Goliath's Mate (G-Force Federation Book 3), page 1

Goliath’s Mate
G-Force Federation Book 3
Giovanna Reaves
About the Author
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
About the Author
Also by Giovanna Reaves
Vale Valley Seasons
Space Fox (G-Force Federation Book One)
Dominic's Star (G-Force Federation Book 2)
Copyright © 2020 Giovanna Reaves
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Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices and multiple partner sexual practices. This book also contains BDSM elements.
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.
Copyright © 2020 by Giovanna Reaves
© 2020 GiaReaves Romance Books
Cover Artist Fantasia Frog Designs https://www.facebook.com/FFDBookcoverdesign/
Editors Pam Ebeler http://www.undividedediting.com/
About the Author
I love hearing from you, email me: giovannareaves@gmail.com.
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Also visit my website http://www.giovannareaves.com/ or my blogs http://www.giovannareaves.com/gias-ramblings
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"You’re more alpha than omega."
Goliath has always put the Federation and his family and crew first. He has to find out who killed his father and why it’s the only long-term goal he has for his future. When a chance encounter brings him face to face with what could be a future he never imagined or desired, Goliath must decide if revenge outweighs the possibility of destiny.
Camara defected from the G-Force Federation and his clan for refusing to agree with their rules. He seeks out a new path for himself and his small crew of bounty hunters, capturing criminals all over the galaxy. They live freely by their own laws, not caring about finding a mate. However, one encounter with an admiral in the Gargoyle Federation changes everything.
Will Camara and Goliath resist the pull to each other? Or will they let their misgivings about mating hold them back from experiencing unconditional love? Because there’s no hierarchy with love.
“Dreams do come true for those who never give up”
― Oda Eiichiro—
Thank you for purchasing Goliath’s Mate. I hope you enjoy this wonderful story about love, shifters, and space. Thank you to everyone who helped while writing this wonderful story.
Giovanna (Gia) Reaves
Goliath’s Mate is part of the multi-author G-Force Federation MPREG, sci-fi series. Each book in the series can be read in any order or as a standalone. Join the G-Force Federation gargoyle warriors as they embark on their mission to protect and serve the Federation and possibly find their fated mates. This book is for mature audience only.
Camara walked into the low- lit bar with instrumental tunes playing in the background that didn't fit the establishment, looking around for the person he was meeting.
He spotted the dark-haired man in the far back corner of the bar and took his sweet time walking over to his companion. He mentally cheered the irritated expression that crossed his companion’s face. He was already twenty minutes late and knew how the dark-haired man was about punctuality. But Camara worked on his own time and no else’s.
“You took your sweet arse time getting here,” his companion growled when he sat down. “You know how busy I am.”
Camara rolled his eyes. “I have shit to do and can’t always drop what I’m doing and come running to see you.”
“Whatever,” his companion said. Camara watched as the other man’s eyes roved over him, no doubt taking in the new scratches on his face from his last hunting trip. “I thought you got into a fight with a bear shifter and not a cat?”
“Have you been keeping tabs on me?” Camara asked, becoming annoyed.
“Someone has to,” his companion grumbled. “You and your bloody ragtag crew go from one fight to another. So much so you now have the Federation butting into your business.”
“We hunt criminals, what more are we supposed to do?”
“They’re thinking of outlawing bounty hunters.”
“Why? Because we’re doing a better job than they are at catching the criminals they can’t keep under control?”
“Because you and your crew can’t seem to operate in the limits they’ve set forth, Camara. True, you guys do a good job in keeping the crime rate down around the galaxy, but your crew brings in more bounties dead than alive.”
“The memo says, dead or alive. Not my fault they decide they want to run or challenge me because I’m an omega.”
“Dammit, and you just have to prove to them you’re some badass,” his dark haired companion snapped. “If you’re not scratched up on some part of your body, you have a broken leg or arm. They are watching you and your crew more closely. You have to be careful…”
“Stop nagging me. Better yet, stop acting as if you bloody care about me. We both know you don’t.”
“Where did you get an idea like that from? Have I ever treated you differently from—”
“Why did you need to see me?” Camara asked, cutting him off.
His companion sighed, realizing that Camara didn’t want to hear anything else other than the reason he was there. His companion pulled out a folded sheet of paper and pushed it in front of him. Whenever they met, it was always done old school. Meaning no technology that could be easily tracked back to them ever knowing each other.
Camara carefully opened the paper and laid it out on the table. He stared down at the hand-drawn image of a handsome man whose dark blue complexion and yellow eyes spoke of his Nasothian heritage, a species that lived on a planet filled with mostly water. They made their homes underwater and could only survive a couple of months on land. His silky jet black hair hung loosely over his shoulders and down his back. Camara could tell from his strong handsome features he was an alpha who wouldn’t think twice about killing someone.
The other image beside the Nasothian resembled a cube, but there were so many fine details it could be anything.
“Who’s this handsome bloke?” He asked, looking up at his companion.
“That handsome bloke as you call him is Kijima Hasaki, the leader of the resistance army. He’s the most dangerous man in the galaxy. I need you to find him.”
“Well, that’s interesting. They’ve been so quiet I didn’t think they still existed.”
“They never went away, Camara. They’ve just been operating in the dark, but lately they are getting more aggressive.”
“And what’s this?” Camara tapped the cubed object.
“Something I need you to find and soon—before it falls into Kijima’s hands.”
“You’re still not giving me all the information I need.”
His companion ran his hands through his hair and looked at Camara. “You know I can’t tell you much. Camara listen to me, if Kijima get his hands on this weapon, it could mean the destruction of Earth and possibly the galaxy.”
“Then how do you expect me to find Kijima and the weapon when you’re not giving me much to go on?”
“You and I have gone through this already, Camara. I bring the jobs to you then you and that ragtag crew of yours do them, no questions asked. When it’s completed, you get paid.”
“How much?”
“How much what?”
“How much are we getting paid to find this?” he asked, tapping the paper. “This job looks more dangerous than the other’s you’ve thrown my wa
“Enough for you and your crew to retire. Maybe you’ll finally settle down and find a fucking mate,” his companion gritted out. He got up from his seat.
“Why me? I’m sure you have others who can find Kijima and this weapon.”
“You’re the only one I can trust,” his companion replied. “I need to go but please find them, Cam.” He looked down at Camara, a worried expression crossing his face. “Don’t let Kijima gets his hands on this weapon, he can and will cause more damage than you can even imagine. He’s not afraid to take millions of lives, or use people to get what he wants.” He reached into his jacket pocket and dropped another piece of paper on the table. “I’ve transferred this amount to your account already. You’ll get the rest when the job is complete.” His companion went to walk away but stopped, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Take care of yourself, please. I’m not the only one who would be deeply heartbroken if something were to happen to you.”
That time his companion walked away, leaving Camara to his thoughts. He stared down at the paper, committing the information to memory. He’d developed this ability to help him when he needed to remember facts about a bounty. If the information was important to him, Camara would remember names, faces, dates, and conversations. Everything else he labeled as background noise.
It only took a minute for him to see something, and it was locked away in his mind until he needed it. Reaching into his pocket, Camara pulled a lighter from his pocket, then picked up the papers. The last one he left unfolded, not needing to know how much he was getting paid.
As much as he hated their interactions, he trusted his companion to not cheat him or his crew. Flipping the top of the lighter open, Camara set both papers on fire, watching them burn to ash before getting up and leaving the bar to start searching for what exactly, he wasn’t sure.
Chapter One
Goliath dodged the punch aimed for his face before sending an uppercut to his opponent’s chin, causing them to stumble back.
Roryian, righted himself quickly sending a kick to his right side but Goliath blocked with his shoulder. He quickly stepped back getting into his fighting stance waiting for Roryian retaliate.
Goliath and Roryian stared at each other in their fighting stance with their feet apart and their fists up in front of them, guarding their faces. Goliath smiled brightly. Apparently, his friend looked just about done with their little game.
“You think kicking my ass is funny?” Roryian growled.
“Hey! Is that any way to talk to your commanding officer?”
“Kiss my ass,” Roryian yelled, charging at him—but Goliath was quicker and calmer, he squatted down, sending a hard fist to his friend’s stomach causing him to double over.
Goliath grabbed him in a chokehold, stopping his movements. He reached down with his free hand tickled his side, causing him to go limp before barking out a belly laugh.
“Oh Ra, stop, you son of a bitch,” Roryian gasped between his laughter.
“I thought you told me to kiss your ass,” Goliath said.
“Please, stop.” Roryian wiggled his body around trying unsuccessfully to get away from Goliath’s hold but couldn’t fight back.
“Say the magic words.”
“You’re an ass.”
“Nope, that’s not it.” Goliath chuckled and tickled him harder. “You’re so unmannered. I have failed as your teacher. Now try again.”
“I’m going to tell your mother.” His laughter grew louder with each word he spoke.
That made Goliath laugh even harder. “My mother is not the leader or admiral of this ship. Try again. Now say the words and I’ll let you go.”
“Dammit Goliath, please stop!”
“Oh, for crying out loud, Roryian, just tell him whatever he wants to hear and he’ll let you go.” A deep voice sounded behind them.
Both Goliath and Roryian turned to face Halldor, who was Roryian’s zamil.
“You’re not going to help your mate?” Goliath asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m pretty sure he deserved the punishment you’re giving him,” Halldor said, looking at his zamil who was still laughing. “What did he do?”
“He told me to kiss his ass,” Goliath said, smiling.
“Well, I can see why you’ve gone that route. Carry on, I’ll brief you both later,” Halldor said as he turned and walked out of the training deck.
“Halldor, I’m going to kick your ass,” Roryian yelled.
Goliath thought it might have sounded like a real threat if he wasn’t being tickled to death.
“What a shame, even your zamil has deserted you to my torture. Are you ready to give up?”
“Very well, I guess I must resort to a different form of torture,” Goliath smirked, knowing Roryian wouldn’t survive if he tickled behind the man’s knees.
“You wouldn’t!” Roryian froze, or tried to.
“Say the magic words and I won’t.” He moved his hand from Roryian’s side and was about to touch his knee when the man screamed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I won’t ever call you an asshole again... to your face.”
Goliath chuckled. “I can deal with that.” He let him go, watching as the man fell to the ground trying to catch his breath.
“You’re an evil bastard. What kind of admiral are you beating up a baby omega like me?”
“A very good one.” Goliath got a towel and wrapped it around his large shoulders. “I doubt your big ass could pass for a baby. Were you ever a baby?” He grabbed another one and tossed it at Roryian, who caught it easily.
“Wow, you have jokes this morning,” Roryian drawled. “If you haven’t heard, you’re not funny.”
“Hey, I’m always funny.” Goliath chuckled.
“Keep your day job.” Roryian scowled. “So, what’s your verdict?” he asked, dabbing his forehead.
“Your punches are solid, but you need to work on making your kicks stronger. Work on your stance, it will help with your kicks. And control your anger when you fight. Your enemies will use that to their advantage, but I’m sure you knew that already.”
“Yes, it was the same thing my instructor said during my time at the academy.” Roryian sat up and looked at him. “I’m working on it, I promise.”
“We all have anger inside of us, Rory, it’s what we do with it that counts. I’m sure you would have had it handled by the time you graduated, but finding your zamil took priority. Not to worry, Halldor and I will help you.”
Roryian stood, bowed slightly, and saluted Goliath with a fist over his chest. “Thank you, Admiral Rauganon, for your knowledge and for kicking ass.” The last part was said with a smile.
Goliath nodded. “You’re quite welcome. Now go get cleaned up and have those reports on my desk by the time I’m in my office.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Roryian nodded and ran out of the training room. Goliath, on the other hand, stayed to get a bit more training done.
Goliath sat behind his desk looking through the morning reports, making notes of who he wanted to speak with about certain things dealing with the crew.
Goliath was an Admiral in the Gargoyle Force Federation. He commanded an entire fleet consisting of five hundred officers and enlisted personnel, including their families. Goliath and his crew were well known and feared with the power of the G-Force Federation backing them.
The Gargoyle Federation was the most powerful force of all the galaxy, composed of gargoyle clans from different sects of the universe, each with their own beliefs and traditions. The Federation’s objective was to serve and protect their home planet Earth, along with all the other planets, quadrants, and colonies that were allies to the federation.