Alfie abused, p.1
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Alfie Abused, page 1

 part  #3 of  Studs & Steel Series


Alfie Abused
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Alfie Abused

  Alfie... Abused...

  Studs & Steel #3

  Kindle Edition

  Heather Mar-Gerrison Copyright 2017

  Beautiful front cover design by:

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work.



  “What do you mean, you want me to go to a gay club?” I spluttered, staring at Kody Elden as if he was completely mad. Had he found out about me? I thought I’d been hiding my sexuality quite well at work until he said that... I’d never come up on anyone’s gaydar before... in fact I worked damned hard at hiding it.

  He just grinned at me, “You’ll love it,” he said, giving me a knowing look, “A word of warning, though – stay away from River McNamara,” he pulled a face, “– he’s likely to give you something nasty just from shaking your hand.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. He obviously had something against him, which I was dying to know about, “Jeez, what did he do to you?”

  He grimaced, “Nothing.” He said far too quickly.

  I nodded. I wasn’t about to start pissing off one of my senior officers, so I decided it was time to shut my mouth, “Okay – what do I have to do?”

  He shrugged, “Nothing much – we just need a police presence there – Mr McKenzie, the owner of the club – is being harassed by one of his former acquaintances and we need to make him aware that it’s not acceptable in the club where members of the public are socialising.”

  I grinned, “Socialising?” I said, “Is that what we’re calling it these days?”

  He frowned at me, “Have you ever actually been to a gay club before?” he asked.

  I reddened and shook my head. I’ll grant you it was pitiful that I’d known I was gay since I was twelve years old – and had had more than one boyfriend in my young life – but I’d never been out and proud – and I’d never frequented any of the gay pubs and clubs in the city that I’d grown up in.... I was a total closet gay – and I had no idea how to be anything else...

  Kody smiled at me, “It might interest you to know, then, Harley – that it’s not a mass orgy – it’s just a bunch of like-minded guys letting loose and enjoying themselves in a safe atmosphere – and that’s the way we want it to stay.”

  I nodded, “Of course.” I agreed, “And that’s what I’ll endeavour to achieve by being there.”

  Kody slapped me on the shoulder, “Good man.” He said.

  Chapter 1 – Coming Out...


  I came out to my parents when I was fourteen years old. I’d known since I was small that I liked boys more than girls – not that I didn’t like girls – some of my sisters friends were really lovely and were my friends too. I found it difficult to be mates with guys – the fancying them bit always got in the way and I found that I was either annoying them – or flirting with them and that definitely interfered with being able to make proper friends. In fact I’d only really started making friends when I discovered the gay clubs and found guys there that I liked but didn’t fancy. I was rather proud of myself that I could now count Simon, Buzz and River as proper ‘mates’.

  I had my first serious crush at twelve on my brother George’s best friend, much to his horror and his best friend’s utter bemusement – he really didn’t see how he could be attractive to another guy when he was straight... I know. “But I don’t understand, George – what the hell does he see in me? I’m straight...?” It clearly didn’t occur to him that as a gay boy, I fancied men whether they were gay or straight – it was just disappointing when they weren’t gay too...

  When I finally plucked up the courage – after practicing in front of my mirror for days as to the best way to break the news – to tell my parents, it was kind of an anti-climax when they both looked at me, totally non-plussed.

  “We know, son.” Dad said gently, “It’s been obvious since you were about five or six and always stripped your Action Men and put them in bed together...”

  Mum was even worse than that, “Aw honey,” she said, “we thought it was a given – you didn’t need to put yourself through all this stress – we’re proud of you regardless of your sexuality.”

  Well, at least it was over and I could finally get on with things... or at least that was what I believed... Naïve? Yeah, maybe I was...

  Mum took it upon herself to join a support group for parents with gay children – I didn’t even know such groups existed until she became the fucking president of hers and decided to make it her mission to find out who every gay guy was in the area for me to consider dating. No, really... I kid you not.

  The final straw was when she set me up with the geek from hell that I decided to do something about it and started actively going to gay pubs and clubs to meet guys on my own terms – not that I was ever particularly successful at bagging a nice guy. The most I ever seemed to get was a snog – which was nice but not what I really wanted. I wanted to be loved. I wanted a relationship. Mum and Dad had a great relationship and I knew it wouldn’t be exactly the same for me because I was a guy who liked other guys – but I was sure I could achieve something similar at least. Love was love, wasn’t it?

  I loved to dance – and the clubs were a brilliant place to meet up with guys like me. I was probably what you’d describe as a twink – which I didn’t really mind per se – but it sometimes gave people the wrong impression about me. I’d never considered myself to be a weak person – but I generally got hit on by great big bears – or other equally small and skinny guys – and I honestly couldn’t tell you who I found most attractive at the time. I guess I liked the ones that were bigger than me – but not a lot bigger. I could totally appreciate a decent set of abs – and yes, some of the big hulking guys were fucking hot – but somewhere in the middle floated my boat the most...

  I was hired as a cage dancer at one of the clubs I frequented – which totally freaked my mother out, “Oh, my God – you’ll be dressing in leather jockstraps and tight fitting rubber with those god-awful chains and face masks – and then people will get the wrong idea about you!”

  I stared at her in shock, “And how the hell do you know what they wear?” I asked. She really wasn’t far off the mark...

  She shrugged, “I’m not as green as I’m cabbage looking, sonny,” she said with menacing frown, “And I’m not having it! You tell them that you’re okay with your skinny jeans or shorts and a tight-fitting skinny rib top and that’s as much as they’re getting from you! You’re not a piece of meat – and you’ve got brains as well as brawn.”

  I grinned and nodded, “Fine.” I said.

  It wasn’t long after that conversation that I found the ad for a dancer at a prestigious new club called Studs and Steel. I was offered the job the same day as I auditioned – and I’d never looked back...

  I met River on my first night. He was absolutely beautiful and I was instantly smitten with him.

  It didn’t take me long, however, to suss out that he wasn’t boyfriend material. The number of times he disappeared during his shift to the toilets with various patrons was quite astonishing. I was fascinated with him – and yes, totally turned on by him when we danced together – but I saw a dangerous guy in River – as in, I would be in danger of falling in love with him – and it would not be reciprocated. He was a player – and that wasn’t what I wanted – or needed – not ever.

  So I danced and occasionally kissed the punters and I was happy in my role as one of the better dancers – and then one night, when I least expected it, I met the most perfect guy. His name was Harley...

  Chapter 2 – Studs and Steel


  Going along to the Studs and Steel club, I’ve got to admit that I was a little bit excited. Kody had told me a little about it – and the comments about the kid called River aside, I was looking forward to the driving beat of the music and watching the dancers. I absolutely loved dancing and listening to music so, really, it couldn’t have been a better operation for me.

  I could totally appreciate a guy that knew how to move his body. As much as I liked dancing myself, I rarely got a chance and I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that while I was on duty. However, there was nothing to stop me going along on my day off once I’d gotten familiar with the place – and with the employees. Turning up on my own just to hang out looking for a guy to pick up really wasn’t my style.

  I nodded to the doorman – a big bear of a guy with a friendly face and a charming grin, “Hey, there.” He said smiling at me, “I take it you’re Harley?”

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I said, sticking my hand out and shaking his hand enthusiastically, “I hear business is booming?”

  He nodded, “Yeah,” he agreed, “It’s busiest at the weekends – obviously – but numbers are growing all week these days. We’ve introduced themed nights – so we get some older guys coming mid-week now too – it’s great.”

  I nodded, “Cool – shall I, uh,” I nodded to the door, “just go on in?”

  The doorman, who had introduced himself as ‘Buzz’ shook his head, “I’ll take you in – and Simon, my brother, will make sure you’re looked after. As much lemonade,
water and coke you can drink.” He chuckled, “Kody was very strict about what you were allowed to drink and not – and who you were allowed to hang out with too.”

  I smiled, “Ah, yeah.” I nodded, “Stay away from River?”

  He laughed out loud and shook his head, “Yeah, River is a little... over-friendly shall we say?”

  I got it. He was a slag...

  Buzz pushed the door open that took us into the club. I looked around it awe. I’d never been in a place like it – there were mirrors everywhere and the furnishings were contemporary to say the least; big cubes for seating, with huge white leather sofas towards the back of the club. The bar was surprisingly normal compared to the rest of the room – but I guess there wasn’t much you could do with a bar...?

  The young guy behind the bar looked up and smiled broadly in welcome. “Hey, there – Harley, I take it?” he said as he eyed my uniform.

  I nodded, “Yeah, nice to meet you.”

  He shook my hand, “I’m Seth.” He said. He looked at Buzz, “Want me to introduce him to everyone?”

  Buzz nodded. Patting me on the shoulder he grinned, “I shall leave you in Seth’s capable hands – gotta get back to the door or anyone could walk in – and that’s not really the idea.”

  I laughed and turned back to Seth, “Right.” I said, “Just how many guys work here?”

  He shrugged, “Well, no one’s really full time – well, I guess Buzz and I could be considered full-time – we’re both here every night from six through to around four in the morning – but the dancers aren’t on all of that time – River, Alfie and Simon come on at around nine – but again, not every night – and Thai and Phil and Jaime are only here on Friday night and Saturday night as they have other gigs elsewhere that they want to continue with – Peyton hired us that way and Rob’s happy with it – he’s the new manager of the place – he’s pretty cool like that.”

  I nodded, “Sweet,” I agreed, “So, who’s here tonight?”

  He grinned, “River – the one we have to keep you away from in case he corrupts you.” He snorted.

  I grinned, “Yeah, Kody doesn’t like that guy at all.”

  Seth nodded, giving me a knowing grin, “That’s because he’s got a thing for Peyton.”

  I blinked, “Seriously?” I asked, “Wow – I didn’t know he was...”

  “You didn’t know he was gay?” Seth asked, looking shocked, “Seriously? Wow – I knew as soon as I looked at him.”

  My jaw dropped, “Really?” I asked, “Wow – I’ve got no such thing as gaydar – I’m utterly clueless.”

  He chuckled, “So – I take it you’re gay?”

  I nodded, “Yup.” I said, “Although my luck with the boys is pretty much non-existent.”

  Seth chuckled again, “Well, you should have a little more luck being here – the place will be swarming with wall-to-wall gay tottie in less than an hour.”

  I laughed, “Are you gay?” I asked. Call me stupid but he seemed to be totally straight to me.

  He shook his head, “Nope. Just open-minded enough to have gay mates.” He grinned.

  I sat at the bar and he gave me a glass of coke. Thankfully he didn’t try to give me a glass full of ice and a slice of lemon – because I couldn’t bear either of those things.

  He looked up as a door opened somewhere in the back of the club, “Ah,” Seth said with a broad grin, “here come the boys.”

  I turned and almost fell off my chair. Three of the most beautiful guys I’d ever laid eyes on were walking towards me. I clearly recognised the one that was River – Kody had described him to a T. The one on his right had to be Buzz’s brother Simon, since he was just a slimmer, slightly taller version of him – he looked like he played rugby – that type of physique. But it was the one on the right that I really couldn’t take my eyes off. Oh, my God. Alfie... Quite the most adorable young man I’d ever seen in my life... He was about five feet ten, slim-built with a shock of untidy dark blonde hair and the brightest, bluest eyes I’d ever seen in my life. He was stunning.

  The three guys sauntered over. River was full of sass. He just oozed it out of every pore but as sexy and incredibly good-looking as he was – I wasn’t attracted to him at all – Kody had been worrying about my virtue over nothing.

  Simon was a pleasant young guy. He nodded and then he and River started to chat to Seth about something. Alfie looked at me with his enormous blue eyes – full of curiosity about me. He smiled shyly, “Hello,” he said, “you must be Harley?”

  I nodded and smiled back at him. He couldn’t have been more than about nineteen. A few years younger than I was and he looked so innocent and young. I immediately just wanted to protect him.

  Obviously he couldn’t be all that innocent if he was a pole dancer in a gay club, but he definitely looked it... and I was instantly intrigued – I wanted nothing more than to just get to know him better.

  “And I’m guessing you’re Alfie?” I asked.

  He raised his eyebrows and went a little pink, “Uh, yeah.” He said, blinking in surprise that I already knew his name, “How did you know that?”

  I shrugged, “I’d love to say lucky guess but you’d never believe me.”

  He chuckled and shook his head.

  I grinned at him, “Hey, it’s my job to know – I’m a cop!” I laughed and he let out another low chuckle that made my dick start to take an interest.

  “Come on,” he said, looking at me with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. My God, he was beautiful... “How did you really know?”

  I chuckled, “Well, River had been described to me by Kody Elden – Mr McKenzie’s temporary bodyguard...” he nodded with a grin and I guessed he had an idea that Kody was rather more fond of Peyton than he was willing to admit to, “and Simon looked so much like Buzz – you couldn’t really have been anyone else.”

  He nodded, a small smile still playing on his beautiful lips and I couldn’t stop myself from imagining those lips being pressed up against mine... maybe his tongue brushing along mine too...

  Focus Harley, I commanded myself. You’re here to do a job, not to find a boyfriend... Although I couldn’t help thinking that maybe I could do both...

  He nodded, “So, not because you have super extra-sensory perception, then?” he asked, slightly flirtatiously, I thought.

  I laughed, a thrill going through me that the might be flirting with me. “No,” I agreed, “I’m no super-hero – sadly...”

  Chapter 3 – Harley


  Oh, my God. I never expected Harley to be as young as he was – or as attractive. Sure, Kody was a good-looking guy, but he had to be about thirty – and I kind of expected someone with a name like Harley to be older still. It was a nice surprise to find that he wasn’t much different in age to me – well, you know – he was probably about twenty-four or something. It was definitely doable... so long as he didn’t see me as a kid like so many guys did.

  But how did I go about it? Flirt? Chat? I really had no idea. I loved flirting with River – and dancing provocatively on the podium with him was a major turn on – but we weren’t involved with each other – and I had no intention of that ever happening. For starters he was a right old whore – and secondly, I was worth more than that. I didn’t want a boyfriend that shagged everything that came through the doors of his place of work. Seth had told me in confidence that he’d even shagged Peyton – when Peyton interviewed him. Wasn’t sure I actually believed it... but why would he lie about him? They were kind of best mates and Seth was straight – so it wasn’t jealousy or anything. Anyway – it was none of my business...

  I was, however, rather hoping that Harley might become my business. He was gorgeous. In his uniform he was absolutely incredible. I was trying to imagine what he’d look like without it – and then wishing I hadn’t since I was beginning to get a boner...

  I grinned at him, “Well, it’s time I got on my podium and busted a few moves – are you here all night?”

  He nodded, “Uh, yeah – I’m actually here all week – I’ve been stationed here every night while Peyton and Kody take a break – someone has to be here to keep an eye on the place until the danger has passed.”

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