The arcav captains queen.., p.1
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The Arcav Captain's Queen: Sci Fi Alien Romance Book 7 (Arcav Alien Invasion), page 1


The Arcav Captain's Queen: Sci Fi Alien Romance Book 7 (Arcav Alien Invasion)
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The Arcav Captain's Queen: Sci Fi Alien Romance Book 7 (Arcav Alien Invasion)

  The Arcav Captain’s Queen

  Hope Hart


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Chapter One


  I stare up into my mother’s eyes, panic hitting me as tears roll down her cheeks. She stifles a sob as my father glares at her.

  “What’s wrong, mama?”

  My father’s guards surround us, and I feel a strange tension in the air. A dark excitement that raises the hair on the back of my neck.

  Mama strokes a hand down my cheek.

  “Nothing baby. Now hold very still.”

  Pain streaks down my back, an inferno of agony. I shriek, automatically beating my wings in an attempt to flee.

  I hear something snap— a tendon or bone. I scream louder, for once ignoring my father’s displeasure.

  How could he do this to me? Why is he hurting me so badly?

  I wake in a cold sweat, panting, nausea running through me. I swallow it down and sit up, lost in the memory of pain and misery. For a moment, I almost feel the ghost of sensation dancing over my wings.

  I don’t. They’re dead.

  I snarl, wishing I could kill my father myself. It’s not enough that the poor trapped creatures in his ‘collection’ have done the job for me. If I could turn back time, I’d do it myself.

  Even if it meant that he took me out with him.

  Instead, you ran like a coward.

  Bile fills my mouth, and I sprint to the bathing chamber where I heave until my stomach aches, cramping as the world spins.

  I groan at a knock on the door.

  “Your Majesty?”

  The tone is sarcastic, and somehow, the complete lack of respect helps shake me from my misery.

  “What do you want?”

  “Vomiting up your dinner again? No wonder you are so scrawny.”

  I rinse my mouth, ignoring him. Of course Roax would enter my room without notice. I locked the door to my quarters— as I always do, but the pushy male seems to assume that he doesn’t need my permission to enter.

  “What do you want?” I repeat, splashing water over my face.

  “The King is ready to see you.” Roax’s voice is amused.


  Apparently, the Arcav King has passed most of his duties onto his brother and the Arcav Commander while he spends time with his mate and child. I have been waiting to meet with him for a week, and I’m not at all surprised by the short notice. Varian is attempting to put me on the back foot. I could have told him that it would take more than a short amount of notice to achieve that. I’m also not surprised by the fact that Talon— my mother’s guard— is currently away from the palace. The Arcav King has carefully chosen the timing for this meeting

  I avoid looking into the mirror as I open the door. Roax has one eyebrow raised and looms in the doorway as his dark eyes watch me.

  The Arcav are tall, built like warriors. There is a reason they’ve managed to rise as a power in this galaxy. With their superior technology and huge armed forces, they make invaluable allies.

  At least they will if I can convince the Arcav King to help me.

  I narrow my eyes at Roax. I’m woman enough to appreciate his form. His body language is relaxed, but I’m not fooled by the lazy glide of his muscles or his heavy-lidded gaze. If he thought I was a threat to his King, Roax would strike hard and fast without a moment’s notice.

  I have watched him since he found our ship after we escaped Huldra— my home planet. The Arcav is constantly napping and occasionally sending slow smiles my way as he undresses me with his eyes. Roax seems to have no goals in life other than bedding women and flying his ship. His gaze is suspicious though, and I’m well aware that he is likely to express his distrust to his King, who I need on my side.

  I snort as I squeeze past him, elbowing him in the gut when he refuses to move out of my way.

  He lets out an amused huff. I reach for my cloak, which I tie around my neck, the long folds covering my useless wings.

  Roax’s breath is hot on my neck as he follows me out of my room.

  As I’d expected, he refuses to walk beside me as we make our way to the Arcav King’s quarters. Instead, he follows close enough behind me that my jaw aches from clenching my teeth. I tense, my claws itching, as he stalks me, but force myself to allow the predator at my back. For now.

  I make myself ignore him. This is another power game and an attempt to disconcert me before I meet with his King. But, I’m not some scared child to quiver at the thought of a predator behind me.

  Predators have always surrounded me.

  Two guards stand on either side of the door leading to the Royal Quarters. They stare at me, and I lift my chin, staring back. Appreciation dances in the eyes of the guard on the left, and I lift one eyebrow as he opens the door. A low growl sounds and I almost smile at the sound coming from Roax’s chest.

  The Arcav King stands behind his desk, which is inexplicably placed in the sitting room. The Queen sits on the sofa next to her female guard, her newborn cradled in her arms. Every Arcav tenses as my eyes flick to the baby, and I immediately shift my gaze back to Varian, who is almost vibrating with hostility. He’s obviously not happy that his mate and child are in the room for this conversation, and I’m careful to keep my gaze away from them. I need Varian’s cooperation.

  “The Lahmu Princess,” Varian says, looking unimpressed as his gaze scans me, lingering on the cloak hiding my ruined wings.

  “It is likely that I am the Lahmu Queen, now, Your Majesty.” My voice is clear and cold, and he stares at me for a moment before finally nodding.

  “What is it that you want from me?”

  “I am here to ask for your help.”

  Roax finally prowls away from me, moving toward the baby, who lets out a tiny sound. I carefully keep my attention on the Arcav King. Arcav males are well known for their unreasonable protectiveness toward both women and children, and the Arcav King is likely to be holding onto his control by a thread. Deep lines are etched into his cheeks with the force he is using to clench his jaw.

  My father was his enemy, and I am not to be trusted.

  “Why would I give it to you?” Varian asks and I keep my face blank.

  “My father was negotiating with the Grivath. If he allows them to set up a base on our planet, they will be a threat to every other planet in the region, and will also be better positioned if they choose to invade Arcavia.”

  Varian nods and I continue.

  “My goal is to convince the dragons to help us defend Huldra. Once, long before my father was in power, we were allied with the Dragon King. While we each stayed in our own territory, we had no great disputes with each other.”

  I sigh, taking a moment to imagine what this time would’ve been like. According to my mother, Lahmu would help dragon younglings onto the right path when they were lost. In turn, the dragons would offer their hospitality if a Lahmu was found far from home during a storm.

  “Unfortunately, my father chose to wage war on the dragons in a bid for their treasure and territory. Now, it is not safe for any Lahmu to approach the dragon’s territory, and we have been driven into the mountain.”

  I grind my teeth for a moment at the thought. Our territory was once vast, and the part of my planet that we inhabited was considered a Utopia. Thanks to my father’s greed, Lahmu younglings were raised knowing only the darkness of the mountain and a tiny slice of land surrounding it.

  “What is your plan?” Varian asks, and I relax my jaw. At least he’s willing to listen.

  “I wish to negotiate with the Dragon King, make restitution for my father’s poor choices and attempt to convince him to help us protect our planet from the Grivath.”

  Roax prowls the room behind me while Varian stares me down.

  “Wow,” the Arcav Queen says. “There are dragons?”

  I raise an eyebrow. How does this woman not know this?

  I turn to her, and this time, Varian allows my regard.

  “Yes. They can be found on a number of planets in this galaxy.”

  The Arcav Queen is human, I remember. The race is known to be backwards and barbaric. However, the Lahmu are currently no better. While we were once a forward-thinking, technologically savvy race, my father stole any progression from us.

  The human looks content, cuddling with her infant under the close watch of her mate. But, I’m not fooled. Taking a mate is a poor choice for any female.

  I turn back to Varian, who takes a seat behind his desk, obviously convinced that I have no plans to suddenly attack his mate and child.

  “And how would the Arcav help with this?”

  “I need a ship,” I say bluntly. “A large ship, and some Arcav to give us leverage when negotiating with the dragons. With signs of an Arcav o
ccupancy and cooperation from the dragons, I do not believe the Grivath would risk invading Huldra.”

  Varian contemplates me for a moment, and my heart sinks as he opens his mouth.

  “No.” He says.


  The Lahmu Queen tenses, and I nod in approval. No matter what Saria says, I do not trust her. She is holding something back, and Varian is right to deny her what she wants.

  “I am unable to spare a ship for the next month,” Varian continues, and her shoulders slump slightly in relief.

  Saria nods. “And how long is a month on this planet?”

  “Forty-two days,” I say, letting a smirk play over my face.

  Saria loses that precious control she clings to, and her eyes spark fire. I clench my fists as I turn away. The female has a cold, icy beauty that I am able to ignore. I like my females burning with passion, erupting into flames between the sheets. When her control slips… it is better for me to stay far from this female.

  “I can’t wait that long!” her voice is sharp, and I almost laugh.

  Typical spoiled female, expecting everyone, including the Arcav King, to give into her every demand.

  Varian, like most males, would be much more likely to give her what she wants if she was to pretend to be vulnerable and fearful.

  I do not believe there is a vulnerable or fearful bone in this female’s beautiful body.

  Saria blows out a breath, reaching for control. I watch the wheels turn in her brain as she reconsiders her plans.

  “I do not need a large ship or crew right away,” she says. “I can borrow a smaller ship for now and will just take Talon back with me. We can reassure our people that you will be coming.”

  I do not like the way she says our people. Who is the winged male to her?

  “Unacceptable,” Varian says, and her mouth tightens.


  “When you came to me for help, you put your safety and wellbeing in my hands, Your Majesty. Like it or not, but I cannot in good conscious allow you to go alone.”

  “Allow me?” Her voice is ice and I cannot help but grin at the expression on her face. Oh, she does not like that. She balls her small fists, and something about her body language reminds me of Harlow’s feline creature, who stares at Varian in the exact same way whenever he dares to get too close.

  Harlow shifts and opens her mouth, likely to defend the female, and Varian shoots her a look. She simply smiles back but and sits back, obviously willing to let this play out.

  Saria narrows her eyes. “May I remind you, Your Majesty, that you do not allow me to do anything.”

  Varian bares his teeth in a feral smile. “My planet,” he says. “My rules.”

  Saria looks disgusted by his decree and I almost laugh as her eyes dart as she obviously begins plotting.

  “Do not think to take a ship,” I say softly, and she widens her eyes as if she had forgotten I was in the room. Something inside me is deeply insulted by this. Every cell of my body is aware when she is close by.

  She smiles slightly, and my cock wonders what she would look like if she smiled for real.

  “Did a child not recently take one of your ships?”

  Varian narrows his eyes. “The child that you tortured. Yes. And I suggest, if you would like our help, that you do not mention Meghan to me again.”

  Harlow stands and steps forward. Eve follows her, immediately placing her body between Saria and the Arcav Queen.

  “Varian thinks of Meghan as a little sister,” Harlow says, her voice amused as Saria’s face goes blank.

  “I will wait one month,” Saria says. “If your ship is not ready by then, I will leave this planet.”

  Varian eyes her for a moment, and obviously takes her threat seriously because he gestures toward me. I sigh, anticipating what he will say before he opens his mouth.

  “Meet your new bodyguard.”

  Her mouth drops open, and for the first time, the female is speechless. I would enjoy this moment, but I am just as annoyed. Truthfully, Varian has ensured I stayed close to this female from the moment her delicate foot stepped onto this planet. I would much rather continue the more important mission of finding the Fecax Queen.

  “With all due respect,” she says her tone suggesting very little respect. “I do not need a bodyguard. Are you implying that I am not safe on your planet, Your Majesty?”

  “Arcavia is not just home to Arcav,” Varian says, his voice hard. “There are people here who know well of your father’s collection. Some of them may even be of the same species he has tortured over the years. This is for your own safety.”

  She narrows her eyes and then turns her attention to me. I gaze at her, unimpressed with her protests. The cruel, spoiled Queen should have known that unlike her race, the Arcav protect women and younglings.

  “Fine,” she says, waving her hand as if she couldn’t care less, and I flash my fangs at her.

  One month. Just one month of babysitting the ice Queen, and then I can find the female I should be searching for.

  Chapter Two


  I am a level-headed male. I am loyal to my King, and believe that he always keeps his people’s needs in mind with every decision.

  However, I believe that allowing the Lahmu Queen to run free is a mistake. I scowl at the female as I follow her from the Royal Quarters and she simply lifts one elegant brow at me, amused.

  “Where are we going?” I ask her.

  “I am going to the training center,” she replies. “I do not care where you go, but I suggest you go elsewhere.”

  “Did you not hear the King? Where you go, I go.”

  “I do not need you to protect me.”

  My scowl deepens but I do not reply. I will obey my King, regardless of what the Ice Queen wants. We walk in silence, and my mood darkens further as I watch the reaction of every male who comes close to Saria. There is something about a dangerous female that quickens the heart and hardens the cock, and this dangerous female has an I dare you look on her beautiful face that encourages any male nearby to think lustful thoughts.

  I glower at Nathan, one of Harlow’s guards. He walks toward us and grins at Saria as he passes, on his way to begin his shift.

  “Hello, Your Evilness,” he says, and my jaw clenches as she sends him a long look.

  “Hello,” she says. Her expression does not change, but her voice is low and throaty. Something tells me that she is only responding to this male to get a rise out of me, and it makes me want to turn her over my knee.

  This female allowed Meghan to spend months of her life in a cage, keeping her from her mate and my friend Methi. I harden myself against her further, glancing away dismissively.

  Saria has a surprisingly delicate scent, and I try not to breathe it in as we travel in silence in the pod. I glance across at her and frown at the expression on her face as she stares out the window. Is that… longing?

  Of course. The harpy has wings. Any creature who could once take to the air would be devastated by the loss. I file this information away to use later.

  As soon as we arrive, Saria stalks into the training center, choosing to ignore my presence. That is more than acceptable by me, and I keep one eye on her as she walks toward Meghan.

  “Roax?” I turn and grin at Taxxu as he approaches. My brother is a kind, content male, and after serving on Irmo— an ex-slave planet now under Arcav control, he has returned to complete his flight training.

  As an Arcav Captain, I could have ensured Taxxu’s was guaranteed admission into the competitive training program. However, he insisted that he be shown no preferential treatment and recently received his letter of acceptance.

  I could not be more proud.

  My brother watches Saria and lets out a low hum. “It takes guts to show her face here after what she did to Methi and his mate.”

  Strangely, I feel the urge to defend her.

  “The Lahmu King was the one who imprisoned Meghan and every other creature in his collection,” I say.

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