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Saved by Time

  Saved By Time

  Book Nine of The Thistle & Hive Series

  Jennae Vale

  Jennae Vale

  Copyright © 2018 by Jennae Vale

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  A Note from Jennae


  About the Author

  Also by Jennae Vale

  Chapter 1

  The Thistle & Hive Inn - Scotland, Present Day

  So, this is where the magic happens. Tina Carrera smiled to herself as she surveyed the lobby of The Thistle & Hive Inn. Her sister, Elle and her brother-in-law, Hamish were having a very animated conversation with Edna Campbell, the innkeeper witch who’d matched them. All Tina could think was how crazy it was that both Hamish and Elle had time traveled. And this adorable lady with the wild blue stripe in her white hair had made it happen. Crazy!

  “I’m so happy to finally meet you,” Elle said, speaking to Edna. “If it wasn’t for you I would never have met Hamish and my career would have died an untimely death.”

  “Oh, ’twas nothing, dear. I do what I can when I see someone who needs a little love in their life.” Edna grasped Hamish’s hand. “What do ye think of modern-day Scotland, lad?”

  “It’s been five hundred years since I was last here,” he chuckled and they all joined him. ’Tis different than I expected. We were in Edinburgh yesterday. ’Tis a big city.”

  “Did ye tour the castle?” she asked.

  “Aye. A place I’d never had the pleasure to visit when I was with the Mackenzies.”

  “And who’s this?” Edna asked.

  “Tina, come over here,” Elle called. “This is my sister, Tina. She’s my tour manager.”

  “Oh. ’Tis a big job, aye?”

  “I guess you could say that. Keeping these two under control is a bigger job,” she teased. “I’m pleased to meet you, Edna.” Tina had enjoyed being Elle’s tour manager, but it certainly wasn’t what she’d dreamed of doing. She was glad the tour was over and that for the foreseeable future there wouldn’t be another one. It had been an experience she’d never forget, but she understood now that along with the thrill, it was also exhausting. It had been Elle’s dream, not hers, but it had given her a bit more understanding into her sister’s life. Tina wanted nothing more than to go back home and find her place in this world. She’d always wanted to be her own boss so following the schedule and demands of the touring company had been a big adjustment. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but she was certain that whatever it was would keep her a little closer to Carrera Ranch.

  Edna continued chatting with Elle as she occasionally snuck a peek in Tina’s direction. “How many more cities are ye going to before ye head home?”

  “We’re done. We made Edinburgh our final stop because we wanted to come see you, but after this we’re heading home.”

  “I’m so pleased yer here. How long can ye stay?”

  “It’s going to be a quick visit. I’m exhausted,” Elle said.

  “Tell her,” Hamish said, poking Elle in the side.

  “Tell me what?” questioned Edna.

  “Well, we wanted you to be one of the first to know. Tina’s the only other person we’ve told.”

  “Aye,” Edna said, patience obviously wearing thin.

  “I’m pregnant!”

  Edna’s hands flew to her face as her eyes and mouth opened wide. “Oh! That’s wonderful news!” Edna came around the desk to pull them both into a hug. She was beaming with obvious pride. “I knew ye’d be the perfect match. I cannae tell ye how happy I am for ye. How far along are ye?”

  “Just about two months, but it’s been difficult traveling. I’ve had morning sickness from the start,” Elle said, rubbing her tummy.

  “More like all day sickness,” Tina added. Being pregnant wasn’t high on her list after watching Elle barfing on a daily basis and getting nauseous at the drop of a hat. That did not look appealing to her at all.

  “Ye poor dear. We will take good care of ye while yer here. Yer room is the first one at the top of the stairs. Why dinnae ye head on up to rest before dinner. Dylan, my nephew-in-law, is an amazing cook. Hopefully, ye’ll be well enough to eat something.”

  “I hope so,” Elle said, yawning.

  “Come love,” Hamish took her hand and headed for the stairs. “We’ll be down for dinner.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to hear all about ye two lovebirds.” Edna turned her attention to Tina. “Tina, yer room will be right next to theirs, if ye’d like to head up.”

  “No. I think I’ll stay down here if you don’t mind.” Tina could swear there was a new glint in Edna’s eye, but it disappeared so fast she couldn’t be sure.

  “Of course I don’t. Would ye care for something to drink. Tea?” Edna asked.

  “Is that a bar I see?” Tina walked into the dining room and straight to the bar. “Where’s the bartender?” she asked glancing around the room.

  “Oh, we dinnae have one. Angus, my husband, makes drinks whenever someone would like one.”

  “I’d love a glass of wine, if that would be okay.”

  “Let me get us both a glass. Why dinnae ye sit over there by the window. We can get to know each other a wee bit better.”

  “I’d like that.” Tina picked a table by the window, enjoying the sunshine peeking through and the fact that she could see what was happening here in Glendaloch. The tour had visited twenty cities in Europe. Tina had more stamps in her passport than she had ever dreamed, but it was all a blur. Airports, trains, a tour bus, hotels, venues, more hotels, dealing with logistics, constantly checking details for the next event and the one after that to make sure everything went smoothly for everyone else. There hadn’t been any time for exploring the cities she had visited. She hadn’t even had a chance to just sit and enjoy a quiet moment in months.

  Being on tour was great in a lot of ways. She had spent months touring with her brothers and sister. They’d had a chance to work together and heal over some the hurt that had been a real wedge between them for years. She loved her family, loved being with them, but it was exhausting.

  Edna joined her carrying two glasses of wine. “I hope ye like a nice sauvignon blanc. This one is quite good.”

  “It’s almost as if you know me, Edna,” Tina laughed. “How long have you lived in Glendaloch?”

  “My whole life. I was born here.”

  “It’s exactly what I thought a small Scottish village would look like. Very quaint.” She took a sip of her wine, savoring the flavor. “Mmmm. This is good.” Tina sighed, feeling some of the tension she had carried start to drain from her shoulders.

  “I’m glad ye like it. Dylan and Maggie, my niece, go over to France occasionally and bring back some wonderful bottles. Ye’ll have a chance to meet them later.” Edna’s smile was pleasant, friendly. There was something about her that made Tina want to confide in her. Ever since Elle had told her about traveling to the past, Tina had wondered about the woman, the witch, that had sent her there.

  “So, Elle tells me you’re a witch. Is that something you’ve always been, or did you have to learn how to be one?” Tina couldn’t believe she had just blurted that out. She had meant to sort of ease into the topic.

  Edna didn’t seem surprised or offended, she just smiled and that glint from before made another appearance. “I’ve been a witch for as long as I can remember. No classes for me. It comes quite naturally.”

  “Interesting,” Tina mused.

  “What of ye? What do ye like to do when yer not on tour with yer sister.”

  “I live at home with my parents and some other family members. We have a ranch about an hour out of San Francisco. Elle and Hamish built a house next door to the family ranch, so we see them all the time.”

  “Isn’t that lovely? It’s so nice that yer family is a close one.”

  “We definitely are that.” Tina took another sip of wine and thought about the tour bus, the tiny dressing rooms, “Sometimes a little too close.”

  “What do ye mean?”

  “Family nosiness. Especially for me. Before the tour I had a job I didn’t really like, spent a lot of time babysitting my niece and nephew. I didn’t really go out or date.” She shook her head. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, it was more that the men she met inevitably had an agenda. Once they found out who her sister was, that was all she was to them – Elle’s sister. “My mother can’t understand why I’m not married and having children. She’ll be so excited when she finds out about Elle.”

  “So yer mother is

  Tina started. That made her sound harsh. “I shouldn’t have said it that way. I live with them, so they know all my business. They just want me to be happy.”

  “You’re not?”

  Tina shrugged her shoulders. “Happiness is different things to different people.”

  “What is it to ye?” Edna’s cocked eyebrow and slightly tipped head showed her interest.

  Tina thought back on the last few years, “I guess I don’t have a good answer to that question,” Tina admitted.

  “Ye say yer Mum wants ye to be married. Do ye have a lad yer sweet on?”

  Tina had to laugh at that. She loved Edna’s accent. It was darling. “Nope. No one.”

  “Do ye wish ye did?”

  “Sure. It’s not that easy though. I’ve been traveling a lot and prior to that I’d had to resort to online dating, which is great for some people, but my experience has been that for men it’s like they’re kids in a candy shop. Oh, look at that girl and that one. They are never happy. Always looking for the next best thing… like that exists.”

  “That does sound terrible.” Edna shook her head, Tina felt the pity Edna had for her and couldn’t even bristle at it. She was pitiful. She needed change, needed something else in her life besides being in Elle’s shadow.

  “It is. I’m just tired of it all. I’d like to have someone I could spend time with. Someone I could depend on to be there for me, but it’s looking less and less likely that it will happen.” Tina was just plain tired of the whole mess. What was the point of trying? Nothing she did seemed to make a difference.

  “’Tis a shame. Yer a lovely lass.”

  “Apparently not lovely enough,” she chuckled, even though it was, in reality, a painful truth she lived with every day. She’d decided there had to be something wrong with her, although she couldn’t pinpoint it. She did have a sharp tongue, but that shouldn’t be a deal breaker. Anyone who knew her was aware that she was all bark and no bite.

  “Well, I’m sure someone will come along soon. Yer too good to let get away.” Edna sipped her wine, eyeing Tina over the rim of her glass.

  “That’s very sweet of you to say.” Tina said. Edna was just being a good hostess, why else would she say that. She certainly didn’t know her or know anything about her. She thought to change the subject. “So, tell me about this time travel you do.”

  “’Tis something I discovered many years ago. ’Tis how I met my husband Angus.”

  “Really?” Tina was impressed. She wondered how many others she’d helped find their love.

  “Aye. He’s a Highlander from Hamish’s time. I must admit, I’m a bit of a busy body when it comes to helping others find the love of their life. So far I’ve done verra well at it. Perhaps I could help ye.”

  Was she reading Tina’s thoughts?

  Edna was eyeing her from head to toe with what appeared to be great curiosity. “Would ye like to give it a try?”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. I don’t even like to fly. I’ve had a hard enough time traveling through Europe on this tour. Time travel might be pushing it too far.” But her curiosity got the better of her. “Just out of curiosity, how would that work?”

  “I’d send ye back in time to meet the one for ye. He’s there and he’s waiting for ye, though he doesnae ken it yet.” Edna wore what Tina could only describe as a mischievous smile.

  Butterflies had suddenly appeared in her stomach as she absorbed what Edna said. He’s waiting for ye. That can’t possibly be right, though. This was ridiculous. “I couldn’t possibly do that. I’ve got to get back home.” No. There was no way she was going to get talked into it.

  “Whatever for? Ye’ve said there’s no one there for ye, except yer family. Don’t get me wrong, ’tis important, as Elle would tell ye now that she understands it.”

  “Yeah, she’s a different person. She’s all about the family now. From dinners together to traveling together, she’s all about togetherness. Thank you for that.” Tina really meant it. Having her sister back and completely present with the whole family was a gift she never expected. “Hamish has been a blessing to all of us. He has become a big part of our family and we all love him to pieces.”

  “I’m glad it all worked out.” Edna was looking at her again with that odd expression that said she was peering into her soul. “Stay. Let me help ye.”

  “I’ll think about it, but time travel seems scary to me. I have so many questions about how it works. What if I got stuck there? I couldn’t take that chance.” That settled it. She hoped that would put an end to this uncomfortable topic.

  Edna laughed at her, “I can tell ye, I have never had anyone get stuck that didn’t want to be.” Tina wondered what on earth that meant. “I’ve got some important matters to attend to, but let’s talk again later tonight or perhaps tomorrow. I’m sure I can convince ye.”

  Tina admired Edna’s stick-to-itiveness. Persistence was a quality Tina was very familiar with as she possessed it herself. Once she made up her mind to do something, there was no one who could talk her out of it. No matter the obstacles, it was as good as done. “We’ll see about that.”

  Edna winked at her as she left the room. She was met by an older gentleman who reminded Tina of Hamish. She guessed it must be Angus. A moment later when he took Edna in his arms and kissed her soundly on the lips, she was sure of it. She was not a voyeur, but she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of them. She could feel the love there, just as she could feel it from Elle and Hamish. It just didn’t seem fair that every guy she ever dated was either completely not her type, or was only interested for a short time until that other girl came along. Why hadn’t she found her special someone? Maybe she should give Edna a chance to do a little matchmaking for her.

  They all ate dinner together in the dining room. It reminded her of dinners at the Carrera ranch back in California. Happy conversation, a good bit of teasing and delicious food. This time the chef wasn’t her mother though. It was Dylan Sinclair from San Francisco. He was married to Edna’s niece, Maggie. They were a cute couple. Very much in tune with each other and obviously in love. Tina gathered from their conversation that Maggie was a witch as well. Here she sat with three couples who were all madly in love. Boy did she feel like a fifth wheel, or in this case a seventh. Edna didn’t bring up time travel and neither did any of the others. Maggie and Dylan were curious about the tour they’d just completed.

  “Dylan loves to sing and he’s got a great voice,” Maggie offered.

  “Do ye now?” Hamish asked.

  “I do love to sing, but as for the great voice, Maggie might be a little bit prejudiced.” Dylan took a sip of his beer, before wrinkling his nose at Maggie, who elbowed him in the side.

  “Do ye play an instrument?” Hamish asked.

  “A little guitar, but I am far from a musician. After you checked in, I took an opportunity to listen to some of your songs while I was cooking dinner. I love your stuff.”

  “Thank you so much,” Elle said.

  “You’ve definitely got some new fans,” Maggie said.

  “How are ye feeling?” Edna asked Elle.

  “Pretty good. I think this might be the first meal I’ve been able to eat without feeling sick.”

  “Must be Dylan’s good cooking,” Edna said, a suspicious twinkle in her eyes.

  Tina wondered if Edna had put some spell on Elle to keep her morning sickness at bay and a second later when Edna winked at her, she knew she had. She also got the feeling that Edna was reading her mind.

  “I’m actually feeling great right now, knock on wood.” Elle said as she rapped on the wooden dining table.

  “I’m so happy to hear it,” Edna said.

  Tina glanced at Angus who seemed to be done eating and was sitting back in his chair with his arm across the back of Edna’s. “You’re very quiet Angus,” she said.

  “Aye. I’ve nae much to say. Edna does enough talking for the both of us,” he teased.

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