Finding Him: Second Chance Billionaire Romance (Finding Love Book 1), page 1

Finding Him
J. L. Perry
Copyright © 2023 J. L. Perry
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-6486828-2-0
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the produce of the author’s imagination, or used factitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Cover Design by The Book Cover Boutique
Books By J. L. Perry
Finding Love Series
Finding Him
Finding Forever
Finding Us
Finding Love
Bastard Series
Luckiest Bastard
Cocky Hero World
Bossy Bastard
Sexy Bastard
The Boss
Nineteen Letters
Table Of Contents
Books By J. L Perry
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Sneak Peek: Finding Forever
More Books From This Author
Contact The Author
This book is dedicated to my beautiful Grandmother, Evelyn…
You always inspired me to be a better person.
The unconditional love and support you gave
me over the years never wavered. The wisdom
you shared, and the kindness and compassion
you showed—not only to me, but to everyone—
was truly incredible. You had such a beautiful soul.
I was blessed to have been born into your family,
and my world is much emptier now that you’ve gone.
1924 - 2015
This story is set in Australia and uses Australian English. Some of the terminology and spelling will differ from those used in the United States.
Warning: Elements of this story may contain triggers for some.
There’s never a wrong time for the right person.
Not everything in life is supposed to be beautiful or long-lasting. I truly believe that we don’t meet people by accident—they come into our lives for a reason.
Although things were definitely changing for the worst in my marriage, I still thought Jake was the person I was going to grow old with. I had no idea he was only there to play a small part in the greater picture, because my destiny lay elsewhere.
Through my husband’s betrayal, life would lead me on the path to him—Logan Cavanagh. A gorgeous, captivating, successful Lawyer, and also the unlikely hero in my story … a man who would touch my heart so deeply, I knew I’d never be the same again.
From the moment I laid eyes on Brooke, I wanted her, but there was one problem … she was married to someone else, and I’d never come between a man and his wife.
When her life started to unravel, I was there to help pick up the pieces. I knew going in she was never mine to keep, so when she walked away, there was nothing I could do to stop her. I honestly thought it was the end … that I’d never see her again.
But months later, fate had us crossing paths again and her situation had now changed, so the gloves were coming off. I was all in, and there was no way I was letting her go a second time.
Chapter 1
“Hi, this is Jake … I can’t take your call at the moment. Leave your name and number after the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
I press end before the tone beeps. There’s no point in leaving a voice message. He didn’t reply to the one I left him at six o’clock saying that dinner was almost ready, or the one I left him an hour and a half later after the food had gone stone cold, as I sat and watched the wax drip down the sides of the candles I’d placed in the centre of the table.
Moving to Melbourne six months ago was supposed to be the beginning of a new life for us. My husband had been offered the job of a lifetime as a junior partner at Cavanagh and Associates, one of the largest law firms in the country.
It’s the kind of position he’d been striving for ever since he joined the bar—his dream job, you could say. But only weeks after arriving here, the cracks in our relationship started to appear, and in the months that followed, things have only managed to get worse.
Tonight’s dinner was supposed to symbolise a new beginning for us—a fresh start in our new life, a chance to put the last few months behind us. He promised he’d be here.
The constant fighting and uncertainty is getting me down. I’m lonely and feeling isolated since our move, which hasn’t helped our plight. I gave up everything to come here: my career, my friends, my life.
When we lived in Sydney things were different. I was content, if I’d known what lay ahead for us, I never would’ve agreed to this. I’m not sure if it’s the stress of his new job, or the crazy long hours he’s been putting in, but Jake’s become somewhat of a stranger to me.
After I graduated from university four years ago, I started working as a dance teacher and head choreographer. Dancing has always been my passion. I’ve been doing it since I was a little girl. It’s my escape when times get tough. For me, it’s easy to forget all my troubles when I’m lost in the music. It’s how I cope. Maybe that’s why I’m struggling so much now.
I also miss my students, but my husband no longer wants me to work. He says we don’t need the money since his new job also came with a huge salary increase. Becoming a full-time homemaker wasn’t something we’d ever discussed prior to coming here, and I’m not sure I would’ve agreed to uproot my entire life if it had been.
Sure, I could’ve ignored his demands, but the constant bickering every time I bring the subject up is wearing me down. I don’t deal well with conflict; I never have.
The sole purpose of coming here was so Jake could follow his dreams, but my dreams no longer seemed important to him.
Starting a family could give this new life of mine some purpose, but those plans—like my career—have been put on hold. “Children will only complicate things,” he says. He used to want kids as much as I did, but somewhere along the way, he’s decided that being a father no longer fits into his life’s plan. Not in his immediate future anyway.
After cleaning the kitchen, I head upstairs to our bedroom and run myself a warm bath. I’m hoping it will help relax me.
But an hour later, as I pad across the carpet towards our bed, I feel no calmer … my mind is still racing. I place my phone down on the bedside table, plugging it into the charger. The clock reads 10.36 pm, and my husband’s still not home.
I exhale a large breath as I lay down and pull the covers up around my chin. I hate this!
My eyelids become heavy as I stare at the digital clock, watching the minutes slowly tick by. My stomach churns and my mind is laden down with worry. All my uncertainties from the past creep back to the surface. Everything has changed, and I’m no longer sure what my future holds. I feel incredibly alone, which is something I hoped I’d never feel again.
As I drift into a restless sleep, I’m blissfully unaware that in less than twenty-four-hours, destiny will step in—my unexpected hero—and it will change the course of my life forever.
Chapter 2
It’s just after six when I open my eyes. Rolling over, I find my husband fast asleep beside me. I’m not sure what time he finally
Scooting closer, I push down the anger and disappointment from last night and snuggle into the warmth of his body, causing him to stir.
“Good morning.” I place a soft kiss on the side of his neck as I speak.
“Morning,” he mumbles, sliding his arm around my waist and resting his lips against my forehead. His gesture provides immediate comfort. This is the sweet, caring, attentive husband I’ve missed. These small glimpses give me hope.
“What time did you get in last night? I tried to call you a few times.”
“I don’t remember … late.”
“Did you forget about the special dinner we planned? You promised me you’d be home for it.”
“Jesus, Brooke.” Jake sighs as he rolls onto his back and scrubs his hand over his face. “I just opened my eyes and you’re already starting.” He throws back the covers and rises. I’m not used to these mood swings from him. One minute he’s fine, and with a flick of a switch, he changes. “I’m under enough pressure at work without getting shit from you too.”
Letting out an exasperated breath, I flop onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. “I’m not starting anything. I only asked you a simple question. I spent all of yesterday in the kitchen, making all your favourite foods.”
His expression softens slightly as he stares down at me from beside the bed. “I’m sorry, okay? And I’m sorry about dinner last night. My life’s just …” He throws his hands in the air as he speaks. “Things are really complicated at the moment.”
“Do you think you’ve taken on too much with the new job?”
“What? No!”
Sitting up, I reach for his hand. “Can’t you see what this job is doing to you, babe? You were never this stressed or overworked at McCabe and Brunswick.”
“Just drop it, Brooke.” He tugs his hand from mine and turns and stalks across the room.
The relief I felt moments ago is quickly replaced by hopelessness. But even as my head drops back down onto my pillow, my eyes follow him as he disappears into the en suite bathroom. We’ll never be able to resolve anything if he keeps running from me. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.
I lie there for a short time, stewing over what just happened, but as much as I’d like to stay in bed all day and have my own little pity party, I have things that need doing.
I feel lightheaded when I sit up and move to the side of the bed. Placing my head between my legs, I wait for the woozy feeling to pass before I stand.
After grabbing my running gear out of the drawer, I get changed. My mornings always start with a run. It helps to clear my head, and boy do I need that distraction today.
I head into the bathroom to run a brush through my long brown hair. “What do you want for breakfast?” I ask Jake.
“Nothing. I’m heading into the office early,” he replies, tilting his head back to wash the shampoo from his hair. Of course, he is. I roll my eyes in the mirror. He may as well move into that damn office. He spends more time there than he does here at home.
After reaching for my toothbrush, I line it with paste. I can’t remember the last time we sat and ate breakfast together. Trying to swallow my resentment, I remind myself that he’s doing this for us, for our future.
Once I pull my hair up into a high ponytail, I wash my face. “Oh, I forgot to mention,” Jake says, stepping out of the shower and reaching for a towel, “tonight is the office Christmas party.”
“It’s tonight?”
“You’re coming right?”
“Do you want me to come?”
“Of course,” he says. “You’re my wife. How will it look if I’m the only one who turns up without a partner?”
“Right,” I say, forcing out a smile. Is that the only reason he wants me there? “What time is the party?”
“Seven, I believe, but I’ll confirm all the details for you when I get to work.” As I turn to leave the bathroom, Jake reaches for me, wrapping his fingers around my upper arm. “It will be fun; it’s been ages since we’ve had a night out on the town.”
“Yeah, it has.” Maybe a night out together away from all the stresses of life is exactly what we need. “It’ll be fun.”
As I go through my schedule for the day, I put the coffee pot on. I wonder if my hairdresser Pierre will be able to squeeze me in for a shampoo and blow-dry? I make a mental note to call him first thing after my run.
Jake’s dressed in a suit when he finally enters the kitchen, and for the first time this morning, I find myself smiling. He looks handsome, and the blue shirt he’s wearing underneath his navy suit jacket makes his eyes pop. His light brown hair is neatly combed to the side, and his baby face makes him look much younger than his actual age of twenty-nine.
“You look nice,” I say, handing him his lunch.
“Thanks.” He brushes his lips against mine, as he reaches behind me for the travel mug I placed on the breakfast bar.
I wish he’d eat something before he goes. He’s clearly lost weight in the past few months. His fast-paced life seems to be taking its toll on us both.
“I’m worried about you,” I say, straightening his tie.
He gives me one of his crooked smiles, it’s a feature of his I’ve always loved. “There’s no need to worry about me.”
“I can’t help it. You’re my life—the only family I have left. It’s only natural that I’d worry.”
“I know things have been rough for you,” he says, sliding his arm around my waist, drawing me in closer. “Things will settle down soon, I promise.”
“I hope so.” Getting up on the tips of my toes, I place my lips against his. “I miss you.” I’m lucky if I get to see him for a few minutes a day. “What time do I need to be ready tonight?”
“I probably won’t make it home in time. I have a late meeting. I’m going to take my tuxedo with me to work, just in case.”
“You’re wearing a tuxedo tonight?”
“Yes. It’s black tie.”
“I don’t have anything remotely suitable to wear. I thought it would be just a small party at the office or dinner at a restaurant.”
“This is a multi-million-dollar company we’re talking about here, Brooke.” He pulls his wallet from his back pocket. “Use the credit card to buy yourself a nice dress. I want you to be the standout of the night.”
“It will take more than a nice dress to do that.”
Leaning down, he places a kiss on top of my head. “You’ll be the most beautiful woman in the room, I’m sure.”
A nervous excitement bubbles up inside me. This will be my first time meeting his boss and the rest of his colleagues, so I want to look my best. Despite everything I’m feeling at this moment, I know how much this job means to him.
“I hope you can make it home in time.”
“I doubt I will.”
“I’m not comfortable going on my own, I don’t know anyone.”
“You know me. I’ll be there waiting for you when you arrive.”
I lift one shoulder. “Okay.”
“I’ve got to run. I’ll text the information to you.”
Grabbing hold of his tie, I pull him in for one more kiss. “Please do.”
It frustrates me that I can no longer guarantee a call, it’s getting to the point where I can’t rely on him for anything.
Chapter 3
I strap my iPod to my arm and slide the house key into the small pocket sewn into my running shorts. Placing the plugs into my ears, I press play as I jog down the path and out into the street.
When Jake and I moved here, we bought a beautiful, art deco two-storey house, just ten minutes out of the city. It was built in the 1920s.
The house had undergone extensive renovations before we purchased it, but it still had all of its original old charm with its curved walls, ornate leadlight windows and gloriously high ceilings, which we instantly fell in love with.