Succubus seduction, p.1
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Succubus Seduction, page 1


Succubus Seduction
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Succubus Seduction

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Succubus Seduction

  ISBN #978-0-85715-612-9

  ©Copyright JC Holly 2011

  Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright August 2011

  Edited by Lisa Cox

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-melting.


  JC Holly


  To my sweetie. You know who you are.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Facebook: Facebook, Inc.

  Mac: Apple, Inc.

  Friends: Warner Bros.

  Chapter One

  Zara had been horny all damn morning. Throughout the last two business meetings she’d mentally undressed every person in the room, both men and women, and was surprised she hadn’t left a wet patch on her chair. It was typical enough for a succubus—lord knew she was used to it after three and a half centuries—but some days it hit her like a truck, leaving her practically unable to function.

  She slid her chair back from the desk and let out a long groan.

  “I need to get laid. Yesterday.”

  The clock told her she had two hours left at work. She’d never make it. Good job I’m in charge. She slipped her bag over her shoulder and stepped into the small reception outside her office. Her receptionist, Gayle, glanced up from her Facebook page, then eyed the clock.

  “Late lunch?”

  “Going home. Be a cutie and cancel my five o’clock?”

  Gayle reached for the phone. “Mister Byron won’t take that well.”

  Zara leaned in to brush her lips over the woman’s cheek. “Remind him of the Christmas party, then tell him I told him to fuck off.”

  Gayle snorted a laugh. “Will do. Have a nice evening.”

  “See you tomorrow morning, sweetie.”

  * * * *

  The weather was fair enough for September, so Zara decided to leave the car in her spot and walk home. Granted, she could transport herself to her lounge with nothing more than a thought, but too much of that led to a fat ass. Besides, it wasn’t far, and this way she got to window shop. Might even see something for tonight.

  As she passed the second clothes store on her side of the road, a short black number caught her eye. Silk, and not a lot of it. It barely came beneath the mannequin’s ass, and it was a short mannequin. Cute, though. She closed her eyes and took a slow breath. I am not checking out a mannequin. There isn’t enough horniness in the world. That said, it did have a nice rack.

  “Damn it.”

  A young couple walked along the pavement, hand in hand while they chatted about some television show. They had fucked recently and were exuding a multitude of scents that that only a succubus could pick up on, lust being the front-runner. The man’s hand brushed against Zara’s sleeve as he passed, sending a wave of heat downwards. She left the dress where it was and set off home before she jumped the next man she met.

  Once she reached the empty lobby of her building she transported herself straight into her shower cubicle and threw her bag and shoes out into the bathroom before turning the water on. She gasped as the ice cold water worked its way through her work clothes, and shivered as it hit her hot skin. Another ten minutes out in the open and her clothes would have burnt away. She was proud enough of her body, but the police took a dim view of flashing.

  “N-need to get one of these in my office.”

  She stayed under the water until she felt in control again, then switched the shower off and squelched out into the bathroom. A flash of pain shot through her foot and she dropped on to the toilet to look at what had caused it. There was a silver shard poking out of the fleshy part of her heel. She plucked it out and watched the wound close before glancing up at the room. In her haste to cool off she had thrown her handbag into the bathroom cabinet, shattering the mirror.

  “The seven years of bad luck had better start after I get laid.” She flipped the lid of the nearby laundry hamper up with her toe, then slid out of her damp things and dropped them inside. “Speaking of which…”

  Her watch said it was five. Too early for the major club crowds, but there was a little place she occasionally used that got a rush around six. That gave her an hour to eat, pick out something to wear, and grab another shower.

  * * * *

  In the end she went with a dress similar to the one she had coveted in the store window earlier. Black and slinky still, but reaching mid-thigh instead of ass, and only hinting at cleavage rather than giving it away for free. To balance out the modesty she hadn’t bothered with bra and panties.

  The doorman knew her, intimately, and let her straight in with a wink and his new phone number. She memorised it as she stepped into the bar, then tossed the business card into a nearby bin. You live long enough, you pick up a few good memory techniques.

  The place was only half full, but straight away Zara spotted a few possibilities. It wasn’t difficult—her type was normal enough. Taller and better built than her, but not prettier. One of the men on the shortlist spotted her and winked as she slipped on to a bar stool. Ugh. She ordered a whisky on the rocks and tried to restrain a sigh as the winker came up from behind. Too eager.

  “Hey, cutie. Come here often?”

  She spun around and ran her gaze over him. No longer in the gloom, she could see he certainly qualified for the ‘not prettier’ part of her wants.

  “Often, and occasionally in the alley behind.” His eyes lit up. “But you’re not my type. Off you pop.”

  “How d—”

  She stared, and just for a moment let her eyes switch to their true form. The guy took one look at the narrow yellow slits and made for the door. Zara blinked to fix her vision—the switch always dried out her eyes—then took up her whisky.

  Neither of the other two men approached, but she caught the taller one staring at her in the reflection in her glass. She schooled her expression, then spun to face him. He smiled, then went back to looking at his beer bottle. That’s more like it. She couldn’t stand men who were too eager. He was cute, she had to admit. A little stubble dusted his jaw, and his blond hair was short, but long enough that she could grab a handful. When he glanced back her way again, she made sure she just happened to be uncrossing her legs. That did the trick. A wave of scents came from him, the strongest being desire. Rich, smoky, not dissimilar to her whisky. The scents only increased in intensity as he walked over. By the time he was stood beside her it was all she could do not to rip his clothes off and fuck him right there on the floor, in view of the entire bar.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Zara downed the rest of her whisky. “You can now.”

  He smiled and dropped into the seat next to her as he ordered another whisky and one for himself.

  “Do you live in the area?”

  “Uh-huh.” Her whisky arrived and she knocked it back in one. “I’m horny as hell, so let’s cut to the chase. You saw my pussy, and now you want to stick your cock in it.”

  He opened his mouth to protest then shrugged. “I guess I did, yeah.”

  “Well then, it’s your lucky night. Let’s go back to your place.”

  He left his drink untouched and slapped down a twenty. “Sounds good. The name’s Darren, by the way.”

  “I don’t care.”

  * * * *

  Zara’s excitement had been building since they’d stepped out of the bar. Thankfully it was a warm night and Darren didn’t seem to notice she was pumping out heat like a furnace on bust. While it was known there were demons in the area, many humans preferred to pretend there weren’t, and announcing that your sexual excitement manifested in actual heat was just as likely to net you a lynching as it was a hard-on.

  By the time they were up the second flight of steps leading to Darren’s flat, she couldn’t wait any longer. She stopped and he continued, so she grabbed his arm and swung him around. He wobbled on the stair for a moment, then frowned.

  “What’s up?”

  She pulled him down to her step, then unfastened his belt and yanked his pants down to his knees. His cock caught on quicker than he did, and began to harden in her sweating hands. Ooh, I see I chose well.

  “What if someone sees?”

  “We’ll be quick, now shut up and fuck me.” She turned and l
ifted her dress up, then pushed her ass against his now solid cock. “What are you waiting for? A written invitation?”

  A hand wrapped around her waist, and she gasped as the other found her already soaking pussy. Two fingers parted her lips, then slipped inside her before retracting just as quickly.

  “God, you’re so wet.”

  She started to reply, but could only groan as his cockhead nudged against her pussy. He held it there, then began to push inside.

  “I said quick.” She moved back against him. “Fuck me or I’m going home.”

  He grunted in reply, and both hands gripped her waist tightly as he slid his cock inside her. She slapped her hands against the wall, hoped he didn’t notice the broken brickwork, and slammed back hard against his thrust.

  She was too horny for this one to last, but it would make it easier to take her time later. Already she could feel an orgasm coming, and didn’t even try to put it off.

  “Harder,” she said through gritted teeth.

  He complied and sped his thrusts, his hips slapping against her ass on every stroke, sending ripples of pleasure through her. His breathing started to labour and he further picked up the pace.

  “I’m coming.”

  She slid a hand down to her clit and began to work the bundle of nerves. Her vision faded to white and she slammed back one last time before her pussy contracted around Darren’s cock. He let out one final grunt then came hard inside her.

  Zara took a steadying breath, then shoved him away and shimmied her dress back into place. Darren pulled his pants back up then ran a hand through his hair.

  “That was great. I guess you’re off now, huh?”

  “Off?” Zara hooked a finger into the waistband of his pants and started up the stairs. “The night is young, and so are you. I think you’ve got at least one more fuck in you before I lose interest.”

  Chapter Two

  Darren’s flat turned out to be not much different from Zara’s. Where she had a Mac and some landscape shots, he had a seventy-inch plasma television and bare walls. But other than that the front room was basically the same.

  He gestured to the couch. “I’ll just be a minute. You want a drink?”

  “Some water would be good.”

  She sat and tried not to frown. Why was she sitting? I’m here for cock, not a chat. The guy was cute, though. Five minutes wouldn’t kill her, she decided. He might be a nice guy.

  He reappeared with two glasses of water, then dropped into a brown leather recliner opposite her.

  “I’ve not seen you around before,” she said by way of conversation. “New to the area?”

  Darren nodded. “Spent a few years overseas.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “If you’re about to say ‘charity work’ or ‘helping the homeless’, don’t. You’re already guaranteed another fuck.”

  He laughed and took a sip of his water. “You’re direct, aren’t you?”

  “I know what I want, is all.”

  “Fair enough. I was working a regular job. A bank. Nothing exciting.”

  She smiled. “I work for a bank, too. Good money for not much effort.”

  “Yeah.” He glanced at a door to the side of the room. “So, do you wanna…”

  About time. She stood and pulled her dress over her head, the silk making her stiff nipples tingle as it slid over them.

  “I have two rules,” she said as she walked to the door he’d looked at.


  “I’m in charge, and no kissing.”

  His chair creaked as he stood. “Works for me.”

  The bedroom looked like a bomb had hit it. Suitcases with their contents spilling out lay over the thick carpet, and several dry-cleaning bags lay on the large bed. She jumped as Darren’s hands met her ass.

  “I’ve been meaning to tidy up in here.” His hands came away and he swept the bags on to the floor then sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ve only been back a few days.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” She stood in front of him and his gaze flitted from breasts to pussy. “Like what you see, then?”

  Darren unbuckled his jeans and pulled his stiff cock free. “I think this speaks for itself.”

  “Ooh…” Zara dropped to her knees and yanked his jeans out of the way. “I get to have a proper look this time.”

  She brushed her fingers up his shaft, then pulled his foreskin down to reveal his cockhead.

  “You’re what, seven, eight inches?” She squeezed and he took a breath.

  “About eight.”

  “I haven’t had one this big in a while.” She leaned in and ran her tongue along its length. “It felt good earlier, when you were fucking me with it…” He stiffened as she took him into her mouth.


  She pulled back until he was almost out of her mouth again, before dropping back down. His hand came to rest on her head as she slid her own hand to his balls. She squeezed gently as she sucked and he responded with a groan, then leant forward and took her nipple between his fingers. He pinched and she shivered as her pussy twinged in response.

  It wasn’t long before a hint of pre-cum hit her taste buds and she withdrew his cock with a soft pop. She stood and placed her hands on his shoulders, then pushed him back on to the bed.

  “Lose the shirt.”

  He did as he was told and she worked his pants off and threw them to the floor along with his socks. In his haste he couldn’t work his last few buttons so she climbed atop him and tore the shirt off.

  “Whoa.” He pulled off the remains. “Some strength you’ve got.”

  She pinned his shoulders to the bed. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  She wriggled lower down the bed until his cock was pushing against her asshole. His eyes widened, but she shook a finger.

  “Nuh-uh.” She shifted so he was against her pussy. “I don’t like you enough.”

  With a smile she slowly moved down his shaft until the tip of his cock was inside her, then back up, increasing the depth each time and picking up the speed. Darren pushed his hips up in response and closed his eyes.

  “God, that’s good.”

  “Yeah?” She grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts. “Then thank me.”

  She leant forward as he pinched her nipples, and gripped his hair in one hand, pulling his head back. His eyes shut again and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple rippling in his throat. She leaned in and nipped at the skin and he gasped.

  “Take it, pussy,” she growled as she sped her strokes again.

  His hands came away from her nipples and settled on her ass, squeezing and pulling at her cheeks as he brought her nearer to orgasm. She nuzzled her face in his neck, bracing against the onslaught.

  “Harder,” she groaned. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

  He responded by pulling her ass down and thrusting up into her at the same time. Their bodies collided with a slap of flesh, and Zara gripped his hair tighter. Her muscles clenched as the climax began, and she pushed her hips against his, making the most of every stroke until the orgasm crested and she threw her head back and let out a cry in her own language. Darren was too caught up to notice, and followed suit a second later, thrusting hard then coming with a grunt.

  Zara sagged then dropped down on top of him. Darren turned his head to kiss her. She spotted in time and pushed him away.

  “I said I don’t kiss.”

  “Oh, right.” He let out a sigh. “Sorry.”

  Neither spoke while they got their breath back, then Zara slid off the bed and stretched out her back.

  “Well, it was fun, Darren.” She put her foot under her discarded dress then flicked it up to her hand. “Nighty-night.”

  “You’re leaving now?” He got up from the bed. “I thought we could chat for a bit or something.”

  It is early… “No.” She pulled on her dress and straightened the bottom. “Like I said, I was only after one thing. Though I got two of ‘em.”

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