The bet, p.1
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The Bet
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The Bet





  Also by J.D. Hawkins


  1. Brando

  2. Haley

  3. Brando

  4. Haley

  5. Brando

  6. Haley

  7. Brando

  8. Haley

  9. Brando

  10. Haley

  11. Brando

  12. Haley

  13. Brando

  14. Haley

  15. Brando

  16. Haley

  17. Brando

  18. Brando

  19. Haley

  20. Brando

  21. Haley

  22. Brando

  23. Haley

  24. Brando

  25. Haley

  26. Brando

  27. Haley

  28. Brando

  29. Haley

  30. Brando

  31. Haley

  32. Brando

  33. Haley

  34. Brando

  35. Haley


  Sneak Peek of Confessions of a Bad Boy

  About the Author

  Also by J.D. Hawkins


  Copyright 2015 © JD Hawkins

  Cover Design: Jennifer Watson, Social Butterfly PR

  All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum

  Also by J.D. Hawkins

  Insatiable Part 1

  Insatiable Part 2

  Bootycall Part 1

  Bootycall Part 2

  The Bet

  Coming Soon

  Confessions of a Bad Boy


  My muscles scream, chest on fire, nerve endings twitching like a million thunderbolts across my torso. I can feel the beads of sweat on my forehead running down my tensed neck. I glare at the fluorescent light on the gym ceiling, feel the cold metal of the bar against my chest.

  That twinge in my triceps should worry me. Gotta meet Jax at the club for drinks in a couple hours. Maybe it was a bad idea to do this big a lift at the end of a workout. Last time a lift went wrong I messed up my thigh so bad I was finger-fucking girls for a month.

  Thoughts bear down on me like a load of bricks, pressing down on the ends of the bar, making it even heavier than it really is.

  Don’t think, Brando. Just fucking lift.

  I repeat the words like a mantra. A rhythmic drumbeat that focuses my mind. I exhale as I push, the rush of adrenaline leaving no room for thoughts, the heat burning all doubt out of me.

  Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.

  As I pump the bar up and down it feels like I’m lifting the entire building, like I’m trying to push a planet away from my chest. I feel like I’m calling on strength that doesn’t belong to me, strength that comes from the same deep pit of hell the pain in my muscles comes from. I exhale and my breath comes out with a long, low grunt.

  The pain and the heat and the testosterone and the adrenaline swirl inside of me, and I direct it all against this fucking barbell.

  When my set is finished I have just enough energy to bring the barbell back onto the claws. My fists sting as they let go of it, palms almost melded to the metal. I drop my arms and breathe deeply for a few seconds before sitting upright. My blood pumps, veins throb, and I feel the satisfied ache of a post-workout high seep into my skin.

  “Pretty dangerous, benching that much without anyone spotting you,” a throaty female voice says from behind me.

  I look up. The gym is almost empty except for a guy listening to his headphones as he runs on a treadmill in the corner. I save myself the trouble of turning around to see her and just look at the reflection in the wall-sized mirror in front of me.

  “Looks like you spotted me just fine,” I drawl, eyeing her in the glass.

  Even by gym standards, she’s unbelievable. She’s in tight black spandex pants, with nutcracker thighs and hips that seem custom-made for my hands. Her sports bra is so tight she may as well be naked, and the thought instantaneously sends about a million X-rated images through my mind. Judging by the hungry look in her eyes, I know exactly where this is going—but I’m enjoying the foreplay, so instead of just cutting to the chase and inviting her to suck my dick in the locker room, I grab the barbell and force myself through one more punishing set of reps.

  It takes everything I have to keep my arms steady, my muscles screaming all the while, before slamming the bar back onto the rack and sitting up.

  “Impressive,” she says, eyeing me up and down in the mirror. “You certainly don’t do things the easy way.”

  “I prefer the hard way,” I tell her, checking out the curve of her breasts like I’m about to paint a portrait of them. It’s all I can do to keep myself from just grabbing her and sitting her down in my lap.

  “So do I,” she purrs, running a hand across my back. She steps closer, standing behind me with the bench between her legs. Then she puts both hands on my shoulders and starts pressing and rubbing.

  “Shit that’s good,” I say, closing my eyes at the deeply sweet touch of her hands – the only thing that could stop me from enjoying the ravenous eye-fucking she’s been giving me in the mirror.

  “It should be,” she says, a tinge of amusement in her voice. “I’m a massage therapist here. With all the time you spend working out, I’m surprised you haven’t stopped in for a session by now.”

  “So you’ve seen me around,” I growl. She rubs harder, massaging a knot next to my shoulder blade until it loosens, and I groan out loud. “Damn. Maybe it is time to see about that session.”

  “Good, because you’re way past due. And I’m not gonna wait any longer.” She leans down toward my ear, her long blonde hair brushing my shoulder, and says in a low whisper, “I teach a yoga class, too.”

  Her words hit me like a shot of adrenaline to the cock. I close my eyes and let her work me some more, lust building with the sensation of her palms kneading the base of my neck and the scent of her as she leans over me. I let out another low moan.

  Looks like Jax might be drinking by himself for a little while tonight. But I’m sure he’ll understand.

  My eyes flicker toward the guy in the corner, still running on the treadmill. The yoga teacher/massage therapist/sportswear siren reads my thoughts as easily as she reads the tension in my back and nods toward a side door.

  “It’s your lucky day,” she smiles. “I’m giving a free massage to the man who can handle it.”

  I stand up, grab my towel and run it over my face.

  “Always good to have a massage after a workout,” I reply. “Keeps the blood flowing.”

  She nods and turns, her body even more erotic in movement. The sway of her ass makes me grit my teeth. My heart thumps like a revved engine, her silhouette magnetizing every muscle in my body. This time I don’t need to push the thoughts away – I couldn’t think straight if I tried.

  I follow her toward the massage room, swaggering with the loose power of muscles after a workout. She looks back over her shoulder just before opening the door, her blonde ponytail flicking over her shoulder, and winks before sliding inside.

  “Close the do—” she starts, but I pounce like a predator spotting its window of attack, nothing but lust, impulse, and nature controlling me now. In a single motion I slam the door shut with one hand, push her up against it front-first, and press my groin hard against her ass. Her surprised gasp turns into a throaty giggle.

  Now that I’ve got her where I want her, I’m as slow as I was quick. I wrap my hands around her waist, brushing my fingers lightly against her exposed midriff. I close my eyes, let the electricity between our skin guide me. I press my face against the side of her head, letting the scent of her drive my body wild, pulling away teasingly after every touch.

  “I like your style, Brando,” she says, turning her head to shoot me a sultry stare.

  “How do you know my name?” I hum into her ear as I slide my hands slowly up her stomach, under her top and between her heaving breasts.

  She puts her palms higher on the door, steadying herself and pressing back into my body.

  “You’ve got a reputation.”

  I taste the nape of her neck, eliciting a deep moan from her that tugs at my balls harder than a magnet.

  “What reputation?”

  She laughs lightly, in between the stuttered sighs and gasps that she responds to my every touch with.

  “Big…bold…brash…Brando.” As I lift her tight top up over her breasts with one hand, my other snakes down her pants to find the wet line of her pussy. “Half the girls in my yoga class want to fuck you…and the other half claim they already have.”

  I run my tongue down her neck, tasting the tender, pale skin. Her nipple hardens under the gentle touch of my fingers, pinching lightly, palm tracing the flawless shape of her breast.

  “You girls really like to talk,” I say, before taking her earlobe between my teeth.

  “I had to see for myself if the rumors are true. This is just research,” she says. I feel a tremble between her thighs as my finger moves slowly over her clit, brushing it until I feel her backing into me with a sharp intake of breath.

  “Then I’ll assist any way I can,” I tell her, giving her clit a firm, steady press with my palm as I slide a
thick finger deep into her slick pussy.

  “Fuck,” she moans, leaning into it. I work my finger back and forth inside her, agonizingly slow, until she’s panting heavily and writhing against me. “More,” she begs.

  I spin her around to face me. She tears her top off the rest of the way, breasts bouncing back into firm shape, and eyes me like I’m a three-course meal and she’s fresh off a hunger strike. Then she pulls my mouth onto hers and swirls her tongue aggressively around mine. It’s more like martial arts than making out, but I’m not complaining. I run my hands down the taut skin of her sides, grab her breasts, feeling every curve so thoroughly I could sculpt her. We back and forth with our tongues, pushing and pulling, lashing and biting. Striking the sparks of the oncoming flames.

  “It’s no secret,” I say, pulling her toward me as I back off and sit on the massage table, “that I love women. What else do you need to know?”

  I pull off my shirt, and she spends a full five seconds staring at my chest with her mouth open. I slide my shorts down while she watches, her eyes glazing with lust. “I think I have everything I need right here,” she finally manages. “All that’s left is a little field work.”

  She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a condom. I put it on while she peels off the second skin of her spandex pants.

  “Welcome to the field,” I say, as she straddles me on the massage table.

  She cups my face in her hands and thrusts her tongue into my mouth, pulling away only to bury her teeth into my neck. I let out a hiss and wrap my lips around her nipple, rolling my tongue around it like it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, teeth biting just enough to make her shake. She moans as she hugs me tight to her chest, rolling her clit up and down the shaft of my cock.

  I lose myself in her curves, hands tracing the arch of her back as her pussy winds up against my cock harder and faster as she starts losing all restraint. She moans in short, sharp bursts, and I feel the hum of her voice as I move my mouth from one breast to another.

  “Slow down, baby,” I tell her. “You gotta let yourself enjoy it.”

  She laughs wildly, looking down at me as I grip her ass tightly and maneuver her over my cock. Her pussy is ready and wet as it presses against me, and I read the expression on her face like a dirty novel, all drugged eyes and strained pleasure. She squeezes the head of my cock between her lips, pulling me into her, but I hold her off, tantalizingly close, but not there yet.

  “Tell me what you want,” I say, when her eyes go pleading.

  “I want—” She gulps deeply, all the playfulness gone out of her now, replaced with fierce need, and speaks between pants. “I want you. Inside me.”

  I let her take a little more, and she releases another low, vibrating moan.

  “Tell me,” I command.

  Her eyes narrow, the pupils dilated. “I want your dick.”


  “I want your big, hard dick. All of it. Right now.”

  I adjust my grip on her ass to let her take my full length and she slides down onto it, her moans turning into squeals of helpless delight. She bounces like she’s riding a horse, her body taking over, moving up and down on my cock according to the thousands of sweet sensations that emanate from our connection. I let her get her fill for a few minutes and then take charge, grabbing her ponytail in my fist and pulling her head back.

  “Don’t move,” I say. I ease out of her slowly and she whimpers in protest.


  With no warning I slam back into her, both of us groaning as I plunge into the depths of her tight, hot sweetness. Then I hold her steady and fuck her with everything I’ve got, turning in a performance worthy of a major award. As we find our rhythm she convulses and sways like a girl possessed, whispering obscenities and encouragement in between her moans. I run my tongue up the tender spots between her breasts, pumping with all the determination of a champion racehorse. I focus on the sensations radiating from my dick, finding a oneness with the zen of the energy building between us. My hands stroke the curve of her thighs as she bucks wildly on me, matching my power with every harder, deeper thrust.

  When she comes there’s no missing it. She throws her body forward onto me with a desperate cry, head over my shoulder, hands clawing against my back as I keep on gliding in and out, relentless, relishing the convulsions shuddering around my cock. Her stomach curves in and out like a booming subwoofer, the orgasm washing over her like sea waves.

  I let myself feel the pressure of her pussy, the softness of her breasts, the tightness of her thighs around my waist, and let go of the tension I’ve been clutching since she first touched me. I cum in a hard, pounding rush as she’s letting out the last, gentle moans of a hard fuck. The long breaths of someone returning to their senses.

  “Did your research find I’m worthy of my reputation?” I ask after a few moments, blinking myself back to reality as the blood returns to my head.

  “That and more.”

  A minute later I’m helping her pull those tight pants up the last few inches of her gut-punchingly good ass. I take my time – it’s good enough to make me consider another round already. She turns around and puts a hand against my cheek.

  “How about coming back to mine?”

  I glance at her with an apologetic shake of the head as I lace up my shoes. “Sorry. I’m heading out to meet a friend tonight.”

  She leans up against the door. “Aren’t you tired? All that bench-pressing...I could give you that massage I promised.”

  “I tend to make bad decisions when I’m tired.”

  “Not going home with me is a very bad decision,” she says, her voice loaded with promises.

  “I’m sure it is,” I say, drawing close to her and opening the door a little.

  She steps aside, an expression that says ‘your loss’ written all over her face. “You know…”

  I pause and turn back toward her. “Yeah?”

  “You might want to consider fucking the other half of my class.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I really think it’d help them, you know, balance their chi. Give them a better feel for that whole mind-body connection.”

  “I’ll take it under consideration,” I grin, breezing out the door. Like I need any encouragement.



  “OK. Here it is: ‘Don’t think.’”


  “Don’t. Think.”

  “That’s it?”

  “That is it.”

  “That’s your entire philosophy, the guiding principle for your entire life, summed up?”

  “I’m telling you Jax, thinking is the root of all evil. In the gym, in business, in the bar,” I say, spinning around to face the crowd of people gathered around the stage, where various musical acts have been performing all night, “thinking just holds you back. Keeps you from doing things. Think too much, and all you’ll end up with is a beer gut and a dating profile, bro.”

  Jax smirks and chuckles the way I’ve seen him do a million times. In the city of LA, where you don’t see the sharks for the suits, and where everyone knows how to play a role, you need two things: A friend you can trust, and a rival to keep you on your toes.

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