Ares, page 1
part #9 of Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Ares and Emmilea. Galactic Cyborg Heat Series book 9.
Jessie Rose Case
Galactic Cyborg Heat Series
Book 9
NOTE TO READERS: If you love the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this. This is a sci fi romance filled with hot explicit sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It’s gritty, confrontational and stream will be Coming out of your ears. If you’re looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!
This novel is written mainly in British English, with Americanism’s and slang from both languages.
Ares, named for the old god of war, looked out on the world below him. His mission was simple and his ship and men stood ready. He waited on the intel from his communications officer. In a few moments, they would either be annexing this world or killing it....
He was Cyborg and tasked with finding out if this world, on the border of their space, posed a threat to the Empire. They were not seeking war but, if it came to their door, they would strike first and strike hard. It was what they were born for, what they were good at. His people had demanded the right to a future and found it. They were never giving that up.
His neuro net registered the request from comms. Images of a battle on the surface appeared on the vid screen in front of him. It was brutal and primitive. Enhanced images showed females in the battle zone, an entire army of them clearly battle hardened and skilful. A faint by the females on the far right and left, split the oncoming aggressors in a perfect military move. Ares watched as a flaming haired female followed by her warriors led the charge on her horse, down the middle of the attacking forces, splitting them in half and sending them into chaos, no quarter given. It was the perfect move. The fighting fierce, leaving only dead in their wake. Ares zeroed in on the female leading the charge. His body heated and stirred. His cock hardened as his blood fired and came to life.
Ares smiled. Now that, he hadn't expected ....
Emmilea, the leader of her people, struck hard and precisely. Her horse, knowing her movements from years of practice and engagements, charged without hesitation through the throng of attacking forces. Equally as battle hardened as she was. Lea swung both her swords, slashing and cutting down her foe and anything else in her way, as her horse counter balanced her movements, her seat in perfect harmony. They would win this day, she had no doubt. Kicking out, she crushed one man’s balls, took the head of another as she flew by onto the next, knowing, her people would take care of the rest.
She was born to lead them, no matter the cost and each year that became harder as more and more aggressors, thought to take what was theirs. With no hope of reinforcements from Earth Corp, they were on their own and had made their stand.
This was their home, and no one was taking it ….
To those who fight, knowing they may not win.
And do it anyway.
Copyright July 2017
All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.
Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental
Check out the other books by this author.
Books By the Author
(A American West Native Indian Romantic saga)
The Awaking
(A Bataari New World Sci fi Alien Romantic saga Book 1)
The Beckoning
(A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 2)
A Pairing
(A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 3)
(A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 1 House Arturo)
(A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 2 House Arturo)
(A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 3 House Arturo)
(A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 4 House Arturo)
Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Books 1 – 13
The Covenant
Books 1 – 3
The Demon Realm
Book 1
A word from the Author.
Hello, I'm Jessie and I thank you for buying this book! I know you did not have to.
There are so many choices out there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone else will enjoy one of my stories. And for me, it's about telling a story that I'd like to read myself.
I am not caught up in POV or literacy genius. It's simply not me or my style and I will never be that person, so I apologize to all those who are focused on the POV and the genius of literacy. I envy those that are.
On the days where my pain and meds stop my thinking processes, writing these books have been my lifeline. It reminds me that I still have the ability to rise to the challenge and that I refuse to go quietly into the night. God forbid!
But, I'm a person just like you, who wants to bring some passion into my life and yours, and put a good story out there that's hard to put down, that brings some escapism, sexy fun and pleasure into your reading. We all love a bit of that!
And, I hope I achieve that for you in this book. I sincerely hope you enjoy it so much that you want to look out for the next in the series. (Coming soon) And if I'm lucky, you will have had such a good time, you'll recommend it to your friends and I thank you kindly.
My very best wishes to you and yours. Jessie x
About the Author;
Jessie, (pseudonym) is married with sadly no children but 3 wonderful dogs that fill her life with much laughter, joy and love. She is a ‘second mother’ to her foster children, now grown with children of their own who call her grandma and her husband’s two children and her nephews who she accepts, she spoils rotten.
Having been a 30-year career social worker. Now retired due to ill health. And many years of supporting services across all sectors and leading several teams, Jessie has now turned her attention to another love of her life, books.
In a career that required the ability to write court paperwork, lengthy reports, create protocols and procedures, and having been published in a medical journal for a study on addiction, Jessie is now concentrating on producing stories she would love to read and buy herself. When not busy on her lap top you will find her cooking, reading her favourite authors or swimming in the sun.
She hopes you can join her on the adventure….
Contact Jessie and join her mailing list here @
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book 9. Ares.
Chapter One
Lea strode into the command centre pulling off her arm braces. She threw them onto the table and unbuckled her breast plate. A member of her inner guard took it from her. Arching her back, she stretched. Several cuts and bruises pulled. Her bones weary, bruises starting to show. Her under tunic covered in blood and gore, she washed her hands and face in the bowl provided and wiped herself clean. Someone passed her a goblet. She drank, deeply, gave a nod to her people and sat in the chair waiting for her.
“Report.” She called out.
Her second Josey stepped forward. “We estimate 80% of their forces are dead or injured. Interrogation, tell us they have three ships in space, not one. They have more they can send down. The stockade was badly damaged, but it held. Our dead are still being verified. We have prisoners. Some tried to flee back to their ships.”
Lea looked up at her. “And?”
“A lot more are coming.” Lea desperately tried to hold it together. Her people needed her. She looked around the room. They waited on what she would do next to save them. Each one female. They’d started losing their men to this battle generations ago. Female babies had outweighed male 3 to 1, to start with then eventually only females, were born. No one knew why. When it was clear everyone was needed to defend their home, the females had joined the fight. Now, they were all that was left and dam good at what they did. But, their world was dying. Something had happened to the original settlers, that they couldn’t figure out. They weren’t scientists. A couple of doctors had come originally, a few nurses, now, they just had medics. Some said it was the injections they all had before they left Old Earth and Earth Corp. Others, something they ate that was organic to the new world or created by the atmosphere of this world.
Whatever the cause, there were no men born in the generation before hers and it was likely, there would be no more generations born after hers. It was true, the odd traveller had stayed over the years but they’d learnt the honest kind, were a rarity. Lea and her people knew, if they didn’t find a way to re-populate soon, they would have to find a way to leave or die. Their calls for support ships and help to Earth Corp had gone unanswered for generations. No none was coming. They were on their own.
“We need whatever ships are on the ground. Are they secured?” Josey nodded.
“We have them and the cowards who ran back to them.” Lea nodded.
“Strip weapons from the dead, dying and prisoners. If their ships are monitoring
More to come…. She sighed. They had only just held three landing parties.
Lea knew her people. If she asked them, they would fight to the last man, well woman. Lea frowned. She wanted better than this for her people. They’d been fighting for so long, but the reality was, the pirate raiders were never going to leave them alone. Once they’d found them, they’d just kept coming. They’d tried for diplomacy when they’d first had visitors, hell, they were glad to see them, but nearly all, came looking to conquer, take everything, including them. Her people had learnt quickly. What soldiers they had, had taught others. Fight or die.
Even without a world on offer, women were a richly prised commodity in space. Once the word spread, every few months, one of them would turn up. They’d lost a number of women over the years, to smaller raiding parties taking their chances, leaving as quickly as they’d arrived. It was always heart breaking and devastating to lose one of their own. No on went out without an escort now. Then they’d got organised and came in larger numbers. And soon, they knew there were only females left fighting them off and that seemed to spur them on. They came in bigger numbers, thinking it an easy target. Lea smiled. It wasn’t.
The head of their medical team came in and headed straight for her. “How bad?” Lea asked.
“We have around 30 dead or dying.” Lea gripped her chair the news hard to hear. “Another 20 with injuries, most of those can still fight.” She told her. The pain of the loss hit her hard but mourning would have to wait. She feared for her friends and neighbours but knew that would not help. It was better news than she’d expected. The pirate numbers had been triple their own this time. She’d expected more than 50 would be gone. It was testament to their skill, their determination, how few were gone. Lea knew better strategy on her part and the attackers poor judgement, had given them the day. Next time, she thought anxiously, might be their last. They were close to losing it all. Tears threatened. Anger filled her and she swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Your injured.” The medic told her. Lea nodded and waved her forward. Callister got to work ripping her tunic gaining access to her wounds. Lea took another drink and frowned as Janise came running in excitedly.
Lea knew she should be back at the community defence. “You are never going to believe this,” she panted pointing in the direction of the community as she’d come running in excitedly. “Carolin sent me. The old communication stuff came alive, we have communication from a ship. They are asking for permission to land.” Lea turned to Josey, confused, shocked, surprised.
She looked equally confused. “It works? They’re asking?” Josey asked her. Lea cringed when Callister wiped something over her arm injury.
“Yes, their Captain requests an audience.” She told her wide eyed incredibly. That was new, thought Lea. Maybe they were polite killers? Sprang to mind, her gallows humour coming to the fore. She gritted her teeth. They had to know how vulnerable they were now. What game were they playing now?
“Get back. Make sure our forces have gone to ground. Permission granted. Give location 20 metres out from this point.” She looked at Josey, “once landed, give them a nice welcome.” She smiled. They could roll out the welcome mat. And if needed, pull it out from under them. Her people moved. This planet had lands like Montana, or so she’d been told as a child. It was an Old Earth place. Lots of open space and sky. It held its challenges and her people knew it well. Callister started cleaning her wounds more vigorously. Lea steeled herself against the pain. This wasn’t the first time she’d been stitched up and doubted as she took another pull on her dink, the last.
“Permission granted sir.” Ares stood from his Captains seat on the Bridge of his ship and headed to his off-worlder. His landing party with him. He’d been the Captain of the battle cruiser World Challenger for nearly thirty years. It was old for a ship but with its structure constantly improved and its engines, curtesy of the Admiral’s mate, they were the best. He’d been an Empire Councilman for just as long.
Do we have an update on the other ships we have on screen? He asked over his neuro net of his second.
Affirmative. Pirate raiders. We have accessed their records. They come here frequently. They look to take the world and the females on it. This world does not have space capabilities. The population mainly female. There are three landing craft on the surface. One from each ship. This was a combined strategy.
Ares considered his options. He didn’t want these ships in space at his back, if he was on world. He didn’t want them getting away either.
Boarding parties for each ship. Kill the men. Save any prisoners. We may need those ships, try not to blow them up. He told him laughing. Jedd liked to blow things up. He walked off his Bridge and headed for the landing bay. His neuro net telling him his boarding party with him. He wouldn’t be taking any chances with his woman. His. That was something he never thought to hear ….
Ares’ off-worlder landed at the co-ordinates given to them. Eager to be on land, he stood at the landing ramp waiting for the controls to start working. A sense of apprehension washing over him. He’d faced many unknowns in his 68-year lifespan. Not that he or his men looked their age. They were Cyborg. Their bodies kept at optimum potential. Around 30 years. Some of them stopped aging at various points from 18 to around that point. It depended on the loaded programme in their systems at creation and on their original mission function. But, this was the first time a mission involved a female.
The ramp started to descend. Ares moved forward checking his weapons, his men with him. As it touched the ground they moved down the ramp as a unit. A group of eight females waited for them. Behind them, what was left of a battle field. “Females were moving amongst the dead and dying, removing females that were down and killing, those males injured and not yet dead. He could commend both actions. Leave no man behind or enemy. It was the Cyborg way. Suddenly three men made a break for it and headed in Ares direction. They thought they were here for them, his logic told him. His men moved as one unit, raised guns and fired a warning shot.
“That,” Ares called out to them, “would be a mistake.”
Ares hadn’t missed the females moving in unison equally as well, now concerned for their motives in being here. It was a logical response. He’d expected it. “They yours?” The leader of the females asked, moving her chin in the captive’s direction.
“No.” He told her.
“You taking them?” She asked again. Ares shook a shoulder.
“Prisoners make good practice.” He noticed the human men paled. “If they have crimes to answer for, they should.” He told her honestly.
Secure them. He told his men over his neuro net. His men moved forward roughly handling them then tying them up. Two of the females came forward and walked them off. Satisfied, Ares turned back to the lead female.
“You have nothing to fear from us. We will tell you when and if, you do.”