The seduction, p.1
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The Seduction, page 1

 part  #2 of  Finding Forever Series


The Seduction
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The Seduction

  The Seduction

  Finding Forever - Book 2

  Jessie Jones

  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901


  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Jessie Jones

  The Seduction

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-64563-240-5


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Jessie Jones

  Blushing Books

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Chapter 1

  The ebony haired, American doctor stepped out into the hallway after fixing her makeup and hair. John winked at her and flashed a row of straight, white teeth as he talked on the phone. Ending the conversation, he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her before smashing his lips down on hers. Gillian's tongue mated with his and her arms slipped around his neck as he growled in the back of his throat. John gripped her heart shaped bottom in his hands before smacking one cheek through the black dress she wore. He then loosely gripped her neck and pushed her back to break the kiss.

  "You're playing with fire, kitten,” John said in a deep, smoker's voice as Gillian's pulse beat wildly under his grip. Her emerald eyes had taken on a sapphire hue, and he could smell her arousal. This woman was going to be the death of him.

  Gillian loved the way John towered over her, and leaning up on her tiptoes, she ran her tongue leisurely over his bottom lip as her hand rubbed his expanding cock through the expensive linen of his pants. "I would rather play with you."

  John growled again as he roughly pushed her back against the wall. He had to gain control of his emotions! This woman was literally leading him around by the dick, and no woman did that to John Kenric. "You will pay for that, wench," the Brit warned as he locked her hands above her head. "Because you want me to fuck that pretty little pussy of yours at this moment, I am intentionally going to make you wait, kitten. Right now, I need you to meet some friends of mine. If you don't behave, then I will be forced to punish you. You remember what that felt like, don't you?"

  "I remember, John. You don't have to be such an asshole," Gillian replied dryly as she rolled her eyes, annoyance suppressing some of her desire. "Who are these friends you want me to meet?"

  "Business associates." John smiled, loving Gillian's fire. The woman was so forthcoming with her honesty and emotions. "I think they are going to like you. Matter of fact, I know they will."

  "Why do you want me to meet your associates?" she asked curiously as he grabbed her hand and began leading her down the hallway back to the party. "According to you and Patrick, I'm nothing more than a whore who has something you want. I don't even know why you invited me to this party. You don't even know me."

  John turned on her immediately and pushed her back against the wall. He intimately pressed his body up to hers, and with his lips nearly inches from hers, he said, "I don't think you're a whore, and neither does Patrick. Never refer to yourself as that again. As for the party, I invited you because I would like to get to know you a little better. Is that a crime?"

  "No, it's not. I'm just surprised," Gillian said before he kissed her lips and pulled her along behind him toward the party once again.

  "Why are you surprised? It's obvious that there is a magnetic, sexual chemistry between the two of us. I not only think you are beautiful, but I admire your intelligence and integrity. The latter are very hard to find in women these days."

  "Well then, I'm sure you would agree, John, that in order to get know each other, we have to engage in a give and take type of relationship. So far, all you've done is take. Other than what you have researched, you know nothing about me. I know nothing about you."

  "That's a fair point, and one I plan to rectify in the near future." He turned and winked at her as they moved deeper into the crowd. The giant Brit then pulled her unexpectedly into his arms and began to slow dance to the classical music coming from the live orchestra. Gillian then felt his lips trail up her slender neck to her ear. His voice was deep and husky as he said, "As for the giving, my darling kitten, I plan on giving all night. The question is will you be able to take it?"

  Gillian's clit pulsed at John's words, but before she could respond, he captured her mouth with a kiss. Her arms immediately snuck up around his neck to play with his ebony hair as she pulled him closer. Just as she felt him begin to deepen the kiss, he pulled away with a growl.

  "Sorry to interrupt your dance, old man, but I thought you could introduce me to your guest." Benito grinned as John shot him an 'I'm going to kill you, fucker' look. He then looked at Gillian, and the breath caught in his throat. No wonder John had made a spectacle of himself when the woman had arrived. She was breathtaking! Benito's blue eyes were full of lust as he took Gillian's hand in his and said, "And who do we have here? An angel who has fallen from Heaven?"

  Gillian rolled her eyes before she pulled her hand from the Italian's. She felt John's hand slip around her waist in a protective manner as he placed himself between them. Before she could speak, John said, "This is Dr. Gillian Morgan, and this, love, is Benito Franca. He is a business associate of mine and quite a rude bastard at times. He just demonstrated the latter."

  "Johnny, I'm wounded." Benito smiled, ignoring his friend's harsh words. The Italian had never seen John act like this with a woman before, and he had seen the man with many. He clearly was protective of this one. He then picked up Gillian's hand again to place a chaste kiss on it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, mi amor. I'm sure you have been told this already, but you are quite possibly the most stunning creature in this room. Tell me, how did you and John meet?"

  "He had his men break into my house and kidnap me," Gillian replied dryly as Benito stared at her a moment before breaking out into hysterical laughter. Deep down, Gillian knew that when John said business associate, he meant friend of the underworld. Benito was a very handsome man, but she could tell that he had a dangerous edge. It was not as strong as John or Patrick's, but it was there, and he clearly was a man who liked control.

  "Damn, John! Is that how you get women these days?" Benito laughed as John smacked the woman soundly on the ass. "You know there are easier ways to get a date. Ever heard of Tinder?"

  "I saved your pretty little ass from getting killed! I believe I took care of you in more ways than one," John barked at Gillian as he watched her rub her bottom and glare at him.

  "Oh, that's right," Gillian dryly replied as she tried to pull from John's grip. "You and Patrick did assault me both physically and sexually in your office before leaving me locked in your bedroom for several days."

  "Assault?" John growled, gripping her arms in his, forgetting the crowd of people who were staring at them. "Sweetheart, you can't assault the willing. I believe Pat and I made your sweet pussy very wet, even though you were fighting it. Did you, or did you not, come on my tongue?"

  "I can't believe…" Gillian began loudly before John crushed his mouth on hers in a dominating, passionate kiss. She felt her body instantly respond to him as his tongue mated with hers and his hands roamed over her body. She clung to him as he deepened the kiss and his hand knotted into her hair while the other fondled her breast. All anger that she had felt just a minute ago had vanished and what replaced it was pure, unadulterated lust for this man. She purred in the back of her throat as her pussy ached for his tender caress.

  Breaking the kiss, John needed to gain some control. He had meant to teach her a lesson but had found himself lost in the moment. This woman made him lose his mind when she was near, and that was extremely dangerous. Even now, he was acting like a total fool in front of an entire room of people. The powerful men in this room would love to expose a weakness in John, and right now, Gillian was fitting the role. John needed to put a little distance between himself and the doctor so he could regain some composure.

  Before releasing her, he whispered in her ear, "Was that assault, dear kitten? I think I could spread your legs and fuck you right here in front of these people, and you would let me."

  Gillian felt heat shoot from her pussy to her face. Her eyes traveled from John to the multitude of people standing in the room. All eyes were on the two of them. Some whispered while others just stood in awe of what was happening. What the hell was John doing to her? She acted like a wanton hussy when he was around. It was hard to admit to herself, but John spoke the truth. He could bend her over and strip her down right here in front of this crowd, and she absolutely would let him. Matter of fact, it took everything in Gillian not to beg him to do it. When her emerald eyes found his again, they were shooting daggers at him. As she opened her mouth to speak, though, John
put one finger to her lips.

  "Before you say something you will regret, sweetheart, we need a moment apart. I need a drink, and so do you. Meet me in fifteen minutes in the game room. Duff will bring you to me. Understand?" John said before he placed a kiss on her neck. He nuzzled the area for a moment before he looked deep into her eyes. Seeing the immediate effect his actions had on her, the smile that lit his face was brilliant as he kissed her lips once more and then turned to walk away.

  Gillian watched John disappear into the crowd with Benito in tow. She closed her eyes a moment as she began to deep-breathe. The beautiful American needed a moment to think. She prided herself on control, and she rarely, if ever, lost her temper. She could not understand the emotions that John evoked in her. The handsome Brit made her feel emotions that she had buried deep inside years ago. She could not even begin to explain how much she wanted him. If she was being honest, Gillian could feel her heart swell every time he was near. It was as if they were connected by some imaginary force. She even felt the sensation with Patrick, but it was much stronger with John. She found herself fantasizing what life with John would be like if she was in a relationship with him. Opening her eyes, she looked around the room. There was not one ugly woman here. John was a billionaire bachelor who had probably slept with most of the women in this room. He wanted nothing more than her body. She would willingly give him that, if only for tonight. Gillian had already decided to give John the book, but she would wait until morning, and then she would say goodbye.

  "You look as though you could use this," Duff said as he came up behind her with a glass of wine. He watched her down it immediately. The Scottish man could tell something was bothering her. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a moment to freshen up," Gillian replied softly before she left him and headed toward the restroom. Duff snapped his fingers as he and a tall, muscular, spiky haired blonde named Baily followed the American at a close distance. The beautiful woman walked into a very large bathroom and made her way to the last stall. The stall was its own posh little space with a toilet, elegant chair, vanity, and mirror. After locking the door, she sank down in the chair and felt the tears threatening to fall. Burying her face in her hands, she allowed herself a moment to feel. She sat in silence for a few minutes before she heard a group of women walk into the bathroom and begin talking.

  "Did you see John tonight? He looks positively delicious. Remember that night we spent with him, Natalie? He and Patrick kept us up all night. We could barely walk the next morning! Maybe I'll see if we can have a repeat performance later."

  "Well, it appears as though he has a new pet to play with. He seems preoccupied with this one. Word has it, Pandora has been MIA since she came into the picture, and you know she is his favorite. Maybe John has replaced dear, vicious Pandi."

  "New pet? More like a new whore to fuck! Did you see how fat she is in that dress? I found myself wanting to moo. The bitch is not even pretty! And she's an American! Everyone knows John hates Americans! I wonder what dumpster he pulled her from."

  "Well, wherever he got her, you know it won't take long for John to grow bored and send her back. After he fucks her, then Patrick will fuck her. He might even let Benito and Kin have a turn."

  Gillian's heart sank even further as she listened to the women talk and laugh. What the hell was she doing with John? These women reinforced how little she really knew about the Brit, and who the hell was Pandora? Gillian had no idea if John was married or in a relationship. His staff had gotten female clothes from somewhere, maybe it was this woman's closet. Although Gillian could not see the women who spoke about John, she had no doubts that they were more than beautiful. The women at this party were made for wealthy men. Of course, John had slept with them. What man wouldn't?

  Letting out a large exhale, Gillian stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She knew that she was not a skinny woman, but she had never considered herself fat. The dark-haired American had never had trouble getting a man's attention, but for some reason, she could not keep one. Maybe men saw her as nothing more than a whore. Her uncle Gary had always told her that she was a mistake and she would always be alone because no one would ever want her. Maybe he was right. Maybe Gillian was destined to be alone. She saw the way that men looked at her and she could see in their eyes that she was nothing more than an object. Somehow, Gillian had thought she had seen something different in John's chestnut eyes. He had made his intentions clear. She was a fool to think that there was something else there. Maybe she should just leave the party and never look back, but that thought had a painful knot forming in the pit of her stomach. The thought of never seeing John again had her chest hurting with an empty sadness.

  Hearing the women leave the bathroom and the room quiet again, Gillian dried her eyes and repaired her hair and makeup. She was not surprised to see Duff standing in the restroom when she walked out of the stall. When her emerald eyes met his, she said, "Look, save it. I don't need a pep talk or anything. I'm sure you heard some of their conversation. I just want to get the hell out of here."

  "Well, that's not possible, sweetheart," Duff replied, hating the sadness he saw in her eyes. He had heard the conversation, and Baily was now personally taking care of the bitches for him. "There is no way in hell that John is going to let you leave."

  "Yeah, because I have the book. I know," Gillian responded dryly. "John can have the freaking book! I don't care anymore! My life has done a total one eighty since stumbling across that damn thing! He can have it, and then I can leave. That's what he really wants anyway."

  John could give a fuck about the book, Duff thought to himself. The only thing his mate wanted was standing in front of him, but Gillian clearly couldn't see that. It would be up to John to tell her, because Duff wouldn't betray him like that. "Look, I'm not going to stand here and bullshit you, lovey," the man said as he approached her and lifted her chin so he could see her eyes. "John wants you, and you obviously want him. Why not just enjoy your time together? Fuck those bitches! They're jealous and bitter. Don't give them the satisfaction of ruining your plans."

  "Is John married?" Gillian asked as she searched Duff's eyes. "Who's Pandora?"

  "John is not married," Duff began honestly. "But I will let him explain who Pandora is. It's not my place to answer that for Johnny. Why does it even matter? Are you jealous?"

  Gillian stood there and stared at Duff for a moment, refusing to answer his question. She could not explain the sense of relief she felt in knowing that John was not married. Maybe this Pandora was a girlfriend of sorts, but if she was, why had Gillian not met her? The American had been in John's personal quarters for the past week and had seen no pictures of women, no clothing, nothing that made her think John was in a relationship. Maybe Duff was right. Maybe she should just enjoy tonight with the dangerous Brit. Gillian had no doubt that it was going to be memorable. John wanted her! He was only the most beautiful man in the world, and he wanted her intimately! More importantly, Gillian desperately wanted him!

  "So where is John?" Gillian asked as she stood up straight and brushed her ebony hair back over one shoulder. "He said something about the game room."

  "Follow me."

  About five minutes later, Gillian was walking into an enormous type of game room. There was a bar area, a pool table, a large sitting area, and an elaborate, rectangular card table. At the card table, John, Benito, an Asian man, and Patrick sat. As she entered the room and the door closed, all four men turned to stare at her. Gillian immediately felt a wave of lust and desire hit her core as Patrick stood up and walked around the table to aggressively approach her. She straightened her back as the Irishman circled her. She felt him rub his face against her dark hair and inhale as his hands cupped her bottom through her dress. At her sharp gasp, she heard him chuckle before coming around to stand before her. As their eyes met, she felt her pussy flood with moisture. Patrick was a very beautiful man. The Irishman had the face of an angel but the heart of a devil. Her eyes drifted down from his turquoise eyes to the cream-colored vest and pant suit he wore. The long sleeved, white shirt he wore under the vest was rolled up to the elbows to expose his tattooed arms. On his blond head, Patrick wore an off-white newsboy hat. Just like John, Patrick took her breath away.

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