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Billionaire Briggs Brothers: Books 1-4
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Billionaire Briggs Brothers: Books 1-4

  Billionaire Briggs Brothers

  Books 1-4

  Hope Ford


  Just Call Me Baby

  1. Emily

  2. Owen

  3. Emily

  4. Emily

  5. Emily

  6. Emily

  7. Emily

  8. Emily

  9. Owen


  Mr. Boss Man

  1. Jamie

  2. Tyler

  3. Jamie

  4. Jamie

  5. Jamie

  6. Jamie

  7. Jamie

  8. Jamie


  Playing Dirty

  1. Moira

  2. Moira

  3. Moira

  4. Jason

  5. Jason

  6. Jason

  7. Jason


  Tempted by the Dr.

  1. Eve

  2. Eve

  3. Eve

  4. Eve

  5. Eve

  6. Eve

  7. Eve

  8. Eve



  About the Author

  Billionaire Briggs Brothers © 2021 by Hope Ford

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Just Call Me Baby


  “So what do you like?” the caller asks me.

  Almost instantly, I giggle and answer, “I like it all.” I’m still new to this. I’m awkward and not really good at it, but I’ve been a phone sex operator for a month now and I still haven’t actually had phone sex. However, already I’ve been able to financially help my mother take care of my little sister. She was diagnosed with asthma and the cost of the medicine and treatments have been way more than my mom can afford on her waitressing job. So if I have to talk sexy to some stranger on the phone to help my sister, I’ll do it.

  I’ve been lucky, though, it seems. I’ve heard some horror stories about doing this, but it hasn’t been that bad actually. The operator that I talk to at After Dark, the company I work for, seems to think I’m more of a relationship healer instead of a phone sex operator. But that’s fine with me. It’s hard to say what I “want to do to you” or “what I want done to me” when I’ve only experienced the real thing once and it wasn’t all that. But usually, I get them talking and they start telling me about their relationship troubles, or their mommy issues, or whatever. I’ve found that mostly what they want is just someone to listen to them. And, well, I’m really good at that.

  I’m in my senior year at Knox University and if I didn’t have a full scholarship that includes room and board, I wouldn’t still be here. My mom worked hard for us all those years, but school was not going to be in the cards for me. The scholarship has given me opportunities that I never dreamed would be possible.

  “So what do you like?” I softly whisper into the phone. I’m lying back on my bed in my dorm room with my headset on. Staring up at the popcorn ceiling, I twirl the headset cord between my fingers. I have a small room, but I at least have it at the very end of the hallway and to myself. I’m a resident advisor this year, which means I help the underclassmen navigate dorm life. The first half of the year, I was pretty busy. Now, not so much. Everyone seems to have it figured out and have now made friends that they are able to depend on instead of always coming to me.

  “Spanking? Oooh, yeah.” I groan into the phone as I reach for my flip flop on the floor next to the bed. “I like getting spankings.” I slap my thigh with the flip flop. It’s amazing the things I’ve already learned doing this.

  I spend the next four minutes asking him what he likes about spankings and then him telling me that his wife doesn’t like it. “She thinks I’m trying to be mean to her. And I get some people just aren’t into it, but I am, and I have to get satisfied somewhere.”

  As soon as he finishes his little speech, I ask him more about his wife and find out that she was a virgin until they got married and they’ve only been married a month. “Look, maybe you need to talk to her about it. If she’s as shy and timid as you claim, then maybe it’s all new to her, maybe she just needs a little slower introduction into spanking. Maybe she would like it if you gave her time to get adjusted.” We spend the next thirty minutes talking to about how he could approach his wife on the subject and when our time is up, he promises to call me back to let me know how it goes.

  I barely hang up the phone and it rings again. Looking at the caller ID, I see that it’s my little sister. “Hey sis.”

  “Hey, Emily.” Her voice is husky and I can tell she’s not happy. Carrie had been a healthy sixteen-year-old and then two weeks ago at cheerleading practice, she started wheezing and they had to call an ambulance. There were what seemed like a hundred tests, only for them to claim she has asthma. I was sort of relieved actually when they said it, because to me that was something she could live with; it wasn’t a death sentence. But to her, it might as well have been. She’s had to take a break from cheering and what was once so easy, like walking to school or even class, now is hard for her to do. They’ve tried numerous different medicines, but so far, none of them seems to have been the one that’s going to get her back to the way she was before.

  I sit up on the edge of the bed and try to keep the worry out of my voice as I ask, “How was school?”

  The sigh is loud and long, and filled with attitude. “How do you think? It sucked, Emily. I can barely walk up the steps at school. I was late for two classes today. Everyone is looking at me like I have some disease that they’re going to catch, and they are having Suzy step in to be captain until I get back.”

  I ignore the attitude, because I know it sucks and it’s a lot for her to deal with. “I’m so sorry, Carrie. I really am. The doctors are going to figure it out, the right combination of meds or whatever and you’re going to be back good as new.”

  “Yeah, right,” she mutters.

  It kills me to hear her this way. She’s always been so positive and upbeat, and knowing how this is affecting her sucks. We talk for a few minutes, but my call waiting clicks in and I see it’s the dispatch number from After Dark. I can’t afford to miss a call. I tell Carrie I love her before I click over and lower my voice into the phone. “Hey there, sweetie. I was hoping you would call.”

  No, I don’t know who’s on the other end, but they love to think I’ve been waiting just for them.


  “Can we get back to the topic at hand? I think we’ve heard enough about the girl you met last night, Tyler,” I spit out, sitting at the head of the conference table. I’m surrounded by my three younger brothers and it’s like they are each taking turns pissing me off. I’m trying to get a vote on the acquisition of the new company we’re considering adding to our portfolio and they are busy talking about their latest conquests.

  Tyler sits back in his chair and stares at me. Of the four of us, he’s the most laid-back, probably because he’s the youngest. He’s always been doted on and because of it, he hardly ever focuses on the job at hand. “Really, Owen? You need to chill, big brother. How long has it been since you got laid?”

  I swear this is the same conversation we have at every weekly meeting. Somehow, he always brings into play my sex life, or well, my lack of a sex life. “Really, Tyler –“

  But before I can go on, he asks me with all seriousness, “No really, how long has it been since you got any? I’m actually getting worried about you now.”

  I fold my hands and set them on the folder in front of me. All three pairs of eyes are focused on me and I’m doing my best not to lose my cool. “My sex life is none of your concern…”

  He just laughs as he gets up and grabs an apple and a bottle of water from the basket at the end of the table. “Actually, it is. You’re wound so tight I’m afraid you could stroke out at any minute. Where will the company and the three of us be then? I think it’s a completely legitimate question and we deserve an answer.”

  Shaking my head at his nonsense, I answer him between clenched teeth, “You don’t deserve an answer and it’s none of your business. Just because you think it’s okay to get your dick wet two to three times a week doesn’t mean we all need to follow suit.”

  As the older brother, I’ve always taken on the most responsibility. Truth is, I don’t date. I haven’t in quite some time. I’ve been more interested in focusing on our family business. Our grandfather pretty much raised the four of us and started this company from the ground up. When he turned the reins over to me ten years ago, I took it seriously. So I pretty much live, breathe, and eat the company.

  When I see that Tyler, Cam and Jason are all staring at me, I get back to business. “From everything I can see, Baker Security would make a great addition to the Briggs Foundation. In my honest opinion, we would be hard pressed to get a better deal than what we can get with them. With all the companies we already hold, it only makes sense to make Baker Security part of our in-house divisions. We can use it to secure all of our locations, including the cyber companies we have now and will be purchasing in the future. To me, it’s a win-win. Now, do we want to vote?”

  We may all be different, but my brothers
never really argue with me when I come up with a plan, even if it means spending millions of dollars on acquiring a new business venture. They know I have already looked at this from every angle and am confident it’s a good solution. As each of them nods, I check Baker Security off the list and move on to the next order of business.

  My brothers and I are so different, but when it comes to the company, we all want it to succeed and are willing to put the work in. Tyler may give me a hard time, hell, they all do, but they all know that without my dedication to this company we wouldn’t be where we are today. We get back to business and go over the annual fundraiser for the children’s charity that we donate to every year. We talk about the upcoming meeting with Grandad and then we start talking about baseball and who we think is going to win it this year.

  Looking around at each of my brothers, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride. They all contribute. You wouldn’t know by looking at us, but we were once destitute and pinched every penny we had. When Grandad bought the first company and started making computers, we never realized how big it would become. After that, he bought multiple companies and every one of them has been a success. But no matter how much money we make, I still feel like there’s something missing. Maybe that’s why I work so hard; I don’t ever want any of us to worry about where our next meal will come from.

  As we all gather our laptops and bags, Jason and Cam walk out, leaving Tyler behind. He’s standing in front of me, blocking the door, and I know he has something on his mind. “What is it, Tyler?” I ask, looking at my watch and realizing I have ten minutes to get to my next meeting.

  The same blue eyes are looking back at me. “You know I’m just giving you a hard time. Right?”

  I shake my head. “I know.”

  He puts his hands on his hips and looks up at me. “But I really am worried about you. You need something – something else – besides just this.” He waves his arms around the conference room and then looks back at me.

  Well, this is new. Usually he’s giving me a hard time, but now he seems to be taking a different approach. Have I been that single-minded lately? Probably. I pat him on the back and we start walking toward the door side by side. “I know, bub. I promise I’m going to take a break soon. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  He looks like he doesn’t believe me, but I don’t have time to worry about it now. I look at my watch again. “I gotta go. I have another meeting, but I promise, I’m going to consider what you’re saying. Okay?”

  Am I really? Probably not. But I do need to go, and since Tyler is the worrywart of the family, I’m going to tell him what he needs to hear to get him off my back.

  I can tell he doesn’t believe me, but he nods his head before saying goodbye.

  As I’m in the cab heading across town, I get a text from him. “The woman from the security firm wants you to call her at nine.” He sends me the number and I’m wondering why he is sending me this instead of my assistant, but I just text him back. “Got it.”


  I sit back in the chair at the desk in my dorm room. Studying for a psychology test for tomorrow, I try to concentrate and forget about the day I’ve had. Besides running late this morning, I spilled coffee all down the front of me and then didn’t have time to go back to the dorm to change, so I had to wear the stained shirt for all of my classes. But probably the biggest upset of the day was when Carrie called me from home, saying she left school early and had a rough day. I wish these doctors could figure out what is going on with her and try to fix it, but so far, nothing seems to be working.

  Right when I crack open my book, my phone rings and the caller ID indicates that After Dark is on the line. I take a deep breath as I put my headset on. “Hey there, sweetie. I was hoping you would call.”

  The person on the end is quiet for a second until he clears his throat. “Uh, hi. This is Owen Briggs from the Briggs Foundation.”

  His voice is smooth, deep and gravely and for the first time on one of these calls, it actually affects me. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up and a chill runs through my body.

  “Uh, hello, I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name,” the voice on the phone says when I’m quiet for too long.

  “Emily. My name is Emily.” And then I shake my head, realizing that I gave him my real name. What am I thinking? You never give out your real name. I take another deep breath, determined to get myself into the game. He sounds as if this is some kind of business fetish phone call. I mean I get all kinds, so instantly I flip over into business mode. “But you can call me Baby. So, Mr. Owen Briggs from the Briggs Foundation, tell me, what can I do for you tonight? How can I please you?”

  He stutters, like I’ve caught him off guard. “Uh, I thought we could talk about the plans for the purchase of the security firm.”

  I moan a little into the phone. I’ve found that even though I’m not very good at this, as long as I moan and breathe into the phone a little, they really don’t care. “Sure, honey, we can talk about anything you want. Why don’t we start with what I’m wearing?”

  I barely hear his “uhhh” before I start to tell him about my see-through nightie and the loose tie I’m wearing around my neck. My last business fetish had a thing for ties, so I’m throwing it in there for a good measure.

  “I’m confused.” He clears his throat again.

  I straighten my headset, grab my phone, and move over to the bed. As I lie back, I figure I just need to be honest. “I’m sorry, sir, it’s my fault. I’ve only been working for After Dark for a month now. However, if you tell me what you’re looking for, I can go from there. I’ll make sure you’re not charged for the first five minutes.”

  * * *


  I type After Dark into my laptop that’s sitting on the coffee table in front of me. The website pops up and as soon as I see the logo, I recognize it’s from a building that is right down the street from Briggs Foundation. I never realized when I saw the logo that it’s a phone sex company. The website has the number I just dialed with an asterisk saying that phone charges will be applied.

  Shaking my head, I can barely hold the laugh in. Fuckin’ Teddy. He got me this time.

  “Are you laughing at me?” the woman with the sweet voice on the line asks me.

  “No,” I say instantly. “My brother gave me this number as a joke. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I was calling a phone sex operator.”

  She laughs huskily. “So what did you do to deserve this joke, Mr.—uh?”

  “Owen is my real name.” I pick up my glass of brandy and take a swig of it. “He’s worried about me. He thinks all I do is work and has been on me to get laid… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t say that. He thinks I need a break.”

  I swear I can hear her roll her eyes through the phone. “Well, Mr. Owen, I may have only been doing this for a month, but trust me, I’ve already heard three times worse than what you just said. No apologies needed. But I do have to know, what do you think? Do you work too much?”

  I pull the phone away from my ear and look at it before bringing it to my ear again. Is she trying to get to know me? I’ve never called a phone sex operator before, but I don’t really think this is how this works. “I probably do need a break. I haven’t been on a date in a long time, but I’ve been working on expanding the family business. That’s been pretty much my whole life right now.”

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