface. Its finely crafted face bore the insignia of an elite Draconian guardian commander.

  Its existence was shrouded from others most of the time. It usually lay out of sight, against her chest, under her clothing. Since events with Kymri and Jori, Kolina found herself reaching for it more and more, seeking the comfort of its solidity in her hands; what it represented.

  Her thumb slipped over the image of the winged shield once more before she fastened the delicate chain’s clasps behind her neck and tucked it back under her shirt.

  With a sigh, she cast her gaze back across the horizon.

  If the queen were deeply unsettled, the resonance of her magic could create the sense of island-wide unease.

  But if there was something else, something dangerous causing it, then Kolina had to figure out what it was.

  As a member of the Queen’s Honor Guard, it was her duty to ensure the safety of their monarch, which ensured the safety of their small nation.

  She surveyed the harbor. None of the ships were unfamiliar. The port master did her job as diligently as everyone else under the queen’s rule.

  Every dragoness that chose to live on the island did so with the full understanding of the queen’s absolute rule and accepted the established laws for the protection of the tribe.

  No one wanted to go back to life under the dominance of the male tribe.

  No one.

  Anyone that disagreed with the laws, left.

  It had been more complicated than that for Elora. The queen’s closest companion and loyal ambassador. She hadn’t left the island with the purpose of abandoning her people. Just the opposite. She just hadn’t come back.

  Kolina had been in the queen’s chambers during Odson Blackridge’s retelling of Elora’s story up to the point of her supposed second disappearance. What she’d endured in the claws of the Dragon King. And yet, she’d never given away the island’s location to him.

  But she had to her son. Covertly, yes. But she’d still given them that information.

  Something Kolina had never done.

  Her thoughts briefly flicked to the past, hit a wall of heartache and bounced back to the present. Her fingers brushed against the fabric of her shirt over the locket.

  I need to fly.

  She climbed back up to the nearest citadel gate and up higher still to the flight platforms.

  Another rotation of guardians arrived and departed.

  Near the platform jutting from the Queen’s Tower, where her personal guard resided, Kolina stripped in the change room and made her way out to the ledge.

  Several of her fellow Queen’s Guard eyed her, their judgment plain on their faces.

  Drawing her magic inward, the air around her shimmered and writhed. Her consciousness remained focused on the change as her body mass expanded until she stood on thick-padded talons. The metallic scales of her forelegs glittered under the tropical sun. Her body shimmered as she launched. Her wings snapped out and down, forcing her upward before they curled inward and pushed down again. And again, until she caught the higher currents, through gradient layers of blue sky.

  Her shoulders settled with the old familiarity of the archipelago patrol route.

  When Kymri was old enough to join the guardian patrols, Kolina had moved into her own mother’s position in the Queen’s Guard while her mother had stepped into the Queen’s Council.

  It was the way of things.


  Would she come back? Surely, she would bring her youngling back to the island.

  I’ve pushed her away.

  She had bonded with Jori Mountainside. That changed everything. Complicated things beyond a simple heat.

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