

H. Bedford-Jones


Fighter, drinker, poet, rogue—all of these and more was Cyrano, who rode so gayly into the intrigue that was shaking Louis XIII’s kingdom of France. More than a year after the events narrated by H. Bedford-Jones in "The King’s Passport," a now-rundown, ragged and drunken Cyrano stumbles upon another conspiracy in the Spring of 1642 which breathes new life into the former guardsman--as does the encounter with a red-headed woman. And so it’s time again for Hector Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac to serve a lady, ride a road, pluck a lute and swing a sword....
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The Terror of Algiers

The Terror of Algiers

H. Bedford-Jones


John Herries, a buyer for an American firm, becomes involved in the attempt to solve a series of murders in Algiers—murders that so closely resembled suicides that the Al­gerian populace thought a suicide epi­demic had struck the land. Herries finds an unexpected partner in Cockney John Solomon, a secret agent work­ing under instructions to investigate the suicides. 
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The Mesa Trail

The Mesa Trail

H. Bedford-Jones


A ribbon of winding road leads northeast from the pueblo of Domingo and the snaky Bajada hill where gray rocks lie thickly; it is a yellowish ribbon of road, sweeping over the gigantic mesa toward Santa Fé and the sweetly glowing Blood of Christ peaks—great peaks of green spearing into the sky, white-crested, and tipped with blood at sunset. Along this ribbon of dusty yellow road was crawling a flivver. It was crawling slowly, in a jerky series of advances and pauses; as it crept along its intermittent course, the woman who sat behind the wheel was cursing her iron steed in a thorough and heartfelt manner.
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The Mardi Gras Mystery

The Mardi Gras Mystery

H. Bedford-Jones


"The tale of a carnival joke that led to grim realities. All the mystery and business intrigue of the oil lands and the joyous abandon of old New Orleans are in this spirited romance." -Publishers Weekly "A swiftly moving tale with plenty of mystery and a satisfactory ending." -Chicago Public Library Book Bulletin "The carnival period in New Orleans is enlivened by a series of sensation holdups by a man masked in aviators\' livery. It is a rich young man\'s Mardi Gras prank but it leads him into the midst of a huge industrial plot and also to a meeting with a charming girl." -Bookseller and Stationer "So Jones pull maned to New Orleans and went smash up against the Mardi Gras carnival....Jones found a merry scoundrel of the name of Henry Gramont. Like all scoundrels, he was a good fellow. He dressed up in an aviator\'s costume, got into the carnival and began frisking watches and flasks. He dealt Ben Chacherre a rude blow while Bacchus was passing, and Ben went flat. Who was the girl with the black mask? She was being pursued up many steps in the hall where the Midnight Looters were pulling off their Mardi Gras ball. Henry flew in the window in his tiny airship and nipped the girl in the bud. He volplaned to Baronne Street, where Julius Friend, disguised as an editor, whistled thrice upon the wrong horn of the dilemma....Turns out that Gramont was no scoundrel after all, but just a flat-foot, or something better, or worse." -The Judge
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Nuala OMalley

Nuala O'Malley

H. Bedford-Jones


This is a stirring, entrancing story of Erin when Cromwell was campaigning, and when the fighting heritage that is every Irishman\'s found vent through sword and ax and fire. You meet Brian Buidh, Brian of the Yellow Hair, more thrilling than even your favorite movie hero; and as for Nuala herself—well, just wait till you meet her!
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Young Kit Carson

Young Kit Carson

H. Bedford-Jones


Kit Carson (1809 – 1868) was a real-life pulp hero in his own manner, an American frontiersman who braved all manner of danger as he carved out a place in history, opening the western states to all America. He was a fur trapper and wilderness guide, Indian agent, and U.S. Army officer. Few people described pulp protagonists, real and fictional, as well as H. Bedford-Jones (1887-1949), referred to by his contemporaries as "the King of the Pulps".Originally published in 1939 in the Toronto Star Weekly, and never before reprinted, Young Kit Carson is a he-man adventure of the American frontier, high in the Rocky Mountains. Carson battles to maintain peaceful relations between the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes, while maintaining order among the fur-trappers competing for precious pelts.Bold Venture Press presents this forgotten pulp classic through arrangement with Camille "Caz" Cazedessus, publisher of Pulpdom, the legendary journal documenting pulp fiction...
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The H. Bedford-Jones Pulp Fiction Megapack

The H. Bedford-Jones Pulp Fiction Megapack

H. Bedford-Jones


The H. Bedford-Jones Pulp Fiction Megapack collects 20 classic stories and novels from the "King of the Pulps"! Bedford-Jones, among the most prolific and popular of pulp magazine writers, penned thousands of short stories and more than 100 novels in the early to mid 20th century. His work is full of adventure, mystery, suspense, romance, and action—always a gripping story, well told.THE HOUSE OF SKULLSWRITTEN IN REDYELLOW INTRIGUEDOWN THE COAST OF BARBARYSKULLSTHE OPIUM SHIPPIRATES' GOLDTHE SECOND LIFE OF MONSIEUR THE DEVILNUALA O'MALLEYMUSTERED OUTIRREGULAR BRETHRENCLANCY, DETECTIVETHE THRUST OF A FINGERTHREE SMART SILKSTHE BLUE BEETLERENDEZVOUSTEST PILOT NUMBER ONETHE CURIOUS LUCK OF THE EARL OF PUGWASHD'ARTAGNANAnd don't forget to search this ebook store for "Wildside Megapack" to see more entries in this series, covering classic authors and subjects like mysteries, science fiction, westerns, ghost stories...
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