Struwwelpeter: Merry Stories and Funny Pictures
Heinrich Hoffmann
Children's Books
Struwwelpeter: Merry Stories and Funny Pictures by Heinrich Hoffmann Edited and Formatted for optional user enjoyment.- Our books are professionally produced and edited to provide the best reading experience- Our books contain unique illustrations that readers can enjoy - Check out our extensive range of top quality books on our site by searching Zellerz Publishing on Amazon Summary First published in 1845, Der Struwwelpeter is without question one of the most popular children\'s books ever written.Each of its ten illustrated rhymes contain clear moral lessons—and shows, in an exaggerated way, the consequences of bad behavior.Read about the boy who would not brush his hair or cut his nails—Shockhead Peter.Read about the boy who would not stop sucking his thumbs.Read about the boy who would not eat.Read about the boy who would not look where he was going. . .And many more!A great classic which children of all ages will enjoy time and time again. Here are some of Amazon’s Excellent Reviews - "This book is a masterpiece of children\'s literature, from an age when "cautionary tales" were used to instill good behaviour and moral values. And the more gruesome those tales, the better!I\'m sure that, even back then, adults thought these stories were educational, but kids just thought they were funny. But there\'s a more serious side to this book. So, yes, I laugh out loud at the poems in this book, because they are so ludicrously exaggerated and gruesome that it\'s hard to believe they were meant for little children.“ Take advantage of our excellent books Get your kindle copy today!
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