Valentine V Card, page 1

Valentine V Card
Hope Ford
Fighting For Grace © 2020 by Hope Ford
Editor: Kasi Alexander
Cover Design: Pop Kitty
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
1. Patty
2. Michael
3. Michael
4. Patty
5. Patty
6. Michael
7. Patty
8. Patty
Epilogue 2
About the Author
Pulling into my brother’s driveway, I take a deep breath. I should be more excited—I mean, I’m excited that I finished my internship. I’m ready to move on with my life and make something of myself. But really, it’s hard to do when you still feel like the little chubby girl in pigtails that followed her brother and his best friend everywhere.
I flip down the visor and slide open the mirror to look at myself. I’m still a heavier girl, but I’m grown up now. I finished college back in the summer, but wanted to finish my internship before moving home and looking for a job. I worked through the holidays and am glad to finally be home and close to my brother. I’m grown up and over my childhood crush. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I look back at my brown eyes in the mirror and it’s obvious that I’m lying to myself. I’ve tried to convince myself over and over that I need to move on, that I at least need to go on a date, but I always talk myself out of it. It’s been a few months since I’ve been home, but I know when I walk into that house, I’m going to fall back to the girl I once was. The one with love shining from her eyes.
I’ve made a fool of myself, time and time again, just wanting Michael to notice me. He may be my brother’s best friend… but he’s my first love—hell, my only love. I’ve never learned how to move on… not from him. I compare every man I meet to him and none of them – not one – has stacked up. That's probably why I’m still a virgin.
The only reason I can walk back into that house is that I know he doesn’t have a clue how I feel. He’s always treated me like a little sister. He’s big and protective and has always been there for me. But that’s it. I’m glad now that I’ve never gotten up the nerve to tell him how I feel. It would make for some awkward holidays, that’s for sure.
I flip the visor back up when I see my brother walking toward my car. He’s all smiles and I can’t stop from smiling back at him. Our parents are on a three-month vacation in Florida. They had me later in life, and with all honesty, Alex pretty much raised me. He’s ten years older than me and has always treated me more like his kid than his sister. He was the one taking me to school, practices, games, making sure I was fed. Yep, I don’t know how I would have made it sometimes without him.
I get out of the car and meet my brother at the front of it. He says, “Hey, sis!” and picks me up in a big bear hug, squashing me to him. Over his shoulder, I see Michael standing on the porch watching us. He’s more laid back now. Used to be he would have run up to me, hugging me and swinging me around. We would laugh and cut up, just like old times. The last few times I’ve come home, he’s kept his distance from me and well, I don’t like it. I want to ask him about it, but I don’t.
Michael raises his hand and waves at me and I wave back at him awkwardly. Damn, why the sudden formality? I wonder if I wouldn’t rather him treat me like the little girl I used to be than the stranger that he treats me like now.
I watch him as he walks to the back of my car and starts grabbing suitcases and boxes. I was in the dorms for the last four years, and then company housing, but I didn’t accumulate a lot of stuff, mostly just clothes and books. We unload quickly and my brother walks into the next room to order pizza.
The room is filled with tension as Michael and I move things around in my room. “So, are you glad to be home?” he asks.
I look at him then. It’s the first thing he’s said to me, and I can tell he’s awkward being around me.
Politely, I nod my head at him. “Yeah. I’m ready to get a job. I plan to start interviewing this week.”
He strokes the light stubble on his chin. “You’re still young, Patty. You have time to figure it out.”
I sigh bigheartedly. It’s always the same. He still thinks of me like a child. I smile at him, but it doesn’t quite reach my cheeks. “Yeah, I know. I’m still just a kid.” I roll my eyes at him and start to walk outside to grab my purse and things from the car.
As I walk past Michael, he puts his hand out to stop me. As soon as he touches me, he pulls away quickly. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”
We stand there looking at each other and I want to ask him how he truly feels about me. I want to know if he’s ever thought of me that way. I swear there’s been times when I’ve caught him staring at me, but he always looks away. Just like now. But not before I see it. Not before I see the bulge in his pants, the flare of his nostrils, the deep ragged breaths he’s taking in and out. My eyes widen and I step toward him.
Alarmed, he turns swiftly and walks down the hall.
Alex is pocketing his cell phone when he walks up to me. “So I ordered the pizza but delivery was going to be over an hour, so I need to go pick it up.”
“I’ll do it!” I chime in quickly. Michael and Alex both look at me with surprise on their faces. Can I be any more obvious that being home, near Michael, is almost too much for me right now? I just need a breather. I need to get myself together. I thought I prepared myself on the three-hour drive here, but I guess not. Already, I feel that I’ve regressed to my high school ways. Am I imagining his reaction to me? Is that what I’ve succumbed to, making up his feelings for me?
Alex shakes his head. “Patty, you just got home. I’ll go.”
I put my hands up. “No, really, I want to.”
I know he wants to say something else, but instead he pulls out his wallet to hand me money. I shake my head. “Bub, I have money.”
He picks up my hand then and puts the money in it, folding my palm around it. “I’m buying.”
I nod my head and tell them both I’ll be back soon. I don’t look at Michael on my way out.
I watch her walk out of the house and I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s different. Before she was my best friend’s little sister. Now she’s a woman. There’s always been something special about Patty. She looks at life and is so happy, so carefree, knowing that she can do anything. It’s been amazing watching her these last few years. The little girl that I’ve loved like a sister has turned into something more. But I don’t really know what to do with it.
I shift my stance, watching her. My cock hardens down the length of my thigh and I know it’s for her. It’s always for her. Her jeans are tight, snug against her ass and thighs, causing my mouth to water. Her long black hair swings side to side and it’s not the first time that I’ve thought about wrapping it around my hand and tugging her to me to kiss her.
The last few years, my feelings have stirred for her. I’ve done nothing but think of her, unable to get her out of my mind. And I’ve tried. Damn, I’ve tried. Even going out with other women doesn’t appeal to me. The few dates I have had went horribly, and so I finally just gave up. I have no interest in dating. Not anyone… well, except her.
I’m shocked out of my thoughts when Alex slaps me on the back. “C’mon, the game’s on.” I walk into the living room and he goes to the kitchen and brings back two bottles of beer.
Alex gets engrossed in the game, and I continue my thoughts of Patty. I have an opening for a new marketing person at our company, but I don’t know if I’d be able to handle being around her every day. However, on the other hand, I would be able to keep her close and keep an eye on her.
I interrupt the game and ask Alex, “So, what do you think about offering Patty the marketing job?” Alex and I own a marketing firm. We graduated high school together, went to college together and actually quit college together. We started our company our sophomore year of college and when we started getting really busy, we chose real life education over a formal education. Thinking back, we were some of the lucky ones. I know it’s not always that easy, but man I’m thankful it worked out for us. I mean, we busted our asses for it, there’s no doubt. We’ve worked harder than most guys our age, but it’s finally starting to pay off. We have a full staff–except for the one position. We’re finally able to let up on our schedules some.
I begin to think that Alex doesn’t hear me, but finally he answers me. “She’s fresh out of college. But there’s no doubt she’s a go getter. I’m fine with it if you are.”
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea. I know she has some interviews set up, but I’m hoping she’ll at least give us a chance. I know she’ll fit right in.
Alex takes a swig of his beer and sets it down on the coffee table. He then grabs it back up and sets it on the coaster. I smile, because Patty’s always on us to quit ruining the wood and to use the coasters. “You’ll need to talk to her about it, though. If I do, she’ll think she’s just getting the job because she’s my sister. You need to tell her it was your idea.”
I agree with him; she’ll never take the job i
It seems like forever goes by as I contemplate the job and how to offer it to her, and Alex announces “half time” and goes to grab some more beer. I hold my hand out, telling him, “I’m good. I have to drive home.”
I only live two streets over, so within walking distance, but I need to keep my head right.
He shrugs his shoulder. “You know you can always stay here in the guest room.”
I turn him down, giving him the excuse that I have to work in the morning. But in all honesty, I don’t trust myself being in the same house as Patty – not while she’s in bed in the next room.
Alex leans forward on the couch and looks at me over in the chair. “So Patty’s home. For good, it seems.”
He’s eyeing me, watching me closely and I make a point to leave my face void of any emotion. “Yep, I’d say you’re glad to have her home.”
* * *
I walk back into the front door and hear the game playing in the living room. I start to walk in when I hear my name.
Alex tells Michael, “So Patty’s home. For good, it seems.”
I can’t see Michael’s face, but I hear him say, “Yep, I’d say you’re glad to have her home.”
I notice he doesn’t say he’s glad I’m home. My little pep talk on the way here is already wearing thin.
I see my brother grab the remote and turn the volume down. Damn, this must be important if he’s turning down the game. Then I notice, it’s only highlights, it’s half time. “So, what do you think about Patty?”
I strain to listen, but I swear I just heard Alex ask him what he thinks of me. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest and I’m almost afraid they can hear it and I’m going to be caught listening.
I step back around the corner and point my ear that direction.
Michael seems to hem and haw around before finally answering. “What do you mean?”
Alex laughs, but I can tell it’s strained. “I don’t know. I’ve thought I picked up a weird vibe from you lately. I’m just wondering how you feel about my little sister. I mean, you’re thinking about offering her a job, so it seems legit to ask.”
He’s going to offer me a job. I scoot closer to the doorway, shamelessly listening, fascinated, holding my breath as I wait for him to answer.
In a husky voice, he answers, “You know, she’ll always be ’Patty Cakes’ to me. She was like my little sister for so long. It’s normal that I want to help her.”
There’s silence then and I swear I feel my heart drop to my stomach. He still thinks of me as Patty Cakes and like a little sister. Pain squeezes my heart. All I want to do is fall to the ground and cry. So this is what this feels like. I’ve always held on to hope that maybe, just maybe, he would feel something for me. And now I know.
I lean my head back against the wall and take a deep breath. I start to walk in the room when I hear Alex clear his throat. “Okay, well, she’s been in love with you forever and it seems like she’s finally getting over you. I just, I don’t know, I want her to be able to move on, I guess.”
My mouth falls open. Oh my God, did he just tell Michael that I’ve always loved him? It takes everything I have to blink back the tears. I’m praying for the floor to open up and swallow me whole, but it doesn’t happen. I don’t even want to hear his response. I walk back to the front door, open it quickly and slam it shut, making sure they know that I’m back.
I stride into the living room and put the pizza box on the coffee table. “Here you go, guys. I’ll grab some plates.”
I walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter, taking a deep breath. In and out, I count to ten and breathe again. When the kitchen door swings open, I straighten my back and go to the cupboard for plates.
“Hey, Patty, can we talk?” At the sound of Michael’s voice, my back stiffens. I can’t deal with this right now.
I can’t bring myself to look at him. “Actually, I have a killer headache. I think I might go lie down.” I set the plates on the kitchen island between us and start to walk toward the door.
“Patty!” He says my name and I stop with my hand on the door.
Shaking my head, I tell him, “I’m sorry, Michael. We’ll talk later, okay? I really need to lie down.”
He lets me go then and I go to my room and fling myself on the bed.
I tried to get Alex to go check on her, but he’s pretty into the game…. double overtime.
“You remember, she used to get these migraines when she was little. She’ll sleep for a while and then be just fine,” he assures me as he takes another bite of the pizza.
I’m reeling still from the words Alex said to me: She’s been in love with you forever.
I didn’t get to question him about it because Patty walked in. I watched her set the pizza down and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I could tell something was bothering her, and at first I thought she might have heard us. But when she said she had a headache, I understood then. I got it. My mind is going a million miles a minute. Could it be true? Has Patty loved me for a long time? And if she has loved me, how did I not know it? How am I going to handle it that she’s moving on now? Now, when I’ve only recently come into my feelings for her.
I try to get my mind off her, but I can’t. The thought of her in the other room in pain, well, I don’t even want to think about how it makes me feel.
“I’ll be right back,” I tell Alex, but he barely pays me any mind.
I walk down the hallway and knock on Patty’s door. “Patty… I’m coming in.”
The lights are out and the only reason I can see is because of the moonlight shining in through the window.
She’s lying on her side facing the wall.
As I get closer, I can tell she’s awake. She’s curled to her side with her arms tucked underneath her.
“Patty, I’m sorry. I just wanted to check on you.”
Her voice is thick and if I didn’t know she was in pain, I would think she had been crying. “I’m fine. Thanks, Michael.”
I put my hand on her shoulder and her body tenses. I almost pull back, but I don’t. This one touch brings a calm to me I haven’t felt in a long time. Touching her, hell, being around her does that to me. “Can I bring you something?”
She’s silent and I lean down to look at her. She turns her head to me then, and I can see the tears glistening on her cheeks.
I sit down on the bed and pull her into my arms. “Oh honey, is it that bad?”
I hold her tightly against me, rubbing her back up and down. She lies there silently and I’m hoping I’m not making it worse. Her eyes are closed tightly and it’s obvious how much pain she’s in. “Tell me, Patty. What can I do for you?”
She takes a deep breath and her soft body tenses against mine. She pulls herself out of my arms and tries to smile, but it doesn’t fool me any. “I’m fine. Really. I just need to sleep.”
She rolls back over then and faces the wall, closing her eyes.
The warmth I felt only seconds ago she takes with her as she pulls out of my arms. I sit there, watching her, waiting for her to say something, to tell me she needs something, but she doesn’t.
I stand up and walk to the door. There’s something telling me I shouldn’t leave her right now, but I can’t very well stay when she obviously wants to be left alone. I pull the door open and before I walk out, I tell her, “Call me if you need anything. Anything, okay Patty? I can be back quick.”
She softly whispers, “Okay. Thanks, Michael.”
* * *
When I hear Michael knock on the door and say my name, my heart lurches.
He’s always been so caring and I should have known if he thinks I’m sick, he’s not going to leave it be. He’s going to check on me. It’s one of the many reasons that I love him. When he walks in and touches my shoulder, I tense up, knowing that he knows how I feel about him. That just makes it harder.