Good Girl Gone Wild, page 1
part #7 of Futanari Demigoddess Series

Futanari Demigoddess 7:
Good Girl Gone Wild
By Hayden Archer
Copyright 2014 Hayden Archer
Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.
First digital edition electronically published by Hayden Archer, November 2014
All participants are 18 years or older.
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“No way,” I said.
“But Valerie…”
“I said no. The last thing I need is somebody babysitting me while I’m walking around campus.”
Felicity crossed her arms under her breasts and I tried to ignore the delicious way that move exposed more of her cleavage. We all had our clothes back on, but I hadn’t expected to have this little debate as I was making my way out of the lecture hall. The bad guy was defeated, for now, and I didn’t think I was in any sort of danger. The last thing I needed was Felicity pulling this protective bodyguard crap on me.
“But Professor Jones was only…”
I held up a hand and Felicity quieted down for a miracle. That was different.
“She’s explained everything to us. I realize that she was only working for somebody, somebody that we don’t know yet, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m not going to change the way I live my life because of some vague threat that might not even come after me.”
The good professor in question was sitting tied to a chair in the lecture hall just out of earshot. She might claim to be on our side, but we weren’t taking any chances.
“What makes you think they won’t come after you?” Alexis asked.
I rolled my eyes. “I’d think that little encounter we just had with Professor Jones would prove to whoever’s been pulling this crap once and for all that they shouldn’t mess with me,” I said. I held up the medallion. “And besides, at this point I’ve been able to take care of just about anything that’s been thrown at me thanks to my little friend here.”
“With a little help,” Felicity said. She glanced at the medallion with a raised eyebrow as though she was curious about something, but I was more concerned with her so casually dismissing my ability to get myself out of a tight spot.
“And a little divine intervention, don’t forget,” Alexis said.
I waved a dismissive hand. “And I really appreciate it. What I don’t appreciate is this overprotective bull crap you’re pulling. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going back to my dorm to take a shower and a nice long nap.”
I moved for the door but Felicity stepped in front of me. I paused for a moment to enjoy the way her body looked in that outfit, but only just long enough. I had places to be, showers to see, beds to nap in. The last thing I wanted was this gaggle of women I’d collected since my odd transformation last week following me around.
I turned and looked at Cara as Felicity blocked my way and raised an eyebrow. “You’re not going to try to stop me too?”
Cara held up her hands and her tits bounced in a most delicious way as she did so. Almost enough to make me want to stay.
“No way,” Cara said. “I think I’ve had enough weird shit happen to me for one day. You can go wherever you want.”
I turned back to Felicity. “Hear that? Cara says I can go wherever I want. That she’s had enough weird shit. I’m inclined to agree with her.”
I took a step forward but Felicity stood there, implacable, refusing to budge. I let out a frustrated noise that was halfway between a growl and a groan.
“Cara doesn’t get to say whether you stay or go,” Felicity said.
“Well I do,” I said.
I took another step forward and Felicity reached out to grip my arm in that iron grip of hers. I knew she wasn’t squeezing as hard as she could, I had a feeling she could probably snap my bones in two just by applying a little pressure, but it was definitely enough to hold me in place. I briefly thought of trying to get physical and break free, I was starting to have a sneaking suspicion after a little encounter with a crumbling stone stairway in this building that I might have more in the strength department than I imagined, but now wasn’t the time to play a game of “guess what divine power you’ve inherited because of your newly discovered and totally fucked up divine parentage.”
Besides, she violated the terms of our agreement. That meant I was perfectly within my rights to fight fire with fire. Without thinking, it was starting to come easier and easier, I lashed out with my powers and hit Felicity full force. She stumbled back as though she’d been hit by a physical blow, and then she was looking at me as though I was the most amazing and gorgeous creature in the world. Which was a sentiment I could agree with, but I had places to go. Beds to see. You know the drill.
Of course when I thought about it, it really was a compliment that my powers worked on Felicity at all. As far as I could tell, and I was still new enough to my powers that I really wasn’t sure, they only worked on someone if they were already interested in a person. They only magnified existing feelings and made them come to the surface. It’s not like I could have used this particular power on her if she wasn’t already interested, is what I’m trying to say.
Only right now I wasn’t particularly interested in being a subtle with my power of love.
“Get out of my way, Felicity,” I said.
“Whatever you say Valerie,” she said.
I rolled my eyes as she stepped aside and I walked through the door. I really needed to figure out a way to be more subtle with this power of love thing. I released my hold on Felicia as I made my way through the door and she immediately wheeled around.
“Hey!” she shouted. “You said you’d never use your powers on me like that!”
I looked over my shoulder and blew a kiss. “You also agree to never use your powers on me again. Fair is fair.”
Felicity stared at me as I made my way down the hall, and there were daggers in her eyes. If looks could kill then she definitely would’ve been able to commit murder with those eyes. But I can also see that she knew I was right. We had an agreement, and she’d been the first one to violate that agreement. As far as I was concerned I was completely in the right this time.
Apparently Felicity was in agreement, because she didn’t say anything.
“Um, Valerie?”
Alexis peeked out from around Felicity looking absolutely divine in her white tank top and matching white shorts. She might be delectable, but that outfit had me resisting the urge to roll my eyes. If the gods were going to send her to the mortal world then the least they could do was find some clothes for her that didn’t have the white angelic motif. It was too obvious, though I’d come to realize that subtlety and gods didn’t exactly go hand in hand.
I reminded myself that I needed to be nice though. I needed to remember she was a stranger in this world. That she had come here to help me, after all.
“What Alexis?”
“What am I supposed to do? I don’t exactly have some place to stay,” she said.
I waved my hand. “I imagine they’re going to do something with Professor Jones. I still don’t exactly trust her even if she is claiming she’s back on our side. See if you can help them out, and I’ll be back here after I’ve had a chance to take a nap. I don’t think anybody’s going to bother you in the history building at this time of night anyways.”
I had no idea if any of that was true or not, but it sounded good. I felt a little guilty. I suppose even the history building had a cleaning staff coming through after hours, after all. I felt a little bad for leaving Alexis on her own like that, but I figured she was in good hands if she was with Felicity and Cara. Plus, at the moment I really didn’t need any more reminders of the craziness I’d been dealing with since discovering the damned medallion in the museum a few days ago.
Whatever. I was too tired to care.
I turned and made my way down the stairs and out onto campus.
The warm air trending towards cool was refreshing as I stepped out and took a deep breath. It still stayed light pretty late into the evening even at this time of year, but already the sun had disappeared from the sky and it was getting dark. People were milling, going about their normal college business with no idea there was a secret hidden world of gods and goddesses doing crazy stuff to one another. Monsters trying to chase people down. Witches appearing out of nowhere to ruin your day.
I sighed. How I wished I could go back to being pleasantly naive about the way the world really worked.
I moved down the steps and passed the large marble columns in front of the history building. As I did I glanced from side to side and gave them a passing glance. Odd. I hadn’t ever noticed columns on the front of this building before, but then again it’s not like I was ever really paying attention when I was walking into the history building anyways.
Whatever. I continued through campus, looking off in the distance to the welcoming lights of my dorm which were already twinkling in the dusk. God how I was looking forward to a hot shower.
As I made my way through the cr
Again, whatever. I needed that shower. My sneaking suspicion that there was some sort of event going on somewhere on campus was magnified even more as I passed a clearing and someone wearing some ridiculous werewolf getup or something jumped out from behind some bushes and start chasing a couple of girls who screamed at the top of their lungs and bolted. Both girls were in togas of course. I rolled my eyes as the girls disappeared between the giant marble columns running up the entire length of the library entrance. Huh. Never noticed those before either.
I hated it when the fraternities and sororities decided they could use the entire campus as their personal playground for one of their stupid events that was, much like every event that happened on Greek row, just another excuse for them to get as drunk as possible and hook up with some random.
I kept my eyes forward and ignored everything going on around me. Of course it was hard to ignore it when one of the fraternity assholes dressed in some ridiculous costume that made him look like a goblin or something, I couldn’t really tell, jumped out in front of me and lunged for me. He seemed a little disappointed when I didn’t scream or try to run away, but that didn’t stop him from continuing the lunge. I had a glimpse of green, of arms reaching out for me, of stinky breath that was probably a result of having far too much to drink before he put together his costume, and then I grabbed his arm without thinking and shoved him off to the side.
Luckily for him since I pushed him a little harder than I’d intended he landed in some bushes and stayed there. I nodded my head, grunted, and turned to go on my way. I don’t know if other people saw the little display, but nobody bothered me for the rest of my walk back to the dorms.
Columns. Weird. Now I definitely paid more attention to my dorm than to nonessential things like the library or the history building. I definitely knew I’d never seen columns in front of my dorm before, and yet here they were. I rapped my knuckles against one of them and was surprised at how solid it sounded.
I figured if they were decorating buildings on campus for some stupid festival, I’d almost think we were in the middle of Halloween if it wasn’t for the semester just starting, then I figured they’d go for the cheapest decorations possible. It’s not like the Greek organizations were known for spending a lot of money for anything other than the booze. And even then it’s not like they spent a lot of money on quality booze. No, they were always more of a quantity over quality sort of organization if my few experiences going to parties on frat row were any indication.
And yet this column felt the surprisingly solid. Surprisingly like I was rapping my knuckles against actual marble.
I shrugged. Whatever the hell was going on, I figured it was no concern of mine. If the campus wanted to spend a crap load of money putting together some weird costume party then that was none of my business. And since it was none of my business that meant I was a safe to go up to my dorm room, hop in the shower, and relax.
People were running around the dorm lobby acting like complete nut jobs screaming at one another, some of them in costumes and some of them not, as I walked through the door. I ignored all of it as I made my way through the security doors and up the stairs to my room. I’d had enough craziness to last me a year. I was not going to engage. I was not going to get involved. I was not going to get blasted, even though that sounded like a hell of a lot of fun.
Not that there was likely to be any sort of booze to be found in a dorm anyways. At least not in an official capacity. The university tended to frown on that.
I was on autopilot as I stepped through the door. Nikki was nowhere in sight, though that hardly surprised me. If there was a party happening somewhere on campus then chances were she was right in the middle of it, and it looked like there was one hell of a party going on outside. The only thing out of place was that she hadn’t left a note for me telling me exactly where she was going and what time I should be there.
I quickly threw my tank top off and tossed my bra to the side. I didn’t even bother putting them in the dirty laundry. I knew Nikki would bitch at me later if I didn’t clean it up, but right now I didn’t care. If she was out at a party then chances are I had plenty of time to take a nap and still clean up later. Hell, I probably had time to sleep through the night and pick up in the morning before she stumbled in hung over and bleary-eyed.
I kicked my shorts off and shimmied out of my panties. They didn’t fit quite right, and once again I made a note that I was going to have to go out and get something that fit me a little better. That fit the new equipment in between my legs a little better. But that was something to worry about later when I didn’t need a shower. When I didn’t need to relax and get rid of some of the stress I was feeling.
I was actually a little surprised that I was so stressed out. You’d think that after all the sex I’d had today I’d be the opposite of stressed, but that wasn’t the case. No, I was the opposite of the opposite of stressed, if that makes sense.
I padded over to the bathroom barefoot. It was a testament to just how out of it I was that I didn’t register there was already somebody in there before I made my way into the room. I saw feet leaning over the sink, feet that led up to an incredibly sexy pair of legs. Those legs ran up to the lower parts of a deliciously curved ass that was covered by a robe. A robe that molded itself to the rest of that deliciously tight body and then moved up to dark hair spilling down around Sarah’s shoulders.
She was looking into the mirror doing something with her face and the shower was already running. Why the hell hadn’t she locked the door like usual?
Only as I watched her standing there, as I listened to her, I realized that maybe she wasn’t quite getting ready for a shower after all. Maybe the reason she hadn’t locked the door was because she’d been distracted. Her eyes were closed, and the shower was apparently loud enough to block any noise from me walking into the room.
The reason for her distraction, the reason for her eyes being closed like that, became immediately obvious as I watched her. One of her hands was down in between her legs, and from the way she was gripping the sink with her other hand, from the way her ass was churning back and forth in and oh so hypnotic way, from the way her mouth was hanging open and she was letting out quiet gasps, it was plainly obvious what this good little Christian girl was getting up to in the bathroom.
I probably should have left her to have her fun in privacy. I should’ve turned around and walked out of the room, forgetting that I’d seen anything. The last thing I probably should’ve done, especially considering my current completely naked state, was lean against the door and watch her.
And yet there was a part of me that couldn’t help watching. For one thing she was absolutely gorgeous even if she was a stuck up and sanctimonious bitch who seemed to delight in making Nikki and I completely miserable. And there was also a part of me that absolutely loved the idea of catching this sanctimonious, stuck up, holier than thou beauty in the act of giving herself a little bit of a good time. As much fun as it was watching her, it was even more fun thinking back to all the judgmental glances she’d given Nikki and me as we were going out to parties or talking about guys we’d been with.
Yes, seeing cracks in the ice queen’s façade was definitely amusing.
Of course the amusement turned to panic when I slipped and bumped into the sink. Partly the slip was from a combination of sweat and condensation causing me to lose my footing, but the main reason for losing my footing didn’t have anything to do with sweat or humidity. No, it had to do with what I realized Sarah was moaning into the mirror as she went to town on herself with her fingers.
“Oh Valerie…”
Valerie? She was sitting there flicking the bean and thinking about me? That was the only answer I could think of. Granted I didn’t run in her circle of friends, but what were the odds that she knew two Valeries?