Tiger Triplets (Triplet Harems Book 5), page 1

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Tiger Triplets
Triplet Harems
By: J.L. Wilder
Click to Receive a Free Copy of Brother’s Wolf (Full length)
Table of Contents
Tiger Triplets
First in Series SNEAK PEAK: Dragon Triplets
Tiger Triplets
The music thumped, the drinks flowed, the sweaty bodies ground against one another.
And Julianna barely noticed the red pair of eyes glaring at her through the crowd.
“There!” she shouted, putting her hand on the shoulder of Quinn Thrasher, her best friend. “Those eyes!”
Quinn, petite and pretty and blonde, dressed in skin-tight jeans and a revealing top, narrowed her blue eyes in confusion.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Someone’s watching us!”
Panic raced through her. Julianna didn’t even want to look up to see if the eyes were still there.
But Quinn looked for her.
“You’re seeing things!” she shouted, the usual big, broad smile forming on her face. “You’re just paranoid!”
At first, she kept on dancing. Why shouldn’t she have fun, she told herself? She had run off to Seattle to celebrate her twenty-first birthday. Not only that, but she was far away from the watchful eyes of the elders of her pack, the Cliff Runners.
It was just her and her friends and the drinks in their hands and the bodies pressed up against them on the dance floor of the downtown Seattle club. She felt fearless, invincible. Julianna had known that her twenty-first birthday, the birthday she became an officially marriageable omega, would be something special.
But she hadn’t expected it to feel like this. Power and energy ran through her. She’d only sipped her drink but still felt like she could party and dance all night.
Those eyes, red and burning, like hot coals among the dancers.
“There!” shouted Julianna, seeing them again. “They’re back!”
This time Quinn didn’t even look.
“Come on!”
She took Julianna by the hand, leading her through the masses of tight-bodied men and women, the smells of human and wolf and bear and tiger and all the other animals of the shifter kingdom thick in the air.
They reached the corner at the end of the bar. The music still boomed, but it was quiet enough that they could hear each other talk.
“What’s going on?” asked Quinn.
Before Julianna could answer, Quinn flashed her killer smile at the handsome, male bartender. With her pretty face and shapely body, Quinn was irresistible to nearly all men, human or shifter.
“Two vodka sodas, stat!” she said, slamming her hand on the bar in a joking way, as if it were a real emergency.
He answered with a smile of his own, one that suggested he wanted to give her more than just a couple of drinks. Seconds later, the plastic cups of clear liquid were placed in front of them.
“On me,” he said with a wink before turning and giving the two women a good view of his perfect ass.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you,” Quinn said, handing over one of the drinks. “But you’re totally not in the birthday spirit.”
“I am,” said Julianna. “But someone’s watching me. Someone in the crowd.”
Quinn glanced toward the seething horde of dancers, shadowy figures among the low, flashing lights.
“Yeah, I bet you’re right,” she said. “You’re the hottest girl here, Jules. I bet every single guy here, human or shifter, can’t take his eyes off that cute ass of yours. Hell, probably the girls, too.”
Julianna blushed, still not used to the attention. But it was true—ever since she grew out of her later-than-normal awkward phase around twenty, she’d been getting more attention than she’d ever known. She wasn’t like Quinn, who’d been gorgeous from the moment she stepped into her teens.
“It’s not that. It’s the eyes that keep looking at me and—”
“You know what they are?” she asked. “It’s a manifestation of your guilt.”
“Something I learned about in psych class.” Quinn was a student at Seattle University and had picked up all sorts of new stuff she couldn’t wait to show off.
And Julianna was envious as hell. She wanted nothing more than to go to college, to explore the world outside of her pack territory in rural Washington. But as the only omega of the Cliff Runners, the elders had other plans for her.
“It’s because you’re feeling guilty about sneaking off and running away for your birthday,” she said. “And you’re imagining the eyes of the pack on you. They’re not really there—you’re just imagining things.”
“Wait, you’re telling me that a glowing pair of red eyes that I keep seeing in the crowd are...just in my head?
She nodded. “It’s a sign! It means you need to loosen up. You’re twenty-one, you’re hot as hell, and you’ve got the whole world waiting for you. And I bet you’ve got at least another day before the elders track you down. So, have some fun while you can!”
She pointed to the rest of their group, a bunch of other girls, all shifters Quinn had made friends with at college. “And get to know some of the other girls! You want to see the world out there, the best way to do it is to meet people.”
Julianna shifted nervously where she stood. “I don’t have anything in common with them.”
“You mean aside from being shifters and being the same age and wanting to have some fun?”
“They’re not omegas.”
A concerned expression formed on Quinn’s face. “You’re being too hard on yourself. I know the whole omega thing makes you feel like you’re some kind of weird outsider, but that’s not the case at all. You’re brilliant and fun and charming and all the elders want you for is this thing right here.”
She placed her hand on Julianna’s stomach, giving it a squeeze. Julianna laughed and pushed her away.
“But you’re more than just an alpha-maker. You’re your own woman. It’s time to let the world see that. Now, hold on.”
She flagged down the bartender one more time. He quickly returned, all smiles.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“Brandon,” he said, leaning forward on the bar.
Quinn leaned toward him and gave a slow sniff.
“Let me guess...gorilla?”
He smirked and nodded. “You’ve got a good nose. Almost as nice as the rest of your body.”
Julianna, surprised by the comment even though it wasn’t directed to her, flashed her eyes in surprise.
“Right back at you, handsome. Say, it’s my best friend here’s twenty-first birthday.”
“Is that right?” he asked, turning his eyes toward Julianna.
“It’s right. And she’s an omega.”
“Wow,” he said. “Let me test my nose.”
He leaned in close and gave Julianna a long, slow sniff. His nearness and his scent made the skin on the back of her neck tingle.
“Wolf,” said Julianna, regaining her confidence.
“Nice,” he said. “And you’re an omega, too. You’ve all got a particular smell. Like fresh flowers...and sex.”
This got her eyes flashing again. But despite being overwhelmed by his words, Julianna kept her eyes fixed on his. They were a dark brown, the color of the bark of the Douglas Fir trees that towered over her pack territory.
“So,” said Quinn. “How about a couple of shots to celebrate?”
He took his eyes off Julianna for a moment. “I think that’s doable. Fireball work?”
“Fireball works just fine,” said Quinn.
But Julianna was apprehensive. The man was gorgeous, sure. But there was something about him that didn’t catch her in that way.
She wasn’t sure what it was, only that no man had ever had that effect on her. None of the alphas in the pack, despite how much each and every one of them wanted her like crazy, ever caught her in that way.
Brandon filled three shot glasses with Fireball, pushing one in front of both of the girls and keeping one for himself.
“To happy birthdays,” he said, raising his glass. “And getting the exact present you want.”
Quinn glanced over at Julianna with sly eyes, as if to make sure Julianna hadn’t missed
They tapped rims and threw back their shots. It burned on the way down, and Julianna let out a rush of air as she set down her glass and pushed it away.
“Holy shit,” she said, shaking her head.
“You all right there?” asked Brandon.
“Fine. Just...never been much of a shot girl.”
“You took it well,” he said with a grin. “And ladies...not sure what your plans are for tonight, but I’m getting off work in a bit. Me and some friends of mine are planning on having a little get together a few blocks from here. We’ve got this killer loft downtown, amazing views of the city. You both should come by.”
“Is that right?” asked Quinn. “And why should we leave this oh-so-amazing place for that?”
“Because I’ll make sure you have a birthday to remember,” he said, piercing into Julianna’s eyes.
Before either of them could say another word, he took a nearby bar napkin and wrote down an address and a phone number, pushing it across the bar to Julianna.
“See you there.”
Another wink and he was gone.
Quinn eagerly grabbed Julianna’s shoulder and let out a squeal.
“See?” she asked. “You just have to put yourself out there a little. Let’s hang out here some more, then tell the girls about the party. Whatever Brandon’s got going on, I bet it’ll be a hell of a lot more fun when a pack of wolf babes shows up. And who knows, maybe you’ll even get your V-card punched.”
“Quinn!” shouted Julianna. “I mean, fun’s fun, but if I...lost my virginity, the elders would kill me. That’s supposed to be reserved for the alpha who claims me.”
Quinn made a “pssh” sound, waving her hand through the air as if it were the least important thing imaginable.
“What the elders don’t know won’t hurt them. And trust me, if you’re going to get claimed by one of those shithead alphas of the pack, you might as well have some fun before it happens.”
She took Julianna’s hand again.
“Now come on! Let’s dance!”
Before Julianna could react, Quinn pulled her back into the middle of the dance floor, the bodies pressing against her. She did her best to hold onto her drink, but it wasn’t easy. Not to mention the shot was beginning to kick in, making her loose and woozy.
Soon they were among the rest of Quinn’s friends, the girls pulling her into their little circle and dancing like crazy. She sipped her drink, hoping the booze would wipe away all the worries she had about the pack and the elders and the alphas and everything else.
And for a moment, it worked. The drink and the music worked together, helping her cut loose and have fun.
But the moment she was finally able to let go of her inhibitions and become lost in the music, they returned.
The eyes.
She stopped in her place, turning to face them. This time, there was no mistaking what they were. A pair of dark red eyes stared at her through the crowd, vanishing for only seconds at a time as one of the dancers passed in front of them.
Someone was watching her. And she didn’t need to speak to them to know whatever they wanted, it wasn’t friendly.
Julianna felt suffocated. She threw back the rest of her drink and let the plastic cup drop onto the floor, then took off through the crowd.
She didn’t know where she was going, only that she had to get away from those eyes. Panic coursed through her as she weaved through the dancers, making her way to the exit on the far end of the warehouse.
But she kept bumping into thick knots of people all packed together so tightly that she couldn’t slip through. She had to make turns here and there and was soon lost in the massive space.
And she still felt those eyes on her, the back of her neck on fire.
Julianna panicked, breaking through a group of dancers and stepping out into a cleared space.
One right in front of a VIP booth.
A crowd of a dozen people was in the booth, and Julianna looked them over with eager eyes.
The first thing she noticed was that most of the people in the booth were women—gorgeous women, maybe the best-looking women in the place.
The second thing she noticed was that there were three men seated in the middle, a woman at each of their sides.
The third thing was that the men were all identical.
A dancer bumped her from behind, sending her stumbling into the table. Julianna reached anywhere for something to grab onto, and in the process knocked over about every glass and bottle on the table.
The girls seated let out shrieks, all of them squirming out of the way to avoid getting booze on their expensive dresses.
“What the hell?” shouted one of the men.
“Damn, klutz!” said the second.
“How the fuck did she manage to knock over everything?” asked the third man, surveying the damage after everything had fallen.
Julianna was mortified, enough that she, for a moment, forgot why she was running.
“You got a bar tab?” asked the first man. “Because you’re replacing all of this shit.”
She looked up at the men and was struck.
They were all fucking gorgeous.
They were identical triplets, all with the same muscular build. The three had the same powerful shoulders, stout chests, and thick arms that looked on the verge of ripping through their sleeves. Their faces were all chiseled angles, with strong, wide jaws and sensual lips set among razor-sharp cheekbones.
And there was something else, too—a rich scent in the air that she recognized right away as shifter. But unlike the mossy earthiness of most shifters in the Pacific Northwest, their scent was fresh and lively and...highly sexual.
But as soon as she was done taking in the sight of them, she felt the burning on the back of her neck.
“Sorry!” she shot out, running away from the table and vanishing into the crowd.
She couldn’t get the men out of her head as she ran. But this time she kept her eyes on the red exit sign over the crowd, making her way toward it and pushing the door open as soon as she approached it.
The door led to a narrow maintenance hallway, the thudding bass from the dance floor quieting enough that she could hear herself think.
Got to get out of here, she thought. I’ll go to Quinn’s dorm—has to be safe there.
She made her way through the halls, eventually reaching another door. Julianna pushed it open, this one leading to the outside.
The air was cool, Seattle well into the fall. As soon as the chill hit her skin, she realized she’d left her coat inside, her phone in there as well.
But that didn’t matter—all she cared about was getting as far away from those eyes as possible.
The moment she stepped into the alley, however, she realized she wasn’t safe.
A pair of red eyes appeared at one end, a shadowy form around them. She whipped her head to the other side of the alley just in time to see a second pair of eyes.
There was a fire escape ahead, a third pair of eyes coming down. She was frozen with fear, the figures approaching.
And the closer they drew, the stronger the scent of wolf grew in the air.
It was a familiar scent, too.
The scent of her pack, the Cliff Runners.
Soon the eyes were close enough that she could make out the forms of the men they were attached to among the darkness.
They were three of the alphas of her pack.
“There she is,” said one of them. “The runaway omega.”
“Time to take her back home,” said another, his face twisted into a sneer.
“Yeah,” said the third. “But maybe we can have a little fun with her first.”
They closed in, forming a tight circle around her.
All Julianna could do was scream.
He couldn’t get her out of his head.
“OK,” said Brandon, their bartender, his expression one that suggested he was very eager to please. “Is this everything, guys?”
Jason flicked his eyes over the table, pleased that the staff hadn’t wasted any time getting it all cleaned up. Jason and his brothers, Slade and Ash, leaned in to inspect the drinks.
“Looks all there,” said Jason, barely interested in the drinks.