The Last Warlock, page 1
part #1 of Last Warlock's Harem Series

The Last Warlock
Urban Fantasy Harem Adventure
Ivan Author
The Last Warlock
Urban Fantasy Harem Adventure
Ivan Author
Copyright © 2019 by Ivan Author, All Rights Reserved.
This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue 01
Epilogue 02
Follow Me On Amazon
Chapter 1
The Government Documents section was always empty first thing in the morning. The department was an empty office space filled with nothing but government publications that no one touched, a couple of desks with computers, and me, Jimothy Peters, department librarian.
No one comes into this department except a few bums and somebody looking for some IRS tax forms.
That was until today.
I was behind the counter, putting away some new government forms when I heard the footsteps walking into my department. I looked up from behind the counter, and all I saw was a pair of buxom breasts bouncing up and down as I looked up from behind the counter.
“Good morning sir, I was told that I could find a copy of the History of Warlocks in this department,” the voice said.
When I raised my head, she was the most voluptuous woman that I had ever seen. She was wearing a skin-tight black leather dress that hugged her body so tightly; I swear I could see her nipples.
"I'm sorry, miss, but that is a hard book to find," I muttered.
When I finally did compose myself, she was the sexiest woman this librarian ever laid his eyes on. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and purple skin.
Wait am I seeing this right.
She has purple skin. Nobody has purple skin.
I couldn't help but look at her curves, and how tightly that black leather dress hugged her body showing me everything and I mean everything.
"How do you know that, you didn’t even look it up," the purple-skinned lady shot back.
"I personally own this book and it’s been out of print for years," I replied.
"Can I buy it from you...I'll make it worth your while," she said.
She smiled at me with the most sensuous smile I'd ever seen until I saw her fangs.
What in the world am I dealing with? The only thing that I know with fangs are vampires but aren't vampires supposed to burn in daylight or something like that.
"If you must know, I'm a vampiress, and obviously I'm not setting this place ablaze," she said.
Hearing her just read my thoughts caused me to tumble back onto the floor and start scrambling around for a way out of the department. Funny thing is I've worked in this department for years and now can't seem to find a way out.
I start moving slowly backwards towards the bookshelves behind me, hoping that someone or something will save me from having my blood sucked out of me by this blonde hair, purple goddess.
The purple skinned goddess easily jumped onto the library counter and crouched down, staring and giggling as I slowly tried to crawl away from her.
Damn, she looks amazing.
"I'm glad you find me alluring, this will make my job much easier," she said as she pointed at my hardon.
She continued giggling and licking her lips as she pointed at my hard cock. My cock was about to burst out of my pants as it was growing larger and larger the more she stared at me.
"Who or what are you," I shouted.
Well, I didn't shout. I slightly raised my voice because I was in the library, and loud noises are frowned upon.
"Jimothy Peters will you stop looking at my luscious breast," she said as she cupped her tits and made them bounce up and down.
She continued giggling as my cock felt like it was going to rip through my pants. I've been horny before but seeing her sent my hormones into overdrive.
My mind was in a fog. I didn't know what to say or think except this woman is driving me mad with lust.
“If you are done staring, I will explain everything, but we need to go,” she said.
“Jimmy, do you trust me,” she said.
“What type of question is that,” I asked?
She quickly turned towards the door as if she was hearing footsteps coming down the hall. The purple-skin goddess looked at me with a sense of urgency in her eyes.
“One more time, do you trust me”, she said.
“I don't even know what to make of this”, I replied.
I didn’t know what to tell her. What did she want me to tell her she's beautiful, she's sexy. I want to take her home and do all sorts of naughty things with her.
But do I trust her, what type of question is that?
“No more than what not move from behind this counter,” she said.
“Three Faceless Men and Miss Sloane are coming here to kill you, and I was sent to stop them,” she said.
“What,” I replied?
“Whatever happens, know that I'm just trying to help,” she said
With that, she quickly jumped from her perch position on top of the counter, and at that moment, her whole demeanor changed. She balled up her fists and was ready to go to war.
“Leave now, Lydia and I might let you live,” a voice echoed.
I stayed hidden behind the library counter, but that can't be the head librarian, Miss Sloane wanted to fill me.
In walks, Miss Sloane came three Faceless Men in suits, and I literally mean three Faceless Men in suits.
I don't know how to explain this, but my boss Miss Sloane doesn't seem quite right.
Something is way off about her.
Miss Sloane is a sexy older woman with gray hair in a bun, but today she's letting her hair fall to her ass.
Oh, my lord, where did she get that ass and those huge breasts!
Following her were three well-dressed manikins in a dark blue business suit that could've come off a department store shelf.
What in the world did I get myself into?
The purple goddess wasted no time and charged Miss Sloane. She sucker punched Miss Sloane across the face that would've sent most men reeling.
Miss Sloane just laughed it off.
“Is that the best you got child,” Miss Sloane said.
Miss Sloane back slapped Lydia across the face sending her flying across the room into the bookshelves causing several bookcases to come crashing down to the ground.
This woman isn’t human.
She stood right up with books flying everywhere as if nothing happened to her.
“That’s all you got you old hag,” Lydia said as she stared defiantly at the old woman.
I stayed hid behind the counter when I heard Miss Sloane mumble something and the room light up with a bright green light.
The next thing I room flames were shooting everywhere. The fire alarm started sounding, and the whole department was starting to catch fire.
What the hell is going on I’m asking myself. The entire department is in flames. The fire alarm is ringing, and the sprinkler system is turning on.
It will be only a matter of minutes before the cops and fire department are in here.
How am I going to explain the head librarian, my boss, Miss Sloane throw a fireball at a purple vampire.
“It’s Vampiress,” Lydia screamed.
I don’t know how she is reading my mind, but this is crazy.
I didn’t sign up to be in some Hollywood movie.
This shouldn’t be happening to me. The next thing I heard was a maniacal laugh in the background. For some reason, I could feel Miss Sloane eyes staring at me as I huddled behind the counter. It was a matter of moment before the flames engulf the department.
Think Jimmie.
I quickly scanned the room and saw Lydia crawling out of a pile of bookcases that fell on top of her. She must have tried to dodge whatever that green light was, and then another bookcase fell on top of her.
“Jimothy, if you come out. I’ll make your death quick, I promise. You believe kind boss; Miss Sloane, don’t you,” Miss Sloan said.
I didn’t know I was dealing with, but that wasn’t Miss Sloan, and I wasn’t trying to figure out who she was.
I don’t know why she didn’t kill me yet, but I need to get out of here before she does.
Think Jimmie Think.
“Jimmie when I give the signal. Run towards the back door,” Lydia’s voice whispered to me inside my head.
I don’t know how the fuck she is doing this, but this is crazy. I patiently waited for her signal. I look up and see Lydia lifting a bookshelf over the top of her head.
She isn’t about to do what I think she’s going to do.
No way!
“Oh Miss Sloane. Jimmie doesn’t want anything to do with you,” Lydia said.
Lydia quickly lifted the bookcase over her head and hurled it into Miss Sloan and her Faceless Men direction.
“Fucking bitch,” Miss Sloane screamed.
I didn’t wait to see if Miss Sloane got up. I got up from my hiding sp
As we exited the door, the main library hallway was filled with chaos.
Firefighters, police, and frantic visitors started to head towards the government publication department.
Lydia is pulling me by my farm Dragon away from the scene as I stand in shock, realizing what just happened.
At that moment I realized I'm going to jail because I'm the only one in that department. The police are going to arrest, and I'm going to be somebody's bitch.
How did this happen?
I'm just a simple librarian why in the world is somebody trying to kill me.
What the hell happened to Miss Sloane?
What the hell were those Faceless Men with her?
Jimmy this is all a bad dream; this is all a bad dream this is not happening. I'm at home asleep, and this is just some nightmare because I went out to the bar last night and had one too many shots of Cuervo tequila.
A hand came flying across my face snapping me out of whatever daze I was in.
“You are not dreaming Jimmy,” Lydia said.
She grabbed him by the shoulders, and all I could see is her beautiful breasts in that tight black dress.
“Jimmy stop looking at my breasts,” she said.
“Where is someplace where we won't be found. I need to explain everything to you just have to trust me,” she said?
“Why nowhere would I trust you? Did you see what happened to the library,” I continued? .
“No time to argue where's the men's room, she said?
“What,” I shouted.
“Three Faceless Men behind us! We need to move now,” she said and grabbed me, and we ran down the hall.
I turned around and all of the chaos and saw the three Faceless Men looking around for us but no one but me knows that they didn't have a face.
How the hell is this possible three Faceless Men walking around, and no one but me notices this.
Chapter 2
“Come on,” Lydia said as she dragged me by the arm.
“Don’t make me carry you over my shoulders like the cavewomen did,” she said as she kept pulling me along.
I didn’t want to be embarrassed, so I stepped up my pace and followed her through the sea of madness as we headed downstairs to the lower level of the library. The only thing down there is the bathrooms and the archives.
Why in the world are we headed down there?
I quickly followed her down the flight of stairs to the library’s basement. She pulled me into the men’s bathroom and jimmied the lock so no one can enter open the door.
“I only have a few minutes so drop your pants,” Lydia said, licking her lips.
“Excuse me,” I replied with a puzzled look on my face.
“Listen, I’ve been waiting over 300 years for this and I didn’t expect to lose my virginity in a filthy men’s bathroom. So, take off the damn pants, or I’ll rip them off,” she replied.
“I don’t care. You just destroyed the only thing that I cared about,” I screamed.
“Lower your voice. They may hear you,” Lydia replied.
“I don’t know who they are and I’m out of here,” I said.
I turned around and walked towards the bathroom door. Unfortunately, Lydia was way stronger than I was and giggled as I tried to pull the door open.
I put all of my weight into trying to open the door and still couldn’t. I was starting to get out of breath as I desperately tried to open up the door.
Lydia walked up behind me and tapped me on my shoulder.
“Oh my,” I said as I turned around.
Lydia was standing in front of me, naked in all of her glory.
Damn, she definitely knew how to get a man’s attention. For some reason, I didn’t know why I wanted to leave the bathroom in the first place.
“I will explain everything if you just take off your pants,” she said.
Lydia stood in front of in all of her purple skin glory.
She giggled as I dropped my pants in my tighty whities barely contain my hard cock.
“I told you that I would explain everything, but first I have to have you,” she said.
“I know you have a lot of questions and I'll explain everything, but this is the moment I've been waiting for, for over 300 years,” Lydia explained.
Lydia dropped to her knees and pulled down my tighty whities, exposing my hard-throbbing cock. I watched as she licked her lips and gasp at the size of my manhood.
I need to know what happened, but it happened so fast. She wrapped one hand around my shaft and took the rest in her mouth. I was overcome with pleasure that mere words couldn't explain. The only thing I saw was her purple face and blonde hair moving up and down my cock.
The site of this vampiress or whatever she's called sucking my cock made me want this moment never to end. I wanted her to keep sucking my cock forever.
As she bobbed her head up and down my cock, I had the urge to grab her head and face fuck her. A voice in the back of my mind told me to show her that I was in charge and she’ll be on her knees a lot.
I let out another groan as she was pushing me to the verge of coming.
The only thing I could think of is forcing her to swallow all of my seed. It was the least she could do for it she destroyed my job, and after this, I'll probably be arrested and thrown in jail for 10 years.
“I'm coming,” I groaned.
I gripped Lydia’s head and held it firmly in place, so the only thing she could do is swallow.
Lydia made no attempt to move and swallowed all of my seed as I exploded down her throat.
She seemed to glow as she swallowed every ounce of my seed, making sure she doesn't miss a spot. She swallowed every ounce.
Lydia licked her lips when she was done.
“You kept your end of the bargain,” she said.
“Now it's my turn,” she continued.
As Lydia got off her knees, my body began to burn.
I started sweating and shaking and needed to lean against the wall to catch my breath.
I turned to Lydia to see why this was happening to me.
“Don't fight it. Just let it happen. It'll be a lot easier this way,” she said.
“You made me one of the undead,” I screamed.
“I don’t want to go to hell,” I whimpered.
“No one is going to hell,” she sighed.
“Jimothy Peters, you are a warlock. The Last Warlock,” she said.
“I just activated your powers. A warlock can only gain their powers by exchanging fluids with a paranormal. I wish this could have happened under normal circumstances, but we don't have time for normal circumstances,” Lydia continued.
“Jimmie the Warlock, we need you to save the world,” she said.
“I’m no warlock,” I said.
By this time, I was on my knees in a bathroom stall trying not to vomit.
The next thing I know is that I was lying down on the cruddy bathroom floor, needing to close my eyes. I need to take a deep, deep sleep.
I don't know how long I was asleep but when I awoke, I saw Lydia fighting off the three Faceless Men.
Two of them had her pinned to the wall while the other one was teeing off on her face with rights and lefts
I slowly got to my feet, and one of the Faceless Men turned around.
“Hey, assholes! That's no way to treat a vampiress,” I said.
This is when things get really weird!
A blue ball of energy started to form in each of my hands. The blue balls gave off a weird warmth, but something told me this was too dangerous to look at.
I didn't know what to do so; I just threw the blue ball of this blue ball of right at the Faceless Man that was punching Lydia.
When the blue ball hit the Faceless Man, he instantly burst into a tannish slime that exploded all over the room.
The other two faces meant instantly let go of Lydia and turned to charge me with their fists balled up looking to beat the living shit out of after killing their compadre.
I instantly formed another blue ball of energy and hurled them at the two remaining Faceless Men charging me.
Like the one before, they too turned into tan slime.
Lydia collapsed to the floor, battered and bruised.
“Reach into my br, and you’ll find a vile,” she said.