A transmutation of muddl.., p.1
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A Transmutation of Muddles, page 1


A Transmutation of Muddles
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A Transmutation of Muddles

  Produced by Greg Weeks, Bruce Albrecht, Stephen Blundelland the Online Distributed Proofreading Team athttps://www.pgdp.net


  _An experienced horse-trader, bargain-haggler, and general swapper has a very special talent for turning two headaches into one aspirin pill...._

  By H. B. FYFE

  Illustrated by Van Dongen

  The rugged little stellar scout ship flared down to the surface of KappaOrionis VII about a mile from the aboriginal village. The pilot,Lieutenant Eric Haruhiku, scorched an open field, but pointed out toLouis Mayne that he had been careful to disturb neither woodland norshoreline.

  "The Kappans are touchy about those, Judge," he explained, "They fish alot, as you'd guess from all these shallow seas, and they pick fruit inthe forests; but they don't farm much."

  "No use provoking trouble," Mayne approved. "It's a long way fromRigel."

  "It's a longer way from Sol," said the pilot.

  "Don't I know, boy! If it weren't, I'd be just another retired spacecaptain, quietly struggling with my ranch on Rigel IX. As it is, to getthe grant, I had to remain on call as an arbitrator."

  "Somebody has to settle these things," said Haruhiku. "There's not muchlaw way out here, except what the Space Force can apply. Well, if you'llexcuse me, sir, I'll have them get out the helicopter and take us overto the village."

  "Let me see that last message again, before you go," Mayne requested.

  The pilot extracted a sheet from his clipboard and handed it to Mayne ashe left. Mayne studied the text with little pleasure.

  Terran Space Force headquarters on Rigel IX wished to inform him thatthe long awaited envoy from Terra to Kappa Orionis VII not only hadarrived but had departed two days behind Mayne.

  It was hoped, the communication continued, that nothing would interferewith the desired objective of coming to some friendly agreement with theKappans that would permit Terran use of the planet as a base forspaceships. The envoy, of course, was prepared to offer tradeinducements and various other forms of help to the semi-civilizednatives. Mayne was requested to lay whatever groundwork he could.

  _In my spare time, no doubt_, he reflected. _I'm to settle this sillybusiness any way at all--as long as the natives get their way. But hasanybody told the government about insurance companies? If it costs moneyor a lawsuit, will they back me up?_

  He felt himself to be in a ridiculous dilemma. The Kappans were reportedto have seized a Terran spaceship as it landed to trade. Naturally, thecaptain had squawked for help. He claimed he had crashed; his insurancecompany thought otherwise; the Kappans seemed to have some entirelydifferent idea in mind. Mayne had been summoned into action to render adecision, after the rough and ready system of these settlements on thesurface of Terra's sphere of explored space.

  Regretfully, he made his way now to the cubbyhole allowed him on thecramped scout, where he changed to a more formal tunic of a bright bluehe hoped would look impressive to native eyes. By the time he was ready,the helicopter was waiting. He and Haruhiku entered, and the crewman atthe controls took off for the scene of the dispute.

  Arriving over the village, they hovered a few minutes while Haruhikustudied the lay of the land. The lieutenant had been to this worldbefore, long enough to pick up some of the language and customs, soMayne was content to follow his advice about landing a little way offfrom a spaceship that towered outside the village.

  They came down about a hundred yards away, between a rutted sort of roadand a long hut covered by a curved, thatched roof.

  "They're expecting us," said Haruhiku, gesturing at the group before thehut.

  It consisted of half a dozen humans and several of the Kappan natives.The latter, naturally, caught Mayne's eye first. The most imposingindividual among them stood about five feet tall. The planet being ofabout the same mass as Terra, the Kappan probably weighed over twohundred and fifty pounds. He was a rugged biped with something saurianin his ancestry; for his skin was scaled, and bony plates grew into alow crown upon his long skull. His arms and legs were heavy and bowed,with joints obscured by thick muscles and loose skin. Mayne was struckby the fancy that the Kappan's color, a blend of brown and olive, wasthat of a small dragon who had achieved a good suntan. A yellow kilt washis main article of attire, although he wore a few decorations ofpolished bone.

  * * * * *

  One of the Terrans stepped forward. He wore a semimilitary uniform.

  "I suppose you're Louis Mayne?" he asked.

  "Right," answered Mayne. "You would be Captain Voorhis, of the_Gemsbok_?"

  "Check. This here is Eemakh. He's more or less chief of the village, ortribe, or whatever you wanna call it."

  Mayne found his gaze sinking into catlike slits of jet in a pair of hugeorange eyes shaded by massive brow ridges. The native made somestatement in a clicking language that had a harsh, choppy rhythm.

  "He welcomes you to Kappa," Haruhiku interpreted. "He hopes the godswill not be displeased."

  "What a warm welcome!" commented Mayne. "Have you been getting alongthat well, Captain Voorhis?"

  "Just about," said the spacer. "One of my boys knows a few words. Restof the time, we make signs. I gotta admit they ain't been toounfriendly."

  "But they _have_ seized your ship?"

  "You're damn' right! That insurance guy they sent out don't see it thatway though."

  "Where is this representative of the Belt Insurance Company?" askedMayne.

  "Melin? His ship landed over on the other side of the village, abouthalf a mile. He oughta be along soon. Must've seen you land."

  Mayne wondered whether it were necessary to await the arrival of theinsurance adjustor before asking any questions. To cover his hesitation,he turned to take his first good look at the hull of the _Gemsbok_.

  "What do they think they're doing?" he demanded, staring.

  The _Gemsbok_ was--or had been--an ungraceful, thick starship on theverge of aging into scrap. Towering here between the village and thehuge, bluish-green leaves of the Kappan forest, she was in the processof being transformed into a planet-bound object of a certain weirdgrace.

  A framework was being constructed about the hull by a swarm of natives.They had reached halfway up the ship, which served as a central column.Much of the exterior appeared to be a network of strangely curvedsections of wood that had been given a high polish. Mayne suspected thegreenish highlights were reflections of the forest color.

  "Bone," said Voorhis succinctly. "They collect it from things they catchin the sea. Main supports of timber, of course, built to fit the hull."

  "The fish here grow very large," put in Haruhiku. "If you could callthem fish, that is. I once saw them butchering what looked more like adinosaur."

  Mayne realized that the bone framework formed a sort of curtain wall. Atthe lower levels, some of the natives seemed to be experimenting with acoating of wet leaves which they were molding to the wall.

  "They've soaked them in something they boil out of fish parts," hispilot explained. "Like the village roofs. When it dries, it's prettyhard, even waterproof. The stink never dries out."

  "But what do they have in their bony little brains?" asked Mayne. "Justwhat is that mess supposed to be?"

  "A temple, believe it or not," answered Voorhis. "They tell me I set herdown on land sacred to the great god Meeg!"

  Mayne looked at Haruhiku.

  "Oh, come on, now! I came all the way from--" He stopped as he noticedthe pilot's grave expression. "Oh! That sort of thing _could_ beserious, I guess."

  He imagined he had seen the chief, Eemakh, come alert at the mention ofthe local god. Mayne sighed. It was going to be a long day.

  He was saved for the time being by a hail from the direction of thevillage. A procession was approaching along the set of ruts betweenMayne and the ship.

  * * * * *

  The place of honor appeared to be occupied by a two-wheeled cart ofcrude but massive design. Upon it rode a Kappan driver, two Kappans withspears and the look of official guards, and a Terran with a death-gripupon the side railing. A brace of truculent beasts of frighteninglysaurian mien shuffled ponderously along in the loose harness. From timeto time, one or the other would stumble over a turn in his rut and emita menacing rumble as if he suspected his team mate of causing themisstep.

  Before and behind this conveyance marched a guard of honor of Kappanwarriors.
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