The Best Sleepover in the World, page 1

Jacqueline Wilson wrote her first novel when she was nine years old, and she has been writing ever since. She is now one of Britain’s bestselling and most beloved children’s authors. She has written over 100 books and is the creator of characters such as Tracy Beaker and Hetty Feather. More than forty million copies of her books have been sold.
As well as winning many awards for her books, including the Children’s Book of the Year, Jacqueline is a former Children’s Laureate, and in 2008 she was appointed a Dame.
Jacqueline is also a great reader, and has amassed over 20,000 books, along with her famous collection of silver rings.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
All About Makaton
Daisy and Lily’s Ultimate Sleepover Guide
Your Type of Sleepover
All About Daisy, Lily and Friends
We cannot be what we cannot see.
Have you read them all?
For Lucinda and her mum, Nikki
It’s a bit rubbish when you move and have to go to a new school. Everyone else has had years to make friends. You’re just the new girl who hasn’t got any friends. But on my very first day Emily was so kind.
She saw me hovering at the edge of the classroom, came up to me and asked my name. I mumbled ‘Daisy’ and she said she liked flower names. Then she said, ‘I think your plaits look great. I’m trying to grow my hair but it’s taking ages.’
So I said, ‘I think your bunches look really cute,’ and then we smiled at each other.
She lent me her spare pen, showed me where the toilets were at playtime and said I could sit on her table at lunchtime because there was an empty seat.
Three other girls sat with Emily: Amy, Bella and Chloe. Amy had a special way of saying hello to me, which involved a lot of clapping hands and high-fiving. I got the hang of it the second time, and she said I was a quick learner.
Bella gave me a square of chocolate from her packed lunch. We’re not supposed to bring any chocolate to school, and the Dinner Lady Police confiscate it if they spot it, but Bella’s brilliant at hiding it in her pocket.
‘Umm! I’m telling on both of you,’ said Chloe. She waved her hand in the air to attract the attention of the frowniest dinner lady, who was busy mopping up a puddle on the floor because two boys had been mucking about with their glasses of water. ‘Miss! Miss, can you come over here, please?’ Chloe called.
My heart started thumping underneath my new uniform. I’d only been at this school half a day and already I was in trouble.
The dinner lady came stomping over, her lips pressed together so tightly her mouth disappeared. I thought I was definitely in for it – and poor Bella. But Chloe simply looked up at the dinner lady, opening her eyes wide and giving her a sweet smile.
‘Sorry to trouble you, miss, but the new girl wants a drink of water though she’s too shy to ask,’ said Chloe, quick as a flash.
The dinner lady tutted. ‘You just fetch yourself a glass from that table on the side, silly,’ she said, and went back to mopping.
Chloe giggled. ‘Your faces, you two!’ she said. ‘I was only joking. Better give me the rest of your chocolate though, Bell, or I might tell.’
Bella stuck her tongue out at her, not looking too bothered – but she gave her the chocolate anyway. Emily looked upset. She didn’t say anything, but she felt for my hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze.
‘Sorry about that. Chloe likes to play jokes,’ she muttered to me when we went out into the playground. ‘She doesn’t really mean to be horrid.’
Yes she did. Chloe was clearly The Boss. And, worst of all, Emily was clearly her best friend.
We were this awkward fivesome for a while, Amy and Bella and Emily and Chloe and me. It was sheer bliss when Chloe was off school for a week with flu. It was probably just a sniffle. Chloe’s parents are always fussing over her – especially her dad.
I was free to be proper friends with Emily. We liked doing exactly the same things. We loved reading and making up our own stories and colouring. We told each other our secrets. Emily said she was really fed up with her baby brother, Ben, because he yelled all the time, though she supposed he couldn’t help it because he was only little. I almost told her about my sister, Lily, who can’t walk or talk. She used to yell a lot too, though not so much now she’s at her new school. I suppose she can’t help it when she gets upset either. But I didn’t want to talk about Lily. Not yet. What if Emily was funny about it?
Emily said she didn’t want to be friends with Chloe any more because she could be so mean.
‘Then why don’t you break friends with her and be my best friend?’ I asked.
I knew why. She was a bit scared of Chloe. Actually, so was I. But we didn’t have to be scared of her ANY MORE!
We all had birthdays during the summer term. Amy had a sleepover with a huge chocolate birthday cake, and we danced and painted our nails, and I thought it was the best sleepover party ever.
Then Bella had a birthday sleepover and she had a fantastic swimming-pool cake, and we went swimming at the leisure centre, then we all crammed into a big double bed and got the giggles. I thought that was the best sleepover party ever.
Then Emily had a birthday sleepover and had a teddy-bear birthday cake, and we played football. I got to share Emily’s bed and I knew that simply had to be the best sleepover party ever.
Then Chloe had a sleepover party and deliberately didn’t invite me. Emily said she didn’t want to go to Chloe’s sleepover if I couldn’t come. Amy and Bella said they wouldn’t attend Chloe’s sleepover party either. So then Chloe invited me too, and I went to her sleepover in her big, posh house.
We made our own pizzas but Chloe spoiled mine. She had an amazing birthday cake with three layers, but I didn’t dare eat a single mouthful because I thought Chloe might have done something to my slice. I couldn’t share a bed with Emily. I didn’t share a bed with anyone. I was stuck in an old sleeping bag by myself. That was definitely the WORST sleepover ever.
I had a birthday cake in the shape of a daisy for my sleepover. Emily met Lily for the first time. I was worried but Emily was lovely to her. Lily liked her too – and Amy and Bella. But then Lily got frightened and had to be put to bed before Chloe arrived.
We watched a movie Chloe had given me – but it was SCARY – and then Chloe laughed at us for being scared. It looked like my own sleepover was turning into the worst sleepover in the world. But Dad put up a tent in the garden and we slept out there, and it was FUN. Then Chloe woke up and wanted to go to the loo.
I had to take her indoors to show her where it was. Lily heard and wailed like a ghost – and Chloe was so frightened she cried and WET HERSELF! She had to be taken home even though it was the middle of the night. Emily, Amy, Bella, Lily and I played together in the morning, and it became the BEST sleepover in the world.
And the most amazing thing happened. Chloe broke friends with all of us because she was so embarrassed that we all knew she wet herself. She’s got another little gang of girls now. Emily and I are best friends for ever and we go around with Amy and Bella. We steer clear of Chloe and she keeps well away from us.
It was so brilliant – but then …
Chloe burst into our classroom before school started, her cheeks pink, her blonde hair carefully curled, her little gold stud earrings glinting, her high-heeled shoes clicking (definitely not school uniform policy). She did a little dance in her amazing shoes, ending with a flourish.
‘Ta dah!’ she said, spreading her arms wide.
Her new girly gang clapped her in a sickening way. Not just the girls. Sam and Richard actually cheered. They vie with each other to be Chloe’s boyfriend. Mum says we’re far too young to have boyfriends in junior school. Tell that to Chloe! She tosses her hair and stands with her hand on her hip, as if she’s posing for a photograph. Emily and I roll our eyes and tut but Sam and Richard think she’s fabulous. Pathetic!
‘Hey, listen up, you guys,’ said Chloe. Apparently it’s the way Mattie Rayburn talks. She’s a famous TikTok star who does that Prance Dance. I haven’t actually seen her because Mum won’t let me have my own mobile yet and she doesn’t have TikTok on her phone.
Amy’s big sisters have taught her to do the Prance Dance and she’s shown us. It’s very complicated. Emily and I can’t do it properly yet. Chloe laughs her head off at us and calls us losers. Who cares? At least we don’t wet ourselves.
No one was ‘listening up’ except the Girl Gang and Sam and Richard. Chloe clapped her hands imperiously.
‘Listen, I said. You’ll never ever guess what,’ she announced, tossing her curls.
My hair goes a bit like that when I undo my plaits, but it’s not quite as fluffy. It’s very annoying having to admit it, but Chloe has lovely hair.
‘What, Chloe?’ the Girl Gang begged in a chorus.
‘Tell us, Chloe,’ said Sam.
Richard simply gazed at her adoringly. I’m not sure he wants to be her actual boyfriend. I think he wants to be her.
‘Well!’ said Chloe. ‘I’m only going to have the best sleepover party in the entire world.’
We were listening properly now. Emily wrinkled her nose.
‘How come she’s having a sleepover?’ she murmured. ‘She’s already had her birthday.’
I remembered my awful spoiled pizza and shuddered. ‘She’s only showing off to get everyone’s attention,’ I whispered. ‘I bet she’s bluffing.’
Chloe’s ears were sharp even though they were hidden under all that hair.
‘I am so having another sleepover,’ she said. ‘There’s no law that says sleepover parties have to be about birthdays. I’m having my sleepover just because.’
‘Because what?’ said Amy.
‘She’d better watch out. Remember what happened at Daisy’s sleepover!’ said Bella.
We all giggled, but Emily frowned at us.
‘Don’t be mean,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t tell on her. It would be awful if the whole class laughed about her.’
She doesn’t like Chloe any more. She’s glad she’s not friends with her now. It’s just that she’s kind. I try to be kind too. Mostly.
‘My dad’s got this mega promotion at work and he’s going to make heaps more money. He’s giving a big grown-up party for his friends this weekend and so next week, on Friday, the end of term, he says I can have a party too, so there. It’s going to be a-mazing. So, who wants to come?’
The Girl Gang put their hands up. So did Sam and Richard. And most of the other girls in our class. But not Amy or Bella or Emily or me.
Chloe ignored us and shook her head pityingly at Sam and Richard.
‘Sorry, guys. I’m not allowed to have boys at a sleepover,’ she said.
Sam and Richard looked crestfallen.
‘But maybe you could come for the party part and then go home?’ Chloe suggested.
They perked up considerably.
‘Awesome!’ said Sam.
I don’t like any of the boys much, but Sam is OK. He can be funny sometimes. Quite cheeky too, but Mrs Graham rarely tells him off. She usually says, ‘Now that’s enough, Sam!’ in a fond way.
‘And I suppose you could come to the Blue Door club too,’ said Chloe, pausing for effect.
A gasp went round the class. The Blue Door club was famous. Even I’d heard of it, though we’d only moved here last term. It’s a little bit like the leisure centre but apparently much much more glamorous. A famous actress and several footballers’ wives hang out there and go to the gym and the spa. There’s a huge midnight-blue swimming pool with marble pillars and silver lights all over the ceiling like indoor stars. I’ve seen a photo of it in a magazine.
‘You’re going swimming in the pool at the Blue Door?’ Bella said in awe.
Bella loves swimming. She’s very good at it. I saw lots of her trophies and certificates when I went to her sleepover. She goes to the leisure centre for training before school sometimes and attends a special swimming club too. I quite like swimming but nowhere near as much as Bella.
‘Yeah, the amazing midnight-blue swimming pool. Dad’s reserving it specially for me and my friends,’ said Chloe.
The Girl Gang all squealed. Sam and Richard high-fived each other.
‘Can I come too?’ Alfie asked.
‘And me? And my mates?’ Sanjad begged.
‘Don’t let the boys come too, they’ll only muck about,’ said Amelie, the leader of the Girl Gang. That started a big argument, girls versus boys.
‘I’ve always longed to swim in the Blue Door pool,’ said Bella.
Chloe smiled unpleasantly. ‘I’m afraid it’s dead exclusive, Bella. You can only go there if you’re a member. Or a member’s special guest. I can take whoever I like.’ She paused. ‘Want to come?’
Bella blinked. Amy and Emily and I looked at her. Bella didn’t look back at us.
‘Yes please,’ she said.
We couldn’t believe it.
‘Bella!’ Amy hissed, shocked. ‘You can’t go to Chloe’s sleepover party. We’re not friends with her any more.’
‘I don’t want to go to the sleepover. Or the party part either. But I’m desperate to swim in the Blue Door pool,’ whispered Bella.
‘Chloe’s probably only playing one of her famous jokes on you,’ I said. ‘You know what she’s like. She’s getting you all excited about it, but then she’ll say she didn’t really mean it and you can’t come.’
I looked over at Chloe. Her blue eyes were glittering in a very witchy way. I think that was exactly what she wanted to do. She saw me glaring at her. She refreshed her smile.
‘It will be great if you can come, Bella,’ she cooed. ‘You’re so good at swimming. Maybe you can give us some tips?’
‘Yeah, of course,’ said Bella. She’d been lounging at her desk, her feet resting on Amy’s chair, but now she sat up straight. ‘And I could give diving lessons too, if you want.’
‘You’re really sucking up now!’ Amy sneered.
‘Don’t you want to learn to dive, Amy? I thought you had a crush on Tom Daley?’ Bella said.
‘I wouldn’t want to go to Chloe’s party even if Tom Daley himself was doing the teaching,’ said Amy. ‘You know perfectly well that Chloe’s our worst enemy now.’
‘Yeah, well, she used to be our friend until Daisy came to our school,’ said Bella.
‘Bella!’ said Emily.
‘And you were happy enough to be Chloe’s best friend for ever before Daisy started hanging around you,’ Bella retorted.
‘Exactly,’ said Chloe. ‘So OK, that’s you definitely coming, Bella. And Sam and Richard are half coming. So who else shall I pick?’
‘Me!’ the Girl Gang squealed. They’d been banking on coming because they were now officially Chloe’s best friends. But it seemed Chloe intended them to beg and plead like the rest of the class.
‘Pick us!’ someone said.
‘Pick me, Chloe!’
‘Please can I come? Me!’ someone else shouted.
‘Hey, hey, what’s all this silly noise?’ said Mrs Graham, bustling into the room. ‘Sorry I’m late for registration. I had to take Bethany to the sickroom and phone her mother. She’s not very well. But I didn’t expect the whole class to start trumpeting like elephants in my absence.’
There were a few titters. Sam put his arm to his face, waving it around like an elephant’s trunk. I couldn’t help giggling.
‘That’s enough, Sam,’ said Mrs Graham. ‘All take your seats, children. That includes you, Chloe, unless you’ve decided to teach the class today instead of me?’
Chloe danced back to her desk in her high heels.
‘Ah! Divine shoes, Chloe, though I fear you’ll be hobbling around with bunions and hammer toes when you get to my age if you continue wearing them. But don’t worry, I’m sure there are several pairs of comfy lace-ups in the lost property cupboard. Pop along at once and change into them, dear,’ she said.
Chloe didn’t pop along at once. She stood her ground in her pretty shoes, looking outraged.
‘I can’t wear someone else’s manky old shoes!’ she protested.
Mrs Graham changed her tone. ‘Go at once, Chloe,’ she said in such a steely manner that Chloe fled the classroom. I wondered whether I could ever adopt that kind of tone.
‘Stop bullying everyone and showing off about your stupid sleepover, Chloe, or I’ll tell everyone how you disgraced yourself at my home!’ I rehearsed it inside my head, but I knew I didn’t dare say it straight to her face. It was very uncomfortable realizing I was such a complete wimp.
‘I can’t believe Bella could change her mind about Chloe just so she can go to her party,’ Emily hissed to me.
‘I know. She’s really betrayed us,’ I whispered back, though I couldn’t feel totally furious with Bella. I knew how much she loved swimming. I could see why she couldn’t bear to miss a chance of trying out the Blue Door pool. I badly wanted to see the marble pillars and the starry ceiling and the midnight-blue pool myself. Perhaps I could have begged Chloe to let me come to her sleepover party, but I knew she’d never invite me in a million years.