Billionaire’s Secret Baby: A Second Chance Fake Marriage Romance, page 1

Billionaire's Secret Baby
A Second Chance Fake Marriage Romance
Ivy Snow
Copyright © 2023 by Ivy Snow
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
6. Chapter 6
7. Chapter 7
8. Chapter 8
9. Chapter 9
10. Chapter 10
11. Chapter 11
12. Chapter 12
13. Chapter 13
14. Chapter 14
15. Chapter 15
16. Chapter 16
17. Chapter 17
18. Chapter 18
19. Chapter 19
20. Chapter 20
21. Chapter 21
22. Chapter 22
23. Chapter 23
24. Chapter 24
25. Chapter 25
26. Chapter 26
27. Chapter 27
28. Chapter 28
29. Chapter 29
30. Chapter 30
31. Epilogue
32. The End
33. Sneak Peek - Chapter One
34. Do you like FREEBIE Romance books?
Chapter 1
“That was a pretty song you sang, little songbird.”
I turned around, suppressing a sigh. I’d been touring for the last two months, and despite that, I’d never gotten used to the attention the men paid me after my shows. The man smiled, and my eyes flickered over his face. One of his teeth was missing, replaced by a gold one. His tie was loose at his throat, his skin aged and papery.
“Thanks,” I said, smiling politely. I didn’t want to be rude, but I sure wasn’t in the mood to be bothered. The show had gone great, and I was after nothing more than a quiet drink. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…” I said.
“Hey,” said the man, and then again, as I stepped away. “Hey,” he repeated, a little more frustrated this time. “Aren’t you gonna let me buy you a little drink, canary?” He laughed at his own joke.
“No thank you,” I said, putting on a smile. That was the way my mom always taught me to be, I guess. Put on a smile, even when the world was handing you nothing but heartache. And heartache was my best friend these days. My college boyfriend, Alan, had given me two options: pursue my professional career as a singer in Indonesia over the Winter, or stay cooped up in our cramped, cold apartment in Brooklyn. I was starting to wonder whether I’d made the right choice as the stranger’s hand brushed over my arm, and I smelled the stink of rum on his breath.
“What’s the matter?” he said. “You think you’re too good for me?”
“Actually,” I said, as politely and sweetly as I could, “I don’t think anything about you, sir. I’m just enjoying a drink before I go back to my hotel. Alone.”
The drunk growled, and then before I knew it, he’d stood up from his stool.
“You think being smart like that is a good idea?” he snapped.
And then, something happened which changed everything.
“Excuse me,” said a rough, dark voice. “The young lady and I were just looking for each other.”
We weren’t. As a matter of fact, I’d never even seen the tall man who’d just stepped between me and the drunk. His shoulders were broad, and his back was wide.
The man with the gold tooth scowled, and turned away.
“Are you all right?” said the stranger, and I looked up at him. He wore a red silk tie, elegantly knotted around his collar, and his stubble was carefully trimmed. His eyes were a piercing blue, and looked out at me from the center of a sharp, angular face with a strong jaw, and prominent cheekbones. The picture of strength, of handsomeness.
“I’m fine,” I said, a little breathless at the sight of his gorgeous face. “Thanks to you,” I added.
The stranger exhaled in relief, and I felt his touching concern for me. But his face grew dark. “What are you still doing here?” he snapped. “I thought you’d be gone by now.”
“Well," I said, laughing. "There's no need to be angry about it. Lola Ryder,” I said, extending my hand.
“Alex Lowe,” said the man in return. He gripped my tiny hand in his enormous paw, and I felt an electric thrill run down my arm. “And I know who you are. I came to hear you sing tonight.”
“Thank you,” I said. “Did you enjoy the performance?”
“I did,” said Alex. His voice was dark and deep. “You’re very talented, Miss Ryder. How long have you been singing?”
I was suspicious—I’d just had the attention of one unwanted male admirer, and I wasn’t sure I needed any more. But Alex seemed to be a good man, even if he was a little rude. And I sure liked the look of him. Here’s a fan I want to spend some time with!
“I’ve been singing for a year now,” I said. “But, all my life, I guess.” I’d always wanted to be a musician since I was a little girl.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” he said.
“Well, no. I’m from New York,” I said.
“New York?” he said. “Well, that’s interesting. So am I.”
“What do you do there?”
“I run a few bars. Tell me, Lola. What’s a jazz singer from New York doing all the way out here in Bali?”
I smiled, bashfully. “I guess it’s the only gig I could find. I’ve only been singing professionally for a year or so.” I smiled.
But Alex didn’t smile. And I was used to men smiling at me—because they wanted something and thought I could give them what they needed. But I wasn’t used to the cold glare emanating from Alex Lowe’s bright blue eyes.
And I wasn’t used to the fire it was stoking in my heart.
“I see,” he said. “And where are you going now? Unless you’re sticking around for karaoke?”
“No,” I said, grinning. “I’m actually just waiting for the rain to stop, so I can get to my hotel.”
“Well, you’re not waiting here,” growled Alex. “Come on. I’ve got a private room.”
“Excuse me!” I said. “I don’t know who you think you are, buster, but you aren’t ordering me anywhere.”
“Oh,” said Alex. “Fine. I apologize.”
“That’s better.” I laughed. “Now, where’s this private room you were telling me about?”
Alex’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, so you want to come up now?” he said.
“I’m considering it,” I said wryly.
He led me up the stairs, above the bar, to a comfortable lounge with a sliding screen door and a beautiful tapestry hanging on the wall. On the other side was a clock, and below it, a dartboard and a long, full-length mirror glinting in the pale moonlight.
For the rest of the night, we sat together on a chaise-lounge while the rain fell and a moon shone among the dark, billowing clouds. And Alex Lowe and I talked.
We sipped our drinks, and I told him my life story. How I’d moved to New York from Wisconsin after college. How I’d sweet-talked my way into a spot at Blue Note—one of Manhattan’s most famous jazz bars, and how I’d ended up alone, with no boyfriend, singing my way across Sumatra, Java, and Bali.
“It’s impressive how dedicated you are to your music,” said Alex. But even as he said this—a wonderful compliment—he still didn’t smile. Was it that I’d upset him, that he was concerned about me? Or was he just like that?
“Thank you,” I replied, beaming. “I guess you can’t succeed at something unless you’re dedicated to it.”
“I agree,” said Alex. “And if your boyfriend can’t see that, well, too bad.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” I corrected him while looking outside.
The rain had stopped. In fact, it had stopped over an hour ago. But we were still talking, and I’d shifted closer to Alex on the chaise-lounge.
His heat, the scent of his cologne was sweet, like the scent of lime trees and sandalwood, and made me drowsy. And I could sense Alex wasn’t immune to me, either.
When I told him I was single, he was shocked.
“You’re kidding,” he said.
“Well, only recently,” I said. “But yeah.”
“Why did you break up with him?”
“He broke up with me, actually. He told me that either I could stay in New York or come here to Bali.”
“What? He gave you a choice between your career and your work? Lola, that’s crazy. You shouldn’t have to put up with that. Someone who holds you back like that is…well, they’re no friend at all.”
I was surprised at how sensitive Alex could be sometimes, but as he said this, his eyes seemed to grow dark. He was thinking about something else. I wanted to cheer up the stone-faced, handsome man in front of me.
“You play?” I said, looking at the dartboard hung up on the wooden wall.
“Sure,” smiled Alex.
He played pretty well, as it turned out. Alex scored a 100 on his first go. But when it was my turn to launch a dart, it merely cluttered to the floor.
“You need to improve your stance,” he said after I’d flunked out a couple of times.
“What does that even mean?” I replied.
And then I turned towards him, my heart rate soaring, my breathing quick. He was close enough to me now that he was looking down into my eyes.
“I’m not imagining it, am I?” I said.
“No,” he breathed. “You’re not.”
Slowly, Alex reached his hands around my neck, and before I knew what I was doing, I’d reached up to him. If we’d been standing, I would have had to reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him, but here, I fell into him. He wrapped my body in his, and our lips met. Slowly I kissed him, his sweet breath and the soft scent of liquor on my tongue. Alex pulled away, and I looked into his eyes.
“Are you sure?” he said, his voice low. I could feel his restraint—how he wanted to pounce on me. And I wanted it too. Somehow, the care Alex showed for me only made me more desperate for him.
“Yes!” I said, smiling. Couldn’t he see how much I needed him?
I kissed him again, and my hands fell around his strong shoulders as I did. I pressed my body to his and felt his warmth, and instinctively my hands reached for the buttons of his jacket, undoing his tie and then his shirt, until he was bare-chested for me. My eagerness to have him seemed to shock Alex. He hadn’t expected me to wear my feelings so openly, and seemed dazed as I kissed his chest.
But suddenly, without warning, I felt the great weight of his body descend on me, until we were lying entwined on the sofa. I felt his heart racing through his chest, saw the blood rush to his cheeks as he kissed me, not gentle now, but rough and hard, leaving tiny marks on my neck and chest. This was it—what he’d held back. A powerful, protective lust that was about to sweep me into a world of unknown pleasures.
Alex pulled me up to meet him again, and before I knew it, he’d stepped around me and was kneeling on the couch, his fingers calmly unzipping my dress as he peppered the back of my neck with kisses. I wore nothing for him now but my underwear, and heard a growl of pleasure escape his throat as he ran his hands around my bare waist, cupped my breasts and gave into the lust I knew he felt for me.
“You’re beautiful,” he purred, and I sighed, feeling the words escape as breath on my shoulders.
“You’re not so bad yourself, handsome,” I murmured.
I could feel his throbbing erection almost escaping his pants, and turned as he bit and sucked at the soft flesh on my shoulders, working quickly to free his thick manhood from his pants. I slipped off his belt and it fell through my trembling hands. Never, never in my life had I known a man as comforting as this, confident and calm in his movements as he drew my body towards his.
Within no time at all, I’d loosened his cock from his pants—and what an enormous, gorgeous cock it was, throbbing with desire for me, and certainly the biggest I’d ever seen.
"Wow,” I said, without meaning to. Would it fit?
But Alex just pulled me into his lap. He kissed me.
“It’s okay,” he said, and I knew it would be. I was already more flushed and aroused than I’d ever been in my life. I could feel myself growing wet between my legs.
I lowered myself onto my knees, wildly tossing my hair over my shoulder. It only seemed to arouse Alex more. I bent and greedily began to suck his dick, first kissing it, before taking the shaft in my mouth, descending and rising with rapid motion.
“Oh my God,” said Alex, through gritted teeth. “That’s incredible.”
My hand wrapped around his cock as I sucked it, and I thought that Alex would succumb right there and then—my ex certainly did—but I was shocked when he snarled, and pulled me up on the couch, freeing himself of the last of his clothes, and tearing off my bra and my panties.
“You’re not getting away that easily,” he sneered, and bent, and before I knew it, I felt his mouth gently pressing against the heat of my hot, wet pussy. I moaned, and stretched my arms down to his head, where my fingers felt his thick, dark hair. I showed him how much I liked it, lazily draping my legs over his shoulders while he expertly ate my pussy. Slow, long licks of his tongue began to charge my body with delight, as he sank his mouth closer and closer between my legs, never applying too much or too little pressure. It was perfect. I’d never known a man who could do this as well as him. I was twenty-three years old, a plaything in his hands, inexperienced and utterly fascinated. My head said no, but my heart yelled yes. I sighed and felt my loins give way for him.
I knew Alex wanted to have sex with me, knew that was why he’d thrown me down on the couch with such eagerness, and I welcomed it. I needed him, his strength, his power, inside of me, through me, everywhere. He kissed my breasts, and then my neck, and my face, and finally rose up before me, his enormous cock posed over the lips of my pussy.
“You want this?” he said, teasingly, and I looked up at him, my eyes full of fire.
So what if this rich guy was going to discard me in the morning? So what if it was just a one-night stand? So what if I never saw him again? Despite my disappointment, I couldn’t stop now.
I wanted him.
“Fuck me,” I said. “Please, Alex, please.”
As the head of Alex’s penis pressed into my pussy, I yelped, astonished at just how big he really was. But gently, slowly, he worked into me, pushing himself deeper and closer, until he was completely inside me, until I was pinned beneath him on the couch. His strong arms wrapped around my wrists, holding me down while he began to move his waist in a slow, gentle rhythm. The size of him was a shock: my loins felt on fire, and more than once or twice, I struggled, before surrendering, holding him close to me as he punished my pussy with faster, firmer thrusts now. I began to cry out, not with pain but with pleasure, not wanting but needing Alex Lowe.
I tightened my legs around him, and looked up into his eyes. Alex seemed like he was about to come when a thought came to me:I wasn’t on birth control.
It’s just one time, I said to myself. I knew I needed him. I knew there was no way I’d make him stop, not when he’d shown me the night of my life, the best goddamn fuck I’d ever get. I wasn’t about to pass it up.
When Alex came, so did I. The stimulation had welled in me until my legs locked around his. I’d never come for a man before, and as I did, I cried out, “Oh god, oh GOD!” and the world shook, before falling to stars, while Alex’s cock pumped inside me, showering me with a heat and light and warmth I’d never known.
When it was over, the world fell to dark for a while. When I lifted my head up and looked at the clock, twenty minutes had passed and Alex was gone.
“Cocky bastard,” I muttered, and began hurriedly to look for my clothes. Thank God, no one had discovered us. But the bar was closing soon.
As I left, I saw a small white card on the table. It read:
“Thank you.
Alex Lowe.”
I couldn’t believe that this mystery man, this traveling bigshot, would have given out his contact information so easily.
And if it weren’t for what happened afterwards, I’d never have called him at all.
A month later, I got back to New York. I was exhausted from the trip, but at least my hard work had paid off. I had enough cash for a month’s rent or two. But the months went by quickly.
And it didn’t take long for me to realize I was late for my period.
For the first week, I just assumed I was late. But then another week went by, and I began to worry. I thought fondly about Alex, even if I was mad at him for running off without so much as a goodbye. After all, we’d had a great time. But we weren’t alike at all. Me, happy-go-lucky. Him, a dour, dark, serious man. I knew it could never have been anything more.
But still, after I went to the doctor about my period, I couldn’t help but wonder.
In the white, sterile exam room, I was prodded and poked for a while, until the doctor sat me down and asked me a question that made my blood run cold.
“Have you had any unprotected intercourse recently?”
“Um, no,” I said. But then I remembered Alex Lowe.
“I think you should take a pregnancy test,” said the doctor.
I left the office. My stomach felt like a bag of nails. I wanted to be sick. Then I panicked about morning sickness. I looked it up on my mobile phone on the bus, but I didn’t know what to do.