Iron, page 1

1. Maddy
2. Iron
3. Maddy
4. Maddy
5. Iron
6. Iron
7. Maddy
8. Maddy
9. Iron
10. Iron
11. Iron
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About the Author
Iron © 2020 by Hope Ford
Editor: Kasi Alexander
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
And there he is.
I slow down my car as much as possible without drawing all the Exiled Guardian club members’ attention. They’re standing outside the clubhouse, no doubt planning out their day.
I drive this way to work every day just hoping for a glance of Joshua Pierce, or as people now call him, Iron. He has on his boots, jeans and the signature Exiled Guardians sleeveless leather vest. He’s walking away from one of the women that I see coming or going a lot there. Even though there are about six guys all dressed the same, I can always spot him. To me, he stands out among the rest of them. It could be the fact that I’ve been in love with him since I was fourteen years old. Or maybe it’s the way his shoulder-length hair is always tousled and makes me want to run my fingers through it. Or the fact that he’s always got a smile on his face. Well, except for lately. I can tell he’s had something on his mind, but he’s not talking to me about it.
And why should he? Our parents knew each other and my dad asked Iron to look out for me while we were growing up. And Iron held up his word and looked out for me a few times when I’d needed it. The only problem with that is now he thinks of himself as some kind of brother figure. He definitely doesn’t look at me like a love interest.
I drive into town and start work. My dad owns the hardware store, and instead of going off to college or doing something else, I stayed here. One, because I couldn’t imagine leaving here because it would mean leaving Iron. And although he probably wouldn’t care, it would devastate me.
Secondly, I’m all my father has. My mother died when I was young, and it’s always been just me and him. There’s no way I could leave him. So I’m here, working in Dad’s store and breathlessly waiting for when Iron comes in or I see him around town.
The waiting is getting old though. Watching him, waiting on him to notice me has completely overtaken every thought I have. So today, I plan to do something about it.
I can tell my dad is surprised by his raised eyebrows when I walk in, but he doesn’t say anything. I know I look ridiculous. Working at a hardware store has never given me any reason to change out of my jeans and T-shirts. But today is different. Today I have a plan. And I put a skirt on for it.
Every Wednesday, Iron and a few of his friends from the garage come into town to eat lunch at the Grease Rack. And today is Wednesday.
I feel like I’ve been preparing for this day my whole life. This is my chance. We are adults now. It’s high time I let him know I’m into him. Maybe once I do, he’ll change the way he looks at me.
At lunch time, I take my break and sit on the front stoop. My sandwich sets in the tote beside me but I know I’m not going to eat it. My nerves couldn’t possibly let me eat anything right now. I keep watching the road, knowing that any minute ten to fifteen motorcycles are going to pass me and go to the parking lot of the Grease Rack two doors down. I can hear them from a distance, and I hold my breath anxiously. Two by two, I see them shift and slow down as they get to Main Street. And one by one, they drive by me and I wait for the one man that I know will lift his hand and wave at me. But he never comes. All the bikers shut their bikes off and walk into the restaurant. And I keep watching, wondering if I missed him somehow.
But I didn’t. When the last one walks into the restaurant, a part of me starts to breathe a little easier, thinking that maybe I’ll have one more day to prepare. And then another bike sounds in the distance, and the way my heart speeds up, I already know exactly who it is.
I watch the dust flying behind him as he pulls onto the main road. He stops and parks his bike in front of the hardware store. He does that sometimes, mostly because he’ll need something from the store or something and gets it after he eats. I watch as he climbs off the bike. He runs his hands through his hair and smooths it back. He must have seen me sitting here, because he doesn’t look surprised. Normally, he would give me a smile, tell me “hey,” and keep going. But not today. Today I’m hoping for more.
All right, Maddy. It’s now or never.
I stand up and smooth the skirt down my legs, and as he gets closer, I position myself in front of him. I’m sure my dad’s inside, but all I can do is hope he isn’t looking out the window. I know he won’t interfere. Not today. There’s no doubt he knows how I feel about Joshua Pierce, and even if Iron is a little rough around the edges, my dad likes him, respects him.
I put my hand on Iron’s hard chest as he’s about to pass me, and I look up at his face. He doesn’t show any reaction except for the slight tightening of his jaw.
“Hey, Josh, I mean Iron,” I tell him, still not used to calling him that.
He pulls his sunglasses off and slides them on top of his head. His eyes crinkle. “I told you that you can call me Josh when it’s just us.”
I nod my head. Suddenly my tongue feels very thick, and getting the words out of what I want to say is harder than I ever thought.
He cocks his head to the side questioningly. “You okay?”
I nod my head, clear my throat, curl my fingers into his chest, and try again. “So I’ve been thinking…”
I’m late leaving the shop because of Honey. She’s a stripper at the club and she’d already stopped me this morning when I was leaving the club, but I guess she thought stopping by the shop at lunch time at my work is allowed.
“I thought we finished this conversation this morning, Honey. I’m not interested in whatever you’re offering.” I keep walking to my bike, but as soon as I sit down she’s leaning toward me, her hands on my handlebars.
Why can’t this fuckin’ woman take a hint?
I’ve never been interested in a sweet butt. I’m only interested in one woman and she’s off limits.
Honey takes a step toward me and I hold my hand up at her. “Stop. It’s not happening.”
She glares at me with cold eyes. Her show of emotion is just that, though: a show. Honey doesn’t love me or care about me. She cares about the status it would give her to be on the arm of an Exiled Guardian member. Hell, I don’t even know her real name, only her stripper name.
She smirks at me, putting her hand on her hip. “I’m gonna fuck every guy at the club, Iron. You’re nothing special.”
I laugh. “I thought you already fucked them all.” And I’m pretty sure she has, except me and the other guys with ol’ ladies. “Look, be mad if you want, but I’m not interested.”
She grabs for me and I jerk away, not wanting her to touch me. But that doesn’t sway her. “Let’s just have some fun, huh?”
“As I said, I’m not interested. Take care.” I shrug her off and pull out of the lot toward town. I go faster than normal trying to get there for our lunch, but I know the real reason I’m in a hurry. I want to see Maddy. Any time I come into town I make a point to stop in the hardware store for something. I may not be able to have her, but I can at least keep my eye on her.
As luck would have it, when I pull onto Main Street, Maddy is sitting on the bench in front of her dad’s store. I park in front, and even though I’m totally aware of her, I still try to keep my poker face. Luckily, I have my sunglasses on, and she won’t be able to see what I’m thinking.
The closer I get, I notice what she’s wearing and today she’s all dressed up. She has on a short skirt that shows off her shapely thighs and a v-neck shirt, and even though I’m not close enough, I’m already imagining her rounded breasts and the deep v of her cleavage. She’s a curvy woman, and just looking at her is painful, I want her so bad. Instantly, my heart drops into my stomach and I take a deep breath. I knew this day would come. I knew that no matter how many people I told she was hands off, someone would eventually get balls enough to go against me. She’s innocence and sunshine. There’s not a man alive that would look at her and not want her.
I park my bike, clench my fists, and start walking down the street. I want to ask her what she’s doing, but I know what I’m feeling right now is not going to be able to be contained. With intentions to say hi and keep going, I’m surprised when she stands up and moves in front of me.
Her hand goes to my chest, and I suck in a deep breath. Fuck me. Her touch is hot and it feels like she’s branding me.
“Hey, Josh, I mean Iron.” She smiles at me. I wish I could say it’s the same smile she always gives me, but it’s not. Today is different.
Without thinking about it, I slide my glasses up on my head and look down at her big green eyes. “I told you that you can call me Josh when it’s just us.”
She nods her head and I wait. Obviously, she’s got something she wants to say. But when nothing comes out, she just keeps looking at me. I ask her, “You okay?”
She is so innocent looking and it’s almost painful to look at her I want her so bad. I slide my glasses back down and hope she can’t tell I’m undressing her with my eyes.
I wait for her to continue before I finally ask her, “Thinking about what?”
Her shoulders visibly pull back, and she juts out her chin. “I want to know if you’ll go out with me. I like you and I, uh, well, I want to know if you might like me too.”
My cock lengthens in my pants at the thought. How many times have I imagined just that? Maddy and me, on a date, out together, hanging at the clubhouse, making her mine. Every. Damn. Day. I think about it every day. But it can’t and won’t happen.
“I don’t date, Maddy.” And I know where her mind goes. I know what she’s about to offer me and I can’t let her voice it. I can’t. If she says the words, I won’t be strong enough to turn her down. So I show her the dick that I am, just to ensure she’s not going to want to go out with me. “And you sure as shit ain’t the down and dirty kind of woman I prefer. Go find yourself a doctor or lawyer or some shit. Someone safe. Because that sure as hell ain’t me.”
Her eyes hold a flash of shock, and I don’t blame her. I’ve never talked to her like that before. Never. And fuck, if I heard someone else do it, I’d probably kill them for it.
She looks sad, and I feel the pain of her frown far deeper than I’ve ever felt anything in my life.
Determined, I lean down and kiss her cheek, forcing myself to pull away. “I’ll see you around, Maddy.”
My feet feel like I have concrete slabs holding them down, but I walk away. I have to.
I don’t want to watch him as he turns from me, but I don’t have a choice. I should go inside the store and lick my wounds. But something has stopped me. I know Josh. And even though he said those mean and hurtful things, I could see it in his face that it hurt him worse to say it than it did for me to hear it. I can’t take my eyes off him as he slowly walks down the sidewalk. I shake my head as if doing so will stop the tears from gathering in my eyes. Any normal person would give up. My ego is definitely bruised. Right before he walks into the restaurant, he turns and looks at me, stopping with his hand on the door. Even from here, I can see his pinched eyebrows and the concern on his face.
So I do what I normally would do. I smile at him. The biggest smile I can muster.
He laughs and winks at me. Maybe he doesn’t realize that by doing so, he is encouraging me not to give up. But he’s still smiling when he waves at me and pushes through the door.
I go back into the store. Besides a curious look from my dad, he doesn’t say anything. I get to work, wondering if Iron is going to come by after he eats, but when I hear his bike start up outside, I stand at the window and watch him pull away.
I get back to work and finish pricing the new shipment that came in while also helping the customers. Before I know it, the day’s almost over, just an hour or so to go.
“Why don’t you take a break? Walk over to the bakery and get us a snack.” My dad bumps me in the shoulder. He’s been quiet most of the day, and I know he wants to ask me what’s going on, but I also know my father. When it comes to boys, he’s not going to touch it, and he for sure knows that my melancholy attitude today is definitely about a boy.
I softly smile at him, knowing that he’s just trying to make me feel better. “You know you’re not supposed to be eating a lot of sugar. I’m pretty sure your doctor said you needed to stay away from the carbs and anything that I get from over at Hazel’s Bakery is definitely going to have too much sugar.”
“Fine, get me a coffee and one of those new keto brownies or whatever.” He scrunches his face up and I know he must be really worried about me if he’s willing to eat the almost sugarless chocolate treat.
I nod my head and reach over to take the twenty-dollar bill he’s holding out in his hand. He gives my shoulder a squeeze as I walk by, and then I walk down the block to the bakery. There’s only a few tables taken, and I’m able to stand right in front of the case to look at the day’s specials.
Hazel comes to the front. “Hey there, Madeline. Did your dad send you over to get him his favorite cinnamon roll?”
“I’m sure that’s what he wants,” I answer with a laugh. “But you know the doctor has cut out his sweets. What do you have keto today?”
Hazel starts to harrumph and shake her head, mumbling about doctors thinking they know everything. She pulls out a tray and sets it up on the counter. “I got keto brownies, cookies and cheesecake.”
“Great. I’ll take a cookie and a brownie and two coffees, black please.”
“Coming right up,” she says as she starts to bag the items and then turns to the coffee pot.
I’m looking at all the decadent pastries when I hear a voice behind me. As soon as I hear “Exiled Guardians” I turn to see who it is, and I recognize a woman that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen hanging outside the club before.
She’s talking to someone that I don’t recognize, but that doesn’t matter when I hear her next words. “I’m going to the party at the clubhouse tonight.”
The women continue talking as Hazel brings my order and sets it on the counter. I hand over the money, thanking her, and then walk over to the booth of the two women. I turn to the one covered in tattoos. “I want to go to the party. Can you get me in?”
She looks me up and down and starts to shake her head. “I don’t think it’s your kind of party.”
I know exactly what she’s thinking. She’s thinking that if I go into the Guardians clubhouse I’m going to freak out, but I’m not. I don’t care about anything except letting Iron know that I can fit in with him and his friends. She looks away as if she’s going to dismiss me, but I don’t let her. “It is. I know several of the guys and I’m friends with Iron.” I look down at myself and back up again. “And it’s not like I’m going to wear this to the party or anything.”
She nods and then with a smirk, looks around before leaning in close to whisper, “There will be drinking, sex, and probably some serious fights going down. It’s pretty rough.”
Perplexed, I can’t help but think that’s not the Exiled Guardians I know. I shake my head. Whatever. She can try to scare me off all she wants, but I still want to go. “So where do I meet you to go to this thing?”
She rattles off her address and tells me to be there by eight o’clock. “I’m Tara, by the way.”
“I’m Maddy. Thank you for letting me go with you. I’ll be there,” I tell her before hustling out the door, walking too fast and trying not to drop the coffee and pastries out of my hand. Eight seems kind of late to be leaving to go to a party, but I didn’t want to blow my chances of getting to go by asking too many questions.
I finish up my day at work and then hustle home to get ready. I raid my closet and I have nothing that is going to work for a party at the Exiled Guardians. I need something to look the part of tough and a sexy bad girl. I cut off my black jeans into tiny cutoffs and add holes and fraying. I pair them with the fishnet stockings I wore to a Halloween party and then put on my knee-high black leather boots I’ve had in the closet for years just waiting for a reason to be worn. The leather coat I have isn’t biker style enough to wear, so I pick my black jean jacket and sew some of my necklaces on it to make it look like a chain. For a top, I pick the lacy camisole meant to be worn under a shirt and put it on over my black bra.
Time is running short, so I untie the bun I put my curly dark blond hair in this afternoon and finger scrunch it with gel.
After makeup and perfume, I go and check out my full look. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, I’m sure it’s gonna be the night Iron sees a whole new side of me.