Texas Bodyguard--Luke, page 18

“Good boy. Good boy.” Claire’s tears soaked into the cat’s fur while Khan licked his paws like he hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary, like he hadn’t saved his owner’s life.
Then again, Luke thought as he took them both in his arms, it could’ve been pride in a job well done. He thought it might’ve been, knowing the cat in question.
“I thought I was about to lose you.” Now that it was over and he was holding her trembling body next to his, he could admit that much.
“You thought that? You thought it?” Her eyes were sharp when they met his, sharp enough to surprise him. “What did you think you were doing back there? Offering yourself up to him. You know he could’ve killed you, right?”
“I wouldn’t have let that happen.” He smoothed sweaty hair back from her forehead and cheeks. “So long as I knew he didn’t have you in his crosshairs, I could’ve taken care of myself.”
“You’re sure about that?”
“You doubt me now, Kitten?” He pressed his lips to her forehead, eyes closed, thanking anything and anyone listening that the woman in his arms was exactly who she was.
Even now, having come so close to dying, she would think to scold him for putting himself in harm’s way.
“Cops are a minute away,” Brax announced with a satisfied smile.
That smile lasted only a second before the stairwell door burst open and a team of security guards poured onto the floor.
“So much for security.” Chance smirked, his hands raised. He approached the men and explained what had taken place, that the police were on their way and all would be settled when they arrived.
Luke was only dimly aware of this as he held on to Claire. He had all he needed right there.
“Did you mean what you said?” Her voice was muffled, her mouth near his shoulder, but he heard the hope there.
“I said a lot of things. Which thing in particular?”
“You know what I’m talking about. Loving me.” She lifted her head, her baby blues searching his. “Is that true?”
“You don’t know by now?” He had to laugh in disbelief. “Do you think I go to these lengths for just anybody? Because I’ll tell you right now, I don’t. Only for people I love more than anything else in the world.”
Tears filled her eyes, but they weren’t the tears left behind after a close call.
They held joy. Wonder. He knew how she felt.
“You know I love you, too, right?” She giggled softly, a little giddy. “I can’t believe I never said that before now. I just figured you knew.”
He kissed her softly, tenderly, a kiss filled with every hope and dream he had for their life together.
And it would be spent together, because he couldn’t remember how he’d lived without her.
And he certainly couldn’t have imagined a future without her.
He didn’t want to try.
But that would have to wait, since now the sound of sirens filled the air. They had some serious explaining to do to the police.
Chapter Twenty-Five
It was all so beautiful.
Claire had appreciated the beauty of the land surrounding the Pattersons’ cabin during her first visit with Luke over six weeks ago. Even then, she’d been able to recognize how special a place it was. Peaceful and perfect, like the modern world hadn’t quite made its way there yet.
Now? Without the threat of imminent death hanging over her head?
It might as well have been heaven.
Especially considering who was there with her.
“Fishing is actually a lot more fun than I ever imagined it would be.” Claire cast off, waiting for the hook and fly to hit the water and send ripples out over the otherwise still lake. She reeled her line in just a little, knowing now that the motion would attract any nearby fish.
Luke had taught her a lot.
He smiled with a wry grin, careful to keep his voice soft to avoid scaring away the fish. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re a natural.”
“I have a good teacher.” And yes, she was slightly better at it than he was, which helped her enjoyment. But she wasn’t about to say that out loud.
She loved him and knew he loved her and would forgive a lot of things, but there were times when a girl knew not to tread on a man’s ego.
It had been a magical few days together for sure, and exactly what they both needed now that the hectic mess of clearing her name was over. Now it was nothing more than a memory.
Though it was still a fresh memory, she knew it would fade with time.
And Luke would help. Just the way he always did.
The information that she’d sent out to the police department had been more than enough to put Vance Ballard away for the rest of his life, along with the man who’d murdered Julia in such cold-blooded fashion.
There was plenty of additional evidence against Ballard’s murderous bodyguard and the other one along with him. Julia’s murder was only the tip of an iceberg that ran wide and deep. It was a comfort to know those men would get what they deserved. Even if it wouldn’t bring back any of the lives they’d taken.
She drew a deep breath and let it out slowly, the way she always did whenever the still-fresh reality threatened to close in on her. How close she’d come to losing her life. Or, worse, to losing everything that had ever truly mattered.
Luke hadn’t been lying that day, describing how she would suffer if he’d died because of her.
But he hadn’t.
She took another deep breath and reminded herself it was safe to be happy. Safe to feel secure. Safe to feel loved.
The early-morning sun framed Luke’s profile. He took her breath away, even after weeks of seeing him constantly. Would it always be like that?
“What are you thinking about?” He glanced her way with another little smile before reeling his line in just a bit to attract attention.
“Hmm? How did you know I was thinking about anything?”
“I know you, Kitten. That mind of yours never stops working.” He smiled wider. “And I could feel you staring at me.”
“Was I staring?”
“It sure felt that way.”
She laughed at herself. “I guess you’re nice to stare at.”
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Anyway,” she continued, turning back to the water, “I was thinking about how grateful I am to have the cabin to ourselves for a little while. I know I’ve said it before, but your parents are the best.”
“They know quality when they see it.” He winked.
“Obviously, since they took to you the way they did.”
“You’re in a sweet-talking mood today. Not that I mind, of course.”
“I guess I’m feeling generous since I’ve already caught three fish, and you’ve caught... How many again?”
“Shush, woman. I should’ve known you would lord it over me.”
She eventually stopped giggling. “Really. I meant what I said. You, your brothers... You’re a special group. I never could’ve imagined them welcoming me the way they have.” She didn’t bother saying anything about what they’d done to ensure her safety. By then, they’d rehashed the details of that day at the Passage Digital office and the days leading up to it more than enough.
“They know quality when they see it, too.”
“It’s easy for you to brush it off—not that you’re not taking me seriously or anything. I know you are. But you’ve known what it means to be part of a family a lot longer than I have. It’s still new to me.”
He kept his gaze trained on the water, speaking slowly. “You have all the time in the world to get used to it...if that’s what you want.”
If that was what she wanted? She wanted nothing more in the entire world than to be with Luke for the rest of her life. Longer than that, if possible. Forever.
But she wouldn’t push for anything more than this. For now, this heavenly trip was more than enough. Focusing on just the two of them and being happy.
This time, she felt Luke’s gaze on her instead of the other way around. “Where did you go?”
“You mean, other than right here? On the lake with you?”
He wasn’t buying it. “Yes. Other than right here. You went someplace else.”
Darn him for being so observant. “It’ll take me some time to get used to living like a regular person, I think. I’ve spent so much of my life closed off from others. I didn’t want to trust. I didn’t want to run the risk of getting hurt. I figured it was easier on my own.” She shrugged. “You know all this.”
“I do. And I understand. It’s not like I adjusted right away to knowing I had a family around me, either. It took time to get used to that new mindset.” He offered a soft chuckle. “More than six weeks. In case you happen to find that relevant.”
“Gee. Why would that matter?” They laughed together as softly as they could for the sake of the fish.
“So long as you’re happy, Kitten. That’s all I want.”
And she knew it, and she loved him more than ever for it. Somebody in the world wanted her happiness above all else—her safety and well-being, her fulfillment.
The fact that this person happened to be Luke was the icing on the cake.
“I’m happy right now. I’m happy with you.” She leaned over to kiss him, but the kiss was cut short by a tug on her line.
“Again?” Luke laughed, grabbing the net in case she needed help. She was much better at reeling her catch than she was at first, so there was no need for him to splash around in the water for her sake.
“What can I say?” She held up a sizable, shining, wriggling trout with a proud smile. There was no helping it.
“Are you putting something special on the hook? Are you bribing these fish?”
She laughed as he took the hook from the trout’s mouth. That was something she still couldn’t bring herself to do, even averting her eyes when he did it. Catching and cleaning and eating them was one thing.
There were limits, though.
“Yeah, I’m bribing them in some weird way so they’ll bite. You figured out my trick.”
“Are you sure you aren’t, though?”
“What?” She looked his way when curiosity won out over squeamishness. “What are you talking about?”
“There’s...something...else on the hook.” Luke plopped the fish into the basket between them, then bent to rinse something off in the water.
“What is it? I didn’t put anything special on there... You’re right here with me, you see what I’m doing.” Curious, she leaned over his shoulder.
He stood and turned to her.
And held out a ring.
She dropped her pole in favor of crossing her hands over her chest, where her heart had suddenly started pounding. “What...? How...? What...?”
Luke offered the sweetest smile. “Should I bother answering those questions?”
She couldn’t answer. Somebody had stolen her words. All Claire could do was shake her head while her eyes remained glued to the ring. White gold. Diamond solitaire. Sparkling in the sunlight.
He lowered himself to one knee. “I didn’t intend to do this here and now, but with the direction the conversation took, it seemed like a natural time to ask you to marry me.”
She gulped. “Oh. My gosh.”
“I’ll take your reaction as surprise and not horror.”
“Oh, no! Not horror. Definitely surprise.” Her head felt like it was about to fall right off, she was so surprised.
“You didn’t know I was planning to propose?”
“I hoped...” she admitted, trembling, “but I didn’t know. I didn’t want to assume anything.”
“Which is one reason of many for me to ask you to marry me, Claire Wallace.” There was so much love shining on his face, looking up at her the way he was, holding out the ring. “You’ve been the one for me all our lives. The one person I could never forget. You’ve always been part of my soul.”
Her breath caught and her eyes filled with tears.
“You always will be,” he murmured. “And I fully intend to spend the rest of my life reminding you of how lovable you are. Because you are. You’re worthy of adoration and support and protection and everything I could ever offer. More than that, but I’m nothing special. I’m not a superhero, I swear. Though I’ll do everything in my power to be that for you. I’ll be anything and everything you need.”
She shook her head as tears spilled over. “You’re already everything I need and more than I ever dreamed I’d have. I don’t think I could be happier than I am right now at this moment.”
“Is that a yes?”
She giggled and nodded. “It’s an absolute yes.”
There was no time to say anything else before he was on his feet again and she was in his arms. He kissed her, filling her heart with so much love. And joy. And hope.
Finally, she had hope for her future.
And thanks to Luke, she had the courage to dream.
“I love you.” He touched his forehead to hers while his arms locked tight around her, holding her close enough that she could feel his heart pound in time with hers. “Thank you for saying yes.”
“I love you, too. Thank you for asking.” She opened her eyes. “Wait. Where did the ring come from?”
“My pocket. Where do you think?” He laughed at himself. “I pulled it out when you were looking away. Come on, you have to give me points for originality.”
“Oh, you definitely won some points.”
“Speaking of which...” He took her left hand in his and slipped the cool band over her finger. It was a perfect fit.
Just like the two of them.
“There goes the rest of my day.” Claire held out her hand, moving her finger, admiring the diamond’s sparkle. “I don’t think I’ll be able to take my eyes off this ring.”
“Wow. I killed two birds with one stone, then. No pun intended.”
“What do you mean?”
He offered a wink, nodding to the poles lying on the ground. “If you’re distracted, I might actually be able to catch more fish than you.”
“Something tells me it’ll take more than a sparkling diamond for you to manage that, Luke Patterson.”
Still, she was willing to give him this one since he’d given her so much more. A lifetime’s worth of more.
And they had only just begun.
* * *
USA TODAY bestselling author Janie Crouch’s miniseries San Antonio Security
continues next month with
Texas Bodyguard: Brax.
Look for it wherever Harlequin Intrigue
books are sold!
Keep reading for an excerpt from Danger on Maui by R. Barri Flowers.
Seek thrills. Solve crimes. Justice served.
Dive into action-packed stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Solve the crime and deliver justice at all costs.
Danger on Maui
by R. Barri Flowers
He’s hot, Jena Sutcliffe had to admit, as she admired from afar the tall, fit and handsome dark-haired man at Linc’s Tavern on Wharf Street in Lahaina, a happening town in West Maui in the County of Maui, Hawaii. She doubted he even noticed her, even if most considered her to be attractive and a good catch, with long and luscious raven hair and pretty blue eyes. But Maui was full of good-looking and sexy young women, many of whom seemed to be at the club that night and were all over him like an expensive suit. Or was that just her imagination? Jena turned her focus to another dark-haired hottie, who was sitting at the bar all by his lonesome and, like her, appeared to be taking it all in, as if to size up both the competition and the hot women. Again, he never seemed to lay his eyes on her, as she apparently wasn’t what he was looking for.
His loss, Jena told herself dismissively as she sipped her Lava Flow drink and pushed back at the thought of wanting to get the attention of Mr. Hot Stuff. After all, what was it they said about the definition of insanity? Hadn’t she already been burned in the past by tall, dark-haired, handsome and virile men who looked like him? Why put herself through that agony again?
Jena turned away from the man, content to finish off her drink and head home alone. She did need to get up early for work at a hotel, where she was an event planner. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet my sexy knight in shining armor at the next big event, she told herself while not holding her breath. She made her way through the crowded bar, imagining one of the knights in shining armor would follow, sweep her off her feet, and it would be the start of something great.
By the time she left the place and climbed into her orange Subaru WRX, reality had set in and she drove home. Jena was unaware that someone had gotten into another vehicle and began to follow her.
* * *
IF HE HAD a dollar for every woman who never looked his way, underestimating him or just what he was capable of, he would be a very rich man right now. And then his true worth might be better appreciated. Until such time, he would allow his actions to speak for him and his victims would be forced to carry the brunt of it. Right to their early graves. And he would continue to have his revenge and take joy in the thrill of the kill. As well as the solace of knowing there was little that could be done to stop him. Not till he’d had enough of dishing out the type of pain that he had been given.
He followed the Subaru to a condominium complex on Lower Honoapiilani Road, allowing her to park first while pretending to be just another tenant coming home. Perhaps from a night out on the town, like her. Only his presence was much more sinister than that. Quickly parking, he left his vehicle and surreptitiously made his way inside the building. He happened to catch her scaling the stairwell and followed, noting she went to the third floor.