Anything For Love, page 1

Table of Contents
Cover Page
Other Books By1
Title Page
Author’s Note
Other Books By2
Quentin drew Rachel into his embrace and she went willingly. She wanted him, if only for a short while. Though they could spend the rest of their lives together, she was far from sure that would come to pass. Even so, her yearning for him must be sated.
Their mouths fused in a series of kisses that began softly and tentatively but swiftly became heady and urgent.
“Rachel, Rachel,” he murmured against her lips. “I want you.”
“I want you, too, Quentin,” she responded, almost breathless with raging desire and exquisite pleasure, not daring to ask herself if she was risking too much…everything—anything—for love.
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For Love
Dedicated to:
Sheila Taylor,
with thanks for research help on Augusta.
Laurie McRae,
for help with interior decorating descriptions.
Sharon Daniels, Tim Moore,
Susan Grimsley, Sarah Jones, India Taylor, and
Terry Toole for research facts about
Colquitt and peanuts.
Mike Berardino,
sports columnist for the Augusta
Chronicle/Herald for football facts.
Michael Taylor,
for visiting and collecting research in
Colquitt and in Augusta.
Scott, Lauren Ashley, Alice, and Jack Redmond,
special friends and new family members.
Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith,
and the super Dallas Cowboys.
Rebecca Cooper looked at Jennifer Brimsford, laughed and said, “Of course she’ll go to the high school reunion with us. Rach can’t possibly say no to her two best friends, or we’ll strangle her.”
“But I’m not one of your classmates, Becky,” Rachel Gaines protested.
“That doesn’t matter. You went to the tenth and fifteenth reunions. We didn’t have a twentieth, and the thirtieth is special. We’ll have loads of fun. You’ll see old friends and make new ones. You have to go.”
“But I didn’t attend Richmond Academy, and I went to those other reunions with Daniel. He’s gone now. I would feel out of place.”
“Don’t be silly,” Becky teased, “you know most of our old gang. Besides, everyone will want to hear and see how you’re doing.”
“You can tell all the out-of-towners I’m doing fine. I’ve been a widow for fifteen years, so I’ve had time to adjust. I don’t want to answer questions about Daniel all evening, or make excuses why I’m not remarried, or thwart attempts to set me up with their friends and brothers.”
“Oh, come on, Rach. We’ll make sure the matchmakers leave you alone. You need to get out of this house more and do something exciting. Since the girls left, you stay home working on projects or glued to your computer except for days out with me and Jen, going to church, and attending meetings. Have you forgotten there’s more to life than just existing day to day?” Becky’s blue eyes sparkled playfully. “Who knows, Rach? Maybe this will be the beginning of a summer filled with magic and madness. June always sets the tone for the season, and it’s almost gone. Get your butt moving and get a new life.”
“I think you can use some Southern Delight, Mrs. Gaines,” Jen added. “Maybe love is hiding in the shadows and waiting to leap on you.”
“Yeah, like a hungry tiger looking for his next meal,” Rachel quipped.
Jen shook her head. “You’ve been a widow for too long, Rachel. Turn some of those paper dreams into realities; yield to temptation and mystery once in a while. What can it hurt? And that tiger could be tamed.”
Rachel laughed. “You mean, if I pour on the southern charm, I can trap and soothe that savage beast into lying obediently at my feet?” Jen and Becky laughed and nodded. “I know we Southern Belles and Georgia peaches are reared to believe in fairy-tale dreams of ‘happily ever after.’ We aren’t supposed to remain widows or divorcees or become career women. But if I followed only half of the advice you two give me, mothers and grandmothers would come out of the woodwork to run me out of town, tar and feather me, and brand me with a scarlet letter.”
The women laughed before Becky protested, “For heaven’s sake, Rach, times and people have changed; in case you haven’t heard, women are free now to do as we please. A little hanky-panky never harmed anyone, and you of all people certainly need and deserve a little diversion.”
Jen added her opinion, “A little pleasure, too. Right, Becky?”
Becky fluffed her short blond hair. “Positively.”
Rachel laughed but refuted, “Times and people may have changed in other areas, but this is a small southern town; that old double standard and tight morals still exist in Georgia. Do I care what people say and think about me? Yes, I do, because that’s how I was reared. If I began acting wild, I’d be ruined for life.”
Becky moved a couch pillow out of her way. “Phooey to stick-in-the-muds! You can’t live your life by others’ dictates or you’ll be miserable and miss out on too much. You proved you’re strong and brave by rearing two preteen girls and making all of the family and financial decisions after Daniel was killed, so take a few risks for yourself.”
“Becky’s right, Rachel; do it while you have the time and health and plenty of money. No one knows better than you that life can be cut short. Look at what happened to Daniel and think about the people you help with your volunteer work. Death, illness, and disabilities can strike one low without warning or mercy.”
Rachel admitted to herself that both friends made excellent points, but she wasn’t ready to give in. “Get real, you two; I’m a mother of grown daughters, a grandmother. I have a reputation to protect; playing the merry widow isn’t for me.”
“It’s called discretion, Rachel. You could have plenty of dates if you wanted to. Get a little romance in your life.”
“She needs more than romance, Jen; the other side of her bed has been empty for fifteen years. It’s past time to have it occupied once in a while.”
“Taking your advice isn’t as simple as it sounds.”
“It can be. With the girls and grandchildren gone for a year, take advantage of your privacy. Kick up your heels and have fun. For heaven’s sake, Rach, you’re barely forty-seven, and you look more like you’re thirty-five. Use those great looks and fabulous figure to snare yourself a new man,” Becky urged as her affectionate gaze took in Rachel’s lovely green eyes, shiny brown hair, near-perfect features, and flawless complexion.
Rachel teased her best friends, who were both slender and attractive, “Are you two suffering from hot pants today or an itch you dare not scratch? Are you hungry for vicarious adventures you think I can provide?”
“Who, us?” the two women asked simultaneously, as they looked at each other and giggled like mischievous teenagers.
“I wonder what your husbands would say if Scott and Adam knew what kind of wanton thoughts race through those two pretty heads.”
Becky’s blue eyes sparkled again with mirth. “Scott wouldn’t trade my sexy thoughts and body for anybody else’s. He doesn’t care where I get my appetite as long as I eat at home.”
Jen laughed and agreed, “Adam is the same way. Wasn’t Daniel?”
“Daniel never talked much about sex; it was a private matter to him.” If I had known more about it at eighteen, I wouldn’t have gotten into trouble with him. Lordy, I was so naive and didn’t know it! At least I made certain my girls were well informed on sex and its consequences.
“It’s a good thing sex is in the open now so southern women can enjoy it like men always have. It’s no longer our submissive duty; it’s our right to say yes or no and to get as much satisfaction out of it as they do.”
Rachel knew from talks and observations that Becky and Scott, and Jen and Adam, had good marriages, long and happy ones, which she felt were getting rarer in a time when divorce and extramarital affairs were commonplace. Her own marriage had lasted only thirteen years before Daniel died. She hadn’t found a second husband because she wouldn’t settle for just a replacement as so many frightened women did, no matter if everybody thought she was staying single too long
“Seriously, Rachel, will you come with us?” the brunette urged.
“I don’t know, Jen.” Rachel hedged. “It sounds like fun and I’d like to see Daniel’s old friends, but…”
“No buts, Rach. She’ll come willingly, Jen, or we’ll drag her there; Scott and Adam will gladly help us succeed. It’s only ten days away, so we’ll shop tomorrow for smashing outfits. We want to look absolutely fantastic because this is the one reunion where people will look the most changed, look older. Thank goodness we have appointments with Dawn Friday morning; we’ll need the works: shampoo and set, roots touched up, facial, manicure, pedicure. Anything, everything,” Becky added amidst laughter.
“You two have nothing to worry about,” Rachel said, “you both look marvelous. That new cut and lighter color are perfect for you, Becky.”
Becky fluffed her blond bob again. “Thanks, Rach. I’ve just about gotten used to having so little hair, but it’s a quick and easy style. My roots need touching up every two or three weeks, but it’s worth the extra time and money. Scott loves it short and loose; he likes playing in it without me begging him not to muss my hairdo.”
Jen fingered her dark and straight tresses. “You were brave to chop off your long hair; I get nervous every time scissors come near mine even for a trim; it took me years to get my mop this length, so I’m keeping it like this until I die.”
“Long hair suits you, Jen, but mine was dragging down my face, and my dull shade of blond made my skin look sallow.”
“You do look younger and sexier. The short length and platinum color flatters your skin tone and makes your features more noticeable. And the way you’re doing your eyes now brings them out more.”
“Thanks, Rach. It was past time to stop being heavy-handed with eye shadow and liner and to change to modern colors. Dawn also chose an excellent style for you; I’m’ glad you took her advice. It’s soft and romantic, and your natural color suits you.”
Rachel touched the swept-back bangs that left a wispy fringe across her forehead, then toyed with the silky locks that halted just above the shoulder. “Goldwell came out with the ideal shade for covering my gray and leaving me golden brown. With this bodywave, it stays fixed all week unless I help Henry in the yard or spend time in the pool.”
“You lucky devil. I have to wash and blow-dry mine every morning, but I’ve gotten fast at it…Rach, the four of us are having dinner at the country club Friday night. How about dressing up fit-to-kill and joining us?”
Rachel noticed the swift change of subject and knew it was suspicious. “Thanks, but you don’t need a fifth wheel along every time you four go out for the evening. Besides, I have scads of errands to run that day.”
“You wouldn’t be a fifth wheel if you had a date. There’s someone Scott and I want you to meet; he’s a new lawyer in Newton’s firm. They went to law school together at UGA and were fraternity brothers. Newton told Scott he’s long divorced and has two marvelous children who live in Macon with his ex-wife and her husband. I met Keith at the club Sunday. He’s well mannered and has a terrific personality. He’s into boating, golf, and tennis. He’s forty-nine, has green eyes, brown hair, and a good physique. He’s tall and goodlooking and has money. His family in Macon, the Haywoods, are very prominent. Scott said he purchased one of the new condos and is joining the country club. He’s only been here three and a half weeks, so nobody has latched on to him yet and he didn’t leave a girlfriend behind. Sounds like a great catch, Rach. I’m sure he’d be delighted to join us for dinner.”
“What did you do, interrogate him for hours to learn so much?”
“I had to find out if he would be a good choice for you, and he is.”
“Stop playing cupid, Rebecca Cooper. You promised.”
“Somebody has to since you won’t venture forth on your own. Keith Haywood sounds and looks perfect for you. At least meet him and give him a try before the stampede starts and another woman grabs him. We want you to find a special man and get married again, be happy like we are.”
Back to that old typical southern belief that a woman must have a man in her life to be happy, successful, and complete. That’s true only if he’s the right man. “I love you both for worrying about me, but I’m not miserable; and I’m not against men and remarrying. I’ve had plenty of dates since Daniel died; none were husband material, at least for me. Isn’t it better to stay single and a little lonely than to marry just anybody?”
“Yes, but it’s still a couple’s world. At least find a steady companion so you can get out more frequently.”
“I grab a man when an escort is necessary for the opera, symphony, dinners, or dances.”
“But you dump them afterward.”
“Not exactly, not rudely anyway; I just don’t date many of them again. It would be easier to continue seeing some of them if they didn’t become so serious or persistent after one or two dates.”
“Can you blame them? You’re quite a catch, Rachel Gaines, but you underestimate yourself. You’re beautiful and sexy. You’re an intelligent, polite, church-going woman, the wealthy widow of a well-liked man from a respected old family. You’re interesting and fun, generous, kind, and considerate. What more could a smart man desire? But you let every prospect escape or shove him away after one date, two at the most.”
“They don’t give me any choice, Becky; most think a widow must be horny and so eager—even desperate—to capture a man that they’re all over me the minute I lower my guard.”
“Surely you miss and need affection after being so long without Daniel? I couldn’t go fifteen years without a good loving on occasion.”
I haven’t, but that’s my secret. “If sex enters the picture, it has to mean something special to me and to him; there has to be some kind of commitment, a serious relationship, between us first. I can’t just leap into bed for a one-night-stand with a friend or with a near-stranger.” Not again anyway. “Besides, there are plenty of dangers lurking out there if one isn’t careful and discriminating. You know the old saying about when you sleep with someone, you’re sleeping with everybody he’s slept with, and so on.”
“That’s what condoms and blood tests are for, Rach.”
“They won’t protect me from nuts and liars.” Or from faulty condoms. Even if I can’t get pregnant again, if another one burst, I could catch a terrible disease. No sex is worth that risk, except maybe with Quentin…Oh, Lordy, if you two only knew what I did years ago during that cruise, you would be shocked speechless! I still am. “You wouldn’t believe how many men swear they haven’t had sex since their divorces or wives’ deaths to convince you they’re no risk. I know for a fact that two of them were jumping into any available bed. And we all heard the juicy details from Janet about where the woman got pregnant and infected with VD because her date only pretended to put on a condom. When it comes to sex, some men will say or do anything to get into your panties.”
“Don’t be discouraged, Rach; there’s a perfect man somewhere out there for you. But you can’t find him if you aren’t looking or you stay cooped up in this house.”
“They haven’t all been bad prospects, have they?” Jen asked.
That brief, passionate, and secret affair of twelve years ago danced through Rachel’s mind. She pushed it aside before she gave herself away. “If all I wanted was just a husband, no. But I didn’t want a bad stepfather for my two girls when they were young and vulnerable, and I don’t want a terrible choice for myself this late in life. I’ll admit it was tough and scary rearing two children alone and taking over for Daniel, but a hasty and difficult marriage would have been much worse for me and the girls.” Rachel took a deep breath. “Let’s see, a fourth of the men just want sex and a good time, so they pressure and entice me like crazy to give in. Another fourth wants me for my social status and Daniel’s large estate, especially the ones without money or with financial troubles. Another fourth wants just any woman to fill the rank of wife and mother, usually to his bratty children from another nasty marriage or two. Some of the men in those three categories also wanted their own children. Even if I hadn’t had that hysterectomy years ago, I wouldn’t want to begin a new family at this point in my life. Even if I could have children, at my age, I might not be around to see them graduate from college or marry.”