Tempted by demons, p.1
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Tempted by Demons’, page 1


Tempted by Demons’
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Tempted by Demons’

  Tempted By Demons’

  Alpha Demons MC

  Kayce Kyle

  Erin Osborne




  1. Preslee

  2. Duke

  3. Preslee

  4. Preslee

  5. Duke

  6. Lucifer

  7. Duke

  8. Lucifer

  9. Lucifer

  10. Preslee

  11. Lucifer

  12. Preslee

  13. Duke

  14. Preslee

  15. Lucifer

  16. Duke



  Kayce Kyle

  Erin Osborne


  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Jenni Copeland Belanger

  Copyright 2018 © Kayce Kyle & Erin Osborne

  * * *

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  This book includes explicit sexual content, violence, explicit language, and possibly sensitive emotional situations. Therefore, I would like to take this time to warn you that if any of the above could ignite fear, offend you, or trigger a painful past memory for you, please send the book back immediately. Nobody should ever have to endure any abuse. Sexual, or otherwise.

  If you, or anyone you know are in an abusive relationship, or have been abused, it’s not ever too late to reach out and ask for help.

  A few numbers for outreach include 1-800-799-7233 / 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

  * * *

  This book is rated for mature audiences eighteen and above.

  Created with Vellum


  Brantley “Lucifer” Black

  Since I was fourteen years old I’ve been this town's worst nightmare, becoming a ward of the state alongside my brother, my partner in crime, and VP. I’ve done many horrible things in my life. You see, I’m the President of the Alpha Demons MC. When I was younger, I was burned by the women in my life including my mother. So, I vowed never to give my heart to anyone else. Now, most people run from me when I come walking down the street. The only ones that truly know me are the Brothers in my club. Can one chance encounter change my life? Will I take a gamble with the heart most claim I don’t even have and open up again? Or, will I lose everything before it has a chance to begin?

  * * *

  Preslee Collins

  I’m down on my luck other than meeting two amazing men in a short period of time. I have a boss that is disgusting and run into some issues with him. When I think things are going to continue on a path leading nowhere, I find a sign that may just save me. Can I take a chance on love in an unconventional manner? Is someone out to get me and ruin my happiness, and if so, will my saviors turn out to be spawned from hell itself?

  * * *

  Xavier “Duke” Cassle

  As Vice President of the Alpha Demons MC, my job is to stand by my brother’s side and support my best friend. The two of us are all we’ve ever had since we were teens. We may not always see eye to eye, but we have one another’s back no matter what. Will one person come between my best friend and brother? Can we overcome every obstacle put in our way and find the happiness in life that’s always eluded us?


  As per usual, this is always one of the hardest parts of the book to write considering the amount of people it takes to make this possible. With that being said, I would like to dedicate this book to what I like to call my ‘book wife’, Erin Osborne. We talked nearly two years ago about one day writing and collaborating an MC series together. One sunny day in April we were on the phone, and I brought it back up. I wasn’t at home at the time. So. Once I got back, she told me to check my email and there it was. It was an invitation to edit in google docs. Of course, the title was ‘Kayce and Erin’s’ at that time. In a matter of minutes, Alpha Demons was born. It’s not an easy task co-writing. Each of us have families and lives, so the real challenge was lining up our daily schedules. Thank you so much, Erin for taking the time and chance with me in bringing this book baby to life. Thank you for listening to me gripe, thank you for reassuring me at times, and most importantly, thank you for the memories I’ll always have of the countless hours we spent laughing at ourselves. This has been a different and amazing experience. I’m grateful I got to share it with you. You’re an amazing author, and I’m honored to have the privilege of working with you. Can’t wait to rock out the rest of the books in this series with you. Love you tons, and always remember to #FuckaDuck and #SaveTheDevil.

  ~ Kayce

  I would like to dedicate this book to all of the readers. It’s because of you that every author in the Indie community have a chance to fulfill our dreams and put our stories out there in the world. Without your support and dedication to authors, we wouldn’t be where we are.

  I’d also like to dedicate this book to Kayce. You have been a best friend and there for me. No matter what, I will always have your back, even if I’m hiding under a table somewhere. We’ve talked about doing this for so long and it’s finally a reality. We spent hours on the phone to write this book and had conversations other than just about the book. And we may have had more than one laugh about #FuckADuck. Wait until those get made! You are ready to throw down for me with certain situations and that means the world to me!! Thank you for having the faith in me to collaborate on such an amazing book and taking a chance with a new series!! I can’t wait to see where this series takes us, the laughs that we have, and the memories we make as these books continue. I love ya loads!!!!

  ~ Erin



  Walking into the clubhouse, I take a minute to let my body adjust to the coolness pouring from the air conditioner. As usual, the temperature isn’t normal, it’s hot as hades out. The kind of heat that takes your breath away and makes a sheen of sweat break out instantly. Usually it’s the kind of day that puts me in a foul mood, not today though. Today, I met a girl and I’m going out tonight. This is a rare occurrence for me as I usually just use one of the chicks that parade almost naked around the clubhouse. It’s easy and they know not to expect anything from me.

  “What has a smile on your ugly face?” Lucifer, my President, and lifelong partner in crime, asks. We’ve known each other since fourteen years of age when we met in juvenile detention. Eventually, myself, him, and another one of our partners in crime became wards of the state.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” I respond. “I’m enjoying the cool air after coming in from hell, you know, your birthplace.”

  “It’s definitely hot as fuck out,” he answers, holding his hand out for a beer.

  Jazz, short for Jasmine, one of the girls belonging to the club, sashays over to him. She’s trying to make sure that she ends up in his bed tonight. I don’t see it working out in her favor, but stranger things have happened around here. Most of the girls want to fuck the officers of the Alpha Demons MC. They think that we’re going to make them our ol lady, but we’re not. Hell, I don’t know a single guy here that wants to be tied down. Why would we when we have all the pussy we can handle?

  I watch as Jazz tries to sit on his lap. Lucifer is an asshole on the best of days. When he’s in a shitty mood, you better walk the other fucking way. He’s downright ruthless, brutal as hell, and will personally send you straight to hell with a smile on his damn face. Jazz is pushing her luck right now. I see the look in my friend’s eyes that’s telling me she’s about to hear what he thinks about her touching him. Fortunately for her, she must read his mood because she stands up and scurries over to one of the other Brothers.

  Now I can sit down and enjoy a drink with Lucifer before I have to get ready for my date. Fuck, I can’t believe that I’m taking a girl out. I don’t think it’s something I’ve ever done in my life. Today, I met a girl, a woman, and although I’m not setting my expectations high, I sure hope by the end of the night she’s climbing into my bed. Something about this woman makes me feel different inside, something I can’t yet explain. Maybe it’s the thrill of potentially new pussy? Hell, I sure hope that’s all it is, because I ain’t got much else to offer at this point in my life.

  I’m so lost in thought that I don’t see Lucifer watching me. He’s got a hundred questions floating around his head, I can read it in his glossy, golden-colored eyes, as they’ve gone suspiciously dark. The only question I have is if he’s going to ask them, or if he’s going to let me have my moment. With him, it’s always a toss-up and I don’t always know which way he’s going to go. Hopefully he just lets me have this moment and once I know what the fuck is going on, we can talk about it. Now I sound like a pansy ass bitch, wanting to talk about my damn feelings. This bitch already has me twisted up inside and we just met.

  Lucifer draws his hands close, bringing his fingertips together as he stares me down. “You know I despise being lied to, Brother. I’m gonna say this, and I’m only gonna say it once. I hope she’s worth all the fucking misery you’re most assuredly abou
t to endure.” On that note, he finishes his beer and turns his back to me, before standing and walking away.


  I knew as soon as Duke walked in the clubhouse that he was hiding something. Enjoying the feeling of the coolness from the air conditioner? Come on! I’m the President of this club for a reason. I’m smart as fuck and I can read almost everyone I come in contact with. Duke is lying to me and I can’t wrap my head around why he would do that. Yeah, I hate relationships. I’ve been burned in the past and I won’t ever let a bitch get to me again, and it all started with my egg donor. That doesn’t mean I think Duke can’t make a relationship work. Hell, I think most days that I’m the only person that can’t make a relationship work, or maybe I just choose to be this way. I just feel the need to remind him because I’ve never seen him look this giddy. He reminds me of some fucking school girl.

  As I turn my back on my best friend, I know that he’s going to think I’m jealous of him meeting someone. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m pissed that he feels like he has to hide it from me.

  The second my ass makes contact with the soft leather seat in my office, Duke comes storming in.

  “You think you’re the only one who can read someone? Let’s begin with about, oh, a week ago was it? I recall a morning you came strolling in here all chipper, definitely not your normal self. And, if I were a betting man, I’d say it had everything to do with a woman. So, step down from your throne for one damn second and stop chastising me under the guise of a warning as if I were some child,” he says, glaring at me with his long arms extended as he practically slams his hands on the top of my desk.

  “Brother,” I begin, “it was a simple warning. So, I had a bed warmer? What makes that different than any other night?” I stand and lean in, extending my own arms as the palms of my hands make contact with the top of my desk. “Do not mistake my concern for you as something more. Your mental and emotional well-being not only affects you, but this club and its welfare.” I shoo him away with the flick of my wrist. “Now go, you fucking paranoid dick. Go fuck her brains out, just try to leave it where it starts...in your bed.”

  A half smirk develops on Duke’s face and he offers me a fist-bump. Duke knows deep down I mean no harm to him, I just want to make sure he’s thinking with the right head. Determination twinkles in his eyes causing me to chuckle inside. This boy here desperately wants to prove me wrong, and for all of our sakes, I hope he does.



  I’ve now been out with two of the most sexually satisfying men I’ve ever met. I know they’re both bikers, which I was always told to stay away from by my judgmental parents, but they’re hot as sin and I know that they’re as bad as they come. Lucifer and Duke both have this aura that radiates off of them letting everyone know to back away. They will tear you apart with a smile on their face and make no apologies for it, and for me personally, I think that’s part of the appeal. However, the only thing it does for me is draw me further in, which isn’t good considering I’ll most likely never be more than someone that’s another notch to their bedpost. I want to get to know them and find the softer side that most men only show to that special person in their lives. However, these men don’t strike me as the type for anything more, or lasting, on a good day.

  Unfortunately, neither one exchanged numbers with me and I know for certain that I’m just a one off for them. One night individually with each, was fun while it lasted. I didn’t intentionally set out to sleep with bikers, and bikers who are apparently members of the same club as given away by their cuts. Sometimes life throws fate right into your lap, but unfortunately fate and life both got it wrong this time. Some might think less of me for sleeping with two random men in the span of a week or so, but I’m young and just looking for a good time. Before sleeping with either one of them, it had been nearly a year since I had sex with anyone. I only ever shared a bed with the man I was with. But, a woman has needs and sometimes those needs require fulfillment. Why is it that men do this shit all the time, but if a woman does the same she’s considered a sleep-around? Oh well, it was fun for the time-being, but reality smacks me in the face as my boss begins barking orders at me.

  “Preslee, would you mind helping some of those customers over there?” he snarls. “I’ve got paperwork that needs tending to in my office.”

  I’m currently employed at a small television repair shop, and Benny, my boss and the store owner, is a complete creep. He doesn’t do jack shit around here. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if he sits back there watching porn while jerking himself off. I shudder at the thought because he’s just that disgusting. Unfortunately, when you live in a small town like Ironforge, Texas, you take whatever job pays the bills. I search daily for any new place that’s hiring with zero luck.

  I’m spunky and live my life for me, and only me, even though in certain situations I can become timid. All that being said, I’m comfortable in my own skin and make no apologies for it. I’ve got several tattoos, a bull ring piercing in my nose, and change my hair color depending on my mood which is one of the perks when your bestie is a hairdresser. I’m anything but your average girl next door, but I can promise you I would be the first person to give someone my last dollar if they needed it.

  Since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to help animals. I used to tell my friends and family if I ever got rich I would help rescue and save as many animals as I possibly could. Of course, there’s no money to be made in that, and if anything, you end up donating most of your time and money. It’s a pipedream really, but nothing would make my heart happier. Sometimes I wonder why the wealthy don’t do more for animals. Even though I barely make my own bills, I have a six-year-old bulldog mix named Eli, and a four-year-old cat named Luna. Both of my animals came from the local shelter that I volunteer at twice a month and donate to monetarily. With my busy work schedule, that’s about all I have time for.

  After I both help, and sell, two customers new-used television sets, I go back to Benny’s office to let him know I’m taking my lunch break. I knock on his door and get no response which only encourages more creepy thoughts to scurry through my mind.

  “Benny,” I mumble, as my hand slowly turns the doorknob.

  The scene I’ve stumbled upon not only momentarily stuns me, but quickly sends me running out of what instantly becomes my now former place of employment. As I sprint toward the front of the store, I snag my wallet and keys from behind the cashier’s desk and never turn back. My heart hammers against the inside of my chest and as I exit, I hear Benny calling out my name. His voice combined with the violation he’s inflicted currently settling in, cause me to stop momentarily and lose the contents within my stomach. My adrenaline picks right back up and I race to my car, get in, and drive. Thankfully, I have a water bottle left in here from this morning and I’m at least able to rinse my mouth. I reach in my console, take a piece of gum and pop it into my mouth. I am both emotionally and physically shaken. That vision will now be forever seared into my memory.

  After I’ve driven for nearly an hour circling my small town, the adrenaline begins to slow, and my emotions set in. One by one, the tears begin to stream down my face and I know I need to pull over. Nearby is a vacant parking lot where an abandoned warehouse sits, so I turn into it and park my car. After what feels like only several minutes, my tears finally begin to subside, and I notice the time. It’s already three in the afternoon which means I’ve been driving and crying for nearly two hours. Things can’t possibly get any worse. I mean, my parents would allow me to move back home, but they would require me to remove my piercings, and let my natural hair color grow back out. Being the people they are, they would micromanage my every move...but I have no job now.

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