

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

If you’re looking for a story about a good, humble girl, who’s been hurt by someone she thought she could trust, only to find out she’s not as vulnerable as she thought she was and discovers an empowering side of herself that falls in love with the guy who helps her find that self, blah, blah, blah. . . then you’re gonna’ hate my story. Because mine is not the story you read every time you bend back the cover of the latest trend novel. It’s not the “I can do anything, now that I’ve found you/I’m misunderstood but one day you’ll find me irresistible because of it” tale. Why? Because, if I was being honest with you, I’m a complete witch. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a friend using, drug abusing, sex addict from Los Angeles. I’m every girlfriend’s worst nightmare and every boy’s fantasy. I’m Sophie Price. . . And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most envied girl to the girl no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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Callum & Harper

Callum & Harper

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Life sucks for orphans Callum Tate and Harper Bailey. Kicked out of their foster homes because they suffer the 'eighteen disease' with nothing but a hundred dollar check from the government and a pat on the back, they're forced to rely on a system that failed them miserably. So they sit. They sit inside Social Services, waiting for their social workers to call their names and offer them the miracle they know will never come but they sit anyway because they have nowhere else to go, no other options on their very literal and figurative empty plates. But as they sit, they notice the other. Although captivated, they each come to the conclusion that life is complicated enough without throwing in a boiling tension that can't ever be acted upon because they're both too busy thinking about where their next meal will come from but when their names are called and both are placed on a year long waiting list for permanent housing, suddenly relying on each other seems like a very viable plan B. And, oh, how lovely Plan B's can be. Well, except for the psycho from Harper's past that haunts her and, oh, yeah, there's the little issue that neither of them knows they're in love with the other. Needless to say, Callum & Harper's life just got a bit more complicated. “One day, you and I are gonna’ wake up and be alright. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day. One day. I promise you. ” - Callum Tate
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Get in the Car, Jupiter

Get in the Car, Jupiter

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

WANTED FOR ARSON. CATFISHED AT SANTA'S. ROBBED AT THE FALLS. SHAKESPEARE OR DIE. DRIVER PICKS TUNES. I'm weird. This isn't news to me or anything. I have lived in a UFO my entire life. This wasn't a coincidence. My parents believe in extraterrestrial life. You know, phone home and all that crap, and they dragged my sister Mercury and I into their mess when they named us what they named us. So it wasn't a surprise, when after getting accepted to UW and expressing my desire to actually attend, they lamented that college is "just another ploy for the government to keep tabs on you, man." In other words, we won't be helping you out, Jupiter. That's fine, though, because my best friend Frankie and I can be pretty clever chicks when we want to be. We found a way up there and it was in the form of a longtime crush, his equally cute cousin, and a kickin' set of wheels. Buckle up, Buttercup, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
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Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you don’t have, I want more of what I already have. I want. But if you so much as ask for something in return, go ahead and walk away. Know if you want to play in my world, it’s every man for themselves and the weak become mine. Leeches will be obliterated because I make it my job to destroy them. I protect what’s mine and I take what’s yours…because that’s what I do. I want. My story will not endear me to you and, frankly, I could care less if it does because I’m in this for the money and nothing else. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a corrupt, money hungry, immoral asshole from Los Angeles. I’m every man’s worst nightmare and every girl’s fantasy. I’m Spencer Blackwell…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most coveted guy to the guy no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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  • 806
Thomas & January

Thomas & January

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Thomas Eriksson thinks he has it all figured out. "People crossed the street when they saw me. I’m not really sure why that was. I mean, okay, I might have looked a bit intimidating if I was being truthful with you. I’d changed since New York. New York represented a life that wasn’t real, not truthfully, anyway. No, New York was the “young, immature, in love, idiot" side of Tom. The “Tie-Dye Tom of New York City” didn’t exist anymore. Tie-Dye Tom was dead. " January Mac Lochlainn thinks she’s her own worst enemy. "I quit Berkeley. Threw away a full scholarship. Plans, you ask? What plans?" But they’re both wrong. *** Tom approached me slowly and met me under the light on the stone walkway. He leaned over me so closely, my neck craned to see his face. His expression was one of confusion as he studied my own. “What is it about you?” he asked me. I gulped. “What do you mean?” I whispered, closing my eyes and swallowing again, my breaths becoming labored. He lifted his hand and dragged the backs of his fingers across my jaw so lightly I barely felt them, but they made me feel dizzy all the same. “How can you be this extraordinary, January MacLochlainn?” He leaned closer, a look of pure frustration and anger lit his eyes and pressed his lips. “And why couldn’t I have met you before I realized I didn’t want anyone. . . ever?” Life for Thomas and January will never be the same again. . . whether they like it or not.
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  • 708
The Understorey, Book One of The Leaving Series

The Understorey, Book One of The Leaving Series

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Julia and Elliott discover they share a supernatural connection that's never been revealed before but Julia is skiddish and Elliott is forced to convince Julia they are fated but when Elliott's best friend Jesse Thomas turns out to be much more than meets the eye, it's all Elliott can do to hold on to his new love, while attempting to survive an enormous threat on their future.
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  • 654
The Understorey

The Understorey

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

“Let’s start this place on nonexistent fire. ” “Promise. ” She sucked in an excited breath. We closed our eyes and I placed my feverish mouth to hers. Immediately, violent, zealous flashes of shimmering flames climbed to the furthest point, trailed like rain down the pitched ceiling and spilled down the walls, gathering at their feet, pools of fervent, bubbling, silvery liquid electricity, before evaporating into nothing. Elliott Gray is incomplete, scrambling through the dark on his hands and knees, blindly feeling for the switch it would take to bring the peace he's forever been searching for. Julia Jacobs is unhappy, missing a noticeable piece of her soul, a naked canvas with vivid paints at her disposal but no brush to assemble the vision. At a young age, courtesy of an unknowing Elliott Gray, Julia tastes the burn of heartache and since then, has silently vowed to her heart that it would never be susceptible to such pain again but when Julia and Elliott discover they share a supernatural connection that's never been revealed before, Elliott makes it his life's goal to convince her they are fated. He knows, if she only gave him but one chance to prove himself, she would not be afraid but when Elliott's best friend Jesse Thomas turns out to be much more than meets the eye, it's all Elliott can do to hold on to his new love, while attempting to survive an enormous threat on their future.
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  • 645

The True Story of Atticus and Hazel

The True Story of Atticus and Hazel

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

It only took a second. Overwhelming chemistry isn't something anyone ever prepares you for. It's not like your mama sits you down and warns you one day you might stumble upon someone impossible to resist, someone who sets your soul on fire. Combustible, explosive attraction is just the tip of the iceberg for Atticus Kelly and Hazel Stone. One touch between them can set them on fire, one word from their lips can send them careening, one look can cripple them to their knees. They are an inferno and they're approaching the end of their wick. Burning too fast, way too fast. Except there's nothing to temper the fever. And the ramifications may be more than they can afford. Everyone knows when it goes up in flames, there's no saving the kindling. The decision only took a second. Just a second. "Hazel, what happened?"
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Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Revenge is an euphoric thing. Trust me on this. Nothing compares to the release you get when you ruin someone’s life. When they’ve stolen important things. Things that didn’t belong to them. Things I revel in making them pay for. What? Have I offended you? I’m not here to appeal to your delicate senses. I have no intention of placating your wishes or living within your personal belief system nor do I care if you hate me. And you will hate me. Because I’m a brutal, savage, cold-blooded murderer and I’m here for my revenge. I’m Ethan Moonsong…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most sacrificing man to the most feared and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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  • 486
Penny in London

Penny in London

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

You know how everyone says when one door closes another one opens? At the time, you find this statement obnoxious as all get out because a) you don’t really know what the future holds, it certainly hasn’t been a cakewalk so far, and b) the thought of change is unbearable. You feel like your life is falling apart and everyone around is feeding you clichés like they’re made out of kale or quinoa or whatever the trend health food is right now. You don’t want kale clichés, you want double-chocolate fudge realisms, and you want them now. You just want things the way they were, but then something happens, a moment, an instant that sets you out on a path toward happiness you never knew could exist, and suddenly you think, huh, I don’t think I want double-chocolate fudge anymore. I think I’m in the mood for this heaping serving of strawberry cheesecake sitting in front of me…with a side of kale. And a pair of split pants, but we won’t get into that right now. Graham Glenn may have tossed her in, but Oliver Finn made her feel again.
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Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Stop. Leave me to my devices and go away. Just get off my back already, all right? You don't know me, don't know my situation. You don't know the town I live in, the people I live with, the friends I own. Don't hold me to your standards. Stop expecting the best from me. I've never been given the tools to be her. So let me alone. Life's easy when nothing expects so little of you. Easy is what I crave. Easy is what I do best. Let the world weep. What good could I possibly do them anyhow? Follow my lead and close your eyes. It's effortless. Stop asking about me. I'm okay with being no one, a nobody. I'm comfortable with this stagnant life.There's nothing I stand to lose. I've taken no risks. Life can't be changed by simply doing nothing. Can it? I’m Lily Hahn and this is the story of how I went from a life of hollow nothing to a life of exhaustive agony and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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  • 212
GREED (The Seven Deadly Series)

GREED (The Seven Deadly Series)

Fisher Amelie

Young Adult, New Adult / Romance / Contemporary

Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you don’t have, I want more of what I already have. I want. But if you so much as ask for something in return, go ahead and walk away. Know if you want to play in my world, it’s every man for themselves and the weak become mine. Leeches will be obliterated because I make it my job to destroy them. I protect what’s mine and I take what’s yours…because that’s what I do. I want.My story will not endear me to you and, frankly, I could care less if it does because I’m in this for the money and nothing else. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a corrupt, money hungry, immoral asshole from Los Angeles. I’m every man’s worst nightmare and every girl’s fantasy.I’m Spencer Blackwell…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most coveted guy to the guy no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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