BLOCK: Social Media #3, page 1

Copyright © 2014 by J. A. Huss
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Cover Photo: Ryan Orange
Cover Model: Steve Boyd
Edited by: RJ Locksley
Formatted by E.M. Tippetts Book Designs
Other Books by J.A. Huss
Losing Francesca
Social Media
Rook and Ronin
Rook and Ronin Spinoffs
Slack: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston
Taut: The Ford Book
Ford: Slack/Taught Bundle
Bomb: A Day in the Life of Spencer Shrike
Guns: The Spencer Book
Dirty, Dark, and Deadly
Come Back
I Am Just Junco
The Magpie Bridge
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouAreCaredFor So the movie star says. But his idea of cared for isn’t the same as mine. Obviously a #Douche.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #BehindTheScenesIsMyScene The Blue Bird has trust issues. And tantrum issues. And commitment issues.
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #SaidTheKettleToThePot
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #YouAreMine and I won’t let you forget it.
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouMustShitUnicorns that’s how delusional your fairy tale is. #GetAGripOnReality I’m outtie.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird You're an #Innie #Sweetheart :) My tongue licked all your #CuteLittleButtons.
Why is he so damn sexy? How will I ever get out from under Asher’s thumb if I can’t stop thinking about his tongue on my buttons? #HottiesNeedToPlayFair
Chapter One
I WAIT for Vaughn’s footsteps to fade and the front door to close behind him before I let the tears stream down my face. This is a huge mistake, I already know it, and the ink isn’t even dry on that contract. This is a huge mistake because this night was perfect. This Vaughn Asher was the man of my dreams. Attentive, distant, rough, gentle, sexy, mundane, soft, hard, silent and talkative. He’s everything a girl loves and hates in a man, all wrapped up into one complete package. I loved our dinner. I loved him feeding me. I loved the sweet scent of that raspberry when he pressed it against my mouth, the way the flesh broke and the juice spilled out as he traced my lips. I loved the tender steak he placed on my tongue and the time he gave me to chew it completely before expecting me to talk. I love that he filled my chewing time in with talk of his own day.
And even though almost none of what he told me about production schedules and agent luncheons made any sense, I loved the tone of his voice and the laughter in his speech as he recalled it for me. I love that he listened to my day and even asked questions about the Big Guys. Not quite jealousy questions, but protective ones.
I love that he fucked me hard and soft. I love that rug he had me kneel on. The soft sheepskin was a delight on my weary legs. I want that sheepskin right now, and for half a second I contemplate going back upstairs to see if it’s still there.
I love Vaughn Asher.
I don’t want to, I really don’t. I want to convince myself he’s a selfish asshole who will use me up and throw me out. And he will, I know he will. He’s done it to every girl who came before me, and there have been a lot of those.
But I love him. I’ve been dreaming about him for years. I’ve had fantasy dates with him that didn’t even come close to the night he gave me this evening. And I’m hopeless. Hopelessly in love with a movie star who made me sign a contract to see him again.
The tears stream out now. Tears of contentment. Tears of joy. Tears of fear. Tears of shame. Tears of submission.
I cry long rivers of regret, but with every new breath, I am secretly thankful for my good fortune. I’m secretly thankful that I was the one Vaughn Asher chose to use this time. I’m beyond excited that I will be part of his life in this pathetic way.
I hate myself for it.
But I can’t say no. I’m a yes-girl and I want to say yes to him for everything. Yes, use me. Yes, fuck me. Yes, take whatever you want. I won’t be telling him no. I don’t have it in me to deny myself this chance at my fantasy, even though I know what’s coming.
I just have to trust in him. Have faith. That when he’s finally done with me, he’ll toss me aside gently and I will walk away with enough pride to keep my head up and my self-worth intact.
THE dawn breaks far too soon after a night of being well-fucked and dined to perfection. And I’d like nothing more than to stay in bed and feed my delusions of Vaughn professing his undying love for me. But I have daily meetings with the future Mrs. Blazen for the next two weeks until the wedding. Today we’re going to the Botanical Gardens to look at flowers.
Why aren’t we visiting florists like normal people? I have no idea. But the Big Guys told me to give her whatever she wants. This is a big deal to them and the people of Denver.
They actually said that. The people of Denver. Like the soon-to-be Mrs. Blazen is the goddamned First Lady of this town.
They take their football seriously here. Personally, the only reason I know of any Bronco football players is because some of them own car dealerships and have billboards up all over town. But Kristi Almost-Blazen seemed nice when I met her yesterday, so I’m going to tuck away the cynical side of me and just give her the benefit of the doubt.
She’s picking me up, so I’m waiting outside my office building at ten sharp when my phone buzzes and a message from Vaughn comes through.
Fabulous time last night. I’m still internally reliving parts as I have breakfast with Russell Mame.
Oh, fuck.
How do I process this? He’s thinking about me. Does it mean anything? Does it mean he likes me? Or that he just wishes he was fucking me again?
I’m hopeless. I’m going to be reading between every line there is. Every word will be scrutinized. Every text pored over. Every phone call revisited in my mind at the end of the day. Every touch cherished. Everything about him will stay with me.
I’m going to be obsessive, I just know it.
Russell Mame is his co-star in IM2. He’s the bad guy. Or the good guy, if you think the Invisible Man is the bad guy. Either way, he’s the adversary and he’s another Hollywood legend. I wish I was in that restaurant right now. I wish I could meet his friends and listen in on their conversations.
Am I crazy?
Jesus. This is not starting well at all.
Twitter tonight at eight mountain time.
That little bit of reality pulls me back from the edge of my fantasyland cliff. He’s real, Grace. I pinch myself and then wince. I’m just about to text back when the white Mercedes SUV pulls up. Kristi rolls down the passenger window and slides her sunglasses down with a smile. "Hop in, girlfriend! We have flowers to choose!"
She’s entirely too chirpy for me this morning, but that’s my own damn fault. I’m so mad at Vaughn for making me love him. Damn him. Damn him to hell. Why did he have to be so perfect last night? Why does he have to text me this morning and make me read into things? Make me wish for more than just sex. For…
Don’t think it, Grace.
"What’s wrong?" Kristi asks as I get in and pull my seatbelt across my chest.
I sigh. "A guy."
"Oh," she says with sympathy that I’m not sure is real. "I completely understand."
I highly doubt that, since she’s engaged and the only reason we’re spending time together is because I’m her wedding planner.
"I would try and put it on the back burner, ya know? Just forget about the bad and focus on life. Because whatever it is he’s doing" —she looks over at me and lowers her sunglasses again—"it’s his problem, not yours."
"Maybe," I say back. "But I’m letting him do it. I gave him permission. So really, it’s all my fault I’m so…" So what? What am I really feeling? "Sad, I guess."
She puts a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "I really do get it. And I don’t blame you if you can’t let it go, so go ahead, you can mope today. I don’t mind being a listener if you need it."
Well, that was nice of her. "Thanks, Kristi. I appreciate that. But no, I’m not going to let him affect my days. He might be able to turn my nights upside down, but my days belong to me." I reach in to my purse and turn my phone on silent, then toss it back into my bag. "I’m incommunicado today. So there!"
"That’s the spirit, girlfriend!"
That lasts for like thirty minutes, because the second Kristi goes to the restroom in the visitor center of the Botanical Gardens, I check my phone. My heart skips—like literally skips—when I see the message from Vaughn.
Prepare. In nine hours I blow your mind with surprises.
Surprises, hmmm. He left all sorts of surprises in my apartment last night as well. Boxes and boxes of gifts, and the new bedsheets and comforter did not escape me either. It might’ve been my best
I text back, I can’t help it.
You’re #OnMyMind, is that good or bad?
I press send and then immediately wish I could take it back. I should not discuss my feelings with him. He’s made it very clear we’re just fucking, and the fact that I’m having feelings is going to put an end to this as soon as he figures it out. In fact he might be debating that right now. Should I cancel our tweet date? he’s probably wondering. Is she getting clingy already?
Way to go, Grace.
My phone buzzes and I look down.
I’m smiling, Grace. You made me smile.
What’s that mean?
And then my phone dings a noise I’ve never heard before and an alert comes through.
FaceTime, Accept?
I didn’t even know I had FaceTime. I press accept and a view of Los Angeles appears. "Are you alone?" Vaughn asks.
"Yes," I giggle back.
His face comes into view and he grins at me. "You look nice today. What are you up to?"
I bite my lip and look around. I’m fucking FaceTiming with Vaughn Asher in public. "Um…" And then I spot Kristi coming out of the bathroom. "I’m looking at flowers with a client. And she’s coming back from the restroom, so I can’t really talk."
"Mmmmm," he says back. "I want to fuck you right now."
"Shhh," I say, looking around to make sure no one can hear him.
"Tweet me something special when you ditch the friend." And then the screen goes black and cycles back to home.
"Who’re you talking to?" Kristi asks when she rejoins me at near the ticket line.
"Oh, no one. I got a call from the office but it’s nothing important." We get our tickets and make our way through the gardens. It’s a lovely place, and Kristi is quite knowledgeable, pointing out all sorts of plants that have absolutely nothing to do with weddings. I do my very best to pay attention, but most of the time I’m tuning her out.
Vaughn is the only thing on my mind. Vaughn is the only person I have room for today. And the impromptu FaceTime break only makes it worse. My mind is spinning with questions. What does he really want from me? What do I really want from him?
I think about that all morning and by the time I’m finally able to ditch my client and concentrate on the movie star pursuing me, I have to accept what’s real.
I like him. I want him. I want more than sex, I want feelings. And these small gestures that probably mean nothing to him are going to drive me mad. Because it’s impossible for me not to read into it. When a man leaves you gifts and pays attention to you during a workday, that typically means he likes you. He wants you. And yes, I know Vaughn likes and wants me, but it’s only for sex.
I don’t want him only for sex, I want him in every way imaginable. I want him to love me.
That thought stops me dead as I step off the elevator on the fifth floor of Big Guys. No, no, no, no, no. That’s the worst possible thing that can happen to me.
"Grace?" Flora asks from her reception desk. "Are you OK?"
I shake myself out of it and start walking again. "Yeah, sure, I just remembered that I forgot something." I flash her a smile and try to get to my office as fast as I can.
"Oh, Grace, wait!”
I turn and she’s holding out a message.
"Your banker came by. He said you need to stop by and see him."
I take the message and call out a cheerful, "Thanks," over my shoulder. When I finally reach my office I close the door and sit down.
I cannot fall in love with this asshole movie star. I just can’t. He’s going to use me up and throw me away. It’s a done deal. I need to get a grip on these feelings fast.
I resolve to do that. I make a firm commitment to accept this arrangement for what it is, but in that very instant, my desktop computer dings a new email from my work account.
It’s from The Invisible Man.
I click on it.
It’s a picture of me at the Botanical Gardens. I’m leaning down to smell a rogue daisy in a greenhouse filled with rare hothouse orchids.
The message reads:
You are the white daisy in that greenhouse. Your beauty is simple, your confidence strong, your feelings genuine. I love it.
What the fuck?
Is he stalking me from LA? How is that possible? How did he get that picture? How did he get this email? Jesus, is he crazy? I get out my phone and press the number he called from earlier. He picks up on the second ring.
"I already know what you’re going to say, Grace. I’m sorry."
"You damn well better be, mister. What the hell is going on?"
"It was too much, wasn’t it? The message was too personal. I apologize."
"The message?" I’m confused. "You mean the picture. And the fact that you have my work email and I never gave it to you."
"The picture?" Now it’s his turn to be confused. He chuckles. "Darling. I have security on you. They send me updates. It was in the agreement. If you’re mine, you have to have security and I can ask for an update any time I want."
"You’re spying on me."
"No, I’m keeping track of you. Spying would imply I’m doing it secretly. And please, your email at Big Guys is It was not that difficult."
He’s fucking spying on me.
I end the call and sit back in my chair. Well, that takes care of my movie-star crush. I’m so over that crush. He can kiss my ass, thinking he can have people follow me around and take pictures. It’s invasive. It’s degrading. It’s manipulative. It’s—
My email dings again and it’s another message from Vaughn. I click open and there’s a selfie picture of him standing in front of his view of LA holding a white daisy to his nose. He has the most adorable boyish smile on his face. This message says:
Now we’re even.
And then another one comes in as soon as I finish reading that one.
You can call it whatever you want, but I’m not going to stop. I like getting updated. I like knowing what you’re up to. I want to know more about you, Grace.
How much more?
Shit. What if he starts digging?
I call him back and he picks up on the first ring this time. "Miss Kinsella."
"Mr. Asher, I don’t want to be spied on. I don’t want you fishing around for information on me. I don’t want to get these creepy feelings everywhere I go, wondering if I’m being watched."
"You are being watched, and that condition is non-negotiable." He says this in his authoritative tone, but there’s an edge to it that causes me to hesitate in my retaliation. "Grace, if the media ever finds out about you, you will be a target. I’m being very careful, but they are relentless motherfuckers and I have a movie coming out in two weeks. They want dirt. They want filth. They want proof that I’m some abusive prick and they want nothing more than to plaster pictures of whatever they can find out all over the tabloids. This is a security issue for me and for you. I will not give in on this point. I won’t. And I don’t want to hear about how you’ll walk away, because Grace, I have a whole night of erotic spankings planned."
I laugh and then cover my mouth and try to compose myself so I can spar properly. "Mr. Asher, I will be polite and accommodating and call the spying ‘security’, but you have to stop looking in my past. If I want you to know personal things, I’ll tell you."
He’s silent for a few moments and my mind is spinning with thoughts and questions. Will he back off? Will that make him look harder? Will he demand answers? Will he send me to therapy?
Where the hell did that come from?
"OK," he finally says, letting out a sigh of resignation. "OK, no more digging. But the security stays."
"I accept that deal."
"But Grace" —he pauses for a moment—"is it bad? Your past? Is it bad?"