My Werewolf Professor, page 1

My Werewolf Professor
Copyright © 2022 by Emilia Rose
All rights reserved.
This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the author, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author at “Attention: Permissions Coordinator” at the email address below.
Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.
Cover by: Covers by Christian
Editing by Heart Full of Reads
Proofreading by: Jovana Shirley, Unforeseen Editing
Emilia Rose
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Also By Emilia Rose
My Werewolf Professor Graphic Novel
About the Author
Chapter One
Another semester. Another group of students who weren’t interested in learning.
It was like this every year, but I still taught because the stories of the gods were still very much needed in today’s society. The students who actually cared about it learned more about themselves than anyone I had met.
“Alpha Lee,” Levi, one of my pack members, said from my university office door.
I glanced up from my desk, gathered the rest of the materials for the first day of Classics I taught to first- and second-year students, and nodded to the door to signal for him to enter. Levi shuffled into the room and closed it behind him, bowing his head.
While many of the students at Arcane University in New Hampshire knew about the paranormal that haunted these woods, some—even professors—were still human. If any one of them found out about us, The Wolf Council would chew me out.
“What is it?” I asked.
Levi stuffed his hands into his ripped jeans. “I spotted wolves from the Goldtooth Pack at our borders.”
My entire body stiffened. “Goldtooth Pack? Are you sure?”
“Yes. Beta Milo told me to relay the information to you.”
I drew my tongue across my teeth, feeling the prick of my canines. “Don’t engage. If the Goldtooth Pack is here, they’re looking for something and will do anything to find it, which includes killing our pack members.”
Levi nodded and stepped toward the cherry oak door. “Will do,” he said. And just as he was about to step out the door, I called his name. He paused in the hallway, tensing when a human professor walked opposite of him. “Yeah?”
“Go to class. I’ll handle it,” I ordered.
“You’re not missing another one of my classes. You’re taking Classics again because you failed the first time.”
“Can’t you pass me? We—”
After rubbing his hand across his face and grumbling under his breath, he walked down the hall toward the auditorium, where class started in fifteen minutes. I hiked my bag over my shoulder, locked my office door behind me, and started toward the exit. I didn’t have time to run back to my pack before class started; I had to get one of the patrols in the forest to do it.
Glancing down at my watch, I shoved the door open, the crisp fall air blowing through the scruff on my face. Someone stumbled back, a phone and some Classics books tumbling to the ground in the middle of the doorway.
She gasped and leaned down to grab them. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry!”
My breath caught in the back of my throat as her sweet scent drifted through the air.
I crouched down and grabbed some of her books from the walkway, admiring the way strands of her dirty-blonde hair blew into her face. “It’s my fault,” I said, wanting to hear her voice again and so desperately wanting her to look at me.
In a moment, she glanced up at me with piercing blue-violet eyes. Cheeks flushing a rosy red, she grabbed her books from my hand, our fingers grazing against each other’s. My wolf growled inside of me, demanding that he feel her skin against his again.
“No, I was, uh, trying to find my class and not paying attention.” She stood up and brushed out her knee-length black skirt that had a slight split in it, and my wolf went wild. “Is this the Classics Building?”
“It is.”
In an attempt to control my wolf, I stuffed my hands into my pockets and clenched my fists.
She was a student who didn’t know the campus; it was probably her first year. Touching her was forbidden, no matter how much I wanted her right here and right now. If The Wolf Council found out about it, they’d remove me and all the other teachers who were wolves from this place.
“Okay, thank you.” She scooted by me and into the building. “I don’t want to be late.”
Forcing myself not to turn around to grab her by the waist and pull her closer, stuff my nose into the crook of her neck and breathe her in, I inhaled her scent until it disappeared completely. I hurried toward the forest, finding the first damn wolf I came across, and told him to relay the information back to my beta.
If our mind links worked for long distances, I would’ve done it myself.
But they didn’t anymore, thanks to The Wolf Council.
After racing back to the building, I took a shortcut toward the auditorium, knowing that the only classics class in this building today was mine, which meant one thing—my mate would be there, sitting in one of the many desks and staring up at me with those breathtaking eyes almost every day for the rest of the semester.
Stepping into the class, I scanned the room for her, yet I couldn’t pick up her scent from the hundred mixed smells of the students. I relaxed only slightly and walked down the auditorium steps to the front, giving everyone a tight smile when they looked up at me and began quieting down.
I placed my bag on the front desk and looked around the room again. The door opened, her scent drifting into the room and her clumsy, cute ass nearly tripping over the carpet as she walked into the room.
She tucked some dirty-blonde hair behind her ear, gnawed on her pretty pink bottom lip, and anxiously searched the small auditorium for a seat, brows furrowed together. I stiffened and stared at her, my heart thrashing against my chest.
Canines lengthening, I pressed my lips together and let them cut into my gums because not everyone who attended Arcane University was a werewolf, including her. I didn’t want to scare her out of my class just yet. I didn’t even know her name.
When she looked at me, I sucked in a breath and quickly looked away. She slowly walked down the wooden stairs of the auditorium to the second row, glanced down the aisle to see if she could find a seat. There was one, right in the center, right where I could see her, look at her, watch her without it seeming creepy.
Instead, she moved even closer to the front row and sat down toward my right. I inhaled her sweet beachy scent. She smelled so good—too good. I wanted to sink my teeth into her neck, right here and right now, not caring who it was in front of. I needed her to be mine.
So. Fucking. Badly.
After sitting, she placed her laptop and phone on her desk. She chewed on her bottom lip and tapped on the messages on her phone, staring down at messages from someone that she hadn’t seemed to respond to yet. A moment passed, and she shook her head and shut the phone off, then looked back up at me.
Being taken off guard by those breath-fucking-taking eyes, I cleared my throat and looked down at my computer screen, shifting through the names on my attendance list to find hers. In a hundred-student class, I would never take attendance, but it couldn’t hurt to try to spot her name.
Gracey Neal
Malak Ivo
Selin Flowers
Antonina Nichols<
Bria Benton
Codey Spence
Malachy Herbert
Cain Wheeler
“Hey,” Levi said to her, sitting beside her and holding out a hand. “I’m Levi.”
My hands balled into fists behind the desk, and I pressed my lips together to suppress a growl. While I wanted to break them apart right then and there, I wanted so desperately to hear her voice, wanted her name, needed to have more of her.
“Bria,” she said, cheeks flushing again.
She was blushing.
My mate was blushing because of someone other than me.
“Don’t touch her,” I scolded Levi through the mind link.
Before she could shake his hand, Levi pulled away. She widened her eyes and gave him a small, embarrassed smile, then turned back toward her computer. Levi glanced up at me, brows furrowed together, but I ignored him and cleared my throat, silencing the other students.
“Welcome to Classics: Ancient Mythologies. I’m Professor Lee. Let’s get started.”
Chapter Two
Professor Lee talked so freaking fast.
I typed furiously on my keyboard, trying to keep up between getting all the notes down and desperately trying not to stare at him. Walking around the front of the class with his biceps bulging against his tight dress shirt, dark brown scruff, and those piercing hazel eyes that I couldn’t look into without warmth spreading through my core, he was the epitome of any Greek god we were learning about this semester.
When I had chosen to attend Arcane University, it wasn’t because of the hot professors, but that was definitely a plus. I wasn’t complaining, but … I figured that I wouldn’t retain much this semester even though I so desperately wanted to. Mythology was my favorite subject, like, ever.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early,” Professor Lee said, crossing his huge arms over his chest and looking oh-so fine. “Don’t forget about the readings. Pages three through eighteen in your textbook.”
After typing the last of my notes, I glanced up to see the rest of the students already either heading out the door or forming a line in front of Professor Lee to introduce themselves. My advisor told me that I should introduce myself to my teachers, but … I was always so nervous around people.
I told her that I wasn’t going to, but Professor Lee kept glancing over at me during class. Part of me wanted to go over to him to at least apologize for bumping into him earlier. I didn’t know what possessed me to do something so out of character, but I found myself lingering at the very back of the line, letting people cut me to talk to him first because my stomach was in knots.
The last student said her good-byes to him, walked out of the auditorium, and left me there alone with him. Alone with a hell of a man who I couldn’t stop gawking at.
He stared at me with a pair of hazel eyes and smiled. “Hi.”
“Hi, I’m Bria.”
I shifted from foot to foot, not knowing what to say. I didn’t have anything planned to say. I didn’t even have plans to come up here and introduce myself to him. If I did, I would’ve practiced in front of the mirror in my dorm room until I knew I didn’t look so awkward and stupid.
“I wanted to, um …”
He leaned against the front of his desk and thrust his hands into his pants pockets, full lips set in a small smile. “Bria,” he said, my name rolling off his tongue so naturally that it did something to me that it really freaking shouldn’t have.
Warmth gathered in my core, my heart racing a bit faster.
“Bria.” I repeated my name like a dumbass, completely absorbed in how attractive my Classics professor was.
He had to be at least in his early forties, his dark scruff decorated with silver specs and a crease between his brows. And I was just an eighteen-year-old kid who went to college to run away from her family.
“Sorry,” I said quickly, cheeks flushing. “I’m … I, uh, wanted to say that I’m looking forward to Classics. I’ve been obsessed with mythology since I was, like, five, so I’m excited to read some more this semester.” With his intense gaze on me, I looked down at my feet and scrambled to hike my backpack up my shoulder. “I should get—”
“Which is your favorite?” he asked quickly, kicking himself off the desk and moving a couple inches closer to me.
My breath caught in the back of my throat, my heart pounding in my chest.
“My favorite?” I asked almost in a whisper by how close he was.
“Favorite story, favorite god?”
“Oh, um, Hephaestus isn’t my favorite god, but I’ve reread stories about him a couple times.”
“Any particular reason?”
Cheeks flushed, I shifted from foot to foot and tried hard not to gaze up into his hazel eyes that seemed to look right through me. I sucked in a breath and found myself staring anyway, the tension between us growing by the moment. He was close, and I couldn’t get myself to move away, and I didn’t want to either.
“I don’t know,” I whispered.
He paused and arched a hard brown brow, lips curling into a smirk. “Well, you have all semester to figure it out. Everyone gravitates toward a story or a person for a reason.” He lifted his finger, and I thought he was going to push a strand of hair behind my ear. But instead, he stopped midway and drew his fingers across the scruff on his face.
“What’s your favorite story?” I asked.
After a moment, he paused and cracked another breathtaking smile. “You’ll find out with time, Bria.”
When he said my name, tingles rushed through me. “Anyway …” I glanced down and tried hard to ignore them. “Sorry for bumping into you earlier. I’ll be more careful tomorrow.” I took a couple steps backward. “Bright and early.”
“Bright and early,” Professor Lee repeated.
After giving him one last smile, my cheeks flaming hot, I turned on my heel and hurried up the auditorium stairs, careful not to trip again. “Get yourself together, Bria,” I whispered to myself once I started up the walkway toward the exit.
He was my Classics professor, for fuck’s sake, and it was the first damn day of college.
It was forbidden.
Chapter Three
“Why are Goldtooth Pack wolves near our property?” I asked Milo, pacing on the cream tiled floors of my home office. Fingers running through my scruff, I tried fucking hard to think straight, but Bria seemed to be all I could think about.
Goldtooth wolves were some of the most ruthless around, originating about two hours south, near a beach town. They had killed two humans last year during tourist season, and those were only the ones the police found.
I was not about to have them come near my property, especially not when my mate was human and couldn’t protect herself against fiends who would do anything to get some even if that meant raping and killing an innocent girl.
Milo sat on one of my two saffron couches, tapping his finger against the leather. “We’ve watched them all day and couldn’t uncover the reason why they’re here. Don’t think we will be able to without engaging.”
After pushing out a breath, I shook my head and headed for the door. “Don’t engage unless they do first. You know what they’re capable of. It’s too risky for us to start anything with college back in session.”
“Where are you going?” Milo asked.
“I need a run.”
Once I grabbed a spare set of training clothes, I headed out on a needle-covered path back toward the university. I never ran on their trails, especially during school months, but my wolf had been aching to search for Bria again. It had barely been a couple hours.