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Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance), page 1


Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)

  Milked By Royalty:

  The Full Collection

  Jena Cryer


  Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection

  Copyright 2013 by Jena Cryer

  Kindle Edition

  Published December 2013

  Cover design by Jena Cryer

  Cover art copyright sassyphoto

  The characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents


  Part One: Initiation

  Part Two: Training Day

  Part Three: Running With the Bulls

  Part Four: A Royal Gangbang

  Part Five: Best in Show

  Part Six: An Extreme Modification


  Other Works by Jena Cryer

  His Black Pearl: Synopsis

  His Black Pearl: Sample

  About the Author

  Part One: The Initiation

  Julia Dorne stared up at the massive, stately home and thought, This must be what true love feels like.

  Farthington Abbey was five stories of limestone and ivy and hard, masculine edges. As large as a castle, it dominated the English countryside with all the strength and power of its centuries old heritage.

  “And you’re sure your friend won’t mind that you brought me along?”

  Beside her, Brandon chuckled. “Mind? Trust me, Jewel, once his lordship takes one look at you, he won’t be able to bear seeing you leave.”

  Heat rose to Julia’s cheeks, and she ducked her head to hide her blush. Brandon always made ridiculous comments like that. “You’re a work of art, my Jewel,” he’d tell her. “Men would mistake you for Venus if you’d only been born a few centuries earlier.”

  She always rolled her eyes at his flattery. Julia knew she was nothing special. She was twenty-one, neither overly tall nor painfully short, and thin enough to fit into a size 3 but too scared to wear anything that even came close to showing her curves. Her eyes were a little too green to be considered blue, her lips a bit too full compared to her other pixie-like features, and her dark-brown hair was far too wavy to ever fall straight.

  She twirled a finger through one long ringlet and sighed. She never could figure out how to cut it, so it’d been growing for years on end until it was now halfway down her back and so heavy she could barely lift her head when it was wet.

  “I just don’t want to be an imposition,” she said as they walked down the manor’s long, rocky driveway. “I’m not exactly the kind of girl you bring home to visit royalty.”

  Brandon rolled his eyes. “James isn’t exactly high royalty. He’s only an earl.”

  “Oh, yes, ‘only an earl.’ And here I am a poor American on study abroad. You do realize I’m going to be completely lost if we’re expected to eat with him. I don’t know what half those fancy forks and spoons are for, much less how to use them.”

  Brandon laughed. “Trust me, Jewel, I can promise his lordship won’t be interested in your table manners while we’re here.”

  Julia bit her lower lip. Ever since she met him, Brandon Pine had been a mixture of doting friend and mysterious stalker. They’d first run into each other outside of Harrod’s. She’d asked for directions to the Tower of London, and he’d guided her there himself. The tall blonde had stayed by her side ever since then, offering her advice, taking her out, introducing her to his friends and the country he’d learned to call home.

  “I grew up in America,” he once told her, “but as soon as you get a look at the real England, and I’m not talking about these tour-group infested hot spots, I mean the actual countryside: the manors, the people, the customs. Once you see all that, old England’s got her hooks in you, and she’ll never let you go.”

  She sighed. Brandon was right about that, if nothing else. Julia couldn’t deny the power this country held over her. Every hill, garden, and blade of grass called to her like a siren, and each day she dreaded the prospect of ever having to return to the dreary Portland home she’d left behind.

  But if Brandon’s promise came through, maybe she wouldn’t have to leave.

  “And you really think this lord will want to help me?” she asked. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but…”

  “Listen to me, Jewel, I know James, and trust me, as soon as he sees you, he’ll make sure you never have to leave this country again no matter what your Visa says. Got it?”

  She forced a smile even as she nodded back, but still, doubt coiled in her gut like a deadly python. She’d received promises before. She’d bared her soul to a man who’d promised to give her the world, but instead...

  She squeezed her eyes shut.

  Just don’t think about it. Brandon isn’t like Matthew. He wouldn’t hurt you like that.

  Still, no matter how much she told herself not to get her hopes up, she couldn’t help but feel nervous. False words and broken promises had driven her out of America, straight into a land that had become even dearer to her than the man who had shattered her heart to begin with, and more than anything she didn’t want to lose this new love just like she’d lost the last.

  Brandon put a hand on her back and led her down a path to their left. The manor house’s giant door and mountain of front steps disappeared around a corner, and within minutes, they weren’t close to the house at all.

  “Where are we going?” Julia asked. “The house is that way.”

  “Yes and the barn is this way,” Brandon said. “That’s where we’ll find his lordship.”

  “In the barn?”

  Brandon smiled. “He has a great fondness for his cattle.”

  A towering white stone barn rose before them. The doors opened and a pair of men in overalls and heavy boots walked out. Their eyes lingered on Julia, and she dropped her gaze on reflex. Behind them, a man nearly as impressive as the estate he owned stepped out of the shadows.

  Sunlight shone across his glossy black hair. He stood with his shoulders back, his hands on his hips, and his gaze fixed solely on the woman walking towards him.

  He’s magnificent, Julia thought, but she brushed her fantasies aside before any could take hold. This man was a lord, an earl. At best he might help her extend her stay in the country, but anything beyond that was more than ridiculous.

  “Lord Ashe,” Brandon said. “May I introduce you to England’s newest jewel, Julia Dorne.”

  Julia’s legs shook as the earl took her hand.

  “A pleasure, my dear.” He brushed his lips across her knuckles. “Brandon tells me you’ve come to enter my service.”

  “Well…I…that is…”

  Julia swallowed.

  What is wrong with you? He’s just a man.

  But if truth be told, James Ashe was nowhere near “just a man.” He towered nearly a head above her. His broad shoulders dwarfed her own, and not even his dress shirt could hide the well-muscled torso beneath it.

  From head to toe, he was strong, aristocratic, and perfect. He was everything Julia could have ever wanted in a man and every bit as unattainable as make-believe knights she’d fantasized about growing up.

  He’s even more handsome than Matthew was, she thought.

  The observation made her wince, and she immediately dismissed the thought from her mind. This man wasn’t Matthew. Her fiancé had been…had been…

  Ex- fiancé, she reminded herself. And don’t think about him. He isn’t here now. It’s just you and his lordship and Brandon. There’s absolutely no reason to panic.

  “Is something amiss?” Lord Ashe asked, but Julia shook her head quickly.

  “No, no, I…” She tried to think of a lie as quickly as she could. “Well…when I heard you were an earl, I figured you’d be older.”

  He arched a single, dark eyebrow. “Compared to a young thing like you, I would think thirty-two must be somewhere close to ancient. You are twenty, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said. “That’s not a problem, is it?”

  He smiled. “Not at all. Twenty is the perfect age to enter service, and that is what you want? To enter my service?”

  “Oh, it is,” she said a little too quickly. “I mean, well, I want to stay here, and Brandon said if I worked for you, maybe you could extend my Visa a few months or years or…”


  Julia’s breath caught.

  “Oh, make no mistake, if you do choose to remain here, no one will ever be able to make you leave, but there is a catch.”

  Julia cocked her h
ead to the side. “What kind of catch?”

  “Nothing too complicated. Only this: as long as you are in my service, you will do exactly as I command. I brook no insubordination on my estate. Misbehave and you will be punished. Work well, and I promise you will more than enjoy the rewards.”

  He lifted a finger to trace her jawline, and her heart beat faster. Just feeling this man’s skin against hers lit something inside her that had never taken flame before, not even for Matthew.

  Oh, get over it, she told herself. He’d never want you. He’s an earl. He’ll marry royalty, not some hand-me-down commoner.

  She knew she shouldn’t fantasize, but still, when Julia looked up into Lord Ashe’s dark eyes, she couldn’t help but notice something different, almost a longing, maybe even a hunger, that threatened to reignite the daydreams she kept trying to douse.

  She cleared her throat to calm herself.

  “And just what is it you want me to do?” she asked.

  “You’ll be working in the barn, primarily. Here at Farthington, we pride ourselves on being one of the best dairy farms in the world. I have no doubt that your hard work could make us even better yet.”

  “But I don’t know anything about cows,” she said.

  “And I don’t expect you to. All you need to worry about is milk. Horton?”

  His lordship lifted a hand, and a stiff-backed butler exited the barn. The older man held a tray in one hand. On it was a single glass of milk.

  “We use only the best stock to produce our milk, and believe me, it shows. Go ahead. Try a taste. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  Julia stared at the glass and hesitated. As much as his lordship intrigued her, he was still a stranger, and her mother had always made it a point to warn her about mixing strangers and open drinks.

  “Go on,” Brandon told her. “What do you think it is? Poison?”

  Julia chuckled nervously before taking the glass in her hand. Unlike the milk she was used to, it was warm. Heat crept through the narrow glass, and when she lifted it to her lips, milk just as hot as her own insides spilled into her mouth.

  Oh, God!

  It wasn’t as creamy as whole milk, but it was sweet, far sweeter than any she’d ever tasted. She savored every bead that touched her tongue, not once releasing the glass from her lips until every delicious drop was safely down her throat.

  “How did you like it?” Lord Ashe asked.

  “It was amazing,” Julia said. “I can see what you’re talking about now. That’s easily the best milk I’ve ever tasted.”

  Lord Ashe smiled. “Would you like some more?”

  Julia’s mouth watered. “Could I?”

  “Of course. All those who serve me are allowed free tastings each day. Just sign this contract, and I’ll even let you have another taste from the same cow that produced this sample.”

  In front of her, the butler held up a paper and pen.

  “And just what am I signing, exactly?”

  “Your service contract,” Lord Ashe said. “You’ll agree to work for me for a period of one year. Should you wish to stay, the contract will be extended. If, however, you choose to leave after that period, you will be forbidden to reveal any of the details regarding your service here. Should you violate these terms, you’ll be prosecuted under the Queen’s law.”

  “And what if I don’t want to stay on a full year?”

  Brandon elbowed her in the back. “Julia, you don’t negotiate terms with his lordship.”

  “No, she’s right to be wary. A year is a great commitment for one so young. What say we alter the arrangement then? One week instead of a year. All the same rules apply; however, if you should choose to terminate our agreement at the end of seven days, we will both part ways none the worse for the experience. How does that sound?”

  Just a week? Julia smiled. No matter how demanding the job, she knew she could do anything for just a week.

  She signed the amended contract, took his lordship’s offered hand, and followed him inside the barn. Life was a beautiful thing at that moment. His lordship’s grip felt firm, yet comforting around her delicate fingers. The musty air of the barn mixed wonderfully with the heady scent of her aristocratic boss. He ordered her to have a seat in a chair in the corner, and she did so gladly.

  “Brandon,” his lordship said, “would you please fetch the cow from stall three? I believe it’s time our Jewel saw just where her milk came from.”

  Brandon nodded. Julia watched him disappear around the corner while his lordship settled a hand on her shoulder. The closer he was, the more vivid his scent became. Images of ancient oaks and harsh, craggy land came to mind whenever she smelled him. His finger brushed the edge of her neck, and her heart beat so fast she thought she might faint.

  What is wrong with me? I’ve been touched by a man before. This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

  Still, she couldn’t deny the heat building inside her. Whether it was from shame or excitement, she couldn’t tell, but with each passing second the barn grew hotter and hotter yet.

  “You look flushed,” his lordship said. “Why don’t I help you with your jacket?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. He leaned forward and slowly unfastened each button of her coat one by one. His breath crept up her neck. His knuckles brushed across her breasts, and Julia breathed faster just knowing that only a thin layer of cloth separated her flesh from his.

  “Better?” he asked, but she didn’t feel any better. All she felt was the heat, waves and waves of it building up inside her.

  “Please,” she said, though she had no idea what she was asking for. “I…”

  “You’re fevered,” he said. “You need to cool down. You’d better remove your shirt before you pass out.”

  Julia nodded. She really was hot, so hot she could barely even breathe. Without thinking of her modesty for once, she tugged her loose shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor beside her. Only a lacy, pink bra hid her breasts from view. Julia frowned at first, thinking she ought to be ashamed to be half naked in this stranger’s presence, but all she could concentrate on was the fire burning her from the inside out.

  What was wrong with her? She was fine just a moment ago, wasn’t she?

  “Much better,” Lord Ashe said. “Brandon was right. You truly are a jewel.”

  His hands moved across her bare skin. The heat of his touch felt like a brand, but Julia thought maybe she might like to be branded, especially if this man was the one to do it.

  “Still so hot,” he said. “We’ll just have to do something about that, shan’t we?”

  His lordship knelt in front of her. He slipped off one shoe then the next. He pulled off her socks. She watched his hands creep up to the waist band of her pants, and it felt like a dream as he slowly unzipped her jeans. He pulled her close to him as he lifted her out of her seat with one arm and deftly slid her pants off with the opposite hand.

  Only when he slid a finger into the cup of her bra did she stop to think about what she was doing.

  “Wait,” she said. “What…I don’t…”

  “It’s alright,” he said. “Soon the confusion will pass. The first dose of Laculin seems to have the same effect on all our cows. Once you’ve been milked, though, the side effects should begin to wane.”

  Julia blinked. What was he talking about? What was Laculin? And what did he mean by cow? Julia wasn’t a cow, and she certainly didn’t need to be milked.

  “I know you don’t understand now, but don’t worry. Everything will become apparent soon enough. Just look there. Brandon’s leading one of the cows out right now.”

  Julia followed his gaze. As soon as her eyes settled on the cow Brandon was guiding towards her, she gasped.

  The cow wasn’t really a cow. No, it was a woman. She crawled on her hands and knees, her naked body glistening despite the haze of the barn. Brandon led her by a thick halter tied around her neck. Beneath her chest, her giant breasts swung in time to her steps. Her cowbell sang the song of her coming.

  “Up,” Brandon ordered, and the cow—no, the woman, Julia reminded herself—leaned back on her knees and thrust her perfectly rounded breasts into the air.

  “Moo,” she called out, and Julia’s mouth watered when she saw the tiny drops of milk trickling from the woman’s ripe teats.

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