Dragon Triplets (Triplet Harems Book 1), page 1

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Dragon Triplets
Triplet Harems
By: J.L. Wilder
Click to Receive a Free Copy of Brother’s Wolf (Full length)
Table of Contents
Dragon Triplets
Next in Series: Bear Triplets
More Books by J.L. Wilder
About The Author
Dragon Triplets
I can’t believe I’m here.
The thought repeated in Sarah Willis’s mind over and over as she laid eyes on the Manhattan skyline through the plane window. Sure, ever since she’d been a kid, she’d fantasized about moving to the big city, making it big, living the kind of glamorous life that she’d seen in the movies growing up.
The circumstances, however, hadn’t come close to what she’d imagined as a little girl in New Orleans.
Despite everything, she had to admit the sight was impressive. She’d caught an early evening flight out of Louisiana, so by the time she’d arrived, the sun was setting over the city. The sky was purple and orange and brilliant, the rays of fading light catching the reflections of the buildings and flashing brightly for a brief moment before fading.
But lovely scenery could only go so far in taking her mind off why she was there, why she’d had to flee New Orleans in such a hurry and leave everything behind, no time to pack anything but what she could cram into a single suitcase.
“Honey?” A woman’s pleasant voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Huh?” Sarah turned to see a heavyset middle-aged woman, one of the stewardesses, leaning over to speak to her.
“Your seatbelt. You need to have that on.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Sarah glanced down at her lap and quickly clasped the belt together.
I swear—how many times do I need to tell people? Like they can’t follow basic instructions.
Sarah recognized the thought as not one of her own. It never stopped being disconcerting. She had no idea why, but over the last few years, ever since her twenty-first birthday, thoughts of others would pop into her mind.
When it first began to happen, she’d been convinced she was going crazy. Wasn’t hearing voices a sign of losing your mind? It was only when she began to pay attention to exactly what they were that she realized they weren’t her thoughts, but those of the people around her. It was a small consolation.
She put it out of her mind as best she could as the plane touched down at Newark airport. When they were parked at the gate and a chime sounded to let them all know it was safe to get up and leave, she didn’t waste any time grabbing her single suitcase and getting out of there.
The airport was as bustling and hectic as she’d expected—even a touch overwhelming. But it relieved her to know that she at least had someone waiting for her. Sure, it was a friend she hadn’t seen in over five years, but she knew having one friend in the city beat not knowing anyone at all.
Bag in hand, she made her way through security and took the train to the main airport hub. When she crossed over into the area where people awaited their friends and family, it didn’t take her much time at all to spot Kelly.
“Hey! Hey! Sarah!” Kelly hopped up and down excitedly, waving her hand through the air to get Sarah’s attention.
Sarah had been friends with Kelly back in high school, the two of them having run in the same circle of guys who liked to cut class and commit petty crimes like theft and vandalism. Sarah scolded herself when she thought of those days, knowing the path they had set her on.
Nothing to do about it now, she knew.
Kelly was a trim and pretty girl with curly auburn hair, dressed in hip clothes that would make her blend right in among her Brooklyn friends. Sarah, with the same slender body and sharp features, was frequently mistaken as Kelly’s sister. But while Kelly’s eyes were a dark brown, Sarah’s were a brilliant blue.
Despite everything, Sarah was excited to see Kelly. She hurried over to her, set down her bag, and threw her arms around her friend.
“Kel!” Sarah’s voice was happy and bright. “I can’t believe it’s you!”
“It’s me, all right.” Kelly returned her hug. “And you’re looking as gorge as ever.”
Sarah laughed. She’d never thought of herself as beautiful, despite what everyone she’d known—especially the guys—had always told her. But that didn’t mean she hated hearing it.
Kelly stepped back from Sarah and clasped her hands together. “Seriously though, I can’t believe it. You’re really here in New York! After all this time of me trying to get you to move here, you’re finally doing it!”
“I know, I know...” she trailed off, the circumstances of the move still fresh in her mind.
“Anyway,” said Sarah. “You’re probably ready to get the hell out of the airport. Let’s go! I’m parked right outside, and kind of illegally.”
Sarah grabbed her bag, and the two of them were off. Sure enough, when they stepped outside and made their way to Kelly’s car, she spotted a pair of officers standing nearby.
“This yours, miss?”
“Yeah, it’s mine,” said Kelly. “Just parking for a second while I got my friend. Ready to go now, though!”
The officer shook his head. “You see that sign there?” He pointed to a very clearly posted sign that read “no parking zone—violators subject to tow.”
“No,” said Kelly. “Must’ve missed it.”
“Anyway, I was just about to call in the tow. But now that you’re here, you can just move the damn thing. Gonna still have to write you a ticket, though.”
Kelly snapped right into charming mode, the one Sarah had seen so many times in high school when she found herself in trouble—trouble that she usually was the cause of.
“Officer, I’m really, really sorry.” She reached over and placed her hand on the officer’s sleeve. “But I totally didn’t see the sign and all I wanted was to see my friend. I haven’t hung out with her in years.”
She batted her eyelashes in a flirtatious way. The officer, a doughy-faced man in his fifties, was clearly happy with the attention.
“All right,” he said, obviously won over with a single graze of her fingers. “Just get your car out of here; you’re blocking traffic.”
He crumpled up the ticket as Kelly let out a happy squeal. “Thank you so much, officer...um, what’s your name? Oh, who cares, I’m just going to call you ‘Officer Handsome.’”
It was weird to see a grown man blush, but there it was.
“Go on, ladies. Have a nice night.”
The two women didn’t waste any time hurrying into the car, Kelly pulling out of her spot and starting them away from the airport and toward the city.
“I have no idea how you can do that every single time,” said Sarah, glancing back at the officers as they disappeared into the distance. “Don’t they ever see through what you’re doing?”
“Are you kidding? Men are so easy. All you have to do is show them the tiniest bit of sexual attention and they do whatever you want. They’re like dogs when you wave a treat in front of their faces.”
“It never really worked for me,” said Sarah.
“Well, that’s stupid. You’re hot as hell, girl. The only thing you lack is confidence.”
Sarah knew she was right. On some level, Sarah knew she was beautiful, but it had never really settled into her mind as something she could believe about herself.
“Plus, there’s the whole ‘manipulating people’ part of it.”
Kelly waved her hand through the air. “Whatever. They like it too. Tell me when you think the last time that guy got any attention from a cute girl was? If he wanted to think it actually meant something, that’s his thing.”
She went on.
“Besides, kind of weird for you to have issues with doing the wrong thing when you’ve been dating a guy like Carter.”
The name made Sarah tense, and Kelly realized she overstepped some kind of boundary.
“Let’s...not talk about Carter right now,” said Sarah.
“Yeah, you’re right. Kind of a dick move to bring that up so soon.” She appeared conflicted. “But still, I mean, now that we’ve mentioned him, might as well tell me the details. I mean, whatever went down made you leave New Orleans in kind of a freaking hurry.”
“You really want to hear about it?”
“Of course I do! We’re friends, and friends tell each other everything. At least, that’s what they’re supposed to do. You’ve been kind of cagey about this wh
Sarah knew she had a point: not fair of her to ask Kelly for such a big favor while keeping everything a secret.
“OK, fine. But it’s still so fresh.”
“Just let it out. Don’t think about where to start.”
Sarah bit her lip and tried to begin. “Carter...he screwed with some really bad people.”
“Isn’t that his whole thing? Fucking with the wrong guys? And you looking the other way while he does it?”
“Yeah, but this time he really, really screwed up. There was some drug deal he was working security for, one of the most powerful crime families in New Orleans there doing the buying. I don’t know exactly what went down since he doesn’t exactly tell the truth about these things, but some kind of argument broke out and he...killed one of the guys.”
“Are you fucking serious? He killed someone?”
“That’s what he says. And he came straight home and told me that we were both in trouble, and that we had to leave right then and there or else both of our lives would be in danger.”
“Holy shit. What did you do?”
“I told him I was done. I was done living that kind of life with him, and wherever he was going next, it wasn’t going to be with me.”
“I’m sure he took that well.”
“He didn’t.” Sarah closed her eyes, the way he grabbed her and screamed at her still fresh in her mind. “He...shoved me, hard. I hit the wall, and it hurt worse than anything he’d ever done to me.”
“That fucking prick.”
“I had to tell him something to calm him down, so I said I’d go with him, and that I needed a few things from the store first. He went off to get them and I grabbed whatever I could and got the hell out of there.”
“Fuck. So...he doesn’t know where you are?”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“But there’s not a chance he’s going to forget. He’s going to come for you, Sarah. You know that, right? The fucker’s so controlling and psycho, he’s never going to leave you alone.”
“I know. That’s why I’m only going to stay with you a little while before I get my own place and try to be anonymous in the millions of people here. It’s the best chance I have, I think.”
She nodded. “You can stay with me for as long as you want, you know that. And trust me, I know some people here who wouldn’t stand around while some abusive prick threatened a friend of mine.”
Sarah nodded, knowing she was right. Despite Kelly looking like any other Brooklyn hipster, she ran around with criminals in the same way Sarah had never been able to resist doing.
“Speaking of which,” said Kelly, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I think I know exactly the way for you to spend your first night in the city.”
Sarah’s stomach tensed. All she’d wanted was a quiet night in, a chance to collect herself after what she’d been through.
“What’s that?”
“There’s this party happening on the Upper East Side. Sean, this guy I’ve been kind of, um, seeing, has ins with some local crime family, doing errands for them here and there. And he must’ve really impressed them because they invited him to some exclusive party.”
“I don’t know...”
“You always don’t know, babe. Trust me—you’ll have fun. And more than that, you’ll get a chance to meet some of my friends. These are guys with power and money and influence, Sarah. If you’re going to be hiding out from some lowlife criminal prick, they’re exactly the kinds of people you want on your side.”
Sarah knew she had a point. She sighed and spoke. “OK, fine. We can go. But you promise we’ll only stay for a little while? I just need some sleep to clear my head.”
“Of course! I’ll introduce you to some of these guys, and if you’re feeling too overwhelmed, we can get the hell out of there. But like I said, you might be able to make some connections. And some of these guys are, um, seriously hot.”
Sarah nodded, knowing it wasn’t worth arguing. They drove on, and she turned her attention to Manhattan as it grew in the distance. Her new life was beginning, and she knew deep down it wasn’t going to be anything like she’d expected when she was a little girl.
He was impatient. The whiskey wasn’t helping in the way he wanted.
Adrian Thorne looked out over the city from the sweeping view his penthouse apartment afforded. He was dressed in his usual dark, tailored suit, his green eyes narrowed as he considered the evening ahead.
Another damn party. Tired of all the socializing.
There’d been one thing on his mind for the last year, and one thing only—he needed to mate. There had been plenty of women, sure. They were easy to come by when you were one of the three heads of an organization such as his. But they were mostly humans.
As a dragon, he craved more. And as an alpha, he craved more still. He was ready to mate, and only an omega would do.
He sipped his whiskey again, hoping in vain it would cool the fire inside of him. Adrian knew it wouldn’t, however. If anything, it would only make him more desirous.
There was a party ahead, however, and he knew there was no getting out of this particular obligation. Many of the heads of the local crime families would be there, many of them shifters like himself. And it was important for him to make an appearance—him and his brother alphas.
“Fucking hell.” He threw back the rest of the whiskey, and for a moment, considered another. As a dragon, he could drink almost as much as he wanted and not have to worry about sloppy drunkenness or a hangover. But it still dulled his mind more than he liked. He preferred to be sharp, aware.
A knock sounded from his office doors.
“Come in,” he spoke in his clear, low voice.
The doors opened, and he knew right away who it was without even needing to turn—the scent was enough for him.
“Yo, A! You ready for this thing or what?”
Adrian set down his glass and turned. Sure enough, it was Hunter—his brother. While Adrian was elegant and refined, Hunter was more on the brash side. He was tall, like Adrian, beefy and muscular. He dressed in jeans and leather jackets, and a T-shirt for one eighties metal band or another on underneath. His hair was dark, matching his beard. Tattoos covered his arms.
As an identical triplet, he looked exactly the same as Adrian. They had the same sharp features, the same chocolate-colored hair, the same green eyes. But Hunter was all biker, rough as hell.
“As ready as I’m going to be. The night ahead is promising to be a pain in the ass.”
Hunter let out a laugh as he strolled over to Adrian’s desk, snatching the bottle of whiskey off and taking a pull without even bothering for a glass. When he’d had his fill, he slammed the bottle down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Come on, don’t be such a fucking stick in the mud. There’s going to be booze, babes, and whatever else you want.”
“And there’s going to be people there we can’t afford to get sloppy in front of,” said Adrian, raising a finger.
“Come on,” said Hunter. “When’s the last time you saw me get sloppy?”
“How about at the last meeting? When you drank two bottles of whiskey over the course of one hour and got into a fight with those wolves from the Carver clan?”
“Oh, that?” Hunter laughed again. “Just bullshitting with some of the guys. They had fun.”
“I saw them afterward. Don’t think they considered it to be fun.”
“They’ll get over it,” said Hunter. “If not, they’ve got no business running around with dragons.”
Part of Adrian admired the way Hunter could be so brash and careless. After all, it hadn’t been as though those traits had interfered with his ability to do his job. But he still worried that one day, he’d say the wrong thing to the wrong person and cause enough problems to make Adrian’s life harder than it needed to be. But he was his brother and he would stick by him no matter what.
“Still. Try to be on your best behavior. Tonight’s a big night.”
“Sure, sure.”
Hunter took another pull of whiskey. “Where the fuck’s Jack? Weren’t we all meeting up at the apartment before heading out?”