Billy Whiskers Adventures

Billy Whiskers' Adventures

Frances Trego Montgomery

Children's / Science Fiction

Frances Trego Montgomery, who also wrote as F. G. Wheeler (1858-1925) was an American author. Her works include: The Wonderful Electric Elephant (1903), Billy Whiskers: The Autobiography of a Goat (1903), Billy Whiskers\' Kids (1903), On a Lark to the Planets (1904), Billy Whiskers, Jr. (1904), Billy Whiskers Friends (1906), Billy Whiskers, Jr. and His Chums (1907), Billy Whiskers Travels (1907), Billy Whiskers\' Grandchildren (1909), Billy Whiskers at the Fair (1909), Billy Whiskers Kidnaped (1910), Billy Whiskers at the Circus (1913), Pigs and Piggies (1914), Zip: The Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier (1917), Billy Whiskers\' Adventures (1920) and Billy Whiskers in the Movies (1921).
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Billy Whiskers: The Autobiography of a Goat

Billy Whiskers: The Autobiography of a Goat

Frances Trego Montgomery

Children's / Science Fiction

Frances Trego Montgomery, who also wrote as F. G. Wheeler (1858-1925) was an American author. Her works include: The Wonderful Electric Elephant (1903), Billy Whiskers: The Autobiography of a Goat (1903), Billy Whiskers\' Kids (1903), On a Lark to the Planets (1904), Billy Whiskers, Jr. (1904), Billy Whiskers Friends (1906), Billy Whiskers, Jr. and His Chums (1907), Billy Whiskers Travels (1907), Billy Whiskers\' Grandchildren (1909), Billy Whiskers at the Fair (1909), Billy Whiskers Kidnaped (1910), Billy Whiskers at the Circus (1913), Pigs and Piggies (1914), Zip: The Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier (1917), Billy Whiskers\' Adventures (1920) and Billy Whiskers in the Movies (1921).
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The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters

The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters

Frances Trego Montgomery

Children's / Science Fiction

"Is this Mr. Daniels?" The busy man at the paper-littered desk swung around in his chair and treated the speaker and his three companions to a brief but keen appraising glance. Swift as it was, he noted that the questioner was a sturdy, well-built lad with a frank open face deeply tanned by wind and sun. His companions consisted of another boy about the same age but of slighter build, an elderly, stout, heavily-whiskered man with the unmistakable stamp of the sailor in his bearing, and a little negro lad with a grinning, good-humored face. All three bore an appearance of health and cleanliness and their clothes, though old and worn, were neatly patched and as spotless as soap and water could make them.
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